//------------------------------// // Origin: The Rare Angels, part 1 // Story: Friendship Force! // by Chrome Masquerade //------------------------------// Amy 'Sweet Reason' Bellaventura. A strange name belonging to a strange woman. Serenity 'Pure Rhyme' Bellaventura. A strange name belonging to the sister of the former. In the little town where the two lived, most of those born there were nicknamed after virtues shortly after birth. Surprisingly enough, most of them went on to fit the name that they were given. So it was with those two. Amy, rather verbose from the start, had developed a calculating intellect, able to perform massive equations quickly and determine the Feng Shui quotient of a location within seconds of entering it, among other talents. Serenity, a regularly very quiet girl, grew to be something of a child star. Her voice was crystal clear and she had absolutely perfect pitch, able to raise her voice to glass-shattering notes, or lower it to bone-shaking frequencies. Naturally, she only did that once, and regretted it come the morning. Another side effect of this was that she had the habit of slipping into rhyme when she wasn't paying attention. Either way, the two were something of a sensation around the area, managing to accrue no mean bit of fame. Yes, things were nigh-on perfect. Oooor they WOULD be, if there wasn't a whole protection racket going on, monthly. The people of the little town were forced to pay the vast majority of their earnings to the local crime boss. If they couldn't, something valuable was taken instead. "Except for us. We pay nothing." I'm GETTING to that. "Sorry!" (Sigh.) Yes, folks, though Serenity was often quiet, she could also see things that others couldn't. In this case, that includes the fifth wall. But that's getting off topic. As it happened, they were just barely to escape the racketeers, because they took most of the take from their 'performances'. Especially Serenity's little concerts. And that was okay. However, the last month had been rather dry, for everyone involved. SO.... There was a knock at the door. Amy queried, "Who is it?" "Hired goons." was the curt answer. "Hired goons?" Amy asked herself, before opening the door(1). Sure enough, before her stood four figures of varying sizes. The shortest one, in front, said, "We're here to get your share of protection money." "Protection?" Amy asked, her eyes narrowing. "I think we're quite capable of defending ourselves." she said, arms crossed. "Yeah... about that." the short man said, "Leo, tell her the thing." The second-tallest one stalked over and said, "Ya don' need no protection from us. ya needs protection FROM us, if ya know what I mean. Also, 'taxes' around here have been going up a bit, so..." The man's compatriots chuckled at that last bit. "If ya don' got da money," Leo went on, "We'll need to take something valuable. Like..." Leo looked around the room, eventually spotting a green urn, jade, to be exact. "Like that!" "NO!" Amy shouted. "Not negotiable! That jade urn has been in our family for over 1500 years! And if I have anything to say about it, it'll be there for 1500 more!" "Unfortunately for you," the largest man said, "You don't." he finished before knocking her to the side roughly. Amy saw stars a moment before everything went black. "Amy?" "Aaaamy?" Amy (barely) awoke to the feeling of being shaken. "Ugh... did anyone catch the number on that van that hit me?" she said scratchily. "SIS!" Serenity shouted, hugging her sister tightly. "You scared me!" Amy looked around herself, only to see that much more was gone than just the urn. Several other valuables had been taken as well. Worst of all... "They completely threw off the Feng Shui of the place!" Amy lamented, to an eye roll from her sister. "You're okay though, I hope? Those brutes didn't hurt you, did they?" Amy continued. "When i heard them come in, I ran to my room. It was the first place i thought of so soon. I hid in my closet and settled down, until they were no longer- I'm doing it again, aren't I?" Serenity said, interrupting herself before completing the next line. Looking around some more, Amy noticed a pile of ashes on the floor. "Grandma! Grandpa!" Amy said, crawling over to the ashes. Those were her many times great grandmother and grandfather's ashes, but this wan't the time to go through that. Amy solemnly pulled the pile of ashes into a more concentrated pile. "Serenity?" she asked. "Could you dig a hole out back? Quickly?" "Quicker than you." Serenity confirmed as she ran out the back door. By the time Amy had come, there was already a hole about four feet deep. Her sister really was pretty good with that, Amy speculated. "Now, to say a few words." Amy cleared her throat. "Many years have passed, and these ashes have remained undisturbed. Now, unfortunately, there has been a change. Those disrespectful to the dead have taken that which was yours, dear ancestors. If we could have defended your resting place, dear grandparents, we would have. As we are now, though? We didn't stand a chance. I'm sorry." she said, breaking into tears, but controlling herself otherwise. Serenity stepped up next. "I never really knew you, though i surely wish i could. Keeping touch with old family? I think that would be good. Alas, i cannot do this, so must do what I can, to give respect to those part of what made me who I... am." She wrinkled her nose. That one was kind of a stretch. Pouring the gathered ashes into the hole, the hole was then covered. Amy was the first to speak after that. "If only I wasn't so weak. I might've-" Serenity hugged her sister, cutting off her self-deprecation. "You couldn't have helped it, sis. There was nothing either of us could do." "I just wish..." Amy said, leaving the thought unfinished. Suddenly, twin bolts of rainbow-coloured energy streaked through the sky and struck the two of them. They jerked away, only to begin going through changes. Developing hooves where feet belonged, their hair growing out and the development of a tail, pony ears, a coat of purest white fuzz, the development of a muzzle, a long spiralled horn breaking through each of their skulls, causing blood to trickle down their faces. Being the older of the two, Amy's breasts had grown in size dramatically, ending up around E size. When all was said and done, the two looked at each other. There, before the world, stood two new pony-girls. The taller said, "Serenity? Is that you?" "You've changed too, sis." They looked themselves over. They felt stronger. Tougher. Faster. Suddenly, they felt something rush through their veins. The smaller pointed one finger, spoke a few notes, and a bolt of light streaked toward the fence, boring a hole in it. The taller spoke an equation too complicated to express here, and a blast of lightning hit right near where her sister's bolt hit. "You thinking what I'm thinking Serenity?" "Always. But from now on, call me... Sweetie Belle. That sounds right." the newly titled filly said. "Hmm... I suppose that makes me... Rarity. Rarity Belle. That sounds right too. I suggest that we train with these new abilities. What do you say, Sweetie?" "I was thinking the same." Those mobsters had no idea what they were in for.