Fallout Equestria: Brass Sentinel

by Chemtest

Falling with Style

We swiftly move along to our next location, a Ministry of Warfare building. Not the Tower exactly, but still large. It’s a one floor complex, about an acre large. Large, but not the biggest. We advance into the building, finding it unlocked.

We advance through the door, and into the main room. Then, we hear a sneeze. The door slams shut behind us, and ponies spring out from around us. Each one of them pulls out... laser tag pistols? Like, they are made to look like actual laser pistols, but even I can tell they’re fake. Still, they startle us, and we pull out our real weapons. Beam is faster than all of us, “Well, brothers, your here to hunt me down more?”

Then, a pony walks out of the shadows. Wearing a suit, and carrying a double barreled shotgun, “Hippity hoppity, let’s commit an atrocity.”

Beam readies his laser rifle, “General Autismo, this is your great plan?”

Autismo smiles, “Wonderful plan, is it not? There’s a reason King Blueblood chose me to hunt you. Now, you and your ground pounding friends should surrender and then we will evaporate you.”

Beam laughs out loud, “Evaporate? Evaporate? Are you an idiot or something?”

Autismo loses that smile, “Better wording than your Democratic ideals! Now, be prepared to surrender and be dissolved, executed, whatever!”

I smirk, “Do you think we’re idiots? Those laser weapons are fakes.”

His eyes go wide, “Oh shit, you didn’t take the bait. Um... open fire!”

The Enclave ponies pull the trigger, before looking at him. One of them says out loud, “Nibba what? These guns are fake, how the shit are we supposed to open fire?!”

Autismo looks back with confidence, “We will trample them, then!”

They all share glances again, before the pony looks back at him, “They’s has guns! You think we can just trample on these nibbas!? Fucks wrong with you?”

Autismo just nods, “That is an order from your general, now kill them. You can crush them easily under your boots!”

The words appear to enspire confidence, so they just shrug and charge. Of course, it is only ten ponies wearing thin body suits. I take two out by bashing their heads until they break. Hunter and Sure Shot take one down each, and Sheild pummels one with his shotgun. Beam shoots one into dust, and Fuse stands there, not wanting to cause collateral damage. Rattle take out one more, and Hail guns down the two left.

When all the ponies hit the floor, Autismo stands there without a smile, “Well shit.”

He triggers his shotgun, firing both chambers, and the blast hits Hail’s armored hoof. He collapses on top of it, and Autismo starts to run through the building. I shout to the others, “Make sure Hail’s okay, I’ll get him!”

I charge in pursuit after him, nimbly dodging around any obstacles and running with great speed. He manages to be slightly faster than me as he uses his wings, and the face he wears less weight, to his advantage. He looks back constantly, and speeds up whenever he sees me getting closer, “Shit, shit, shit, shit!”

He knocks a desk in front of me, and I just push through it. I lose some ground as I run into it, and past it. I spot a door with an open window down the hallway, and useing some quick math, I guess he’s going for that.

He gets to the room, and slams the door shut. The metal door almost hits my muzzle. I ain’t got no time for that. I break my hoof through the door, and pull the handle from inside. I burst through the now open door, and see him rushing towards the window, almsot halfway through it.

I run at him, ready to beat the piss and shit out of his face and that grin he wore. He is about to get out the window when I jump at him. Almost in slow motion, I see him look over at me, and mouth out, “Shit.”

Apparently Autismo is a quick thinker, and he reaches into his bag with his wing. Finding whatever he needs, he takes it out.

I’m close to hitting him with my near torpedo speeds, but I’m stopped when I feel my horn hit something.

I collapse to the ground, and I see a orb land next to me. Autismo smiles, and slips out the window.

That’s all I can see before I slip into the memory.


Great, who’s my host this time? Actually, this doesn’t feel that weird. The one back at the factory had pain near his lungs, and the previous one was strange in ways I can’t describe. But this host feels no differnt then me. Unicorn, stallion, relatively young, no pains. That’s nice for a change.

My host is a white pony, blond hair, and blue eyes from what I can tell. Considering we are looking into a mirror, it’s not that hard to tell. My host also wears a suit, his entire appearance screaming rich.

After making sure he looks good, my host walks out the room. We are in a palace, a real palace. Waxed, cleaned, not destroyed. Too bright.

After a bit of striding about, we arrive to a dark corner.

We enter the door, and a pony in a lab coat looks up as we enter, “Ah, Duke Blueblood! What takes you to our labs?”

My host grimaces at the mention of his title, “Well, I hear there is a new thing. A megaspell, I believe?”

The scientist smiles proudly, “Oh, yes! It is our greatest invention yet! Now we won’t even need Lord Raven present to revive our warriors. Now there can be a lot less casualties and Lord Raven can focus on more macro-management instead of fighting in every battle.”

My host nods, “Do you think I could possibly get the way to cast one?”

The scientist shrugs, “They’re pretty advanced spells. Not that I’m insulting your magical ability, but you might not be able to use it.”

My host smiles, “Well, it would be good in case the Rebels attack me or my staff.”

The scientist nods, “I guess it would. Here, let me get in contact with Lord Raven.” The scientist walks over to an intercom, “Lord Raven, Duke Blueblood is asking to get how to cast a megaspell.”

A young voice cuts back on the intercom, “Give it to him then. Duke Blueblood has been nothing but helpful and cooperative, I find no reason to distrust him. Permission granted.”

The scientist smiles, “Thank you, Lord Raven.” The scientist then gives my host a book, “That is one of many copies on how to cast one. Treat it with care.”

My host nods gratefully, “I will.”

Then, the memory cuts to the outside, in a dark alleyway in the dead of night. My host is currently facing a shady pony, “King Blueblood, you called?”

My host hoofs over the book, “Turn this megaspell into a weapon, if possible. Weapons on this scale would be dangerous.”

The pony takes the book, “Right away, King Blueblood. Down with False Lord Raven.”

My host nods back, “Down with False Lord Raven.”


I wake up on my back, and sit up to see the group around me back in the main area. Hunter looks over towards me, “Ah, you’re finally awake.”

I see Hail sitting there, “Is Hail good?”

Hail responds himself, “I’m healed now. You know what really makes me pissed about this entire situation? I’m fine with him shooting me, if it was just me then that would be a good choice. What I’m mad about is the fact that he aimed for the heavily armored pony, when everypony surrounding me was barely even protected at all! Like, why? And in the hoof of all things!”

Shield stands up, “Cmon, Sentinel has recovered. We need to get moving again.”


Footnote: Level Up.

New Perk Added: Could Make a Joke About Slow Ponies Here — General Autismo outran you. That isn’t happening again. You run 10% quicker.