Breaking the Wall

by Radiant Dawn

Chapter 6: Shadows Under the Sun

Chapter 6: Shadows Under the Sun

“Now ya make sure ya mind yer manners, boy!” the elder Granny Smith warned her grandson, waving her cane at him threateningly. “This ain’t some regular get-t’gether with yer friends; this is a celebration fer Princess Celestia! And stop messin’ with that bowtie!”

Big Mac snatched his hands away from the red-and-blue plaid bowtie his grandmother had forced him to wear for the occasion, along with a proper suit and dress slacks. The outfit had only left Big Mac’s closet when he was attending an important function, and even though he didn’t particularly have any problem with dressing up, Big Mac found the suit a bit...outdated. Still, much to his chagrin, it was the only truly presentable dress clothes he owned at the moment, which meant he had been forced to wear it under penalty of a raving grandmother and her killer glare, neither of which he was keen on experiencing at the moment or in the near future.

“All right all right, Ah got it.” he grumbled, forcing his hands to his side as he waited patiently for the train to arrive.

“Don’t worry,” whispered a cheerful voice from his side, “Princess Celestia isn’t one for ceremony unless it’s strictly necessary. Once the public party has ended -- which if I know her, will be early -- we’ll likely retire somewhere private for a more informal and relaxed celebration for her family and friends.”

Big Mac glanced to Twilight, who looked far too well off for someone who had spent such a long time in a coma. “Ah don’t mind gettin’ fancy, but Ah just wish Ah had somethin’ that isn’t so…”

“Tacky?” Applejack offered with a smirk.

Big Mac prepared to glare at his sister before looking to his decidedly weathered antique suit, instead releasing a sigh of defeat. “Took tha words right outta mah mouth, sis.”

A slap to the back of Big Mac’s head silenced him, followed by, “That was yer pa’s suit he wore for his weddin’, sonny! Show some respect!”

“Ma and Pa’s weddin’ was almost thirty years ago, granny.” Big Mac groaned, rubbing the back of his head. “Fashion’s moved on since then!” The matriarch of the Apples simply fixed him with a glare that said he wasn’t winning the argument, at which point he decided it was better to be quiet.

This was why I stayed here instead of going to Canterlot last night.” Twilight commented wryly. “Both princesses know I’m all right now, so I decided to remain where I’m needed most. I knew without fail one of you would need me here to keep things under control.” She gestured to the town behind them. “Pinkie wanted to throw a party to end all parties, Dash wanted to host a ‘radical epic-storm’ in my honor, and Fluttershy...well actually, I’m not worried about Fluttershy, nor Rarity for that matter. I needed to keep most of the town from panicking since I accidentally caused an earthquake a short while ago, and I knew both you and AJ would need me to keep you two calm and collected.” She nudged her girlfriend with a smile. “Mostly AJ though.”

Applejack huffed and turned her head away, though she tightened her grip on Twilight’s hand within her own. “It’s been a long time since Ah got ta talk with ya. Gimme a break.” She sighed and looked to her partner lovingly, with a tear in her eye. “Ah was prepared ta take care of ya while you recovered, but whatever’s goin’ on with ya killed that idea. Not ta say that Ah’m not glad yer good as new and all, but…”

Twilight flexed her free hand, marveling at the way the tendons and muscles moved in her toned arm as she did so. “Believe me, I’m just as happy to be on my own feet as you are. I don’t think I’d have been able to live with myself knowing you were having to change my bedpan and such until I could walk again.”

“Doctors said yer a magic miracle or somethin’.” Big Mac commented off-handedly.

Twilight nodded, motioning to the approaching train. “That’s what they tell me, but I’m sure the princesses can probably explain more thoroughly later. Now c’mon, we can’t make the train late.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but complied and grabbed her suitcase from beside them. “We can’t make ‘em late? ‘scuse me sugar, but we ain’t tha ones haulin’ twenty-somethin’ books with us to a place that’s got the kingdom’s largest library in it.”

Twilight glared at the two Apple siblings. “I’m behind on my studying because of my coma, and if I don’t catch up soon, I’ll fall even further behind and then-”

“You’ll figure somethin’ out, Twi.” Big Mac ensured. “Thinkin’ on yer toes is somethin’ ya do well, so you’ll think ‘a somethin’.”

Twilight glanced to her girlfriend for a moment before realizing she would be receiving no help on the matter, so she closed her eyes for a moment and focused before causing six of her cases of luggage to disappear, leaving only one left. “There, happy now?”

“Very.” Applejack answered with a grin, slinging her arm firmly around Twilight’s waist as they entered the train car, Big Mac in tow.

The ride to Canterlot was uneventful for the trio, and took far less time on the Canterlot Express rail line, which only rode to Canterlot and Ponyville. Such luxuries were part of the deal Twilight had made by staying in Ponyville instead of being taken directly to Canterlot in the morning. While a few of the hospital staff wanted to make the choice out to be more than it was, Twilight and the princesses assured everyone that it was simply a friend and citizen of Ponyville tending to her most urgent needs first, which included her friends and home.

Twilight was not the “subject who denied royalty”, she was just a devoted friend and lover, and knew who needed her the most.

Big Mac played a background role, as he usually did. He was more than happy to let Twilight and his sister take all the attention while he kept things moving from behind the scenes, making sure the town and his family were being taken care of, and that no particularly outlandish rumors got started…

Well, no more than were already floating around in a town that housed Equestria’s greatest heroes of the age, but that wasn’t Big Mac’s fault.

“Y’all right over there, Mac?” Applejack asked in concern, bringing the elder sibling out of his musings. “You’ve been mighty quiet. Well, quieter.”

He raised his head and nodded to the two women seated across from him in the cabin. “Ah’m jus’ fine, AJ. Just preparin’ mahself for all tha fancy folk that’re gonna be there ‘sall.”

Twilight’s deceptively delicate hand took his as she smiled at him. “Oh, it won’t be that bad. Applejack and I will be there to back you up, and I’m quite positive the princesses will make sure the nobility behaves themselves. It wouldn’t do well for any of their reputations to be thrown out of the event because they insulted guests of the princess.”

Big Mac shook his head with a sigh. “Ah ain’t got a problem with fancy types in principle; hell, Filthy Rich and Fancy Pants are a couple’a nice fellas, and their fam’lies are respectful for tha most part.”

