The Good, the Bad, and the Megalovaniac

by Shy_Guy_Animat0r

Chapter 10: An Unlikely Alliance

The girls looked at me with a confused look. Their expression had that telling of like 'what does he mean six more souls,' or 'what is going to happen now?' kind of vibe. I sighed and rubbed my head while Gaster crossed his arms and nodded as if he agreed with my statement to confirm that Chara has gone too far. They needed to be dealt with and fast before more damage is done. Adagio looked at Gaster and me before speaking out having a few questions. At this rate, I'm pretty sure the girls and the readers of this story are probably gonna want to hear and know how this is gonna turn out.

"Souls? Wait...I thought Frisk was the only human that fell in the Underground. Isn't that what you told us?" Adagio asked me. I sighed and walked over to the window overseeing the city lights under the night sky and bright view of the moon above.

"Not exactly...In total, six humans have entered the Underground. Each one being killed by the King's hand. The seventh soul is Frisk's; who decided to free us and the other souls during their first run. However, I am sure you are aware of what happens when a RESET takes place?" Gaster asked the girls. Aria shook her head and tried to gather everything that was being thrown at them.

"From what Sans told us... it's like living in a nightmare," Sonata stated.

"Wait....Wait...Hold up, Sans. Are you saying that Chara can just absorb these six souls?" Aria asked. I sighed and turned to face her with a hollow look.

"In short; yes. The Six Souls were originally six human children who fell to the Underground Like Frisk and Chara. After they were...killed, Asgore had us tested the souls for Determination. However, none of them held promising results for the monsters. It was researched by me and my father here a long time ago," I started looking at Gaster.

"My job as the Royal Scientist was to find a way to extract the same amounts of Determination from the humans and find a way to transfer such power into the monsters in the Underground. Humans have always had an advantage and skill set that we monsters did not have. My research team, including Sans, we were close to a breakthrough with my research. Eventually, I fell victim to my invention that was supposed to help the monsters. Kind of ironic isn't it?" Gaster started chuckling.

"Nearly the entire Royal Science Team fell to the Determination Extractor Gaster...all but me apparently," I stated sighing, not happy about reminiscing.

"You were different than the other monsters Sans...I still observed and watch as you grew more powerful, stronger; you even had a chance to take the Human Souls and turn yourself into the ultimate life form!" Gaster exclaimed.

"...Maybe in another AU...But in this one; I didn't - and in this AU, I died or at least was supposed to anyways," I stated as I touched and felt the scar across my rib cage all the across the chest bone.

"So...Chara was human as well then?" Adagio asked. I nodded and sat down on a chair next to Frisk, watching their life support beep faintly.

"I met Chara during my times as the Royal Scientist Director. They were...a curious bunch to say at least. They and Asriel were inseparable though. Wherever one went the other follow," Gaster added.

"Asriel?" Aria asked raising an eyebrow.

"Asriel was the Prince of the Underground. A good kid from what Asgore and Undyne told me at least. They were a bit shy and timid, but were serious and driven to free the monsters imprisoned in the mountain. However, they were the first to be killed by humans. Him and Chara. When Chara died, Asriel absorbed their soul to create a monster capable of passing through the barrier. However, when Asriel went to go fulfill Chara's dying wish, they too ended up dying with them. Thus sparked a fire in Asgore and lead us to have a war with the humans. In the end; we lost," I stated. Aria, Adagio, and even Sonata; I could see their wordless expressions as they stood there unable to speak or say anything else.

"Sans, Did...did you kill anyone?" Sonata asked me hesitantly. The others looked down and were silent. I could tell that they wanted to know more but were too shy, timid, hell even scared for that matter. I sighed as I folded my arms in my hoodie and responded to Sonata's question.

"...Ya, I did," I answered her.

"Sans...We...We know that this is your fight. But, Chara or whoever this person is; she hurt Sonata. She nearly killed her and in the processes, she nearly got you and Aria. I never...I never felt anything more heartbreaking than losing our magic. Sans, can you beat them?" Adagio asked. I sighed.

"If I was in my world, I could. But even then, they RESET the timeline and would bring me back to square one. There were even times I noticed my attacks were missing them. I even became aware of the RESET's but by the time I did, it was too late. So to answer your question truthfully Adagio; no. I can't beat Chara,"

"Maybe not by yourself Sans. But from what I've seen in this world there is one magic that can defeat Chara,"

"What are you talking about Gaster? What kind of magic, besides mine alone, can defeat Chara?"

"From what I gathered, in this world, there exists magic far more powerful and greater than any other I've ever seen in my life. Countless times while in the void I have seen it turn creatures into stone or reform them,"

"What kind of magic is that Gaster?" I asked.

"Its the Magic of Friendship...Its beaten countless foes from time to time from what we discovered. We even felt a taste of its power when we...we tried to take over this world," Adagio stated. I stared at them with a raised eyebrow and a confused look. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, the 'Magic of Friendship'? That's like saying singing a song or playing a piece of certain music over your fights can help you defeat your enemies or make your battles sound cool...oh wait...never mind.

