Storm of My Fury

by Flurryshine

Braying Cliffs part 1

The next day was a solemn one. The remnants of Nickernabby were salvaged to make crude shelters along the tree line of the surrounding forest. Bright Leaf and other ponies of any kind of medical profession were racing amongst the survivors to tend to the injured. Dawn brought these duties and many others. Our heroes did their part to tend to the village ponies. From drawing water from the well, passing out meals, making sure the shelters hold, and assisting in any way they can, they tried to ease the collective pain for all the ponies. Twilight felt her task was the hardest. With Spike tending the library back in Ponyville, she had to send one of the village pegasi to Canterlot to receive some relief effort from the princesses. Before she could do this, she had to see if they could proceed themselves to Braying Cliffs. This choice fell into the hooves of the most devastated pony in their group.
Twilight found Flurryshine sitting on a hill alone. The alicorn had her wings splayed out on the grass and her head down low. She seemed like a shadow of the pony she once was only days ago. Twilight approached her slowly and cleared her throat to announce her presence. She heard a hiccup from Flurryshine she assumed was her choking back some tears.
“Um, Flurryshine, I am sending a runner to Canterlot for some relief effort. I was wondering if you were still up for going to Braying Cliffs. It’s fine if you can’t continue…,” Twilight began to explain before she was cut off.
“We’re going Twilight,” Flurryshine said flatly. Twilight snapped her head up at her in surprise.
“Are you sure?” Twilight asked. She instantly reconsidered her words when Flurryshine turned to face her. Her bloodshot eyes had tear stains beneath them. Those amethyst eyes were burning with hate and determination.
“Yes, I am sure. My father died only because they made him fight. I will pay them all back tenfold!” Flurryshine responded almost completely calmly. She rose to her hooves and spread her aching wings high in the air to emphasize her point.
Twilight gave a weak smile as she nodded. She turned to leave saying, “I’ll inform the runner. How long shall we stay here?”
“We will be gone before night falls. If they choose to attack us again, I want to make sure no other villages will face this kind of torment. This was meant to kill me, not innocent village ponies!” Flurryshine said as she turned to sit back down.
Twilight gave another nod at walked away. She knew Flurryshine was hurting. To think the growing matter of stopping Braying Cliffs being so huge she can’t even take time to heal the emotional wounds of losing her father. Twilight sighed to herself. There will be time to heal. There will be time for them all to heal from this journey. That will come after they cleansed Braying Cliffs of all its hatred. Twilight had thought when she first met Flurryshine there was never a reason for any pony to hate so much. After last night…she could begin to understand how hatred could grow in a pony’s heart.
The runner stood before her. He had tried his best to rest most of the day to be fresh for his mission. The cycles still shown evidence of the traumatizing night he endured with all the others. Twilight approached him and nodded in greeting.
“My herd will be leaving Nickernabby to continue on to cleanse Braying Cliffs. Tell Princess Celestia this when you go to request for a relief effort,” Twilight explained.
“Will do, Miss Sparkle,” the stallion said before he took flight. He had a long one ahead of him, and no time to lose to bring his village the help it needed.
Twilight sighed as she went to break the news to the others. It would be hard to leave the village ponies to fend for themselves while they continued onwards. She felt partly responsible for the attack. Flurryshine’s words echoed in here mind, “They came here to kill me, not innocent village ponies.”
It was true. To the pegasi of Braying Cliffs, Nickernabby was just a casualty of their own war against change. They didn’t care either way what happened to the village if it meant getting rid of Flurryshine or any other pony that would try to change their ways. But, they had failed and now innocent ponies were dead because of their assault. Twilight felt herself shaking with her own anger. No! She shook her head rapidly, as if shaking the anger away from her. Twilight couldn’t let herself be consumed by hate as well. She saw what it turned a pony into. She heard it when she woke to Flurryshine mumbling in her sleep. The mumbles she heard were…graphic. The young alicorn had always been strange, but it was apparent to Twilight that Flurryshine’s psyche was severely damaged. A shiver over took her as the fevered mumblings returned to her. It had been frightening enough to Twilight to call upon an exhausted Bright Leaf, who administered a dose of poppy seeds to induce a deep sleep over Flurryshine.
