Friendship Force!

by Chrome Masquerade

Origin: Tidal Terrors

As it happened, one certain fisherman (Shamus Doyle, by name, 67 years of age) and his adventurous granddaughter (Sarina Breeze, 12 years) were out on the water, heading home with a big catch on a replica of a 15th century caravel, personally assembled by the man himself over several years.

As active as she was, Sarina took to fishing and related professions like, well, a fish to water. Almost instinctively she knew how to cast a line, and the first fish she caught was a sea-bass, almost eight pounds. Every movement she made while attempting to land the fish was precise, flowing. Not one movement was wasted in catching a fish that someone twice or even three times her age would have trouble with.

Needless to say, she acted as the old captain's good luck charm from then on. And having lost his right eye several years ago, he needed the help.

Today's haul had all kinds of sea fish you could imagine being caught; tuna, salmon, even a large trevally, among many others. And they could reap the just rewards as soon as they got home.



Things would not go according to plan.

"Pirates! Hol' on ta somethin' solid, lass!" Shamus commanded his granddaughter, turning the ship sharply to avoid another volley of cannon fire.

"Where did they even get those, anyway?" Sarina noted, trying her best to hold onto something well-anchored, as she was told.

"There're pirates even in this day'n age." Shamus replied, "Always resourceful, always determined."

"Please tell me that there's a way we can strike back?" Sarina said, hopefully.

"Are ye kiddin'? This hyar's a fishin' ship! Not a fightin' ship!"

"Great. We're doomed." Sarina deadpanned.

Another blast tore the crude crow's nest from the mainmast, tossing that into the depths.

"HEY! I built this ship with me own two hands! Ya breaks it, ya pays fer it, ye salt-soaked scoundrels! Had I a crew, ye'd be sent ta Davy Jones' locker already!" Shamus roared at the approaching team of ships, as loud as he could.

Sarina had attached her lifeline and was heading to her grandfather with his. Suddenly, a beam of energy struck the man just as she got to him, hitting her by extension. Immediately, they began to go through strange changes, including the addition of a pair of wings each, to the regrowth of an eye for the senior. The small eternity ended, and there stood two new pony-humans, one with purple hair and an orange coat, one with a full spectrum mane and tail, wth a cyan coat, the colour of water in the mid-day.

The orange one raised one hand and tendrils of water lifted the cannon balls that had missed from the water, depositing them on the small ship. As soon as that was done, she began throwing them back at the other ships, exclaiming, "Let's see how you like tasting your own medicine!"

Meanwhile, the blue one had flown to the clouds and was using one to bring the fury of the sky gods (take your pick!) upon the unfortunate pirates. Lightning, thunder, gale force winds, baseball sized hailstones, all of these battered the ships, putting decent sized holes into the vessels.

If the piraes had one -or had a chance to fly it- they would have raised the white flag. Lacking either left them with beaten ships, bruised crewmen and broken weapons. Several strands of seaweed lashed the three ships to each other, being dragged impossibly quickly by the smaller vessel.

"I didn't know you put a motor in this, grandma!"

"Hey, I'm old fashioned, not stupid." the chromatic mare answered, not minding the new appelation as much as you'd think. Was it an effect of the strange energy? Who knows?

The pirates were led to the nearest jail by the local police, there being 30 of them in total. The goods that were aboard the terribly bruised ships were confiscated, save for a small reward given to the newly minted heroes, who were talking to the chiesf of police for that district.

"Well, I never thought I'd see the day. This bunch has been causing trouble for fishers all over the area. We were afraid that the town'd have to find a different good to export."

The orange filly pointed to their ship. "We've gotcha covered for a while."

"But methinks that we'll be quitting the fishing business for some time." the prismatic mare said, to the smaller one's surprise.

"Huh? Why?"

"Ah, it just isn't as much fun as before when you can just get out of any situaton with a wave of your hand." came the answer. "Besides, doing this hero bit is kinda fun!"

The chief said, "Can I get your names, at least?"

The two looked at each other.


"Rainbow Dash."



With that, they left the scene, their work done for the nonce.