Poké-School Version Ultra Moon

by Yuum

The Seven Unfriends

Previously in Poke-School Ultra Moon Version …

While Night Dusk was preparing to confront Hala. Mind Vice orders a student to kidnap Nebby.

To help the nebulous creature, they go to the Sun Dawn Academy to rescue their friend. But the foals come to face the security of the establishment.

After a team shift they managed to defeat Shine Shield and enter the rival school. The security chief warned them.

"Congratulations to the young trainers, you beat me and you can come in ... but first guard because once inside you will have to face the Seven Unfriends."

Now they have to confront his mysterious power trainers who keep each one a block …

In front of Fluttershy's class, Hala was waiting for the young colt for the big trial of Equestria.

"He has not come back yet?"

"It's really strange, I hope nothing bad happened?" Fluttershy is worried about her students.

They do not suspect that the trainers were in the Sun Dawn Academy to deliver their friend and Tapu Koko was monitoring the establishment from a distance.


Meanwhile inside Sun Dawn …

Night Dusk and his friends run down the corridor to escape the pursuit, the Fluttershy school trainers arrive at the first room.

"Here's the first Seven Unfriend ..." Gray Gear had figured out the door that bears the symbol seven and behind it has a drawing of a spider. They open the big door.

Inside it was an artificial forest filled with beehive, ant burrows and sticky webs of spiders.

"He has no pony ..."

"Take the opportunity to go to the second room." Pixie suggests.

They look for the second door that leads to the next room.Timid follow the path of the trees to get behind a large oak tree and find the door easily as if he knew the place as if he had already visited.

"Timid, how did you manage to find the exile of this place easily?" Jolt asking.

"I feel like I have already seen this place ..." The white foal feels as though it is the forest.

As they went to the other room, an insect-type attack was launched.

??? : Stink Shot!

Gluey threads are thrown.Soul Burn sends Torchic and Darumaka to counter the attack with fire.

"Used Flamethrower!" Chick and zen charm spit hot flames to burn sticky fabrics.

But the enemy continues to throw the Stink Shot technique on them. Unable to burn the burst of spiderweb.

Timid, Gray, Punk, Specter, Burn, Lillie, and Jolt are captured by the mysterious enemies.


??? : You are clever, you managed to escape a burst of Stink Shot.

"Who said that?"

(It's voice ... I've heard it before ...) The white colt had already heard that voice.

"Welcome to my field, the hive, I'm the master of the insect type, my name is Black Widow, and now I have to beat the plant and fairy type trainer."

A young changeling who is not reformed appeared in front of them and she is accompanied by five pokémon insect type. Rotom identifies them with his scanner.

"Wurmple the worm pokemon.Type : bug and pokedex entry : Wurmple is targeted by Swellow as prey. This Pokémon will try to resist by pointing the spikes on its rear at the attacking predator. It will weaken the foe by leaking poison from the spikes.”

"Cascoon,the cocoon pokemon and type bug.Pokedex entry :If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body would be weak upon evolution. This Pokémon will also not forget the pain it endured.”

"Joltik,the attaching pokemon.Dual type : bug/electk and pokedex entry : They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon and absorb static electricity, which they store in an electric pouch.”

"Ariados,the Long Leg Pokémon.Dual type : bug/poison and information : It spews threads from its mouth to catch its prey. When night falls, it leaves its web to go hunt aggressively.”

"Galvantula,the EleSpider Pokémon.Dual type : bug/electric and pokedex entry : When attacked, they create an electric barrier by spitting out many electrically charged threads.”

"Ariados, Wurmple and Cascoon use Poison Sting! Joltik and Galvantula Electro Web!"

The red spider, the red caterpillar and the white gray cocoon draw poisoned darts on Dusk, Pixie and Petal. The two yellow spider launch electric spider webs on them.

"Go, Togetic uses Metronome!" The happy creature launches a random attack and it's Heat Wave !.

She blows a burning wind that neutralizes the Poison Sting.

"Go, Grubbin Mud-Shot and Rowlet Leafage!" The larva fires a jet of mud at Joltik and inflicts a lot of damage.