She arrived at the ramshackle shelter our heroes were using as their resting spot. They were all currently there resting from spending the morning caring for the village ponies. Twilight approached them with a half-hearted smile. She looked upon her old and new friends alike with pride. They had all pulled through during the attack, doing everything they could to save the village. They all now lay slumped on the grass exhausted. It almost felt heartless to have to tell them they would be moving out today.
“Okay, girls, Flurryshine has made her call. We’re still going to the Braying Cliffs. We leave before nightfall,” Twilight said in the most cheerful tone she could muster.
“Aw, who made Flurryshine the boss and when did you become her second?” Rainbow Dash said gruffly.
“Look, I know this is not an ideal situation for anyone. But, we can’t stay here. They have made it clear they don’t want us meddling. If we stay here, they will just attack Nickernabby again,” Twilight tried to explain.
“Even if that is true, Twi, we can’t exactly take on Braying Cliffs buck tired and almost out of gumption,” Applejack spoke up tiredly.
“I know, but…we knew this wouldn’t be easy when we accepted to do this mission. We are going to cleanse one of the fiercest places in Equestria! Who here actually thought that would be a cake walk?” Twilight lectured them. They all grumbled and made sidelong glances at the ground.
“That’s what I thought. It seems to me we have two choices: give up and let Braying Cliff keep creating hate among ponies, or we go there and fight back!” she exclaimed.
“I personally like the second choice,” Twilight heard a voice approaching them say. She turned to see a fully composed Flurryshine walking up. She looked as fierce as ever, even more so by the blaze in her eyes.
“Of course, these ponies don’t care what I think,” Flurryshine said as she rolled her eyes.
Our remaining heroes shuffled their hooves for a moment or two before they all raised their heads smiling. Renewed determination in their eyes burned. This mission had started as a half-hearted adventure to most of them, but now they had paid in their own blood, sweat, and strength. This was more than just an adventure now. This was in a way a part of them, as if they couldn’t go home until they had seen this through to its very end. If that end was a bitter one, they were willing to even face that. They all began to rise from their places and gather around Twilight and Flurryshine.
Rainbow Dash seemed to speak for them all when she said, “Just let me get packed, and I am ready to go.”
Within the hour, they were making farewells with Bright Leaf and the village ponies. Bright Leaf had elected to stay behind to help the village ponies with rebuilding their home. He gave Flurryshine a long sincere look as she parted to head off before the others. He only shook his head as he finished wishing them luck before tending his many patients. The rest of our heroes caught up with Flurryshine quickly and they were all off. Walking down the ruined main road of the charred village sent chills and more determination to our heroes. They would make Braying Cliffs pay for this and for all the other ponies that have been hurt over the years.
They traveled for weeks through the roughest terrain and weather imaginable. They felt lucky to be alive when they reached an incline, and almost crestfallen to see a large snow fall had the passage buried beyond any means of traversing it. The mane six began to grumble as they tried to think of some way to deal with this. Flurryshine’s followers nudged them to watch carefully. They all looked onwards as Flurryshine walked toward the snow locked passage. Her body began to glow a dim blue as a glob of blue magic formed at the point of her horn. Flurryshine began to wave her head in a circular motion; it was slow at first but gained momentum the more she did this. She kept advancing on the snow as she did this. Strangely enough, the snow seemed to melt. No, it was more like it retreated at the touch of her growing magical aura. Flurryshine reared up and slung her head down. The blue orb that had grown ten feet in diameter was released. It went barreling up the passage. In its wake was the most awe inspiring thing the ponies had ever seen. The snowy passage was now mysteriously locked in a beautiful spring climate where the path was. It struck them that this was Flurryshine’s special gift. She could control the climate!
“You coming? This will only last until I pass through completely, and I am going now,” Flurryshine said flatly as she kept walking.
The ponies snapped out of their awestruck state and cantered after her. They almost held their breath as they walked beside Flurryshine. The grass was springy and green. The spring flowers were blooming ever so delicately. The very dark trees lining the passage were now blooming with delicate pink flower blossoms. The air was sweet and warm in this mock spring passage. As the others looked about in awe, Flurryshine kept up her pace without skipping a beat. She had no time to waste her energy on such things. Her mind was in a darker place. Just beyond this passage was they place of her greatest torment, the place that was also her home, Braying Cliffs.