“But there’s a reason why the nobility stays in Canterlot.” Twilight said, shaking her head slowly. “I don’t make it a point to play into prejudice, but I’ve been around the nobility enough in my life to know that people like Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis are exceptions, not the norm.” She then nearly snarled as she added, “I’ve seen many of the noble families in court when I would attend with Princess Celestia, and more often than not, they are out only for personal gain, usually at the expense of someone else. The few that show otherwise are usually the few that I count among my friends.” Twilight then locked her gaze with Big Mac’s. “Which reminds me: avoid Jet Set and his wife, Diamond Dust. They in particular seem to have it out for common folk, and likely will try and start something in an effort to discredit or otherwise negatively impact you. Just don’t respond to his taunts, and stay near me or the princesses; we’ll make sure nothing bad happens.”

Big Mac sighed and shook his head ruefully. “Why is it soundin’ more and more like Ah’m walkin’ into a den’a lions?”

“Because ya are.” Applejack retorted with a smirk. “Ah’d face down a timberwolf b’fore Ah went toe-to-toe with them snooty folk, and it’s likely they’re gonna have their sights set on you, Mac.” She motioned to the inferiorem beside her. “Twi and I are heroines ‘n such, so they ain’t gonna mess with us. No, they’re gonna go fer what they think is an easy target, which is you.”

Big Mac shrugged. “Well Ah can play nice fer a bit while the princesses do their thing. Shouldn’t be too hard.” He then chuckled, patting the sealed case at his side that held the princess’ gifts. “Ah’m really just lookin’ forward to what Princess Celestia’s face is gonna look like when she sees what Ah brought ‘er.”

“Everyone thinks Princess Celestia is in love with cake.” Twilight commented, shaking her head. “I’m not entirely sure where that rumor came from, but she’s actually quite partial to avocados and crystal ice berries; not necessarily in that order, of course.”

Big Mac simply nodded before turning his gaze back to the window, watching the countryside pass them by as the journey continued to the capital.

The train chugged its way into the station in Canterlot, pulling to a stop before the loudspeakers blared an alert that it had arrived. As the doors opened people came pouring out of the train, most returning home after a quick jaunt to the humble town of Ponyville, but a few were visiting the beautiful city for one reason or another.

Three in particular were the last to leave the train -- two women and a tall, steel tower of a man -- each taking a moment to gather their things before beginning the short trek to the massive castle that was Equestria’s most beloved national monument to human architecture. The giant, sprawling structure had been built entirely without magic or flight from the ground up as a gift to the princess that had saved and watched over them for so many years.

Twilight sighed as she looked upon the palace that had been her home for the first few years of her tutelage under Princess Celestia. “ feels like forever since I’ve been back here.” With a deep breath, she steadied herself before grasping the hands of the two beside her and pulling them along. “C’mon, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will want to meet with us before the party starts, and they’ll likely want to speak with me for a bit beforehand.”

Big Mac nodded absently as he allowed himself to be led by the smaller woman. He’d seen the castle before of course, but this would be the first time he had been allowed inside, and it was definitely the first time both princesses were expecting to see him.

As the three of them made their way along the brick road that circled the castle, Big Mac became aware of the many eyes that found him intriguing. He would never consider himself a shy man, but he could admit to himself that being stared at made him nervous. He supposed he should be used to it, being as tall as he was, but in a city where he knew no one, he found the eyes upon him to be uncomfortable.

Twilight glanced back at Big Mac as she felt his hand tighten its grip on hers. “Are you all right back there?”

Big Mac realized his giant hand was on the verge of crushing Twilight’s, and relaxed his grip while nodding. “Yeah, Ah’m all right. Just don’ rightly like bein’ stared at by a buncha strangers, is all.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, motioning to the large steel gate a few dozen paces away. “Well we’re almost there, Mac. Just a bit further and we’ll be inside and away from prying eyes.”

“Y’all don’ usually get all skittish, Mac.” Applejack commented with equal parts confusion and concern. “Y’all right?”

He nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “Yeah, Ah’m fine. Jus’ a lil’ nervous ‘bout all this; ain’t never been to a princess’ birthday b’fore. What if Ah make a fool ‘a mahself?”

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Tell ya what, Mac: when we get in there, just be yerself. Tha princesses like ya for who ya are, so just be that guy ‘n you’ll be fine.”

“Contrary to what many people believe, the princesses are very simple women.” Twilight added with a smile. “If they befriended you, it’s because they saw something they liked. Just be yourself and act the way you normally would around them or any other friend, and all will be well.”

Nothing more was said as they approached two armed guards standing at the gate in shimmering golden armor. The taller of the two held up a hand and queried, “Names and reason for your visit, please.”

“Twilight Sparkle, Applejack of the Apple clan, and Macintosh of the Apple clan. We’re here for the birthday celebration of Princess Celestia.” Twilight answered formally.

The guard had pulled out a scroll as Twilight spoke, and his sharp blue eyes traced the parchment for a moment before nodding firmly and stepping aside. “Very well, you may enter. You are to meet with Night Guard Captain Whispering Winds in the atrium, and she will escort the three of you to Princess Luna’s study, where the two princesses have requested you to be brought upon your arrival.” With two firm taps of the spear butt against the ground, the gate swung open. “Enjoy your visit to Canterlot Castle. Welcome back, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight nodded with a grateful smile to the two guards before leading the way into the castle courtyard, which was beautiful in its own right. The building itself and much of the stonework of the grounds was carved out of white marble, with massive stone pillars and doorways that seemed to have been built with dragons in mind instead of human beings. Big Mac was a practical man that didn’t see the use for such opulent things, but as Celestia had reminded him time and time again, the palace was a gift, and it would have been considered rude to turn it down.

Still...fifteen-foot doorways; why?

“I remember running around this place when I was just a little girl.” Twilight mused aloud, gleefully whipping her head around to take in the grounds. She suddenly pointed to a large peach tree with a gasp and a manic smile. “Princess Celestia used to play tag with me around that tree; I can’t believe it’s still here!” A chuckle from Applejack caused the young woman to blush madly in embarrassment, but she continued her strides toward the main atrium nonetheless. “S-sorry, it’s just that there’s so many memories here for me. I spent almost five years of my childhood here, and…” she sighed with a wistful smile, “before I came to Ponyville, it’s the only place I’ve ever felt like I had a family. Princess Celestia was busy seeing as how she was the only ruling princess around, but she always made time for me.”

“She’s yer mama, Twi.” Applejack murmured lovingly, throwing a warm smile her girlfriend’s way as they locked eyes. “She might not ‘a birthed ya, but that’s yer ma, and anyone that knows tha two of ya can see it.”

Twilight’s smile widened to comical levels as she nodded manically. “Oh, tonight’s going to be so much fun!”

Big Mac couldn’t help but smile at the childlike joy of Twilight, who was often so serious and composed. He supposed nostalgia was a powerful feeling, and he himself felt it often seeing as how he lived in the same town his whole life. Idly, he found himself wondering if the princesses felt nostalgia often.