"So what, we sing some song, some rhythm and she'll go down?" I asked.

"It's simple really...Since you powered us back with our magic, we should be able to amplify your magic through our song. It should give you the edge to beat that creep," Adagio stated. I sighed and looked at the girls.

"Sorry...But I cannot put you, girls, through that hell again. Sonata barely made it out last time and now that Chara is going to get the human souls they'll be-!"

"Sonata didn't have us backing her up. Haven't you heard of the old saying Sans. 'Three heads are better than one'? In this scenario, four heads will be better than one!" Aria, Adagio, and Sonata all turned to me grinning. I was dumbfounded and confused. However, looking at the girls it reminded me of my family. Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgor Mettaton...Papyrus. Forming a grin on my boney face I removed my hoodie and brought out a bottle of ketchup and winked at them.

"You girls...I guess there's no use talking you out of it. Very well, I guess we're a team," I stated. The other girls nodded and stuck their hands out, I looked at sighed, extending my hand and joining in the tag.

"With us by your side, we'll take that creep down. We'll restore your home and bring back all those they've taken from this world and yours!" Adagio alleged. The other girls nodded as I chuckled.

"If you are quite ready then I shall take my leave. I'll see if I can monitor Chara's actions and keep you updated. It should provide the edge you need. I wish I could help more Sans...Your brother," Gaster was reluctant to say anything else, but I shook my head.

"If Papyrus was here, he'd want us to get along. Besides, he's my kid brother, as my brother's keeper I got a responsibility to uphold," I said. Gaster looked down and back up at me, with a determined look and nodded.

"I shall take my leave. Girls, take care of my son. He is all I have left. Oh Sans, one more thing. Chara isn't working alone. Besides Flowey, there is another presence I'm detecting. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems they too are strong. Be careful," Gaster said as he slowly began to slip back into the void, closing the portal behind him.

"We should get some rest. We all have had a rough couple of days," Aria suggested. Sonata, Adagio, and I nodded in agreement. I turned to Frisk and looked at Sonata.

"Can I trust you to keep an eye on them Sonata?" I asked. Sonata nodded her head and smiled.

"Of course. Don't you worry about a thing Sans. I'll watch over them. Go get some rest. Let the others know we'll be fine," She stated. I nodded and kissed Sonata on the forehead and turned back to Frisk placing a hand on their cheek and rubbed their face.

"I'll get you back, Frisk. One way or another, I will save you. After all, I promised Tori right? So please, hold on for me kid. Don't give up yet. Stay Determined," Giving them a small kiss on their forehead too I left the room looking back at Sonata who said they would keep a careful eye on them.

*** **** ***
[The Underground, 1:40 pm, Thursday, Aug 26]

"THAT LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" A blade slashes across the room, deleting and evaporating nearly half of the wall with some file cabinets. "He thinks he can just beat me? ME!? I'm the one who killed him yet he still lives! He's nothing but an annoying smiley trash bag!" Chara shouted as she threw more papers in a fit. Suddenly a faint chuckle and small footsteps were heard from behind them. A young mysterious girl approached them and sat on a chair near them.

"That's two times Sans has gotten in your way. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're losing your touch. Keep this up you might as well admit defeat," The mysterious figure stated as she fed a piece of pie to a pink sludge that came out of her side. Chara turned and stared at the girl with a menacing look.

"ME!? DEFEATED!? Hehe...haha...hahahah...HAHAHAHAHA!" Chara's sadistic laugh rings throughout the abandoned lab as they took a deep sigh and calmed down. Turning to their partner they placed their blade down and picked up a small glass jar with a glowing orange heart. "With this...I shall become a god. I'll not only reset this world. But any other world...I heard anime is the new hit. Maybe I'll visit Funimation," Chara alleged. The pink mysterious girl chuckled and began to walk away.

"Whatever you think will help. I've got some business to take care of. Seems like we may have a challenge. Try not to disappoint me again Chara. Otherwise, my New World will have no place to hold you," As the mysterious figure disappeared into the void, Chara was left alone in the Royal Scientist room.

"Round one was fun Sans, round two was exquisite, let's try for round three," Chara stated as she broke open all six jars and grabbed onto the human souls. The power coursing through her veins caused her to scream a blood-curling cry that can be heard throughout the Underground. Rays of light, smog, beams, and fire danced and engulfed Chara all around as he held onto her Determination and dominated the souls. As the smog cleared, a new and powerful Chara was born. Clenching her fists and smiling as she stood, her form was that of an angel but with the added armor details of a god. Grabbing her knife, it transformed into a blade much bigger than before. "Soon, I shall have all the power! I'll RESET everything! The Timeline, the World...Asriel...And nothing...NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY!"