The Black Snake

by Spirit Lunar

Meet and Departure

-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

Today is Friday, was my last day in Ponyville and I did not have school so I obviously planned to sleep all morning. But Twilight suddenly woke me from my dreams at the Terminator to tell me that we were both going to see these friends before I left Canterlot. I sighed loudly, making it clear to Twilight that I did not care about those friends, but she did not give up and I had to eat under the eyes of my preceptor.
Daydreamer, herself, was sleeping deeply on these blankets. I envied him to the highest point but I was expelled out by Twilight who took me by holding my hoof tight to prevent me from escaping.

We started with the yellow pegase and the pink mane on the edge of the wood called Fluttershy from what Twilight had told me. We knocked at the door, which opened slowly, but closed again abruptly after Fluttershy by the frame had seen me. Twilight tried in vain to convince her not to be afraid of me. Nothing was done, so we went off to see Pinkie Pie, whom I had quickly seen at the feast of the unmarked filly, cooking very good cupcakes.

When we arrived at Pinkie Pie's bakery, we asked Mr. and Mrs. Cakes if she was there what they said she went with Rainbow Dash to joke. We looked for Rainbow and Pinkie without finding anything.

Then we went to Rarity, a white pony with a blue mane and red glasses. This one, despite her apparent concern, agreed to receive us. While she and Twilight were talking over a tea, I was forced to try the whole collection of Rarity's summer filly dresses made of all-patterned dress and all the colors under her watchful eye. I think it's her way of avenging Sweetie Belle. She wanted to offer me when I was bigger evening dresses to better showcase me and she told me meet the stallion of my dreams at the Grand Gala Equestrian.What almost choked me imagining myself mating with these creatures in the female sex and having little foals with him made me sick.
I asked where was the toilet what surprised them and the rest in the toilet is not worth reading.I finally came to understand Dark Insidious now, almost forgiving him for being in bed while I have to support Twilight and those friends or not.

Finally, after this discovery, we went to visit Twilight's last friend. Where she lived, I think it's a farmer. I was not mistaken when I saw the gigantic barn in front of me. When I arrived, I apologized to Applejack's sister. Then for punishment I had to help Applebloom harvest the apples from the apple trees while the adults were talking. While going there I noticed the two mares resembling the description of Dark Insidious. They looked at me with a knowing smile and approached me when two stallions came to stick to her.

-- Sunset Shimmer/Solar Flare --

We were once again discussing how to unmask this demon and force him to tell us everything he knew about black magic if he really happened to be one. As we headed to the main building for dinner after tedious research, I felt a strong black magic presence and finally we saw it. I did not believe my eyes. The magic was a little alicorne filly. Either she had taken possession of her or she had become physical and intelligent. What does it matter, if I dare say without any other defense than this other filly without magic. But it was necessary that these stupid ones that these big stooges of stallions come at this precise moment to make us once again their advances. We had finally located the target, they only had to capture it and send it to the Goddess to leave this stupid place.

-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

At the agreement of the thoughts of the mare I blanched and took advantage of their jostling with the newcomers to flee in the direction of Applebloom hiding me in the labyrinth of apple trees. Applebloom looked at me strangely and then sighed and guided me happily away from those two demons for apple picking. The goal was to drop as many apples as possible with these anterior hooves. What I could not do without balance. Then after giving up and being scolded for not helping Applebloom we went home.