The three finally entered the wide atrium, which was well-lit with natural sunlight filtering through many windows and skylights. A large fountain dominated the center of the chamber, with a beautiful arrangement of flowering plants bordering the edge of the walkway.

“Twilight Sparkle.” called the strong voice of a female from off to the side, causing all three to glance to the heavily-armed guard in black and violet armor approaching. The guard stopped a few paces away and bowed quickly and shallowly. “I am Captain Whispering Winds of the Royal Night Guards; it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She then darted her sharp ruby eyes to Macintosh and Applejack. “And the two of you are certainly the eldest siblings of the Apple clan of Ponyville.” She seemed to size the two humans up for a moment while biting her lip. “I must admit, I pictured the two of you to be much taller.”

Without missing a beat Applejack retorted, “It’s our character ‘n our deeds that make us giants, captain. On the outside, we ain’t nothin’ but common-folk.”

The night guard removed her decorative dragon’s-head helmet, revealing soft features and silky brunette hair. To Macintosh at least, she didn’t look the part of a guard, but he had learned never to judge a person by their appearances -- Twilight had taught him that. With that in mind he met her eyes respectfully as she looked them over, still appraising them.

After a few more moments she smiled slightly and nodded. “I suppose that makes sense, and I can respect that. Come, the princesses await.”

The three followed the guard through the winding halls before coming to an ornate wooden door, which, save for the carvings on it, was rather mundane in comparison to the rest of the castle. Though princesses, Big Mac was rather familiar with just how simplistic the desires of the two were, and somehow felt more comfortable around the less-opulent area -- somehow, it felt more real. He didn’t feel like he was meeting with two possibly-immortal god-princesses, but instead just meeting two kind and loving women who just happened to rule a country.

It sounded a lot less intimidating when he thought of it like that, in any case.

“Hold a moment,” the guard captain ordered, gesturing for them to wait with a hand, “I’ll announce your arrival.” She then stuck her head in the cracked-open door briefly before pulling it open and waving them inside. “The princesses will see you now.”

Macintosh, Twilight and Applejack shuffled into the room, and the two Apple siblings found themselves taken by awe.

“Homey” was the first term that came to mind for Macintosh, since even though the room was obviously quite the investment, it had been decorated and maintained in such a way that it felt warm, and relaxing. The floor was a deep, red oak, with a large intricately woven rug leading to well-worked wooden walls and furniture. Pictures lined many of the shelves and even the mantle of the hearth in one corner, and in every picture was Celestia with another person. As he continuously looked over the many photographs, Big Macintosh came to notice a trend rather quickly: each one was a younger boy or girl, and they all had the same starry-eyed wonder that Twilight did. It was easy enough to deduce who they might be.

“These’re all yer students.” Macintosh voiced aloud, taken by the sheer number of different people in the pictures. In the back of his mind, he knew that both princesses were ancient, but only now did he truly realize just how many years they had seen pass in their long lives.

The solar princess shifted in her seat slightly, her silky white dress whispering against her form. Though she didn’t say it, she was impressed by just how mentally sharp the farmer was. “Yes indeed. I have taken special individuals under my wing since the beginning, doing my best to teach and mold them to be able to handle the rigors of leadership when they one day matured enough to lead people of their own. While not every one of them had the opportunity to use said skills, I take it upon myself to always pass my wisdom onto at least one other per generation, in case something should happen to the country as we know it. It is inevitable that at some point, Luna and I will not be enough to lead Equestria, and on that day, I plan to be ready.” She stood from the plush chair at her desk, walking past Luna and moving to more closely admire some of the photographs (or painted portraits, depending on the time when the memory was saved on a medium), running her fingers reverently over a few of them. “Each one of these talented individuals were chosen because of their potential, but also because they needed someone to guide and love them. I will admit it was a somewhat selfish endeavor at times, but I do not regret mentoring the leaders of generations.” She then turned to look at the three other occupants in the room, focusing directly on Twilight. “Especially you, dear Twilight.”

“Especially me?” Twilight echoed, confused at the special emphasis placed on her.

Celestia nodded, walking over to lay a hand gently on the smaller woman’s head. “Yes, especially you. You have proven worthy enough to lead the Elements of Harmony, brought my sister back to me alive, and even defeated both Discord and Sombra. I have no doubt we will see much from you in the coming years; I only hope I will be there to see it firsthand.”

Twilight shrank a bit, suddenly self-conscious. “I don’t do anything all that special, princess. I just try my best to help people, and hope that’s enough.”

Celestia nodded with a small, proud smile as she lovingly ran her hand through Twilight’s hair. “And just like any true hero of the age, humble, almost to a fault.” She then sank to a knee, making her a head shorter than Twilight as she continued to smile at the young woman. “One day, the person you are and the person you are meant to be will meet. When that day comes, I pray you finally understand just how important you are to Equestria...and to me.”

Twilight’s face screwed up briefly as she tried to hold tears in before she lost the battle, and threw her arms around the princess of the sun. Faint sniffles could be heard as the two women held each other tightly while the other three occupants in the room looked on. Even though no one in the room said it out loud, they all thought the same thing at the sight of Celestia and Twilight together like that:

Mother. Daughter.

And then, much to the surprise of Twilight, Celestia gave her a gentle, loving kiss on the forehead as she stood once again. Gazing down at her student and one of the most important people in her life, Celestia could only offer a small, teary smile to the young woman. “Never doubt that you are important Twilight, for when the sun rises each day, it rises for you first.”

The two women released one another before Celestia turned to the two other visitors, smiling. “Well, I am glad the two of you could make it. I was hoping my invitations would be heeded, and it appears my worries to the contrary were unfounded.”

“Wouldn’ta missed it for tha world, Princess.” Big Mac replied immediately, smiling gently.

“Granny kickin’ yer rear int’a gear helped too-ow!” Applejack yelped, rubbing her upper arm as she glared at her older sibling. He just returned the glare with a look that promised retribution should she continue embarrassing him. The princesses could only watch the exchange in amusement, both quite familiar with the dynamic between two siblings so close in age, and that it often included copious amounts of teasing.

Anyway,” Twilight began, rolling her eyes at the two farmers, “we’re all quite happy to be here, Princess Celestia. We hope to help make this birthday a memorable one.”

The elder princess nodded, a serene smile crossing her lips. “It already is, I assure you. Nonetheless, I believe we should all get ready for the party. Twilight, if I might have a moment of your time…?”

Luna stepped forward to the two Apples and nodded to each, reaching down and grabbing Twilight’s heavy bag as easily as one would a bag of feathers. “I will show you to your rooms, unless you would prefer to share.”

