The gamer of Equestria

by Araneae

Side quest and IDs

Kalisha laid in the bed of the room she got, her wheelchair in her inventory. She’d pulled both of her skill books out. She put the Super Naturals to the side and looked at the other. It had nothing on it that told her what it was on it. So she only had one option. She used her observe skill.

Skill book: create ID
This allows you to create Instant Dungeons.
Do you want to use this skill book?

Instant Dungeons? Well then since it seemed to be connected to her Gamer powers she chose yes and the Book disappeared in a flash of light. Then a new screen popped up.

You have gained the skill Create ID
You have gained the skill Create ID [blank]

She blinked at that she would use the help option she had if she really needed to but right now she was just gonna read her other skill book. Shed stop when morning came she was gonna meet up with Sandbar to apply for the friendship school. She then chewed on her lip not sure how her...condition would affect things.

It actually took her less.time than shed thought. She was on the last few pages before morning. Carefully going over everything even! So she finished reading it with a sigh, shed had hoped it last longer.

You have gained the skill create potions

She put the Book back in her inventory and decided now was a good time to mess with her stats. Starting with pulling up her status screen.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 3

HP: 80/80

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 100

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 1/100

EXP: 0/300

Str: 8

Vit: 8

Int: 11

Wis: 11

Agi: 4

Luck: 9

Money: 340 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 10

She hummed trying to think about how she should go about this. She immediately put 2 points in luck. You never knew when that was going to be useful. She then put 3 each into strength and vitality. The remaining 2 went into her intelligence and wisdom stats.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 3

HP: 80/80

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 100

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 1/100

EXP: 0/300

Str: 11

Vit: 11

Int: 12

Wis: 12

Agi: 4

Luck: 11

Money: 340 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0

Kalisha perked up a bit. There now her stats were not a problem! Well comparatively since she hadn't done a lot to actively get stat points for doing things. Her wisdom and intelligence seemed to go up quite easily for now. She glanced out the window to see Celestia’s sun start to rise.

She pushed herself to be in a sitting position before moving her back legs to be over the side. As she lightly tipped her front half off the bed she got her walking thing out of her inventory. Then she trotted out of the room. She wanted to go for a quick walk around ponyville before meeting up with Sandbar to work on her application for the friendship school.

So she left the building. She started her trot by going to the market area. Most the stalls were closed or just starting to open. The smell of flowers started sailing into the air. Along with the increasing drift of talking as more ponies enter the market. That's when she noticed that one of the flower ponies, Daisy, looked nervous. Kalisha walked over to Daisy tilting while her head.

“Um excuse me miss is something wrong?” Kalisha asked. Daisy looked at her and tried to calm down.

“Well we were expecting a delivery of flowers that aren’t in season currently and they haven't shown up yet” Daisy spoke

“Oh is the delivery pony running late?” Kalisha asked her ears tilting.

“We think so” Daisy then shook her head. “anyways is there anything you need?”

“no thank you” Kalisha declined trotting off. If only there was a way she could help Daisy...

New side Quest added
Find the missing Delivery pony
Reward +50 exp +100 bits
Bonus: no damaged flowers +?

‘That is very convenient and the bonus confuses me’ was the thought flowing through Kalisha’s mind. She then just decided to do the side quest knowing she still had time before she had to meet sandbar. Hopefully it didn't take long. She first went to the station.

That wasn't helpful as apparently the pony had already left for the stand. That left a very confused zebra to go looking for them outside of town. Call it a gut feeling but she didn't think they were in town.

Turns out she was right.  Though she hadn't expected to see them pinned against a tree by a lone Timber wolf. A level 5 one with 100 hp. She summoned her chakram and after trying to find a good place to hit threw it.

The blade of her disc shaped weapon cut through the upper right ‘shoulder’. She grinned as she took out 10 hp and got its attention. The disc came back grazing its ‘ear’ for 1hp before she caught it.

The Timber wolf then lunged at her. She attempted to dodge. she wasn't able to and its ‘fangs’ dug into her left front leg causing her to lose 15 hp. She slashed at its face with her chakram. This made it release her and did 15 points of damage.

Soon she had to attempt to dodge again. The ‘claws’ of her opponent got her side for another 10 hp. She slashed at the timber wolf’s face again this time she went over an ‘eye’. This actually did 25 points of damage. The wolf snarled and backed up before running off. The delivery pony walked up to her.

“Well miss I have got to thank you” The Delivery Pony beamed. “though I also got to ask why were you out here and what is that?”

“I was out here because I was trying to help some flower vendors by finding you” Kalisha explained “as for this” she held up her Chakram. “it's a tool for self defense” He nodded and got his delivery, thankfully unharmed, before trotting into town.

