//------------------------------// // Session 85 // Story: Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) // by Alex Warlorn //------------------------------// Session 85.0 Kendell2 *One smelling salts treatment, explanations, breathing exercises later* "Okay, let's start from the top," said Twilight. "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." "I'm Rainbow Dash, awesome to meet you," Rainbow Dash introduced. "I'm Fluttershy..." said Fluttershy in her normal timid, but kind fashion. "And I am Rarity Belle, pleasure to meet you darlings," said Rarity with a bow. "Hi! I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie! But you can all me Pinkie Pie!" introduced Pinkie. "And Ah'm Applejack, nice tah meetcha," Applejack introduced with a tip of her hat. "And I'm Starlight Glimmer," Starlight finished. The pink mare with a yellow mane blinked. "Wow, my name's Starlight too..." Pinkie Pie slid up next to them from offscreen with a slide whistle sound effect, looking between them. "Hmm...I don't think you're the same person from other universes, but I'm not quite sure..." "My name's Bright Eyes, this is...interesting..." Bright Eyes introduced. "Hello, my name is Sweetheart. It's really truly good to meet you," said the white furred mare. "Hey! My name's Patch! This is so cool!" the peach mare introduced, seeming amazed about this. "Name's Melody," the pink mare with the blue mane. "My name is Clover, this is so weird..." the purple mare replied, looking around and still trying to grasp the situation. "Bon Bon...do we have any snacks?" said the yellow mare. She then jumped as a table of snacks materialized out of nowhere. "We know a Bon Bon who looks kind of like you, maybe your alternate self?" asked Twilight. Rainbow Dash blinked, looking to Melody. "You sound familiar. I wonder if I've met our you..." "Nah, she and Starlight Glimmer just have the same voice actress!" Pinkie Pie explained, then looked directly at you the reader. "Look it up!" "Does she do that a lot?" asked Bright Eyes. "Yes, she's Pinkie Pie, don't question it for your own sanity," said Twilight. "I'll take your word for it..." "So, you're...what are you exactly?" their Starlight asked. "We're Pegasi," said Rainbow Dash. "We're unicorns, darling," Rarity explained. "Earth Ponies, just like you all," Applejack replied. "And I'm an Alicorn," Twilight explained. "I'm kind of...all of the above in that list." "So Bright Glow's sister was an Alicorn and she was a pegasus, cool..." Patch said, smiling. "...Do you know a girl named Bright Glow?" "Sorry, can't say we do." "Oh..." Having already had the 'this is not a dream' speech, the group sat down...except Bon Bon who grabbed some snacks first. "So, what game are we playing?" asked Bright Eyes. "O&O is our go to," said Rainbow Dash. The seven ponies raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" Melody asked. "Ogres and Oubliettes?" Rainbow clarified, getting more blank looks. "You make characters and raid dungeons, fight bosses? Wizards? Fighters? Mages?" "Oh! You mean Dungeons and Dragons!" Patch replied. One explanation later, the group discovered the two games were virtually identical barring some details. "Well we're all familiar with it, so seems like a good idea, let's make our characters," Twilight said, glad things had calmed down. The mane six and Starlight all made the character classes they had grown accustomed to. As for their guests: Starlight had chosen a wizard, specifically a unicorn (while not exactly the same, due to unicorns allegedly being fictional in her universe, fit close enough). Bright Eyes was an Earth Pony Druid. Sweetheart was an Earth Pony Cleric in service of Berroneighar Truesilver. Melody was naturally a Bard to no one's surprise. Patch chose a Rogue, with stats taliored to become a Duelist Prestige Class later on. "Hmm...I don't know what to be..." said Bon Bon, not finding a cook or baker. Everyone was surprised when she went with a Barbarian Earth Pony designed to look very Amazonian and wearing attire that wouldn't look out of place on a model. Patch stared in shock. "Really?" "Hey, I want to be a model, seemed closest..." Bon Bon said, blushing a bit. "You want to be a model, darling?" Rarity asked, looking her over. "You certainly have the face for it." She left out that she was a little on the pudgy side, she was a young girl, so she had all the time in the world. "You really think so?" the young mare asked, face lighting up. "Certainly, and I would know. I make dresses for the best fashion models in Canterlot!" Rarity replied. "If we lived in the same universe I'd introduce you, but I can give you some pointers and maybe have a dress prepared if we meet again." "Thanks, that'd be great!" The group then stalled for about ten minutes as Clover debated classes. "Uh, Clover, I know we'll be returned to the time we left, but can you pick up the pace a little?" asked Patch. "Sorry...I hate choosing..." muttered the young mare, ultimately just throwing together a mishmash of classes like Starlight often did... And then managing to roll ALL 18s on her stat rolls. "Geeze! Talk about lucky!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Well it is my special talent," said Clover, blushing a little. "Luck I mean." "Oh, so that's why your Cutie Mark is a four leaf clover?" asked Twilight. The seven visitors cocked their heads and Patch snickered. "What's a Cutie Mark?" asked Bright Eyes as Patch tried not to laugh. "You don't know what they are? But you have them!" said Rainbow Dash, pointing to hers. "You know? Symbol on your flank that appears when you find your special talent?" "Oh! You mean Rump Designs," replied Bright Eyes, saying that with complete earnest as if it were common speech. "...You call Cutie Marks Rump Designs?" asked Rainbow Dash incrediously. "You call Rump Designs Cutie Marks?" asked Patch. "Yes," replied Twilight and Starlight at the same time... Before Patch and Rainbow Dash both fell out of their seats laughing so hard they had to hold their stomachs. "...So, who's going to be Oubliette Overseer/Dungeon Master?" Pinkie Pie asked, not finding anything strange about the conversation they just had, and actually saying the slash in her sentence. "That's a good question..." said Twilight. Suddenly there was screaming and Shining Armor fell from the sky and landed in the Overseer's chair, landing upside down. "...Discord, if you weren't an all powerful god of chaos, I would strangle you..." "Hi BBBFF!" Twilight called. "Hi Twiley..." said Shining Armor, still upside down while Rainbow and Patch rolled on the floor laughing. "...A little help here?" OOC: Yes, from G1 to G3, Cutie Marks were officially called Rump Designs. Fans called them Symbols, but official merch called them Rump Designs. Session 85.1 Kendell2 "Okay, so recap, you're all from another universe because Discord, got it," Shining Armor replied. "...You say that way too causally..." the alternate Starlight said. "To you this is probably one of the weirdest days ever, to us this is Tuesday," the prince replied. "...Okay, it's actually Wednesday, but you get the point. Now, let me introduce myself, I'm Shining Armor, Twilight's big brother." The seven introduced themselves once again, as well as their characters at his request. "Wait, you're a Cleric?" asked Shining to Sweetheart. Sweetheart nodded. "Yes." "FINALLY! Did it really take this long for someone to want to be a Cleric?!" Shining asked, elated. "...Sorry, been holding that in for a long time." "It's fine," Sweetheart replied with a pleasant smile. "Now..." Shining Armor said, looking to Starlight Glimmer and the other Starlight. "You're both named Starlight, that's going to get confusing." "Just call me Glimmer then," Starlight Glimmer replied. "Alright, fair enough," Shining Armor replied. "So, now we just need a campaign, anyone of our guests have a favorite?" "Something