“Ah think Ah’ll give Twi and mah sis some privacy, Princess.” Big Mac answered, grinning sharkishly. “If y’all could soundproof tha room too, that’d be appreciated. They tend ta make a racket in bed, even though neither of ‘em snore…” Big Mac quite enjoyed the way his sister looked like she was about to faint from embarrassment.

It took all of two seconds before Princess Luna started snickering, and though he knew revenge would be coming his way at some point, it was worth it to make the princess laugh. Besides, he owed his sister quite a bit of payback over the years, and though they both know he’d never break even with her, he was well within his rights to needle and tease her, and they both knew it. Regardless, their sibling rivalry could wait, so they silently followed the night princess through the hallways of the palace.

The door to the guest room swung open, and in strode Big Mac and Princess Luna. The taller man made his way to the bed and set his bag down to the side, looking over the large room and trying not to feel too uncomfortable about the overbearing opulence. Needless to say, a simple farmer was used to simple housing, so the luxuriant floors, a four-post bed, and full-length windows were far more than he needed. Still, he would endure, for the sake of the princesses.

Having dropped his younger sister and Twilight’s bags at another room, Big Mac was now alone with the princess in what would be his quarters for the next two or three days. While it was true that he was far from a novice when it came to dealing with the fairer sex, he still wasn’t entirely sure how to act around the princesses. Sure, they were females, and yes, he was no stranger to relations with women, but they were also splendorem, and royalty to boot. He often found himself caught between trying to treat them as he would any other female friend of his, and treating them like the veritable goddesses they were. The gold-armored guard silently glaring at him from the open doorway didn’t help things, either. The princess, however, seemed to be well aware of his plight, since she treated him kindly, but professionally, so as to avoid any issues with the guard or palace staff.

“Are these quarters satisfactory?” the princess questioned aloud, stopping a few paces away from the Apple as he continued to inspect the room itself.

Her voice seemed to bring him back to reality, and he turned to face Princess Luna with a polite smile, trying his best not to glance at the guard at the door. “Yes princess, these’ll do fine. Thanks for yer hospitality.” Knowing that he was being watched, he crossed one palm over his heart and offered a shallow bow of his head, a traditional gesture of respect for those of a higher station.

Taking the words and gesture in stride, the princess nodded and fixed a polite smile on her face. “Wonderful. The celebration will begin in one hour’s time. I will fetch you fifteen minutes beforehand and we will walk to the grand hall together.” This time, she bowed her head. “Thank you for coming, Big Mac. My sister and I appreciate your presence.” With that, she backed out of the room and left, leaving him to his own devices.

Or, at least, that was likely the plan.

Once the clicks of her heeled shoes could no longer be heard, the guard from the doorway entered the room. Another guard took his place as the door closed, and the first guard approached Big Mac with tense steps. The armored man stopped in front of the comparatively larger and stronger farmer, and stared back with the same stern glare as before.

A moment or two of silence passed between them before the guard opened his mouth and spoke, his words sharp and precise, like the sword he wore at his hip. “You don’t belong here farmer, so listen close:” Big Mac immediately frowned, but kept silent, “this is the birthday celebration of Princess Celestia, and as such, it is a very important function. This is not one of your podunk hoedowns in that dirt pit you call a town, and I will not tolerate behavior that casts a bad light upon the royal family. You will speak only when spoken to, and you will not engage in any unsavory activities within these walls -- that means no fights, no drinking games, and no incestuous behavior. Is that understood?

By this point, Big Mac’s right hand was clenched into a fist so tight that his knuckles popped, but he was unfortunately quite familiar with when someone was trying to goad him to do something stupid, so he kept his silence and only glared back at the shorter man in front of him. Of course, while one part of him was reminding him that he was a guest of the princesses -- a personal one, at that -- and that he needed to be on his best behavior, a darker part of him whispered how devastatingly easy it would be to make a deadly crater in this man’s skull, helmet be damned.

Seemingly unaware of just how big of a bear he was poking, the guard stepped even closer, having to tilt his head up to look the taller man in the eyes. “I asked you a question, farmboy.”

Big Mac met the man’s eyes with his own, and at that moment, thought of something Pinkie Pie had taught him. “Wanna know the best way to make a meanie squirm without punching? Smile wide, and show utter kindness.”

And so, Big Mac slowly pulled back his lips into a wide grin, nodding almost excitedly to the man. “Of course, sir! I won’t let the princesses down! Anything I can do to help, you just let me know!” The almost manic grin and nodding, coupled with a complete lack of accent, completed the look Macintosh was going for. He had to channel Pinkie for it to work, but the reaction was definitely worth it.

Completely caught off guard by the response, the guard actually flinched back, then cursed under his breath. He had lost the little mental battle with the farmer, and they both knew it, as he had figured him to be some dumb farmhand and nothing more. Though he couldn’t say he liked the farmer, he now had a small smidgen of respect for him, though he would never say it aloud. He knew there was nothing he could say or do to save face, so he decided to cut his losses as he turned on his heel and walked out of the room, opening and then closing the door behind him.

Macintosh was now left on his own, and as soon as the door clicked shut, he allowed himself a more natural grin, shaking his head at what had just happened. It seemed that even in Canterlot, there were people that had to test themselves against “the Ponyville giant”, and while he was never one to look for trouble, Macintosh could say he enjoyed proving assumptions about him and his family wrong. With a stretch and a sigh, he took a seat on the bed and pulled up his luggage, deciding unpacking would be a good way to pass the time.

Until the princess had knocked on the door, Macintosh had been sitting on the bed, quite literally twiddling his thumbs as he waited. To say he was happy to have something to do was an understatement, and he nearly leaped off of the bed at the sound, only pausing to grab the two gifts he brought. The angelic voice of Princess Luna asking for entry prompted him to open the door for her, and he smiled at the sight of the dark princess.

The princess looked stunned for a moment before smirking at Macintosh and replying in a sultry, teasing tone, “If I did not know better, I would say you were anxiously awaiting my return.”

One of the things Macintosh enjoyed about his personal friendship with the princesses was he came to know very different people than who the rest of the world knew. Luna in particular was often seen as stern, commanding, and even intimidating, but Macintosh had come to find out that was just a front. In truth, she was playful, mischievous, and, dare he say it, a big dork. She had to hide her true self when presenting herself to the public, but when in private or around privileged company, she was a lot more fun than most could ever imagine.

