//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Changes In Atmosphere // Story: The Legend Of Dazzling Hollow // by FourShadow //------------------------------// The feeling of summer had come and now it was gone. September had long gone by and now it was reaching near the end of October. Now the weather was starting to change into a blissful cold, an environment everyone in Canterlot was trying to adjust to. Not only that, but even the trees were changing too. Once green and full of life, now descending into yellows, oranges, and reds. Around the city and in town, people were setting up for the big nightmare night itself, Halloween! Costume shops were opening, candy was being sold out in stores, and everywhere as far as the eye could see there was a decoration of a jack-o-lantern, a ghost, spiders, skeletons, zombies, Dracula, Frankenstein, you name it! And walking in the town after a long day of doing some shopping, was Adagio Dazzle; dressed in a long warm trench coat that kept her skinny body warm in the cold wind. She took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air around. A small gust of the wind blowing through her hair, and the sounds of excited adults and children were all around. She smiled as she watched them excitedly run through some of the streets, eager to go somewhere, probably fun. Walking past several people, a series of thoughts went through her head. Adagio Dazzle's log, October 24. Its late October, and only a few days remaining until we hit Halloween. Everyone's starting to show their anticipation for the big trick or treating night. Their enthusiasm is rather friendly to see... though I do wonder as to whether this holiday is worth the celebration. The memories of our poor days in the past have been clouding my judgement. But I'm willing to give this holiday a shot, and to just enjoy it with my closest friends. I imagine with them at my side, along with my absolutely adorable girlfriend, this will be a holiday we will remember for days on. As long as no threats from Equestria or this very world come to combat against us, I hope... As she stepped into the elevator at the Jigsaw plaza, she watched the doors close as the elevator began to take her up to the penthouse. A few beeps and dings as she kept going up, past several floors and flights of stairs. Eventually, she reached the top and at her stop. She stepped out and walked to the front door of her penthouse, now decorated for the holiday. A small floormat with a spooky cobweb design, and the front door had a foam skull hanging. Putting her key into the door, she unlocked it and walked inside. Taking off her coat, she put it on the coat rack. "Girls, I'm home! Aria? Sonata?" No one said a word. It didn't even look like anyone was home. But wait; what was sitting on the kitchen island countertop? It didn't look like it was there as it should, this looked new. She walked to the kitchen, her heels making contact with the tiled floor. She looked at the small tag on the side of the box, addressed to her. "Adagio. Bought these at the market, though you'd enjoy these -- Aria, Sonata," Adagio read. "Mmm..." She was about to reach the top, but she stopped. Aria and Sonata bought something out of nowhere, making it unclear as to what the contents were inside the colorful box. Not to mention that it was close to Halloween. This had to have been a joke, shouldn't it? Hesitantly, with a kitchen knife she cut through the ribbon holding the entire box together. And with a careful hand, she pulled the top off the box-- "AHH!" Adagio freaked. She let out a high shriek at the zombie head that just shot out of the box. The next sound to follow was uncontrollable laughing that made her groan and roll her eyes. Turning her head, she saw Aria and Sonata appear from one of the halls, laughing hysterically. "We got you!" Sonata laughed, pointing at her. "I didn't think you were going to fall for it, but Sonata was right!" Aria held onto her sides. Adagio looked at her sisters with an unamused face. "That's not funny." "Yes it is!" Aria howled. Adagio rolled her eyes. "You decided now would be the time to finally get the jump on me?" "You were pretty vigilant this month, we wanted to strike when you least expected it," Sonata giggled. Adagio groaned. "Well if you two are done laughing, can you please get the candy out of these bags?" Adagio set the grocerry bag down on the counter. "More? Didn't you buy a ton last week?" Sonata asked. "Yes, but knowing how much people eat candy at this time of the year, and our little end of month event, I think we'll need all the candy we can purchase," Adagio replied, pulling out a few bags. "Oh and that reminds me, Aria, I got a few more pieces and supplies you need to finish your costume." "Oh sweet, thanks!" Aria said, clutching the bag like a little kid. "And Sonata, I also found the last pieces for yours." "Yay!" Sonata cheered, giddy just like Aria. "Do you have your costume put together yet?" Aria asked, ogling the costume pieces she was given. "No, not yet. But I'm