with pirates! Or giants! Or dragons!" Patch suggested. "Something about saving the environment would be interesting," Bright Eyes replied. The others were pretty much good for anything. "I think I have just the thing," said Shining Armor. "If only I had my stuff from home..." A slide whistle sound effect sounded and several piles of O&O books fell around Shining. "Thank you, Discord..." said Shining Armor. "So...what exactly IS Discord?" asked Bright Eyes. "The literal embodiment of Chaos," said Twilight. "He's also a reality warper who used to be an evil overlord." "Yeah, he got turned to stone for a few thousand years, then escaped and tried to take over the world again, but we kicked his butt and turned him to stone," Rainbow Dash said, before hearing an insulted scoff from the ether. "That's what happened and you know it, and I know you're not proud of the detailed version." "...Touche..." was Discord's replied from nowhere. "Then Fluttershy befriended him and convinced him to be good," Twilight explained, getting her notes in order. The seven visitors stared in wide eyed surprise. "Cool..." Patch said, amazed. "You weren't lying when you said this was Tuesday to you..." Bon Bon replied. "So are you like superheroes or something?" Patch asked. "Totally! We're the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and save the world about once a year," Rainbow Dash explained. "Wow..." "Alright, got it!" Shining Armor said, producing everything for the campaign. He then cleared his throat. "The land was once vibrant, flourishing location. Forests spreading out in all directions, people living in harmony with nature...in so much as was possible in a world inhabited by monsters that can kill you by looking at you...But that all changed when a great evil rose, blotting the land and poisoning it, leaving things to wither and die. Now you must find this evil, the dreaded Smog Dragon Losvir Di Gemuth*, before everything is lost..." "...You should narrate movie trailers," Patch said, impressed. "Thanks! Any questions?" asked Shining Armor. "Yeah...what's a smog dragon?" asked Bright Eyes. "That's not in our version, maybe it's from an edition you have that we don't?" "Maybe, which addition do you have now?" "Advanced 2nd addition." "...Do you have the Monstrous Manual?" "No..." "...Okay, got a lot to catch you up on then..." She raised an eyebrow. "How many are there now?" "...Five. I was hoping you at least had 3rd addition." * According to a translator that seems legit, this means Bane of Nature in Draconic. OOC: D&D was only up to 2nd Addition in 1992. Session 85.2 Alex Warlorn Discord snapped his fingers. And lo and behold, in the void appeared a hot and sexy barbarian earth pony warrior appeared. "Yes, just like that!" Bon Bon said. Shining Armor said, "Discord, I can appreciate this, I really do, I heard about your LARP spell, it really does add to the community... " Shining Armor in light of Discord helping save Equestria from the changelings, Queen Chrysalis, (thought big brother), didn't bring up how Discord had stabbed him and all of Equestria in the back after Tirek had sweet talked him into it, then forgotten about it after Tirek stabbed him in the back. "But a point of this game is to use your imagination, it's nice to have tools, but this sort of thing can kill the inspiration, it can turn into a video game." Discord huffed, "You're just jealous." "BWAHAHAH! You'll never stop Trixie's evil plan to enslave Equestria for Lord Smauge and then betray him for my own power!" Said a blue unicorn in a purple cape with insane look in her eye, with a tone, expression, body language, and attitude that all screamed 'expendable 1-D villain.' "Uh-oh, it seems to be stuck in 'notes review' mode!" Discord said snapping his fingers trying to fix it. "Geeze, how unrealistically cliche can toy," Melody said, "And that 'third person speak' is so obviously fake, nobody actually talks like that." "Okay, maybe it still has some bugs to work out," Discord admitted. Glimmer glared daggers at Twilight. "SORRY! SORRY! That was when I'd met Trixie only once! Back when we all we knew about her 'lied about her accomplishments, humiliated three of my friends, and inspired two idiots to bring an Ursa Minor to town!'" "WAIT?! You mean that pony actually EXISTS?!" "That version only exists in Twilight Sparkles' head," Glimmer snorted. "Twili, remember you gave me some of your old adventure notes from seven years back, and you told me I could do what I wanted with them?" "I THOUGHT you'd just bury them in your pile of notes or something!" "All hail Gilda, Goddess of Bullies, we shall share the bully-hood of the dragon with all." Said a buncha of griffins in cloaked hoods. "We shall scare old ladies and steal apples, and randomly shout at animal lovers, we are truly the pinnacles of bullying!" Fluttershy said, "Now Twilight, that wasn't nice of you to write Gilda like that..." "Actually... that was one of mine," Rainbow Dash admitted. Starlight said, "Well, at least we don't have any embarrassing to reveal right?" She should have known better than to say those words. Then a handsome teenage earth pony stallion with a American soccer ball cutie mark with a blond mane and coat dressed up in fantasy era clothing with a sword and feathery hat appeared and swooned dramatically, "Oh Dame Starlight! Save me, your Prince Ace! From the wicked witch Melody's enslavement! Only you can lead me to redemption!" Melody turned darkly to Starlight. "It was for a solo-adventure I wrote just for myself! I never meant to share with anyone!" Starlight defended. "I'm guessing love triangle," Pinkie Pie said. "DISCORD TURN THAT THING OFF THIS INSTANT!" Rarity snapped. "Some things shouldn't be shown to others!" "AH AGREE!" Honest Applejack said. "Sorry," Discord said, snapping his fingers, turning the illusion spell off. Session 85.3 Ardashir (with edits by me) However the spell glitched and showed them a vaguely familiar, adorable little pegasus filly. Her eyes gleamed with power-lust. Madness twisted her face. "BWA-AHAHAHA!" She raised a spiky and ornate crown, setting it atop her head. "I shall betray everypony and make myself Empress! All, all shall kneel before me and despair!" Applejack blinked. "Huh, who wrote that character up?" "An evil little filly?" Melody shook her head. "Come on, nopony could believe that! Children are innocent and adorable. I mean sure, my little sisters destroy everything they touch, but they aren't MALICIOUS about it." She didn't see how Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all gave her unbelieving stares. "Heh!" Discord waved one paw and the image vanished. "Now how did that get in there?" Session 85.4 Alex Warlorn "Oh man, with everything going on I forgot! I brought chicken mcnuggests!" Patch brought out a box of fried chicken meat and began scarfing them down. She noticed the Equestrian ponies were staring at her. "Oh! Right! Sorry! You want some?" She pushed the box forward. The Equestrian ponies mostly turned green, except Fluttershy who fainted. Princess Twilight began rambling to herself, "It's the visits to the human world all over again!" This was WHY she wanted her friends to avoid visiting the world of humans! Now the scenario she'd tried to avoid for so long was unfolding before her eyes. Twilight understood Fluttershy's reaction... considering her animals discussed the meaning of written books, mice made houses, Angel could legally enter contests by himself, and raccoons were capable of understanding and carry out a paying job. Rainbow Dash, without thinking, reached out and ate it,, her eyes widened as she looked at her friends like a deer caught in the headlights. "Er, I might have developed a taste hanging out with Gilda..." Rarity took Rainbow Dash's hand and softly patted her hoof, she said in a warm kind voice, "It's okay Rainbow Dash, we'll help you fix