"Go, Bounsweet and Budew! Used Razor Leaf!" Both pokemon plant leafs leaves cutting on the enemy.

"Everyone used Bug Struggle!" His pokemon concentrates their power to hit them hard.

"Grubbin, Mud-Slap!" His larva fires from the mud to lower the accuracy of the enemy.

"Togetic, Memetrome" Toge launches another random attack and it's Discharge.

It releases electric shock power on the insects of Black Widow.

"Rowlet, Peck on Wurmple and Cascoon!" The green owl attacks the maggot and the cocoon with its beak. Both suffer heavy damage and they faint.

"Grrr! Your idea about friendship is stupid! The importance in a fight is the strength and the proof ... Galvantula and Ariados, Leech Life on the pokemon of the green girl and Joltik Thunder!"

The two spiders drain the vital forces of Bounsweet and Budew for healing. Joltik crushes Grubbin with a lightning bolt.

"Grubbin, Mud-Slap!" He countered with a shot of mud that repelled the lightning and knocked the bug with six legs.

"Bravo Grubbin ....?!" Thanks to this victory maggots gain experience and their body shines a white light.

Grubbin evolve in Charjabug.

"Charjabug,the Battery Pokémon.Dual type : bug/electric and description :Its stout shell provides excellent defense from attacks. It uses electricity on persistent opponents.”

"What?! It has evolved ... No matter, force is the import! Galvantula and Ariados used Poison Sting!"

Both shoot several darts poisoned out of the three. Millions of toxic Aiguillon are thrown like an angry rain.

"I won!" The changeling filly thinks she has won.

Suddenly a multicolored aurora borealis appeared above the heads of the fighters.

"Why is the sky colorful?"

Soul Burn: Darumaka and Torchic: Flamethrower!

Purple Punk: Yo, Salamdit, Dragon Pulse! Zubat uses Air Slash!

Gray Gear: Klink launches Thunder! Diglett Alolan launches Magnitude!

While they were busy with the Seven Unfriends, Burn took advantage to free the other and he joined the fight.

The mole with the blond wick causes a magnitude 5 earthquake.

The combined abilities neutralize the toxic darts. "What's impossible!" How do you do to be strong? "

"Friendship unites us, it is thanks to him that encourages us to progress and motivates us to deliver Nebby despite the dangers!" Lillie says.

His comrades approved.

"Friendship ... maybe Thorax was right." She thinks of the words of their new king Thorax.

"Diglett Magnitude" Diglett Alola causes another earthquake that makes Galvantula faint.

Black Widow has only one active pokemon. "Whismur uses Supersonic!"

The voice creature utters a shrill scream that causes confusion on the confused enemy.

"Ariados, Bug Bite!" He was going to attack but unfortunately the spider is hurting himself.

His endure decreases tremendously. "I'm going to finish it with my Z move."

"Me too!" Night Dusk got use is Z move with Burn.

Night Dusk and Soul Burn perform movement series to accumulate energy that is channeled into their Z bracelet and they are ready to use it full power.

Inferno Overdrive

Breakneck Blitz

The orange chick spits out a huge ball of hot fire on the insect and is badly injured and the green owl knocks him on him at full speed.

"Listen Widow without your friends you will never be able to progress, the important thing is the trust you have with yours." Dusk summary.

"Friends ..." The changeling filly thinks of the other Seven Unfriends, in front of her, she considers the others as friendly fellows.

"You can pass, good luck to save your comrade and I hope you will succeed."

"Thanks Black Widow." They thank the polymorphous filly.

Ils courent vers la deuxième pièce qui est gardée par le deuxième Seven Unfriends.La défaite du premier gardien fut averti le directeur qui donnera des consigne au deuxième Seven Unfriends par micro radio.

Mind Vice: Earth Vibe, Black Widow is beaten by intruders so I want you to eliminate them.

??? : Understood, Mr. Vice, has enemies of the other school will regret having entered our establishment.

Mind Vice: I hope you will not fail.

A caramel brown colt meditates on his strategy.

"Dust you are born, dust you will become again ..."