As our heroes made it out of the passage, it instantly blew up a storm. The winter storm quickly sealed the passage again. They watched it do this in awe. They then looked to the way they were to go next. It was a winding rocky path deep into a mountain-like incline. As they continued onwards, Flurryshine stood in place and stared up the path. She kept staring up at the path with wavering eyes. Sparkleshine spotted this and cantered back to nudge her foreleg. The others soon stopped and looked back at her.
“Sugar cube, what’s eatin’ ya,” Applejack asked.
“Braying Cliffs’ valley is just up that path. It’s strange…I pushed to come here so hard. Now I am, it’s unnerving,” Flurryshine replied.
She shuffled her hooves a bit before she looked up determined to say, “You all should head up without me. Keep heading into the valley. Ask for Elder Moondancer (1). She will listen to you with the decree you have from the princess. It’s best if I stay hidden. If you wish to meet me after you speak to her, Snowbreeze knows where to find me.”
The others nodded before they continued on. Sparkleshine looked conflict until Flurryshine nudged her towards the others. The tiny filly nuzzled her elder cousin before bouncing off after the others. Flurryshine watched them go without a word. It was better this way. If she wasn’t with them they could try their best to help Braying Cliffs in their own way.
The valley was a quiet one. A light breeze swirled a delicate flurry through the air. As Flurryshine had said, almost every pony before them was snow white. As they walked amongst the valley ponies, they received reproachful and questioning looks from the local ponies. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Periwinkleflight even caught a few glares shot at them. Snowbreeze led them deep into the valley. They stopped when they reached a cluster of ponies around an elderly pony. The elderly mare was a white unicorn. Her fading hair showed to once be red with purple streaks. Even her silver crescent moon surrounded by red stars cutie mark seemed to be faded on this aging pony.
“Elder Moondancer, I have brought some ponies to see you,” Snowbreeze said and motioned for Twilight Sparkle to approach the elder.
“Come forward, little pony. Now, what brings you to our valley?” Elder Moondancer said with a cracked and calm voice.
Twilight approached the elder unicorn as she used her magic to pull out the scroll from the princess. She explained as she passed it to one of the elder’s attendants,” I am Twilight Sparkle, a student of Princess Celestia, she sent my friends and I to try and solve the feud between this valley and the pegasi district.”
Elder Moondancer nodded thoughtfully as she listened. She then replied, “I see. Judging by your company of Braying Cliffs’ locals in your group, you have encountered Flurryshine. No need to deny it. Who else would raise so much hay that the princess would even have to pay attention? I am the elder that protects this valley. I have done so since my herd split up to protect all the cities that dot Equestria’s countryside. Now, what can I do for you Twilight Sparkle?”
“Well, um… can you start by telling me what started this feud?” Twilight asked.
The aged unicorn grumbled to herself as she racked her ancient mind. She then began her tale as she remembered it. She explained,” As you know, the princesses saved the ponies from a world of trouble and strife under the rule of Discord. After this was done, the ponies of the first herd vowed to help the princesses by protecting the cities that cropped up after their rule began. I came here to protect Braying Cliffs a very long time ago. Sometime after Braying Cliffs was founded, the ponies had trouble getting along. Some say the land was cursed; others say that it was caused by one group of ponies betraying the trust of another. I can no longer remember what it really was myself. But, as the years past, things became worse and worse. Rumor has it is Diablo, of the pegasi district, has died due to this growing hatred.”
“Um, he has. He died fighting Flurryshine,” Twilight confirmed sheepishly.
“Oh my, poor dear, the world has been unkind to her always. Rumor has it Diablo did not die in his right mind. That one of our herd bewitched him into a raging beast,” Elder Moondancer replied.
“One of your own? Why the hay would anypony think that?” Applejack asked the elder.
“There is one among use rumored to be cavorting with the most unsavory of the pegasi leaders. He wishes to assist the pegasi end the feud by enslaving the ponies in the valley. Of course there is no proof, but the unicorn in question does disappear a lot,” said Elder Moondancer.
“Well, who is he?” Twilight asked anxiously.
“His given name is Enchanting Hooves, but he goes by Thorn. He is an arrogant stallion. I fear something very bad has happened to him. You see, ponies are creatures that are naturally good. We thrive best as creatures of good. But, when a pony’s heart is swallowed by any kind of dark emotion, it is quite disastrous for the pony and maybe other ponies as well. Thorn seems to have let pride most deadly in his heart. But, I had a vision. A vision of a pony that has also allowed darkness in their heart,” Elder Moondancer explained.
