Unexpected Life of Young Changeling Who Be Raised By A Family Pony

by Yuum

Egg of changeling

This late night Dusk bitterly exhausted her sister in her room to rest.

"Good night Moony, have a beautiful dream." He leaves the room of the young changeling but Eclipse wakes up halfway.

"Dusk, could you tell me a story, please?"

"I do not know ..." His sister makes big eyes cute. "OK, do you want me to tell what story?"

"The one where you found me."

"Again?, it's the hundredth time you're told and you know it's long?"

Moony continues to make him cute puppy eyes. "Okay, everything started the day ..."

Frost, Reveria, Windy, Sandhy, Sapphire, Red, Wildy and Batty materialize to hear the story.

"You too?"

All: Yes.

Dusk sigh. "It all began…"

Flashback of the past …

Today young Dusk Shine was finishing her last practice for her magic exam to enter Princess Celestia's school.

"Dusk is the time!" Twilight Velvet warned his son.

"I'm coming mom." He leaves the house with his bag and his parents to go to the castle of Celestia.

At the same moment two Pegasus in armor flew over Canterlot and they carry a green egg.

Attention Krawler, if you fly fast you risk falling the egg of the future queen and the future king."

"I already know moron!"

The two were arguing. In the Canterlot School of Magic, the young Dusk Shine and his parents entered the examination room, three examiners were there.

The young purple foal is nervous.

"Go ahead, my son." Night Light encourages his son.

"For your test you have to hatch a dragon egg." One of the three examiners gives instructions.

A pony brings a dragon shell into the room. Dusk is really nervous because he did not learn an eclosing spell.

The young purple stallion concentrates his magic in his horn to cast the spells but unfortunately it does not happen to you sparkles.

He tries several times but nothing happens.Deceived Dusk Shine look at the juries with a sad face.

"I'm sorry ..." He announces.

The three ponies writing the note on their leaves, when suddenly a luminous explosion is heard outside.

Krawler / Scorpion: My eyes !!!?

The green object that fell fell, he slipped through the open window and landed in the bag at Dusk Shine.

"Huh?" He senses a magical boost that has made his magic uncontrollable and Dusk can not control it.

The baby dragon was born, Moony in the egg absorbs a little magic, its bewitchment turns the parents of purple foal and the three jury into inanimate objects. The baby dragon a huge dragon.

His spells continue to become dangerous and uncontrollable. Celestia glimpses the light and goes to the test room.

Inside she notices the foal he has lost control of his spells. He stands next to Dusk and gives him advice to stop all his.

Thanks to his words all resumed their original form, Spike, his parent and the three ponies returned to their normal appearance.

"I am sorry…"

"Why are you sorry, you have a talent in magic."

"A talent?"

"Yes, and to help you master it, you will become my protégé."

"Your ... your ... your protege I do not know.Papa, mom?" He did not know what to give as an answer. His parent suggests he accept.

"Yes." Dusk agrees.


After passing his test, the young purple colt was able to enroll in school and become the protégé of Celestia. The three went home to celebrate

Outside the young Dusk sees two Celestia guards who panic if they lost something nearby.

They do not suspect that the egg of the young changeling princess reacted to their manifestations of joy and that she would soon hatch.

Arrived in their house, Twilight Velvet takes out the cake she had prepared to celebrate the success of her son.

The three sharing a moment of joy, the young changeling in the green shell reacts more and gets moved a lot.

Cracks appeared and the beginning of the hatching had begun. During their celebration, Night Light heard a crunch near them.

"Hmm?" the blue stallion is going to look inside.

But the crackle is heard even more and it's up to the unicorn pale gray mare to look for the origin of the sound.

Dusk who ate his pieces of cake also heard the noise and understands who comes from his bag.He opens it and discovers a white larva she had a small wick of green mane.

"Hello, where did you come from and how did you land in my bag?" He questions the baby changeling but she is more occupied with the cake that is surrounded by love.

Moony talking as a baby. Dusk understood what the cake looked like and put it on the table and she began to swallow the cake, at the same time Night and Velvet returning to the kitchen.

"Weird, it felt like I heard crackles."

"Honey, maybe it's our neighbor doing home renovations." Mrs.Sparkle thinks.

"Dad, mom, looked and I found in my bag!" It shows the young changeling larva who eats the cake.

"Strange creature it's the first time I see one." Mr.Sparkle examines the larva.

"But what is it like a species?"

"Not the least idea, maybe a creature we've never seen." Velvet says, "Dusk could watch her while me and your dad talk to us in the kitchen?"

"Of course mom." The purple foal brings the new born into the living room.

Meanwhile, the adults were talking about what to do with the baby that was born.

"His real family must be worried?"

"Yes, but the problem is that she's a species we've never seen before, and Princess Celestia may have never seen it before.And she's just born and she has no one to take care of her. "

"I admit ... okay baby is going to live with us ... how are you sure she's a girl?"

"A know mother knows the sex of a baby." They go into the living room to join Dusk who was playing with the young changeling.

"Dusk, we have finished speaking and we have decided that she will stay with us if her parents come to pick her up."

"Great, will you stay with us ... how are we going to name it?" Dusk questions.

"Why not, Twilight Sparkle?" Velvet suggests as name.

"Pffff" She does not like that name.

"Moonlight?" Dusk suggests as name.

"Eclipse ... Eclipse Moon Sparkle?" The father looked at the calendar that had written for a lunar eclipse tomorrow.

Eclipse smile because she loves the name.This is moment that the young changeling was christened Eclipse Sparkle by her adoptive family but they will soon discover the power she has to be discover...