hoping before the end of the week, I will have finally put it together," Adagio replied, pulling out some of the bags of candy. "Any word from our friends, do they need any costume pieces or parts?" "Not that I've heard, last time I checked everyone was all good. But maybe your girlfriend will need some help," Sonata commented, plopping herself on the couch. Her fingers pressed the remote, turning on the TV. "Yes, maybe," Adagio said, starting to think about it. Aria then had an idea. "Actually, that reminds me, has she seen the place where we're setting up the CHS Halloween party?" "I'm not sure she has, no. But since I'm walking with her later this afternoon... I think I'll go ask her," Adagio said, walking back to the front door. "Wait, you just got back, now you're going back outside again?" "I know, but I just needed to drop off the candy and costume supplies. I'll be back soon, I promise," Adagio said, grabbing a spare key. And then she slammed the door behind her, leaving the penthouse. Aria just stood nibbling on a piece of candy, while Sonata stayed laying back on the couch. "How much you want to bet Adagio's going to be completely focused on Trixie saying how great she is to even pay attention to what pops up next?" "I think we all know that's gonna happen," Sonata said, not even looking to her sister. After she made it down into the main lobby, she saw Trixie sitting in one of the chairs eagerly waiting for her. "Trixie!" Adagio smiled. "Adagio!" Trixie smiled back, almost tackling her in a hug attack. She nuzzled her girlfriend, making her giggle in delight. "You're always eager to hug attack me, aren't you?" Adagio giggled. Trixie chuckled, "Y-Yeah, I guess I am." Adagio smirked and gave a kiss on her cheek. "Now what do you say I show you where we're throwing the CHS Halloween party?" "Oooh!" Trixie cooed with some excitement. "Come on!" With hands holding one another, the two of them left the Jigsaw Plaza. They walked back out into the cold air, making Trixie shiver a bit from the cold. "Oooh," Trixie shiverd. "Its getting cold soon..." "We're near the end of October, and November will be soon to come. And then before you know it, Christmas time will be here." "Yeah, hard to believe," Trixie said. As they walked, Adagio wrapped her arm around Trixie's side, placing her hand just above her thigh. Trixie couldn't help but scoot a little closer, wanting to stay warm next to her girlfriend. "I can't believe we'll be spending Halloween together," Adagio whispered, kissing her cheek. "Our first Halloween," Trixie replied with a little excitement. "Enjoy some candy, some scary movies... maybe I can ask for your help in getting back at my sisters." Trixie giggled, "I'm sorry, what?" "Lets just say I apparently don't know the 'zombie head jumping out of colorful box' gag." Trixie smiled. "Oh, I've seen that before. Don't think that's the right word, but I have seen that before." "Did someone pull that prank on you?" "Um... no, I just saw a prank on HoofTube with that," Trixie blushed. "Mmm... I see." Trixie cleared her throat. "So, um, are we getting close to this place that you said was going to be the Halloween party?" "We should, actually. Let me see," Adagio said, looking at the houses, "okay, lets see... oh, there it is." Adagio and Trixie stood at the end of the street, gazing up at the attraction. Haunted Horror Party House was the name, reading on the wooden sign mounted in the grass. It looked like your typical haunted mansion; rickety, old, boards barring up the windows. It looked more like it belonged to someone who was once rich, or even a place that housed mental patients. But it was certainly big, with a big circular path to drive in, drop off people, a stone fountain in the middle that was now filled with nothing but moss and vines. Leaves danced about, its trees were bare, and it looked like an absolute mess. Of course, that was its intents and purpose, so it was done well. "What do you think, Trixie?" Adagio asked, smiling at the destination that would make the perfect party. But Trixie didn't reply. "Trixie?" When she looked back to her girlfriend, she didn't look surprised or even excited. She looked petrified. She was staring intently at the house like she was in a trance, with a scared face. Eyes widening out of her skull, and a few whimpers of fear. "Trixie, you're not scared, are you? It's just the outside decoration," Adagio said. Trixie gulped and took a step back from the house. "Adagio... I have to go." "Go? But we just walked here, I thought you said you were going to help me." "I didn't know this was what you meant!" Trixie panicked as she backed away. "Adagio, I just... I-I-I... I can't!" Trixie started to walk away. "Wait, Trixie!" "Don't chase me, I can't help you!" Adagio wanted to chase after, but she didn't. She didn't know why she didn't go running but she just didn't. She was too confused and disappointed to see her girlfriend just run off like that. And just like that, Trixie had ran off and away, leaving her girlfriend alone and confused.