//------------------------------// // Lvl 10 // Story: The gamer of Equestria // by Araneae //------------------------------// Kalisha groaned as she got up popping her joints the best she could. Then she got out of her bed into her wheelchair as per usual. She planned on going to the quest board for the shop to see if anything interested her then was going to grind till she was level 10. She wanted to be at Sandbar's level when school started, which wasn't too far away. She went to the shop ID and waved to Steel and gave Flower a nod. The unicorn nodded back as Steel gave a lazy wave. Kalisha then went straight to the board where a blue crystal pony with a two toned mane and...gypsy horse like leg fur, a Sapphire with a song note on it being her cutie mark, was putting up some request. “You must be the new gamer” The pony stated “I am Sapphire song I am incharge of updating the side quest here” she then went off. Kalisha felt awkward about that. She then shook her head and looked at the board. Side quest options Delivery Deliver 10 lesser healing potions to Anemone +50 exp +100 bits Bonus: craft the lesser potions yourself + 5 windflowers Wood needed Bring 10 pieces of wood to Steel for her forge. +50 exp +100 bits Curiosity Bring 5 soul shards to Emerald +50 exp +100 bits Well all three side quest were rather simple and easy. She grabbed all of them and first delivered the wood she had to Steel. The dragon thanked her and ruffled her mane a bit. Side quest complete Wood needed +50 hp +100 bits Kalisha then left the shop ID and went to her Zombie ID, with her armor on of course. Anemone’s side quest would have to be the last one she did. She first encountered two lvl 6 zombies and grinned. She threw her chakram doing 30 damage to both. They lunged at her but she spun to smack them with her wheelchair. That did 20 points hp of damage. You have developed a new skill Counter. That was cool but not important right now. She swung her weapon again. Another 30 points of damage. She was really getting into the rhythm of fighting as one of the zombies bit her leg and the other scratched her for 20 points of damage total. She bashed one on the head for 40 points of damage. It was almost down. They lunged again and Kalisha hissed as the both whacked her in the face for 20 hp. She bashed the one shed already hit. One more and it'd be down. She lost another 20 hp with their attack. She bashed the one that was almost down again to finish it off. She then had to counter the other one for 20 points of its health. She downed a cupcake really quick. Feeling the wounds mend was an odd experience she'd never get use to but it was better than anything else she could hope for.The zombie lashed out at her again and she bashed it after losing 10 hp. She just needed to hit it two more times… and she eventually did. After the fight she downed a cupcake and a lesser healing potion. you are now lvl 7 Kalisha would look at her stats and such later. Now she had to look to see what the zombies dropped. She shivered as it was the teeth and rib and not the crystal. So she noped on over to the next fight. Three fights later she finally downed a zombie that had one of the crystals. She cheered picking it up. “three down two ta go” Kalisha grinned. You are now lvl 8 “mmm Taking longer to level not surprised that happens in games” Kalisha shrugged as she continued on. She ate another cupcake before she ran into the next fight. She was starting to take more damage again. These zombies were actually lvl 9 and had 300 hp. It was ridiculous but she could manage. She did hope for a new ID after words though. You are now lvl 9 That rang out as Kalisha got her last two shards she needed for Emerald’s quest. She then left the ID. She then created an Potions Lab ID so she could get to work making the 10 lesser healing potions. Once they were made she closed that ID. You can now Create ID [ghost] Kalisha rolled her eyes as she opened up the shop’s ID. She Went to Emerald first. He actually rose an eyebrow at her but accepted the gems. Side quest complete +50 exp +100 bits Then she went to Anemone and handed over the potions. The unicorn thanked her as the vials were encased in a soft purple glow. Kalisha just grinned feeling good about finishing the side quest. Side quest complete +50 exp +100 bits Bonus + 5 wind flowers You are now lvl 10 Faye Winters/Kalisha Lvl: 10 HP: 115/115 HP Reg: 1/min Mp: 120 MP Reg: 1/min FP: 5/100 EXP: 0/1000 Str: 21 Vit: 21 Int: 20 Wis: 20 Agi: 8 Luck: 24 Money: 410 bits Condition: Normal/chair bound Stat points: 20 Well that was a jump. Now she needed to fix up her stat points. She did her typical 2 luck per lvl. She then decided to put 2 into agility. 3 each into int and wis and 2 into str and vit each. Faye Winters/Kalisha Lvl: 10 HP: 115/115 HP Reg: 1/min Mp: 120 MP Reg: 1/min FP: 5/100 EXP: 0/1000 Str: 23 Vit: 23 Int: 23 Wis: 23 Agi: 10 Luck: 32 Money: 410 bits Condition: Normal/chair bound Stat points: 0 Her luck was her highest stat...she was not surprised by this. She didn't want to be screwed over by it so she put points into it. She then shook her head and left the ID. “I can use those skill books now!” Kalisha realized before getting on her bed and pulling out the metal works book. She spent the rest of the day reading that book. You have gained the Blacksmithing skill You have gained the ID [Forge] Ok that was weird but made some sense. She doubted there were many known blacksmiths in ponyville. She put the book back into her inventory before pulling out the wood working book. She spent all night reading it. You have gained the carpentry skill The ID [Forge] now has a woodworking area. Neat. Now she just needed to actually try her skills out. That is after visiting Shula. This meant another trip to the shop. At some point she was taking Sandbar there. As soon as she was in there she noticed two new shops. One ran by a white and mint green bat pony, who was honestly really pretty, that seemed to be a bookstore. The other was ran by a kirin whose fur was cream mane was a soft blue and scales were a brighter blue. Naturally Kalisha went to bug Flower about the shops. “now that your level 10 you can now actively buy skill books and sell ones you don't need any more, or just books in general, Legend Chaser is in charge of that.. she’ll also give you more money for any history or informative books period.” Flower stated “the other is the enchantment shop unlike the rest of the shops it doesn't take bits. Spring Rain instead just requires you get the items to enchant the weapon or armor yourself” “Alright thanks Flower” the unicorn with a broken horn just waves her onwards. Still she first stopped by Shula’s shop to get some ores...and ask what Shula was. “I get asked that a lot...I’m a Drake we’re similar to dragons but we only get to the size of minotaurs at the largest and never grow wings” Shula stated handing Kalisha the ore in exchange for bits. “It also figures that when you finally hit lvl 10 some of your new perks are late to show” “Late?” Shula nodded with a sigh. “I can come back later and see though right?” Shula grinned. That was a yes she assumed before going over to legend chasers stand. She sold her two skill books she didn't need and were going to use as reference ever and her daring doo book. Flower had not been kidding about what he said about Legend. Legend  bought her skill books for twice of what she bought them for and the daring doo book for the price she bought it at. She then bought a guide to modifying weapons, a skill book that would increase her blacksmithing skill. Then got some more ore. Kalisha then left and opened the forge’s ID. She read the skill book before getting started. She wanted to be well prepared after all. You blacksmithing skill is now lvl 2 Good with that she starred working on upgrading all the weapons. Starting with her’s and Sandbar’s of course. … A while later … Yout blacksmithing skill is now level 8 Your woodworking skill is now level 3 Kalisha sighed in relief putting all the weapons into her inventory. Ocellus was the only one she had yet to get a weapon for since magic user is what screamed at Kalisha when thinking of the changeling. She'd probably have to visit Spring Rain after this to make one for Ocellus. Still Kalisha was proud of what she’d done already. She exited the forge and went to her bed. She should probably try and up some of her other skills tomorrow...