your problem." Rainbow pulled her hoof back, "I don't have a problem to be fixed!" Bon Bon looked at the Equestrian ponies and said, "Wait, wait wait, you're all some totalitarian vegan society or something?" Patch, being Patch, exclaimed, "They come from a dark alternate universe where PETA has conquered the world!" Fluttershy snapped back awake. "Oh! I just had a horrible dream where our new friends were cannibals and they ate poor Elizabeak!" Fluttershy saw the chicken McNuggests and yelped. Bright Eyes said as politely as she could, "I must object, 'cannibal' refers to an creature eating its own species. And don't worry, they're free range chickens, I helped write the article." Bright Eyes had sadly misread the reason for their disgust (even Homer nods). Living right next to the Diamond Wolves who were most definitely NOT herbivores in the slightest, Shining Armor could only duck down as two speeding trains and the resulting culture clash explosion. (When the Diamond Wolves had bought several crystal sheep, the crystal ponies assumed they were for wool or pets... then the truth came out and Shining Armor had come crawling to BLUEBLOOD to help prevent a war!). Session 85.5 Kendell2 and Ardashir with edits Shining Armor had flashbacks to that incident that had nearly sparkled a war between the Crystal Empire and one of its neighbors. "Yoo-hoo, Diamond Wolves, here we are! We brought some food for the crystal sheep... Why is this big pile of bones here?" "Ponies give Wolves sheep, Wolves give Ponies sheep bones back! Do ponies want some fresh mutton?" The Wolf held out a haunch of mutton. It dripped crimson and stll bore part fo a collar with a tag reading 'Wooly'. The Crystal Ponies stared in shock, and then: "... AHHHH! You murdering, mutton-eating fiends!... This is as bad as when Sombra used to feed us to them!... The K'Kree were right, death to all carnivores!" "GRRRR! Stupid Ponies!" Sweetheart whimpered as the resulting argument predictably happened, with Rainbow Dash taking their side at least. To her surprise it was the shy Fluttershy pony who was the most angry about it. The new ponies were all angry at them for eating meat, while her friends didn't see anything wrong with it, and it'd quickly devolved into a debate when they'd just about to start a game. She was admittedly relieved that Clover's anxiety prevented her from being involved. Thankfully for everyone involved, Sweetheart was not pre-character development Fluttershy. That said... "I can't believe you would eat a helpless little creature!" Fluttershy shouted. "Ponies are omnivores, what's wrong with eating meat?" Bright Eyes replied, holding up a chart. "So long as it's done ethically." She had still been granted a quiet, calm voice, which wasn't exactly good at getting attention, especially in the middle of an argument. That said, she knew someone who was, if Mr. Discord would bring him over. *One emergency teleportation, information, and acceptance of the franky crazy situation later.* Just before everyone was prepared to say they didn't want anything to do with each other. "WILL EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP! YOU'RE UPSETTING SWEETHEART!" Everyone jumped, blinking and turning to Sweetheart, who was now standing next to a blue teenaged colt with an orange mane and tail (the former in a mohawk) and wearing a pair of shades resting on his forehead, his Cutie Mark (or Rump Design, as he called it) a black comb. "Thank you, Teddy," said Sweetheart, kissing him on the cheek and making him blush. "Shucks, you're welcome Sweetheart," said the colt. Sweetheart looked back. "Sorry, but it can be hard to get ponies' attention when you're quiet..." "...I know how that is..." Fluttershy admitted. "I understand why you're upset..." said Sweetheart to their new friends. "But keep in mind we're from another world. Things just don't work the same way in Ponyland they do here. Animals in our world aren't nearly as smart as they are in Equestria and no one can talk to them like they can in your world. We also don't have Earth Pony magic to grow plants as easily as you do." "...How do you know that?" Patch asked, looking over. "Because unlike everypony here I actually asked someone who knows how things work in the other universe," said Sweetheart, Discord peaking out of her mane and waving with a miniture neon sign reading 'Me' on it pointing to his head, causing Teddy to scream and jump back in surprise. "What can I say? She makes me think of Fluttershy...sort of," said Discord before he disappeared, causing Teddy to look around in confusion. Patch suddenly got an embarrassed look. "Oh...right." "We're all just making assumptions about each other, and I thought we learned several times that's a bad idea to do..." said Sweetheart, looking to her friends. Clover cringed, thinking about her sister's wedding. Bright Eyes cringed thinking about listening to everyone's assumptions about tropical island. EVERYONE cringed at one particular memory about assuming a polluter was responsible for dumping trash in the river and it being no one's fault but their own. "Yeah, like when you all just assumed I stole Melody's stupid tape player?" asked Teddy. Melody sighed. "...Point taken..." "And we've...maybe made similar assumptions ourselves..." said Twilight. Pinkie's mane went straight for a moment. "Yeah, I know..." "But...but how could animals be different? We're not all that different..." Fluttershy muttered. "...Probably magic," Twilight replied. "The moment the Spike from the human world came in contact with pure Equestrian magic, it uplifted him to full sapience. It's likely animals in Equestria just had their intelligence boosted by magic compared to where they came from. We even see this in less magically rich areas in our world, like the Griffonlands. So it's entirely possible that's the cause." "That and Twiley, I'm saying this because I hate seeing you like this," Shining Armor said. Screw staying out of the culture clash, he wasn't letting his sister fall into this trap when she was in a role she could cause an international incident if she let it cause an outburst and running a school catering to ALL races. "...Guard ponies are trained to eat meat as a matter of survival if we CAN'T find plants to eat. That and...I'm sorry to say, as much as we like animals, that's kind of...well specist." The group stared at him in surprise. Shining Armor looked to their new friends. "Griffons don't exist in your world, do they?" "...Not that we know of," said Bright Eyes. "Ah, that explains it," Shining Armor replied. "What do you mean?" asked Rainbow, becoming a bit defensive of Gilda. "Do remember for a large portion of our history, Griffons and ponies got along like Lava Demons and Ice Orcs. In part because Griffons used to EAT us, so not entirely unfounded. But most of our taboo on eating mean comes from that: we hate eating meat because it was something the 'enemy' did. We SYMPATHIZED with the animals because we were prey too, to the point of demonizing the predators. Griffons NEED meat. And that conflict between our species left THEM with anti-herbivore prejudices. Fact of the matter is, we ponies ARE omnivores, we aren't pure herbivores. If it weren't for that conflict, we would likely have never STOPPED including some meat in our diet. I don't like eating meat, but I'm TRAINED to be able to if it's a matter of life and death, so I can see this a little less bias than you can: they never HAD that conflict. There was never an 'other' who ate meat to be angry at and demonize it, so they never stopped. We might not like it, but it's not WRONG." "...You're surprisingly good at that..." said Rarity. "...Actually, 90 percent of that came from Blueblood negotiating with Crystal Wolves to avoid a war," said Shining with a sigh. "...He's RIGHT though: ponies might be all about friendship and tolerance, but we've been conditioned to see carnivorous tendencies as evil, when for some species it's just LIFE..." "...Fluttershy...you know some of your animals would DIE without meat, right?