“D-do I even have to ask who?” Twilight stammered as she asked the elder.
Elder Moondancer smiled kindly as she began to recall her vision. She spoke ominously as she said, “I see a winged pony of white. Where a pure white heart should be is a heart of black. This pony ascends until it reaches the zenith of its flight at the highest peak of Braying Cliffs. With the entire wrath within this pony’s dark heart a howling wind will engulf this land. Many ponies will freeze at the touch of the wind and Braying Cliffs will be locked in eternal winter!”
The ponies stared in shock and horror at the elder pony. Elder Moondancer looked at them with a kind but stern look in her eyes. She then spoke once again saying, “I fear the pony from my vision is Flurryshine. That she is coming back, guided by the darkness in her heart, to silence Braying Cliffs forever. If she continues down this path of destruction, not only she but we all will die. Only a great force beyond a normal pony’s power can purify a heart that has been swallowed by darkness.”
The mane six thought back to Nightmare Moon. Was that why she became Nightmare Moon to begin with? Had Princess Luna’s heart been swallowed by darkness and transformed? In this lied an answer to one problem. If the Elements of Harmony had healed Princess Luna, could they heal Flurryshine? They all nodded before Twilight turned again to the elderly pony.
“Elder Moondancer, we wield the Elements of Harmony on behalf of the princesses. Do you think they could heal a heart swallowed by darkness? Could they cleanse Braying Cliffs and purify all the darkened hearts?” Twilight asked her.
Elder Moondancer placed her front hoof upon her chin and tapped it as she thought this over. She finally replied, “That may be the only thing strong enough in existence that could do such a thing. I hope it does. My life should’ve ended ages ago. Only my magic and undying hope is keeping me alive. I live to one day see Braying Cliffs be a land of peace for all ponies once again.”
Elder Moondancer then slumped back farther on her haunches. Her attendants encircled her again. When Twilight tried to approach further, one of the white earth ponies nudged her back. The elder had said all she could to them. It was obvious that the rest was up to them. The first thing was to investigate this Thorn character. Twilight bowed in respect to the elder unicorn and took her leave with her friends.
“Snowbreeze, do you know where we can find this Thorn pony?” Twilight said with new resolve.
“He lingers near the borders of the valley, near the few rocky paths that still lead up to the pegasi district. I must warn you, he is dangerous. He is slyer than a fox and more sinister than any viper,” Snowbreeze replied.
“Let me worry about that,” she said as she cantered off,” You guys stay here and recuperate!”
Twilight Sparkle raced through the beautiful valley of Braying Cliffs to its very edge. She whinnied as she almost ran over a sheer drop into a deep chasm. It looked as if a large bridge might have been here once, a bridge that may have led to the pegasi district. She ran along the side of the chasm until she came to the cliff face. She soon found some old rocky paths that led up the cliff to a more cloudy overhand high above. Twilight clamored up onto a ledge and waited. She wanted to make sure she saw Thorn before he saw her, and she had plenty of time to prepare before she confronted him.
As the hours passed Twilight slowly fell into a sleep. The exhaustion of the traveling the day before had finally gotten to her. She woke sometime later at the sound of somepony shouting at her. Twilight woke up to hear shouts done below her.
“Hey, you there, mare! Yes, you! What in the name of Equestria are you doing up on that ledge?” an arrogant stallion’s voice echoed from below her.
Twilight looked down to see what she thought was a male version of Trixie. The blue unicorn stallion was looking up at her in boredom. He had black and silver hair and black tufts on his legs. His blue-grey eyes held his bored gaze as she got up and jumped down to his level.
“Oh, sorry. I was waiting…for someone,” Twilight said sheepishly.
“Hm, like I really care, but who may you be waiting for? You don’t look like any pony I have seen in Braying Cliffs. Are you a traveler?” he asked in a half-bored tone.
“Um, yes. I am looking for a pony they call Thorn,” Twilight said noticing him raise an eyebrow.
“What in Equestria would you want with him?” Thorn said in response, careful not to make it seem he was Thorn.
“Well, I heard some rumors about him since I came here, about how he has been working with the pegasi despite an obvious feud. Quite fascinating. Oh, I am Twilight Sparkle. You are?” Twilight explained cheerfully.
Thorn smile deviously as he replied, “Thorn.”
“Oh! Um, hello. Well, um… would you like to explain the rumors…Hey!” Twilight said as Thorn walked around her, eyeing her like he was examining some specimen, and he slapped her haunches with his tail.