-- Sugar Belle/Spell Book --

We had been looking for them for hours around the farm without even finding it. In order not to appear too suspicious, we dared not ask where the filly was, and pretended to pick some apples.Of course it was up to me to hold the basket filled with apple in my mouth. I noticed a strange mare coming out of the farm reading a newspaper. I noticed that it was an orange mare with purple mane and the mark of a manuscript unfolding. I felt myself pushing toward her as if an invisible force commanded me. The same phenomenon took place on Solar Flare. We walked towards her and asked her :
" Good evening, excuse me for disturbing you, could you tell us if you would have seen a black alicorne filly? "
" Good evening, of course, she lives with the librarian of the city and will leave tomorrow at 7:47. "
" Thank you, but how do you know all that? "
" A funny jerk told me to pretend to read here while waiting for two people asking me that question. He paid me and warned me that you were going to ask me this question. He said : Need the scenario then move you that he can finish the chapter and go to sleep. On this good night ladies! "
The mare put her diary on her back and left for Ponyville. It landed on a bench with Lyra and Bonbon discussing. A bipedal creature passed by her wrapped in a broad coat and a hat covering her face and every other part of the body. The creature gave a pot of peanut butter to the orange mare named Purple Amethyst saying he had too much at home and would give it to the first person to come. Purple Amethyst accepted it knowing that it was actually money promised by the funny thing that had asked him. Then without a word went home with the money.


-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

I woke up at dawn in a hurry to finally return to the castle and get rid of Twilight. I hopped on everyone's beds to wake them up. After a few grunts from everyone as a sign that he understood. Dark Insidious got up and started preparing breakfast. Twilight helped me with my suitcase picking up all my belongings scattered around the house. She told me that she was also leaving to attend the Grand Gala Equestre in Canterlot. Dark Insidious did not have a suitcase with no business to take him. Once we had eaten the delicious pancakes of it. We left locking all possible entrances towards the station. All these friends were quick to join her at the station singing idiotic songs on the Gala making us sigh Dark Insidious and me.

At the station, a troop of lunar guards carefully monitor the train passengers showing their ticket and the contents of their luggage. Princess Luna waited impatiently on the platform of the travelers, constantly watching the hour of the clock at the station. Then when she saw me, she pounce on me to hug me in one of those bear hugs. Then greeted the whole troop. This one led us into the wagon of the VIP where she did not stop to ruffle my hair and to kiss me on the cheek. It was only a week and it looked like a reunion after many years.
Dark Insidious meanwhile at the back of the troop was being flirted by three of the Lunar Guards who no longer had that formal air once Luna left.
Fortunately for him, Luna noticed the scene and scolded the guards. Then we finally entered the train. Arrived in, I did not believe my eyes, in front of me hundreds of dolls and soft toys in the mountains awaited me. Luna told me that she should not have behaved like that and wanted to be forgiven. Then she left me to my toys and went to sit with the rest of the troop leaving only a guard in case of problems.

-- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious --

All those guards looking at me hungry scared me. I would not leave Luna for anything in the world that would leave me alone with them. Luna dismissed Twilight and these friends to be able to talk with me privately in one of the train's suite where we sit face to face with the train starting to roll :
" I just want you to clear things up one last time if you do not mind? "
" No, continue princess. "
" You will be the company of ... my daughter when she wants it or will be alone. You will have room and board in addition to 2000 bits per month. You will have to show yourself operating 24 hours a day for Moon Stellar included? If you have any doubt about an activity she wants to practice let me know or wait for my return. We will improvise later, are you ok? "
" Of course princess but could you send half of my money to the orphanages and the poor. That would make too much money for one person. "
" This is very generous from you Daydreamer and I will do it. Can I tell you about another topic that is close to my heart? "
" Of course princess. "
" Here, for a few generations now, bats ponies are endangered. There are only about ten female nowadays I wondered if you would be ready to repopulate the species? "Luna said visibly embarrassed.
I became white as a towel to this horrible suggestion making me tremble with terror.
" No, sorry princess but I'm not really interested. "
" I implore you to accept, the needs of the species requires it, you are beautiful and intelligent, you will seek for a moment a companion, you need time and I understand it but you will extinguish a species for your only desire? I ask you as a friend and princess, I beg you once more. You could choose the stallion you want and I'm sure none of those you choose will stand up to your many charms. "
" But princess I do not wish to mate with ... "
" I must, I understand that for now you're still shocked by this request and I will not talk about it today but whether you like it or not you will have to do it. "
" But ..."
" Enough now let's enjoy the trip. "