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy bluntly. "...I...that's different than eating meat when you don't have too..." "From the sound of it without Earth Pony magic, they kinda HAVE to." "...I still don't like it..." "And there's nothing wrong with that, but Fluttershy, if there's one thing that seems WRONG for YOU of all ponies, it's HATE," said Rainbow Dash. "...You're right...I...I'll try to calm down..." "...I'm sorry..." said Bright Eyes. "I think our folly was forgetting different worlds work differently...BOTH of us...We're so used to PETA's craziness that we kinda assumed no one would object to eating meat if they didn't think like them..." Patch quietly put away her chicken without another word...or rather did so when Starlight elbowed her and pointed for her to do so. "And I'm sorry too...we're meant to being friendship to other races, not argue with them..." said Twilight. "Can we please get back to trying to play the game?" Sweetheart asked. "Yeah...Does...Teddy want to play?" asked Twilight. "Eh, no thanks, I'm not into ner-" Teddy started, only to get a look from Sweetheart. "D&D isn't my thing." "That's good, given we're at critical mass for players anyway," Shining Armor pointed out. "Thank you Teddy," Sweetheart said, nuzzling him. "Anytime, Sweetheart...but I think I'll stick around, just because it looks cool around here..." the teenager replied...though it was obvious to some of those watching he was staying to make sure she'd be okay. Session 85.6 Ardashir While the current Mane Six played games with a former Mane Six, the Student Six were Playing through a game of 'Call of Ponythulu' with Trixie. "And," Trixie said, casting a spell to darken the room, lowering her voice to sound sinister as she eyed the students over the edge of her cloak, "the nameless, indescribable horror slithers closer -- closer -- ever closer! It's eyes agleam, its tentacles wriggling... What is the matter?" The students were looking at her, vaguely embarrassed. "Are the special effects of the Great and Fearsome Trixie not enough for you?" "Ah, not really," Gallus waved one claw in dismissal. "After seeing what was in those caves, this stuff really isn't all that scary." He pointed at an illustration in the rulebook. "Yeah," Smolder nodded agreement. "After seeing our worst fears? Tentacles and fins and way too many eyes don't scare ya all that much. Am I right, guys? Yona? Sandbar?" "Yona not scared," the little Yak girl said, carefully not looking at the book. Sandbar looked like he would have agreed if not for his eyes going ever wider as he looked at the monster in the book. Trixie smirked. "The illustration may not frighten, but how about THIS?" The lights in the room suddenly went dark. "Real scary," Gallus said and yawned. Then he froze as a tall figure began to appear from the dark. Tall, and slender, and faceless, and equipped with long lashing tentacles. It slithered towards the six students -- who promptly broke up laughing. "Aw, come on," Gallus said as the lights came back up and a furious Trixie glared at them. "We all heard about Slender Mane within a day of coming here ta school! Everyone knows he's a fake!" He turned and saw Ocellus trying to look unobtrusive, and with a sudden inspiration said, "Hey, Ocellus here could do something scarier than that!" Ocellus looked ready to back away, only to freeze as Trixie stomped up to her and snorted, "Very well, Trixie DEMANDS Little Miss Bug Pony try to scare her!" Ocellus looked around, saw her friends' smiles and Trixie's fury. She gulped and changed shape. Outside Spike was cleaning the hallway ceiling, a much easier job now that he had wings. He froze as the nearest door slammed open. With a wild shriek Trixie fled out from it and raced down the hall. "Trixie never wants to read another Horsecraft story ever again!" And with a final shriek, she vanished down the hall. "Okay," Spike shook his head. "Now what happened -- GURK!" He turned to see an immense spidery head looking at him, all thrashing palps and poison-dripping fangs and a tooth-lined throat going down to infinity, set with two pale blue eyes like Ocellus'. Long multi-jointed legs tipped with huge claws reached out and pulled him closer and said -- "Oh, Mister Spike! It's me, Ocellus. I hope I didn't scare you too bad, but Gallus wanted me to scare Trixie, and Miss Trixie dared me," she pointed one claw-tipped leg into the corner where the rest of the Student Six were cringing, "and I guess I used a form I really shouldn't have but, er, hello? Mister Spike?" She tapped him on the head with one claw. "Are you supposed to be making those noises when your pupils shrink down to pinpricks?" Session 85.77 Mtangalion Principal Celestia yawned, then sipped her coffee and put on one of her favorite patented smiles (It’s never too early in the morning to tease my baby sister). "It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this, Lulu." The fearsome taskmistress of Canterlot High, implacable guardian of the faculty parking lot... was camped out at her personal computer in a bathrobe and bunny slippers, with a glass of orange juice and a hastily made plate of hash browns on hand. She glanced away from World of Horsecraft to smirk at her sister. "Are we too old for a bit of fun now, Celly? I think not!" Celestia took that as an invitation to come closer and watch over Luna’s shoulder. "Oh, you’ve made a Thestral Sentinel." She furrowed her brow. "You named her Moon Child? Will she be charging into battle with mood rings and a sitar?" Luna tapped the mouse and keyboard frantically. "You do realize, not a single one of our students would get that reference? Except for that Tree Hugger girl. And Twilight Sparkle, perhaps..." Click, click-click... "An ambush? Die, Nightmare Moon cultists! HAH! You shall not menace Hollow Shades again!" She grabbed a bite of her hash browns in between battles. "Mmmf. Hah, what fools! Why do they rush to attack me, when ten of their fellows lie dead at my hooves?" Celestia chuckled. "One of Equestria’s great mysteries." She tapped her chin. "It looks like you’re just about saved the city. Time for the new dungeon where you rout the cultist leaders once and for all?" Luna beamed. "A worthy test of my new skills! Now I only need wait for the Random Dungeon Finder to supply me with competent allies, and..." Luna’s game played a drum roll and popped up a window. "Sun Dappled has invited you to a party? Deer druid..." She spun in her seat. "You!?" Celestia had pulled up a chair and opened her laptop. "As you said, Lulu, we’re not too old for a bit of fun!" Session 85.78 Alex Warlorn Inside the vast procedurally generated, and now blessed with multiplayer universe simulator No Mare's Sky, Gilda sniggered to herself. "Another day, another dweep's base torn to piece..." Gilda flew over a nice pretty base that looked like it had taken hours in game to put together... Gilda got her claw-tool ready to turn it into junk... and her virtual beak flew right into an invisible virtual wall. "HEY! What gives?!" A big virtual head up sign appeared, Gilda read, "Patch update... bases can now be set to 'anyone, no one, friends only?' AAAH!!!" Meanwhile on another planet... "HEY! What's gives?! There are the bajillion sentinels? This planet was the best for fighting them!" Rainbow Dash complained as the update notice appeared. "Hello! Don't worry! We've fixed up that annoying bug that caused hundreds of sentient drones to descend on you all at once, no need to thank us." "DANGIT!" - "Don't worry random alien in a little house on a deserted planet, I'll happily take up this archeological mission for you!" Twilight said happily, ready to research in a video game, it was bliss! Session 