“Oh ho ho… So sorry, your just a very fine specimen of our kind. Quite pretty. I just couldn’t resist,” Thorn replied in a half condescending manner.
“Look, are you going to clarify on the rumors about you or not?” Twilight replied flatly in aggravation.
“Oh, but dear Twilight, you haven’t given me a reason to do so. You haven’t WIIFM yet,” Thorn responded.
“WIIFM?” Twilight asked.
“What’s…In…It…For…Me,” he explained.
“What’s in it for…Ugh, what would you want just to talk about yourself?!” Twilight exclaimed looking at him despondently. Thorn only leaned against a boulder and grinned deviously.
“Well, you were in that terribly ruined village of Nickernabby weren’t you?” Thorn said with obvious mock sympathy. Twilight glowered at him and stamped her foot.
“Don’t get me wrong, great tragedy in all it was. But, I believe a battle involving my fair Braying Cliffs was involved. Tell me, who do you think should have won? The mighty Diablo, or the rebel rouser Flurryshine?” Thorn said with a cruel grin and arrogance in every word.
“How do you even know about that battle anyways?” Twilight asked.
“Consider it answer one to your inquiry,” he responded coolly.
“Neither should have fallen. That battle was never meant to be fought between them,” Twilight answered proudly.
“But it did, my dear Twilight! They did do battle. Now where do your allegiance lay, my little outsider?” Thorn hissed as he circled Twilight continuously.
“I fight to change Braying Cliffs,” Twilight said proudly staring deep in Thorn’s sinister blue-grey eyes.
“Then you will fail, dear Twilight.” Thorn replied in a half singing voice.
“What makes you think you know that? I can change this land. My friends and I can do anything!” Twilight announced proudly.
“Oh, my dear, you don’t understand. Braying Cliffs does dangerous things to ponies. You come here to do well, but you will end up harming someone as you do your good. You’re standing on the precipice of your own disaster and not aware of it, poor Twilight Sparkle,” Thorn continued in a singly way before he broke into maniacal laughter.
Thorn then rounded on her. He pinned her against the cliff face as he continued in a manic voice,” You were true to your word; I shall be true to mine! There all true, hehehehe! I am a bad little pony! I fight to enslave this valley, to rule over it as the pegasi’s top servant! Don’t you see Twilight?! This is the only way for this land! It was I that turned Diablo against Flurryshine! Why? Why?! Because who better to silence that arrogant young upstart than her own sire! Hahahahahahahah! It was a beautiful success! I saw all Diablo saw while under my enchantment. The destruction, pain, and brutality he showed Nickernabby and Flurryshine! It was my masterpiece. Shame he couldn’t cut it in the end! You’re wondering why I am telling you this. Aren’t you, my dear? I’ll tell you! These will be the last words you hear, Twilight Sparkle! All others will fall on deaf ears; because you shall fall under my enchantment as well!”
Thorn’s eyes were mad with his insane pleasure. He kept laughing maniacally as his horn began to glow with blue magic. Twilight struggled as she tried to get the stronger stallion off her. His eyes were now being enveloped by his magic as he glowered down at her. Tendrils of magic slithered out of the aura around his horn. Twilight was in a full panic. She couldn’t think of anything…anything except her own magic. Twilight tried her best to quell her own fear. She had to restrain her emotions and concentrate on her magic. Slowly her own magic began to envelop her horn and slowly creep down her entire body. The tendrils sizzled at the touch of her magical aura. Thorn hissed as he pulsed more of his magic into the enchantment. The tendrils grew thicker as they were given more firepower. They began to probe and try to break her barrier she had conjured around herself. Hissing and sparks flew as the magic of the dark unicorn and the light unicorn collided. Thorn’s magic trying to shatter Twilight’s enough to enchant her deeply into being his minion. Twilight’s magic was trying ever so valiantly to fend off Thorn’s magic from overtaking its master.
The two unicorns were locked in a deep magical clash for almost an hour. Twilight’s aura was weakening fast against Thorn’s persistent magical onslaught. Twilight was done for. Thorn’s madden face showed no sign of fatigue. Then it happened. A thunderous neigh broke forth from higher up in the clouds. Thorn glanced up to see who dared interrupt his enchanting. His eyes dilated further than that of a mad pony. Twilight too strained to see what was above them. She gasped in shock and joy. Flurryshine was barreling toward them as fast as her wings could carry her. Thorn released his enchantment and bucked Twilight down the path. Twilight gasped in pain as she smacked muzzle first into the stone path. Dazed from her fall Twilight looked up to see Thorn flew over her head. Flurryshine soon vaulted over her after him.