Big Mac knew all this, and knew he could get away with sending her teasing back at her. He leaned with crossed arms against the doorframe, subtly glancing to be sure no one else was around before firing back with, “Well, Ah might’ve been. Ah’d invite ya in, but we got places ta be, so…”

Gasping theatrically, the princess brought her hand to her chest in mock shock. “Propositioning a princess, Macintosh? Shame on you, sir. What unbecoming behavior for a guest of the crown.”

Unable to come up with anything particularly witty to say, Macintosh gave a simple, “You started it.”

Not even trying to hide it, Princess Luna giggled girlishly, enjoying how nice and fun it was to just talk with someone without so much pomp and circumstance wrapped up in every word. They both enjoyed it from each other, of course, but since it was far more rare for the princess than the farmer, she tended to place a much greater value on it. Macintosh, on the other hand, simply enjoyed the fact that he could bring some small portion of joy to the rulers of the land, and that they were just people underneath the crowns.

“Well,” Princess Luna began, stepping beside the large man and looping her arm in his, “I believe we should get going. It would not do for the birthday girl’s sister to be absent for too long. Come, let us make our way to the party.”

Big Mac fell into step beside the princess, but raised an eyebrow. “Party’s already started?”

Princess Luna shrugged gently. “You have only missed the introduction of all the guests. Nothing too terribly important, I promise.”

The words didn’t do much to settle Big Mac’s growing sense of unease. “Won’t it look like yer playin’ favorites, bringin’ me in after all tha rest?”

Nodding to a guard as they passed, Princess Luna just shrugged again. “It was the lesser of two evils. If we had simply elected to have you wait in the room, and be there when the other guests arrive, they would have assumed you were a palace servant. Twilight and fair Applejack will be announced with you, and in doing this, it will be made clear that you are guests of the crown. While it is true that this will draw attention to you, it will also prevent the more troublesome guests from causing you undue problems should you or the other two be seen speaking to my sister or I. You may have to fend off a few social climbers, however, and for that, I am sorry.”

Big Mac settled finally, and relaxed his gait as he continued walking with his royal escort. “Ah ain’t that bothered, now that Ah know what’s goin’ on. Much as Ah’m sure we all wish otherwise, politics is a part of yer life; even a birthday celebration is public.”

Princess Luna nodded with a resigned sigh. “Very true, Macintosh. In many ways, Celestia and I are seen as the very personifications of Equestria itself, and so to keep the peace, we must be readily accessible to the public. It became easier as the centuries passed, but I will admit that we have become likened to dragons from the way we hoard what little privacy we have.” She shook her head, causing her sparkling blue locks to fall over one eye before she used her hand to secure them behind one ear. “I will admit that I have never completely gotten used to it, and I find myself losing my patience quicker than my sister.”

Reaching over with his free hand, Big Mac patted the hand holding onto his arm, smiling at the shorter woman at his side. “Ya can’t compare yerself ta Celestia all tha time, Princess. She’s had a thousand more years ta get used to tha life y’all lead, so ‘fcourse she’s gonna be better at it. Give it another thousan’ though, and Ah’m sure you’ll be a master.” The princess let out a restrained snort and bumped her shoulder into the larger man, but otherwise silently continued walking with him toward the massive doors that led to the grand hall. Twilight and Applejack were already waiting nearby, garbed in dresses that would be downright gaudy anywhere else besides Canterlot; other than a nod to each other, the two groups silently converged and headed toward the doors together. The four guards in front of the doors acknowledged their presence with a nod before opening the doors, the one closest to the open doorway stepping through with the princess and her guests.

Saying the grand hall was crowded would be like saying an ocean was a bit damp, and it was all the more noticeable by the deafening silence that settled over the mass of people as nearly every eye turned to the doors as they opened to reveal the three new arrivals.

The lead guard that entered with them stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Announcing Her Royal Majesty, Watcher of the Night, Princess Luna, Royal Protege Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack and Macintosh Apple of the Ponyville Apple Clan.” With that said, the guard stepped back and exited, closing the doors behind him, presumably to resume his post.

Princess Luna, powerful and mysterious, drew attention no matter where she went, but even so, more eyes were on her guests than focused on her. While efforts had been taken to protect their anonymity, everyone in Equestria knew who the Elements of Harmony were by now, so to see two of them in one place was intriguing.

For most, however, the third guest was far more interesting. He was an unknown -- most present didn’t even know who he was -- but it was clear from the way he was introduced that he was somehow connected to the royal family. Macintosh, while not necessarily shy, couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of unease at the hundreds of eyes now trained firmly on him -- watching, judging. But then, as if a switch had been flipped, all those present went back to the festivities. Much as he would regret the minor show of weakness later, he unconsciously tightened his grip on Princess Luna’s hand, feeling much like a rabbit being stalked by a timberwolf.

“Calm, Macintosh. Calm yourself.” Princess Luna’s whispered words flowed into his ear. “Let us pull away from the crowd to greet sister and present your gifts.” The man in question took a steadying breath and nodded, allowing himself to be led to the part of the room where Princess Celestia was chatting with a few of the more prominent members of the nobility.

As they walked, the giant of a man was forced to greet a few of the more curious guests, but other than a cursory and polite acknowledgement, the group moved quickly and with purpose to where the elder princess waited next to a wall adorned with beautiful stained-glass windows. It was only as they approached closer that he noticed the windows displayed some of Twilight’s more prominent adventures, which only served to remind him of who he had once been involved with. As goofy, dorky, and down-to-earth as she was, it was easy to forget that Twilight was a hero of the age, as was his sister.

Finally arriving, Big Mac waited patiently as Princess Luna made her way to Princess Celestia, leaning in to whisper into her ear. The solar princess immediately perked up, looking away from her seneschal to smile at her gathered guests. She beckoned them over happily, standing from her plush armchair to greet the entourage properly.

The silky white dress the elder princess was wearing perfectly matched Princess Celestia’s minimalist tastes, being simple in design but gorgeous in execution; from the flawless dress to her flowing locks of glittering, multicolored hair, Princess Celestia had a visage that had inspired poems and songs for generations. Before he could stop himself, Macintosh found his eyes admiring the solar princess’ form like he would any other woman, and nearly physically slapped himself once he realized his actions. Still, he knew he was undoubtedly not the only one that found himself transfixed by such a perfect female form.

“...and Macintosh, I am quite pleased that you made it.”

Oh, she was talking now. Focus!

“Uh…” Macintosh did slap himself this time, doing his best to pick up the pieces of his dignity as he extended the gift bag to her, “Ah got ya a li’l somethin’. Pinkie helped.” The complete inelegance of his words and actions caused the farmer to cringe inwardly. ‘Stupid, stupid!’