85.9 Ardashir It was another (and increasingly rare) quiet day around the school, mostly due to the rain outside. Twilight walked into her office to find Spike with one of the Power Ponies Comics. He was so deeply involved in reading that to her amusement Twilight was able to sneak up behind him before he noticed. She leaned in close and whispered. "Spike, getting ready for another trip to Maretropolis?" "Huh? GAH!" Spike jumped from the chair. "Oh, Twi, it's you. I was wondering if the Student Six were interested in going through one of these again." "The students read one?" Twilight looked at the comic. "How did they enjoy it?" "They seem to have liked it. They even talked Garble into coming along." Spike shrugged. "They were kind of annoyed when they all became ponies, but the Power Ponies enchanted comics aren't set for more than one or two non-ponies per story yet. Of course it was a little different for them -- Smolder was Saddle Rager, so she didn't have any problems getting angry, for one thing. And some of them became other less commonly used character while some, uh, didn't." "I can imagine," Twilight flicked one ear as she thought of the little dragonness's temper. "And wait, what 'other' characters?" *** "YEAH!" The huge orange-colored mare dove into the middle of High Heel's goons, sending them flying. Smolder waved her hooves high. "Aw, yeah! I wish I had my fire, and scales, and wings, but this is nearly as good!" "You keep them busy, Saddle Rager!" A green mare turned into a river serpent, slithered between the two hulking fashionbots guarding High Heel's doomsday device, then turned back into herself and with a blow sent one smashing into another. Ocellus, currently Miss Maretian, flew at the enraged supervillainess. "I'll handle High Heel and her Transmogrifier Ray Cannon!" "Stop her before she turns everypony in Maretropolis into a ponyquin!" A silver streak dashed by the other robot. Using a downed power line, it tangled the robot's legs. The massive metal monstrosity collapsed into a nearby pool and was blown to bits by the ensuing electric surge. The streak stopped long enough to reveal Silverstream. She clapped her hooves. "Eeeeh! This is great! I feel like talking even faster then usual and wow but I never thought pony hooves were as useful as claws!" "Yona love this!" The Yak girl, currently a pony like the rest, flew overhead, sending frigid winds down on the Transmogrifier Ray Cannon. "This almost as good as Yak games. But hey, where Radiance at?" Off to one side a Sandbar-colored Mistress Mare-velous spoke to a blue Radiance. The latter stood upright, arms folded across her chest and with a sour look on her face. "Oh, come on!" Mare-velous used her lasso to snatch a pair of hoods back and clonk their heads together. "Just have some fun, Gallus! Besides," 'she' snickered, "you wanted to be one of the 'popular characters'." 'Radiance' rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine." 'She' caught her reflection in a nearby plate of glass and shuddered as she flew forward. "But ugh, how do those Wolves and Changelings do this? And I ain't pulling shorty's fat back outta the fire again!" "Hey!" A red-scaled Spike-sized draconic Humdrum stomped forward. He thrust a claw at his chest. "I don''t need some dweeb griffon turned dweeb mare ta help me --" That was the moment when the last robot stomped its metallic foot down on him. "Ow. Okay, maybe a little..." *** "Huh, they all became ponies except for Garble? Just like when you played?" Twilight began examining Spike's comic. "I'm surprised, Equestria's not just ponies any more. Who -- a-hah!" She waved the comic. "'Supported by the EEA?' Now I know why it's all ponies. I never thought Neighsay cared about comics, though." *** Yet elsewhere, a young pony Humdrum in another Enchanted Comic watched as the Power Ponies battled their way through the Mane-iac's latest plan, rescuing both him and the city in the process. Neighsay, looking like the colt he once was and dressed as Humdrum, sighed as he once again watched Equestria's greatest heroines save everypony. "I would never say this in the real world," he dreamily watched, "but sometimes I wish the Princesses would be as good at saving Equestria as these mares." Session 85.10 Alex Warlorn Princess Twilight smiled, "Ooh! A new Prance Prance Revolution game! I've gotta try it out!" Spike cringed. "Uh, Twilight, is that such a good-" Princess Twilight wasn't listening. "READY TO MAKE SOME NOISE?!" The machine sang. *two minutes later* "DANCE-TOO-TERRIBLE-CANNOT-EXIST-BUT-DOES-EXIST! DOES NOT COMPUTE!" Then it exploded. Featherweight took a photo. Session 85.11 Grogar-the-oneser The mail-pony gulped, the entrance to Tartarus was surrounded by monsters. most of them ready to leap from there cages to attack any intruders who enter their domain, with the one roaming free being the dangerous Cerberus "D-delivery for T-t-tirek." The mail-pony gulped as he handed Cerberus the letter. Cerberus grunted as he led the mail-pony to Tirek cell. "Oh good... a letter. I wonder if my penpal has anything to say today." Tirek stated with a grin as the mail-pony gulped before handing Tirek the letter, then run away screaming. Tirek simply open the letter and cackled as he saw two words. 'It's Time!' Session 85.12 Ardashir, Mtangalion, Alex Warlorn "And that's why you should never ignore your natural urges," said teacher Fluttershy with a smile. "Gallus." "Yes Miss Fluttershy?" "Eat Sandbar." "What!?" "You're resisting your natural urges, if you don't eat Sandbar, I'll have to give you an 'F'." "It's okay Gallus, I want to be eaten," said Sandbar, now dressed as a hamburger, "I'm just so tasty and juicy, you should start with my left thigh." "N-No!" Gallus took a step back, now wearing a bib with the words 'Supper time!' on it. "Now now Gallus, are you going to deny your friend's request?" Fluttershy said, now dressed in a hotdog bun. "Eat me, eat me, eat me, you know you want to... all these tasty ponies around... you want to..." Sandbar said getting closer and closer. "Eat me!" Gallus awoke with a yelp. "What a nightmare... Hopefully the other students don't have similar problems!" As they all slept Smolder said in her sleep, "Yeah... pile up that gold, ponies... Your dragon queen commands... And then we'll have a tea party! -- GAH!" Ocellus said in her sleep, "Sandbar, I can't take all your love, you'd have nothing. But it tastes so delicious... Maybe just this once..." Yona shouted in her sleep, "Yona tired of ponies mocking sacred Yak traditions! YONA SMASH!" Silverstream said in her sleep, "I guess every-hippogriff was right, we need to go back undersea and stay away from the drylanders. But ugh, that endless chorus of 'shoo-bi-doo'!" And Sandbar in his sleep was saying, "Yes, new Headmaster Neighsay, you were right... The other races are less friendly than ponies, we need to keep them out of Equestria. For their good just like ours..." Meanwhile with the Diamond Wolves and Diamond Dogs... Pavel slept drooling. "Tasty meats, drool..." Scruff drooled in their sleep too. "Fresh from hunt... nom nom... " The new parrot chick students looked at each other and asked the nearest adult, "Can we bunk with the thestrals instead?" The Thestral students said, "Only if you brought apples." Ocellus came out wanting to speak with Sandbar about him sharing some love and yelped, "AH! Thestrals!" "Oh right, Thestrals use to eat changelings, because, ya know, giant bugs, but we don't do that anymore." "Could you stop chewing on my leg then?" "Oh, okay, sorry!" --- Sleeping Princess Wavedancer grumbled, "GET OUT OF OUR OCEAN YOU STUPID HIPPOGRIFFS!" She punched around in her sleep. In the next room over Silverstream in her sleep felt like she's been punched. --- Cutest Little Pegasus Student with really big innocent eyes, AKA Cozy Glow told Princess Twilight, "I'm so sorwee! I was looking