Thorn and Flurryshine were squaring off in the outskirts of the valley. Their heads were down, brandishing their horns at each other in an intimidating fashion. Thorn glared at Flurryshine with insane laden eyes befitting his cruel nature. Flurryshine’s eyes matched his glare with her burning fury blazing within them. A choking cackle escaped Thorn as his magic launched from his horn. The giant slithering tendrils wrapped around Flurryshine’s body. They stung deep into her flesh and made her cry out in pain. Thorn only laughed harder as she reared and flew backward. The tendrils wrapping tighter around her, rendering even her wings useless. Thorn charged at her and leaped on Flurryshine’s exposed underside. He glowered over her with insane pleasure. Thorn leaned down to her ear and spoke ever so light and cruelly.
“I...changed your father,” he whispered into her ear. Flurryshine neighed in fury at his words as he smiled wickedly at her.
Blue aura of magic pulsed in his horn again as he reared up. He began to bring his horn down as he exclaimed, “Join your weak father in death!”
Bam! Thorn’s spell never hit home. The unicorn stallion was hit square in his chest with a blast of lavender magic and was tossed backwards. The blast lapsed the control of his spell, and Flurryshine was freed. She looked around to see a bedraggled Twilight panting heavily nearby. The lavender unicorn’s horn was still pulsed with residual magic. With a curt nod to Twilight, Flurryshine got to her hooves. The two mares advanced on Thorn as he got to his hooves.
“You…you mares think you can take me?! Hahahahahahahahaha!” he screamed as a blinding blue aura enveloped him. Twilight and Flurryshine stopped short as the aura blinded them. When the light dissipated, they looked on to see Thorn was gone.
“Did he…Did he just teleport?” Twilight said through pants of heavy breathing.
“Right back to the pegasi that let him roost among them in exchange for his deeds against all ponies no doubt,” Flurryshine said darkly and snorted.
The two looked at each other for a moment. Both mares were panting heavily from their individual battles against Thorn. They swallowed hardly as they began to calm down. Twilight and Flurryshine began their trek back to their friends. No longer as just two ponies that walked along the same path, but sisters in this war. They had fought alongside each other, even saved each other in this battle. Their trek into the valley was one that was held in silence. Neither needed to hear the others voice to know their thoughts. This war had bonded them on a different level entirely.
When they reached the inner most reaches of the valley the herd had already seen them coming. Word had traveled fast about the student of the princess returning side by side with the young rebel rouser. How they both looked fatigue. The rumors spread. Ponies recalled the last conversation they overheard Twilight have. Before Twilight and Flurryshine had even made it to the herd, every pony had heard the news that they had did battle with Thorn. That was the only explanation! Ponies quickly moved out of their way as they milled into the herd. Both Flurryshine’s and Twilight’s friends came galloping up to greet them with concern. The two were probed, rubbed, hugged, and showered with affection as their friends evaluated how much damage they received in battle.
Almost with relief consuming her, Twilight felt her consciousness fade. Her adrenaline gone, the fatigue from colliding magic against Thorn took over her. She collapsed into Fluttershy and Applejack’s hooves. Our heroes squealed in concern as Twilight fell deeply into a trance-like sleep, her body refusing to wake at the persistent shaking. Twilight could hear them faintly echoing in the back of her mind as they pleaded her to wake up. She didn’t listen; the strain of using her magic in battle had taken its toll. She just allowed her mind to drift into a black, dreamless, sleep.
“She is merely sleeping. It…it will be fine…,” Flurryshine explained before she suddenly collapsed.
Our heroes squealed as the young alicorn lay sprawled on the grass. Her consciousness fading as fast as Twilight’s had done. She felt Snowbreeze and Springflower place her wings back into a folded position. Flurryshine only curled into a ball, like a tiny foal. Her mind had already gone to a better place. It was back when she was a foal herself, a foal relaxing in this valley with her mother.
The last words the ponies heard her say was the whisper, “Angelus…”

Author's Note:
(1) Moondancer is a G1 unicorn. I felt it be fitting to make a G1 an elder.