However, his predicament wasn't exactly subtle, so the princess stepped forward and grabbed him by the shoulders, causing the taller man to look down at the ruler. Her gentle magenta eyes bored into his, and immediately, he felt calm; in her gaze was no judgement or disappointment, only concern and acceptance. Slowly, his tense muscles began to relax, and he let out a steady breath.

Princess Celestia smiled up at her taller guest. “Better?”

Taking another breath, he nodded. “Yeah. Ah’m sorry Princess, but this here fancy party’s got me feelin’ like a timberwolf at a bonfire.”

Smiling understandingly, Princess Celestia nodded. “I know, and I apologize. Power through it for an hour, for me, and the five of us will retreat to a private celebration. This,” she gestured to the gathered upper-classes, “unfortunately, is a necessary evil, but we will not spend much time here.” Looking down at the bag he had offered her, Princess Celestia took the gift and pulled the small box out of the bag. Her eyebrows lifted at the noticeable enchantment upon it, but upon opening it, her jaw dropped. “A-are these…?”

The look of stark awe on the face of the supposedly-unflappable princess brought a grin to Macintosh’s face. “Sure is. Some ‘t enjoy now, ‘n some ta grow f’r later. Ah figured this’d be somethin’ nice that y’all can’t usually get, and they’re jus’ f’r you.”

Princess Celestia reached into the box and pulled out one of the crystalline, blood-red berries, about the size of her thumb. She closed the enchanted box immediately afterward, then looked the berry over with a discerning eye before popping it into her mouth and crunching into it. The crystal-like outer layer broke under her pristine teeth, causing a veritable flood of delicately complex, sweet juice to crash over her taste buds, taking her senses for a flavorful ride that she had not experienced in a very long time.

After a few moments of closed-eyed bliss, the princess opened her eyes and looked to her farmer friend, smiling brightly at him. “I won’t ask how you came across these, but know that I definitely approve. Thank you for the gift, Macintosh.”

Returning her smile, Macintosh dipped his head briefly. “Glad ya like it. Truth be told, Ah wasn’t sure what ta get ya, but Twi and tha girls helped with that.” He didn’t mention the other thing Pinkie mentioned, afraid it might cause a misunderstanding.

Ever the picture of decorum (when in public, at least), Princess Celestia only nodded with a grateful smile. “Well, when you see her again, tell her I appreciate it. The berries do not grow without the power of the crystal heart, so I went without this taste for nearly a thousand years.” She gave a refined laugh from behind her gloved hand. “While I am quite happy my niece had her lands restored, I confess I was also quite excited to know that things such as this,” she held the enchanted box up, “are once again available. Already, this is turning out to be quite a nice birthday celebration.” Looking off to the side, the princess sighed heavily through her nose. “Unfortunately, it seems the duties of a princess are never done.”

Only a moment later, Macintosh was witness to a shorter man and woman practically forcing him out of the way to stand before the princess (though, to be fair, even the princesses were shorter than him). The couple was dressed extravagantly in the most current fashion fads available, complete with a cologne or perfume that reminded Macintosh of poor-quality moonshine and old fruit. The man, who had an overly-rosy hue to his face, stood before the princess as if he were Faust’s gift to the world, and spoke with a tone that made Macintosh want to smack the handlebar mustache off of his face.

“Princess Celestia, steward of the day and the most gracious of hosts, we require a few moments of your time,” the man began, and Macintosh almost snorted a laugh at how thick the man was laying on the pomp. Before he spoke further, however, the man slowly turned his head to look at the farmers and Twilight, practically snarling. “You are excused. These matters do not concern you.”

Before his sister could strangle the uppity guy, Macintosh grabbed Applejack’s hand and nodded to the rude man. “I’ll be leavin’, then.” However, just to give the man something to think about, he looked to the princesses and nodded with a friendly grin. “When y’all are finished with business, Ah’ll be with Twi and AJ over by tha food. Don’t take too long now, princesses.” He gave a wink to them both, and by the stuttered gasp he heard, he was sure the unwelcome company was about to have a conniption.

Macintosh pulled his sister and Twilight away, toward the snack table. On the way, Applejack jerked her hand away angrily, huffing loudly as she grumbled, “Why’d you just walk away like that? That guy needed some act-right, and Ah was ready t’ give it!”

“Yeah, b’cause throttlin’ a guest in the castle would’ve been tha right choice, AJ.” Macintosh sarcastically answered. He was well aware that his sister had a temper, especially when it came to others insulting her family or friends.

Thankfully, Twilight remedied the situation once again by lacing her fingers with those of her girlfriend, and gave the fuming farmer a comforting smile. “It helps to imagine them as being mentally handicapped. That way, you can imagine they don’t know any better, and lack the mental capacity to learn it; it’s more true than I wish, unfortunately, though due more to pride and prejudice than an actual mental affliction.” Placing her hand on her chin, she thought aloud. “Although, I suppose pride to that degree can be a form of mental handicap when it causes you to behave like an arrogant teenager.”

Applejack snorted a laugh, shaking her head as she followed her lover and brother. “Darn it Twi, Ah was tryin’ ta stay indignant, ‘n then you make it sound like the guy is a few apples short of a bushel.” Composing herself as they moved through the crowd, she shrugged helplessly. “Awright, Ah ain’t gonna hit ‘im. Ah can’t promise nothin’ if these ‘ere sticks in the mud keep talkin’ down t’ us, though.”

Twilight glanced back at the other woman, smiling enigmatically. “Just let me handle them. No one talks down to my Apples and gets away with it.”

And suddenly, Macintosh was worried for the aggressors.

Luckily, they arrived at the snack tables a moment later, and they passed the time by drinking some punch or eating from the assorted snacks. A few of the more respectful guests that recognized the three paid a visit to give their kind regards to Twilight for her recovery, but for the most part, the three were left to their own devices as the celebration continued.

Finally, after everyone was well-settled, Princess Luna took a microphone and tapped it to get everyone’s attention. She applied a spell that had her floating a few feet into the air on a nimbus of cyan magic so that everyone could see her, and she smiled to the crowd as she greeted them. “Greetings, and thank you for coming to Our sister’s celebration of her birth. We do hope you all are enjoying yourselves tonight.” Reserved claps were her response, since it would apparently be impolite to cheer, so the princess continued after only a moment. “As you all know, Our sister and I do all that we can to be sure the people of the land are happy and healthy, but We must admit, Our elder sister has given far more than we ever could. Through wars, she led us to victory. Through famine, she sacrificed her own health to lessen the suffering. For peace, she gives all that she can and more.” Looking to her sister with profound affection, Princess Luna gave a smile so full of love, it brought tears to the eyes of most within the ballroom. Princess Celestia was completely focused on her sister at this point, as if the two of them were the only ones in the room. When Princess Luna spoke again, it was with complete sincerity. “I hope that one day I can be as great a woman as my sister. Please, let us celebrate the continuing life of one of the greatest people that have ever lived; to Princess Celestia!” This time, a more exuberant round of cheers came around, with shouts of exaltation and praise that seemed out of character for a room full of seemingly stuffy people. Nonetheless, the speech had the intended effect, and all gathered were looking to the solar princess with smiles as they gave praise and adoration to their princess.