through books on evil mind control magic, to learn about how to counter evil mind control magic, and I might have accidentally activated one that causes base instincts to become more pronounced." Princess Twilight Sparkle said looking at her big cute eyes, "Well, we all make mistakes!" Starlight Glimmer came into Twilight office looking distraught, "Uh! Twilight! A few books containing some, cough, private spell research of mine -- all purely innocent I assure you, merely working on some projects from an earlier stage of my life -- may have gotten placed into the school library by mistake." Starlight Looked at books on Twilight's table. "Oh, never mind, I see you and this innocent little filly found them. And before they could cause any harm, heh." Smolder outside in hall said, "Ewww! What did I step in? Oh, man, that is gross!" Yipper, Diamond Dog Student replied, "Yipper just felt sudden urge to mark territory." "With jelly donuts?!" Princess Twilight sighed. "Thankfully this is what failsafe spells are for." One quick failsafe spell undid the other spell's effect. "All from here?" Starlight asked. "I was inspired by that 'brainwash ponies at a distance' spell you created." "Ah." "That failsafe spell is great to have Princess Twilight, I bet you can foil lots of evil scheme with it," praised Cozy Glow. "Well, kinda. It doesn't work on Discord's magic." "Really? Wow! So Miss Starlight, you really made a 'brainwash ponies at a distance' spell?" "OH! Well! Erm! Kinda! I was really just trying to get everypony to listen more to what I had to say, and I went overboard." "Can you tell me about it so I won't make the same mistakes and go overboard too?" "That's very considerate and shows thinking ahead Cozy Glow!" Princess Twilight nodded. "Thank you!" Cozy Glow said with her pure innocent smile. - "And here's Starlight Glimmer's 'secret list of weaknesses', she asked me to put it together in case she ever went evil again and for me to give to somepony I trust," Twilight told Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow saluted. "Don't worry Princess Twilight! I'll put it good use!" - "And that's the best way to string along Apple Bloom and her friends if they ever get one of their crazy schemes in their heads again and need to be convinced to try something else." "Thank you Miss Applejack, I wouldn't want my best friends to do anything reckless and not be able to convince them that were going to hurt themselves." "You're one consider filly Cozy Glow, the nicest filly Ah know." "Thank you!" She smiled and nodded. - "If you really want to catch Discord off guard and throw him a surprise party-" Fluttershy explained as Cozy Glow carefully wrote down notes. - "Oh Rainbow Dash! I'm no good at flying! Not like you and the Wonderbolts!" Cozy Glow cried rivers. "That not true! Me and the Wonderbolts have all kinda short comings and weaknesses!" "You're just making that up!" "No I'm not! Here, let me tell you-" - "Trixie will be gone for a while! At least three days! But she will return! Thank you little filly! She will enjoy Los Pegasus!" "Miss Trixie, you've thwarted evil with or without magic, I learned about that, you're a pony everypony should keep an eye on! Those villains were idiots for underestimating the great and powerful Trixie! The ponies will all love you in Los Pegasus!" "I know they shall!" And Trixie was off. - "And that's how I was able to mess up King Sombra's entire scheme just by being there to help!" "Thanks Spike! Your adventure was fun to listen to! I'll be sure to remember everything I learned from it!" "My pleasure!" - "Is that a copy of Storm King's book 'How To Administrate An Empire Without Really Trying'?" Princess Twilight asked. "I know the Hippogriffs just want to forget about him, but his empire covered half the planet, there might be Yetis out there who haven't realized how powerful friendship is and want to cause trouble, it's best to know how they think ahead of time." "Great idea Cozy Glow!" "Welcome!" Session 85.13 Grogar-the-oneser "So....did anyone else has somewhat racist stereotype dreams?" Silverstream asked as they were playing an RPG game. "Well... I wouldn't call it dream as it was nightmare." Gallus said, he was a griffin, they don't eat sentient meat, semi-sentient fine but that about it. "Not me, I just dreamt I got a lot of gold." Smolder sniggered. "Oh, so you didn't have the princess dream?" Ocellus asked. "Wha- OF COURSE NOT! dressing all frilly- ridiculous." Smolder cautiously laughed. "So err, what about the rest of you?" Smolder asked changing the subject. I think I was nearly brainwashed in my sleep." Sandbar stated. "How come?" "Well for one, I thought of getting rid of other races. and for some reason Neighsay was more racist... more than usual, I mean." "What you mean like a straw-creature?" Silverstream asked. "Yeah." Sandbar stated. "Yona doesn't understand that guy, he bad-mouths leader to face, even attempting to undermine. That deserve jail-time in yakyakistan." Yona stated. "True that, if he tried to do that in the school all it would take is someone pointing out he's committing an act of treason" Gallus stated "Yeah... but what are the chances of that." Sandbar stated. "So what was the second reason?" "Well another was that Fluttershy was cheering us." Sandbar stated. "... Well that's ooc." Silverstream stated. Session 85.14 Zaku789 During the magic draining "Look out for that falling sign!!" one of the ponies shrieked. "HA! The great and powerful Trixie isn't afraid, watch as I turn it to a TEACUP WITH WINGS!" She shoots a beam, or tries to. "Huh-" She didn't have time to process the spell failed as the sign hit Trixie on the head. "OHH!" the crowd winced. "Err mam... are you-" "STOP HESITATING AND GET THIS SIGN OFF THE GREATLY SQUISHED TRIXIE!" Trixie snapped. (In the Crystal Empire) "So nobody panic, but magic is being drained at an alarming rate, but I'm sure it's fine." Shining armor said to the crowd. "But sir, didn't you say the crystal heart is magic and said magic keeps out the deadly storm of frozen death." A guard stated. 'Shut up!" Shining Armor whispered "Are you trying to cause a panic riot!... they're panic rioting aren't they?" "Just five second before you even finish the sentence." The guard said. "Just stop the riots and get the trains ready just in case for mass evacuations," Shining armor said. "YES SIR!" Session 85.15 Zaku789 (with edits by me) "You ever feel your subject are acting like jerks?" King Leo asked. "Constantly," Novo asked. Unlike the rest of their subject, the two get along quite well. "I am really sorry about my subjects." "It's fine. I keep telling my subjects we should stick to the coast, so it's my fault they're not completely listening," Queen Novo murmured. "To be fair, my subjects have been provoking them, so the blame is also mine to bare." King Leo sighed. "Well... let's hope Twilight school will at least turn the student we send into proper diplomat." Novo said. "I'm sure things are going swimmingly." "I HAVE NO MAGIC AND I THINK IT'S THAT HIPPOGRIFF's FAULT!!" Princess Wavedancer roared angrily. "My transformation pearl isn't working, and I'm pretty sure it's that merpony's fault!" Session 85.16 Alex Warlorn Cozy Glow checked the sun dial. Chaos was unpredictable, unless it made time each week for a yellow pegasus. Discord popped before her. "Cozy Glow! Did you really think you game could escape the spirit of-" There was a sound effect of circuits fizzling out, and Discord fell from where Cozy Glow was standing... on the third story balcony. - "Be sure to keep him sedated until he completely heals!" Cozy Glow implored. "If he has a concussion there's no telling what he'll do with his chaos magic, it might be a repeat of the day of chaos!!! And if his magic is completely gone, someone whose essence is so completely tied to his magic as him, it could cause permanent emotional