Side Quest complete
Find the missing delivery pony
+50 exp +100 bits
Bonus: + Sakura branch

Well she'd have to read that items description later. Still she got out one of her cupcakes and ate it. Now she trotted back to town. She intended to go to sugar cube corner where she and Sandbar planned on meeting to fill out her application for Twilight's friendship school. Though she did go and check on Daisy real quick and smiled seeing how relieved the flower pony was.

So off to Sugar cube corner it was. She managed to get there before Sandbar still and bought a cupcake to replace the one she used. Sitting down she looked at the new item in her inventory.

Sakura branch
This lovely branch is covered in sakura flowers and is rather ideal for crafting certain kinds of magic items

So it was a crafting item then. She resolved to hold onto it.Kalisha then dismissed the screen as Sandbar walked in. He may no be able to see it but it would distract her.

“Hey Kalisha you ready to get started?” he asked placing the papers and some quills on the table.

“yep” Kalisha grinned.


“Thanks for your help Sandbar” Kalisha grinned as the two left sugar cube corner. Pinkie had taken the application after it was finished and ran off. The two split ways and Kalisha decided to go back to her hotel room.

She pulled up her menu and went to her skills. She hummed as she looked at her create ID skill. Hesitantly she used her create ID [blank]. She found herself in a muted version of the room she was in. She messed around a bit and felt a little embarrassed as she accidently knocked over a chair with her wheelchair...only for it to break into items that according to her observe skill could be used for crafting, wood pieces and cloth.

While that did make her tempted to well go crazy in the ID she wanted to check something first. She left the ID and the room was in the same condition it was in when she created the ID. That gave her so many ideas but at the same time made her worry. Seriously what happened if she went overboard? Would everything just go back to normal? Would it stay damaged and only small things got fixed?

She shook her head and got her front half on the bed and put her wheelchair in her inventory and lifted her lower half on the bed. Shed worry about it more later. For now she’d just read her daring doo book.

The next morning

Kalisha got up repeating what she’d done the previous morning. After reading her Daring Doo book she started making plans for the day. She was going to go help more ponies out, side quest or not. So she trotted outside.

Ponies were once again slowly coming out of their homes. The sounds of chatter slowly started filling the air once more. A few ponies still looked at her, though considering she was in the pony version of a wheelchair she couldn't blame them. She mostly kept an eye out for Ponies who were looking nervous for one reason or another, or looked like they could use some help.

She saw Grand Pear and Apple Bloom setting up the former’s pear stand together. She smiled as the two talked while they did so. Continuing on she really didn't see anyone who needed help in the market.

She didn't really find anyone to help until she went into Sugar cube corner. Mrs.Cake looked frazzled about something. Kalisha went over to talk to her.

“Mrs.Cake is something wrong?” Kalisha asked tilting her head. Mrs.Cake looked at her.

“Oh hello Kalisha it's nothing much I just can't find one of the ingredients I need for this recipe” Mrs.Cake stated.

“really? What is it I could go get it for you” Kalisha offered.

“oh I'm just missing a few pears” Mrs.Cake stated “and you don't have to do that dear” Kalisha waved her hoove a bit.

“true but I want to besides I don't have much to do” Kalisha smiled.

Side Quest
Pear shopping
Get Mrs.Cake some pears
Reward: +50 exp +100 bits

There was no bonus but she didn't care. Heck why it gave her a side quest for this she didn't know. She headed toward Grand pear’s stand. Buying the pears was just a short interaction before she headed back to Sugar cube corner.

Side Quest Complete
+50 exp +100 bits

She gave Mrs.Cake the pears. Then waved goodbye and went off. She began humming some tune that she vaguely remembered hearing at some point. She was looking for something to do and was honestly considering going to a spot where she wouldn't be seen and going into an ID.

After a bit of thinking that is exactly what she did. The ID being a blank ID meant nothing appeared in this dulled version of ponyville. Still it meant she could practice with her Chakram more. She shivered thinking about her fight with that Timber wolf. Honestly if it hadn't run she probably would have died.

Figuring out how to dodge even if she is stuck in a wheelchair also seemed to be a good idea. Still one thing at a time, she started by practicing with her Chakram. She mostly focused on control.

She wanted to make sure she hit where she wanted. Also controlling how fast or slow it was going when she threw it. It was also a lot of learning how to catch it without hurting herself, as she did a couple times during her practice she thanked her luck stat for not hurting herself during the fight with the wolf.

After awhile of training Kalisha decided to leave the ID and go back to her hotel room. The sun was setting as she did so. She figured to go ahead and try and sleep tonight. Not like she had anything else she could do.

Faye Winters/Kalisha
Lvl: 3

HP: 80/80

HP Reg: 1/min

Mp: 100

MP Reg: 1/min

FP: 3/100

EXP: 100/300

Str: 11

Vit: 11

Int: 12

Wis: 12

Agi: 4

Luck: 11

Money: 540 bits

Condition: Normal/chair bound

Stat points: 0