Princess Luna floated down off of the cloud of magic, crossing the room to embrace her sister with a few whispered words just between the two of them. After the short conversation finished, Princess Celestia took the microphone from her sister and smiled. “My beloved people, I thank you for your love and support. As always, I am happy to lead us all into a prosperous future, and I am grateful for attending this event. Please, eat, drink, and be merry. Thank you all for coming.” The princesses then looked to their special guests and beckoned them back over to the corner of the room, so Macintosh, Applejack, and Twilight crossed the room to approach the princesses once more.

“Y’know,” Big Mac began, a grin teasing his lips, “folks back home’d call that blowin’ smoke, but Ah know ya mean it.” He gestured to the many gifts still sitting upon the table off to the side. “Ya gonna open any ‘a them other gifts?”

Looking toward the table, Princess Celestia shrugged. “For security purposes, I am not allowed to touch them until they’ve been properly inspected.” She pointed a single finger to the ceiling, and it was only then that the three guests noticed a decent sized company of Princess Luna’s night guard set up in the darkened rafters of the room, above all the light sources. Along with that were the fifty or so guards stationed on the ground floor of the ballroom itself. As Macintosh looked back to the princess, she only smirked. “You don’t honestly think I’d be so foolish to not have a significant guard presence on duty, do you? I have not survived this long due to ignorance and stupidity.”

The farm man could only shake his head. “N-naw, Ah don’t think y’all ‘re stupid, but ya accepted mah gift without a fuss, and Ah just didn’t think there’d be this much security at a party with people ya trust.”

“What do you think Whispering Winds was doing?” she answered with a smirk. “The good captain was not there just to receive you, but also to scan your goods to be sure there was nothing dangerous within. I trust you, my friend, but rules are rules. However,” she shifted her eyes to the rest of the guests, “I don’t trust them.” At Macintosh’s disbelieving stare, she pressed his shoulder to turn him around, and she hugged her body against his back as she leaned to his ear and whispered, “Look at the young man over there by the buffet table, the one with the curled orange hair and red bowtie.”

While a more primal part of the man was focused on the warm body pressing against his back, Macintosh focused and located the man she was talking about. “Yeah, what about 'im?”

“He’s tried to have me assassinated twice, or, at least, his family has.” Princess Celestia explained, forcing a jolt through the farmer in shock and concern. She rubbed her hand against his shoulder. “Think of it like a complicated tabletop game.” Macintosh’s wince at his supposedly-secret hobby was quite noticeable, but she continued nonetheless. “In order to better learn from and overcome my enemies, I must have them close. What better way than to invite them into my home, and provide them with food and alcohol? If I convince them I think they’re my friends, they’re likely to do or say something that compromises them, or at the very least, reveals their intentions and/or those of their compatriots. It is a risk, of course, but that is why I have my guards close at hand, and I would rather risk my wellbeing than be ignorant of those that would wish me and my sister harm.”

It was times like this that Big Mac was reminded that, even with how close he was with the princesses, they lived in a world completely different from his. He lowered his head in disappointment, mostly at himself. “Ah thought yer people loved ya. Guess Ah was just bein’ a ‘dumb commoner’ just like they say.”

“Don’t.” Princess Celestia’s voice cut through the air, sharp as a razor, immediately drawing his attention. Her eyes were narrowed as she bored her gaze into his own eyes, and she spoke slowly, calmly, yet with purpose. “Do not tarnish the vision of the man I have come to know and care about by claiming that you are in any way unintelligent. Ignorance is not the same as being stupid, Macintosh, as I’m sure you can agree.” She gestured with her hand to the room around them. “I make it a point to spare all of you from this life, because its complexity wears on the mind and soul. You do not deserve those burdens, and so I keep them from you.” After a moment of intense staring, her features softened, and a pleasant smile drew across her lips. “I don’t want another courtier or brown-nosing noble; I want a common person, unburdened by the unending game of political chess that everyone in my court plays. I want common friends, who are not so jaded by the common injustice in the large cities that they lose their compassion for their fellow man or woman.” The smile seemed to grow tangibly warmer as she continued, and that warmth seemed to spread to Big Mac’s core. “Most of all, I want people -- even if it’s just a handful -- that can see me as just a simple woman, instead of the princess of the greatest and most prosperous nation in the world. I want someone who is reluctant to bow -- not because of disrespect, but because they know I want to be seen as an equal by my friends; I want friends that can separate me from this when we spend time together.” She tapped her crown with a finger, glaring almost balefully up at the intricate headwear.

While Macintosh understood, he still felt the need to point out a very important point: “Ain’t much time y’all ain’t ‘princess’n’ though. B’sides that, Ah think these uppity types’d have a stroke if Ah invited ya to a hoedown in Ponyville. Us ‘common-folk’ ain’t exactly allowed t’ do that.”

“Perhaps not,” she pondered aloud, “but, if a princess was to visit one of the towns she rules, especially the one that houses national heroines, there isn’t much the nobility and gentry can say or do about it. There are ways to surmount every obstacle, if a friend is but willing to stand beside me.”

Understanding what she was getting at, Macintosh felt a happy smile grow. “You lemme know a time, ‘n Ah’ll make sure we c’n receive ya. Would be nice ta see y’all more’n national disasters, or yer girl here wakin’ up from a coma.” He jerked his head toward Twilight, who was busying herself with her own conversation between her, Princess Luna, and Applejack.

A cleared throat off to the right brought Macintosh’s attention to Captain Whispering Winds, who was concealed in a shadowy corner. “The two of you may want to be careful of all that physical contact; you’re drawing a lot of attention your way.”

The words caused both the princess and farmer to become aware of the fact that, yes, a sizeable amount of the guests were focused intently on the two of them. Some were sneaking glances here and there, while a few were outright staring, but the blatant impropriety was serious enough to draw eyes toward the two of them.

Macintosh tried not to miss the pleasant warmth of the princess against him when she pulled away. Contrary to her actions, though, she seemed just as put-off as he was. “Unfortunately, the good captain is right. That was improper, and I apologize for that, Macintosh Apple. Can you forgive me?”