trauma!" Nurse Redheart nodded. She'd spent that horrible day trying to 'unseal' ponies. "Thank you for the advice Cozy Glow, we'll follow it to the letter, Princess Twilight trusted you with the friendship school must mean you're well versed with Discord's antics." Cozy Glow nodded. "I've studied all his stupid mistakes." Session 85.17 Alex Warlorn Cozy Glow said, "And after convincing the king to face the dark lord in an honorable one on one duel, I set off the explosive ruins and 'sphere of obliteration' I hide underneath the arena, obliterating them both, and after I 'miraculously' survive the explosion, I tell the people that the king wished for none to resurrect him or bother with his retirement in the afterlife, and that he appointed me, his most trusted knight, to rule in his place and marry his son." Shining Armor said, "... You sure are good at this." "Thank you Game Master." Shining Armor tried to pick up the dice... but this magic somehow, didn't want to work right. Session 85.18 ardashir Garble watched how Cozy Glow handled Discord. As he was carried away by the hospital ponies, he rolled on the floor laughing. "Bwa-ahahaha! You mean some little pony hatchling took out Discord, AND Sunbutt, AND Moonbutt?" He only presumed the last part. "I gotta tell Ember this, we could take this country over in a day!" Wiping tears of joy from his eyes, he started writing. "Yeesh, why are we scared of these puny pones again?" Nearby, only partly conscious in his hospital bed, Discord snarled weakly as he promised himself to make Garble suffer again if and when his magic returned. Session 85.19 sonicandmario826 " In fact maybe if I take care of that brat these ponies will owe me and give me all their treasure." Later "HELP!!! That awful dragon is being mean to me!!!!!!" Cozy yelled giving the biggest puppy dogs a pony could give. Garble rolled is eyes and then noticed he was surrounded by a very angry pony mob. "GET HIM!!!" The ponies suddenly rushed him creating a cartoonish dust cloud. Last thing Garble remembered seeing before blacking out was Cozy giving an evil smirk. One horrible beating later Garble was in a body cast and winced once he was placed in the bed next to Discord. Discord gave a smirk. Garble simply replied with, "Shut Up.". Session 85.20 Grogar-the-oneser "Discord taken care of, check!" "Dragon took care of." Cozy Glow looked out the window, towards the mob beating up Garble "Check." "Stupid princess of the merponies..." At this Cozy glow open a room showing Wavedancer with all but her head frozen "Check." "Why am I on your list!?" Wavedancer yelped "Well your royalty and might have a way to contact your people to aid and/or avoid Equestria, and I can't have that. But mostly I'm doing it cause I find you SUPER annoying. I mean seriously, the fight with that hippogriff, gets old fast." Cozy Glow stated. "IT'S A SERIOUS ISSUE!" Wavedancer said "And when my fellow-" "Your fellow student believe you move back to Aquastria cause you can't stand that hippogriff no more." Cozy Glow stated "I cannot tell you how many people accepted that explanation and move on... Anyway, I might unfreeze once my evil plans is completed. TOODLES!" Cozy glow stated as she closed the door and place a 'Do not disturb' sign. Session 85.21 Grogar-the-oneser (with edits) After rescuing Neighsay "Huh?" Sweetie Belle muttered as she saw the 'Do not disturb' sign. She placed her ear close and could hear muffled yelling "Hey, I think I found something." "Huh?" Both crusaders muttered as they open the door and were surprised to see a mostly frozen Wavedancer. "What happen to you?" Scootaloo questioned "YOUR PRIZE PUPIL HAPPENED!" Wavedancer snapped "Ahh... Sorry about that. But to be fair, we didn't know she was pure evil." Applebloom said "Why did she attack you anyway?" "Cause, she was worried I might contact my people and warn them about equestria magic drain!" Wavedancer "Oh that make sense." Scootaloo stated "Also..." "Hmm?" "Have I... really alienated people by only talking about one subject?" Wavedancer asked hesitantly "Well... now not the best-' "It just that I have other things to talk about-" "Okay but we-" "I mean sure, Maybe I took it too far with the hippogriff, but it not my only character trait." Wavedancer rambled "Err, should we leave..." Scootaloo asked "I don't think we can, She's having a revelation." Sweetie belle said "I'm sure it won't last long." "There was that time I showed you my sea jewel collection but you were too busy learning the Yak smash dance." - "Then there was when I wanted to share with you the ancient treasure map to the hidden sea palace that only opens every 1000 years for an epic adventure." - "And when on Miss Starlight Glimmer's advice I tried to arrange a swimming club only to find the hippogriff had beaten me to it." - "And the time I tried to sing for the entire class but Pinkie Pie was playing the Yak pipes at the time and everyone thought I was a siren and tried to throw me into another universe." - "And the time I wheeled all the way in a wheel chair to your club house to ask you for help in friendship tutoring, and your grandmother mistook my chair for a bucket to water the apple trees with!" - "AND THEN THE ABYSSIANS TRIED TO EAT ME!" - "I GET IT!" Sweetie Belle said. "You were trying to interact with us! And you got ignored, and you fight with Silverstream was a cry for helping hoping that someone would come and solve your friendship problem and you could make friends with me! We're sorry!" "... Thank you!" Wavedancer hugged her. "By the way... did you say your last name was Belle?" "... Yes?" "I think I saw that name in the family scrolls somewhere..." Session 85.22 ardashir "Students, I'm very proud of you," Twilight said, leading the students along a corridor in the residential part of the friendship palace. "You saved Equestria, and I think you've shown that you're fit to be trusted with a little secret we've been keeping." "Oh! Oh!" Silverstream waved her claw. "You're a space alien?" "No." "Pink party pony right when she tell us all reality merely a show for bored Shadows?" Yona asked. "No," Twilight blinked, "and I think Pinkie needs to cut back on the sugar again." "The Friendship School is part of a long-term plan to conquer all other races by making their future leadership pony-indoctrinated? What?" Smolder looked around at her stunned friends. "I heard it from Garble." "No!" Twilight snapped and then smiled. "I need to talk with Garble. I mean, I was talking about the rumors everyone has heard about the magic mirror I own --" "You mean the one to that other universe with the hairless monkeys?" As Twilight stared at Gallus, the other students nodded while he said, "We've known about that for months. Discord told us, Starlight told us, even Spike told us about it." "Yes, we were kind of hoping," Ocellus blushed as she buzzed along, "if maybe, one day, you could take us through it?" Her friends nodded and began talking excitedly. "Maybe," Twilight said as she opened the door to her rooms. "One day. If I think you won't get in trouble. But right now?" She walked into the book-filled room. The mirror gate stood in the center, still connected to the magically-driven generators that kept it open out of cycle. On a table nearby stood something else. The students spoke as one. "What's that?" "'That' is something from the other world, where my Canterlot High friends live," Twilight trotted over to it. "It's called a 'computer', and I want to introduce you to something called 'World of Horsecraft'. You might recognize a lot of it..." She broke off as Silverstream flapped past her to look at the screen. It was currently set to one of the site's chatrooms. "Wow, it's like hundreds of ponies are speaking all at once here, but what are those words?" She leaned close, peering as she read. ''You're a 'n00b'? 'Tirek is the best villain, and this new upgrade is awesome'? 'Diamond Wolves better than dumb horse-birds' -- HEY!" Ocellus joined her. "Uh, why are so many of them questioning the intelligence and parentage of the other people talking?" "Heh!" Twilight got in between them and the computer. "Maybe we don't need to start there." She tried to block Ocellus, but the little Changeling managed to read something else. She gasped. "That comment about Tirek is signed 'Empress of Friendship'! You don't think it was Cozy?" "If it was," Smolder grinned and rubbed her claws, "she ain't coming back to play any more." *** Meanwhile in the Canterlot High Universe: "Hey, guys, any of ya see what happened ta that new kid who was rallying all the pony players and demanding that Crystalsoft make it possible for ponies ta ally with Tirek?" Rainbow Dash asked over the connection as she and her friends fought another wave of Tirek's released demons. "She was all over the place while everyone was quarreling, but now she's gone." "Guess she lost her account," Sunset said. "I thought she was some kid using their parent's credit card to pay for everything. Guess they booted her -- yow! Watch the attack spells these guys are using; if you defend with magic, they steal some of your energy!" *** And down in Tartarus? Cozy leaned back in her cell and smirked. "What are you pleased about?" Tirek grumbled from the next cage over. "Just thinking how nice Miss Twilight is going to react when she finds out that all her information, like her entry codes, on that stupid Horsecraft game has been posted on the troll sites," Cozy said contentedly. Session 85.23 Jarkes *spoilers for season 8 finale* "Okay, so you all promise to NOT tell anypony that I got captured so easily by a filly? ESPECIALLY not Twilight?" Starlight said to the Student Six and the CMC. "Yes, we promise," they all said. ----------- "HAH! YOU of all ponies got captured by a filly?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "You are NEVER living this down!" Starlight glared at Gallus. "It wasn't me!" Gallus protested. "And I don't think any of the others did either. Right, guys?" "Nope," replied Sandbar. "No way!" said Silverstream. "Yak no do that!" Yona said. "I mean, it WAS hilarious..." Smoulder said. "Um... no?" Ocellus replied. "Then who--" Starlight's eyes suddenly widened. "DISCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!" she screamed towards the sky. -------- "I just couldn't help but let it 'accidentally' slip! It was too funny!" Discord said in his dimension where he was currently having tea with Fluttershy. "That still wasn't very nice," Fluttershy admonished him. "Though... I guess it IS pretty funny..." Session 85.24 zaku789 "So... what dimension was it?" Tirek asked "Hmm?" Cozy Glow hummed curiously "I don't believe it was just being sent to a random dimension. I think you wanting to send it to a specific dimension?" Tirek questioned "Maybe, maybe not." Cozy Glow stated. "You just have to wait till it properly comes to fruition, anywho, want to continue, playing darts." Session 85.25 MtangaLion "As you can see," said Headmistress Twilight Sparkle, addressing her afternoon History of Gaming class, "the idea of an ancient villain sealed away for a thousand years is a common theme for adventure, not just in games, but also in our real life friendship missions!" She gestured towards the portraits floating on her left and right: Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombra, and Tirek. The students oohed, taking notes. "Would anycreature like to share a story of an ancient villain from the history of his or her own species?" Gallus raised a claw. "I’ve got one! Grandpa Gruff told us that a thousand years ago, there was this griffon wizard who decided to be a total jerk-face. More than usual for griffons, I mean! He stole everygriffon’s bits with his magic, turned ‘em into magpies, you name it." Gallus gave the other young students a ‘Hah, top that’ smirk. Twilight gasped, rushing over to his desk. "A thousand years ago?! And now he’s about to escape from his magical prison and get revenge on all of Griffonstone?!" Gallus tilted his head, blinking at her. "Um, why would we have put him in prison?" Twilight paused. "You banished him to another dimension, then? He could still be a threat?" Gallus gave her a tired glare. "A bunch of badflank hero griffs broke into his castle and took care of him." He mimed drawing a claw across his throat. "Shhrrik! No more wizard." "But, he could have escaped?" "They stabbed him with their swords and claw-blades! Like, a lot! Spoilers." "But maybe he still survived and swore vengeance?" "Ugh, no! They paraded his body through town and burned it in the main square!" Twilight’s eager grin had crashed just like the human computer in her office. "But... you can’t just... That’s not how..." Her face lit up. "Oh, I get it! There’s prophecy of his return, isn’t there? Or maybe an evil cult dedicated to resurrecting him?" "Are you even listening?!!" Silverstream leaned over and whispered to one of her new mer-pony friends. "Psst! Let’s not tell Miss Twilight about Dra-Gon." Session 85.26 zaku789 (with edits) "Oh we already defeated Dra-gon." Twilight scoffed. "Wait seriously." "Yep and from what I heard from Discord, his wife still pissed that's she not getting anymore kids," Twilight stated. "Okay one of you jerks have to invade, I need to get my wife off me being defeated twice!" Dra-gon snapped "Nothing doing. I don't want no sunburn," Ponythulu stated. "But seriously you sure there no's cult, evil poltergeist, maybe even a zombie hurling insults?" Twilight asked Gallus. "While the last one does fit Griffin behavior I have to again stress the fact, he was set on fire, which turn it to ash!" Gallus said annoyed. "And the a griffin offered half their remaining life span to a spirit of death in exchange that the wizard's soul would NEVER EVER return to the land of the living in this or any other timeline across the multiverse!" "... So maybe he created a magical duplicate of himself before then..." Gallus groaned. Session 85.27 MtangaLion, Asdarhir, with edits and Alex Warlorn Later that day, after classes, some of the students were chilling at Sugarcube Corner. Sandbar was still looking at Gallus with something akin to awe. "Was all that, like, for real? I knew griffons were tough, but that story was seriously hardcore!" Gallus slurped his milkshake noisily, making sure to get every last drop. "Eh, that's how griffons *a thousand years ago* did things. Nowadays, griffons would probably be like 'Let's ignore the wizard and maybe he'll go away.' I mean, who cares if some other losers got their bits stolen..." He checked under one wing, frowning. "What... Where's my bag of shinies!? Somecreature stole it! I'll rip their face off... Wait, nevermind! Found it." "T-that's great," said Sandbar, teeth chattering. Smolder watched this, blinking, and decided to crunch some of the rubies in her own sundae instead of commenting. "I bet Ocellus can top that. Changelings must have all sorts of enemies. From before they got lame and took a bath in Rainbow Falls, I mean." Ocellus jumped, nearly spilling her rainbow-sprinkle sundae. "Huh? No, no n-no... I wouldn't want to BORE Headmistress Twilight with silly old stories about secret changeling kings! Or the huge feud Chrysalis started with... some wolf pack..." She froze, looking over her shoulder, and sure enough Pavel was at the next table over, ears perked and tail wagging with curiosity. "Uh, forget I said anything!" - Wind Rider and some other stallions drooled in the corner, meanwhile Chrysalis stroked stroke a brood of white squirming changeling grubs. "That's it dearie, grow up big and strong for mommy. I have so many games to teach you." In the corner were games labeled, 'Conquer Equestria' 'First to Drain 6 Ponies Wins' 'Smite The Tootie Fruitie Traitors.' For ages grub to nymph, to imago.