“You can put yer hands on me anytime,” was what he thought, but he instead answered, “Apology accepted, Princess Celestia.” He turned fully to face her, bowing at the waist at a 45-degree angle. “Ah hope Ah didn’t overstep any bounds.”

As he stood tall again, he noticed the princess’ face twitch sourly, though she apparently knew they had to appear “proper” in public, regardless of any personal bonds they might hold. “All is forgiven, Macintosh Apple. Please, enjoy the party to its fullest.”

Reminding himself that these were the parts they had to play in the public eye, Big Mac nodded to her respectfully. “Thank you, Princess.” Unfortunately, at that moment, a certain biological impulse hit him, and he found himself shyly asking, “Um...y’all wouldn’t happen to be able to tell me where tha washroom is, would ya?”

Unable to fully stop herself, the princess snorted with a grin. “Captain Whispering Winds will have one of her guards escort you.”

The named captain snapped her fingers loudly, and one of the hidden guards jumped down from the rafters, landing with barely a sound next to her. She inclined her head toward the farmer. “Silent Night, show Mr. Apple where the lavatory is. Make sure he gets there and back safely.”

With a silent nod, the night guard looked to Macintosh without a word, his glittering golden eyes the only thing visible through the visor of his helmet. He took the lead, gesturing with a hand for Macintosh to follow, so the two made their way out of the ballroom to the quiet corridor, the large doors closing out nearly all of the sound from within.

Luckily, the washroom was only a dozen or so paces away from the ballroom, so the guard silently stopped next to the door, jerking his head to it as he posted up outside of it. Taking this as permission, Macintosh entered the washroom, greeted immediately by a soft glow coming from magical lighting along the walls. The washroom was opulent, as was to be expected, with metallic, gilden fixtures and intricately woven mirrors along the wall above the sink. There was a comfy looking chair in the corner (for some reason) next to a deep oak, marble-topped end-table, and at the other corner of the room, a partition wall that closed off the immaculate porcelain toilet. All in all, this looked like a washroom that cost more than Macintosh’s house back home, and he wanted to be quick about doing what he needed to, lest he become ridiculously unlucky, and break something.

Macintosh quickly and efficiently did his business, emptying his bladder and flushing, being sure not to leave any splatter or anything to mar the pristine washroom. He strode to the marble-topped sink next, quickly washing his hands before drying them on a cotton hand towel hanging from a gilded loop on the wall.

“I thought I told you to behave yourself, farmboy.”

Whipping his head around, Macintosh found himself staring at the guard that had given him a talking-to in his room. The guard was still fully armored, his face hidden except for his striking blue eyes, and his hand was on the pommel of the sword at his hip. The guard was standing next to the door, the only exit, and it was clear he wasn’t going to be letting Macintosh leave anytime soon.

“Showing disrespect in front of courtiers, forgetting the place of a commoner in the presence of royalty, and disregarding the rules of propriety in public,” he named each “offense” as if he were reading crimes to a convicted criminal. The unnamed guard tisked mockingly, shaking his head. “This is exactly what I meant when I said you don’t belong here. I tried to tell the princess that allowing commoners here was a mistake, but she wouldn’t listen. You have no place here, and your behavior out there proved that. I’ll not allow the likes of you to sully the royal family any longer.”

“Ah haven’t done anything wrong.” Macintosh answered, his hand balling into a tight fist as he held himself back from punching the smug guard in his armored face. “Ain’t no law Ah’ve broken, and tha princesses would’a told me if Ah was doin’ somethin’ wrong.”

Bobbing his helmeted head from side to side, the guard almost seemed to be contemplating his answer. “It’s true, you’ve done nothing illegal, but that in no way absolves you of the wrongs you’ve done. For months, you have enjoyed having the ear and attention of the princesses -- attention you do not deserve, being from such common stock -- and it has brought unwelcome attention to the royal family. In the interest of what’s best for Canterlot, I will not allow this to go on any longer.” Grabbing a gem from a holster on his hip, he tapped it, causing the clear gem to glow green. “Snapshot for Stalwart.”

-This is Stalwart. Go ahead-

“Snapshot” glared at the farmer, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword. “I’m 10-23 at assault on a guard. Perp is currently detained.”

-10-4 Snapshot. What’s your 20?-

“Public lavatories, north of the ballroom.” he answered, never taking his eyes off of Macintosh.


Looking over Macintosh, the guard began describing him in basic detail. “Height about 6’7” to 6’8", fair complexion, orange hair, with green eyes, freckles, and a strong build.”

-10-4, I’m 10-17 to your position.-

The gem was tapped once again, and the glow dwindled to nothing, leaving a clear gem behind. The guard fitted the gem on his belt once again, and he just stayed silent from then on. Macintosh, however, couldn’t help but imagine a rather smug grin on his face, underneath the helmet.

Macintosh, for his part, was seething now, as he wasn’t so ignorant as to not know what was going on. “Ah ain’t assaulted nobody.”

“The unconscious night guard outside says differently.” the detaining guard answered smugly. “I told you to watch yourself, and this is the price for your behavior. You could have avoided all of this by just staying home, where you belonged.”

Clenching his fist tighter, Macintosh absently felt his nails biting into the skin of his palm. “There ain’t no way this is gonna stand. Ah ain’t done nothin’, ‘n Ah got tha right to a fair trial. Once it comes out that ya made all this up, ‘n beat up one’a yer own t’ do it, what d’ya think’s gonna happen? Tha princesses-”

“The princesses don’t run this city, farmboy, the nobles do. The princesses might wear the crowns, but nothing happens without the say-so of the noble houses. The princesses can’t do anything without them.” Snapshot answered, his tone dripping arrogance. “Assault on a royal guard carries an automatic five-year prison sentence, along with a 50,000 bit fine. With no witnesses and no evidence, it’s your word against mine, and a dumb farmhand yelling ‘I din’t do it’ isn’t going to work in your favor. You’ve made a lot of enemies due to your connection with the royal family; you really only have yourself to blame for this.”

“So, some jealous noble is behind this; Ah knew it.” Macintosh couldn’t hide a growl at the thought, but he knew at this point, there wasn’t anything he was able to do. His best choice would be to bide his time until he could speak with a lawyer, and hope that without any incriminating evidence, there would be nothing he could be charged with. The “wait-and-see” approach didn’t really play to Macintosh’s strengths, but it was the best play he had, at the moment.

The door opened once again, and the previously unseen night guard fell through the doorway, completely unconscious. An entire side of the helmet was crushed, likely against a wall or something similar, and another guard stepped into the room with armor similar to Snapshot’s. He held a pair of chained shackles in his hand, which jangled ominously in the air.

With a resigned sigh and a heavy heart, Macintosh held out his hands and closed his eyes in defeat.