Why I love the Sparkled Sea

by Star Fantasy14

A Prism of Blue

Twilight watched as the sun flew down the horzion her indigo hair flew across the star blue sea.The Purple Alicorn sat waiting for something, something to appear in the blue-Dark Ocean...

Slowly a Rainbow head opened up into the surface the creature slowly got it's Rainbow tail and Spalashed Twilight until she was wet from head to toe-er um...hoof.

Twilight screamed after being covered in The Salty sea Water her aquatic friend called home.Twilight turned to glare at the Rainbow maned Sea pony Pegasus:Rainbow Dash,who was in a giggling fit at her soaked friend.

The Purple pony rolled her eyes,before using her magic to lift her Sea Pegasus Firend above the water Dash squeaked in surprise being sit near the Alicorn,Twilight giggled at her friend's reaction then Swiftly giving her a hug. Dash's eyes widened then returned the hug she smiled as she did so

"Sooo...hows things been" Twilight asked excitedly "I've been wondering about your home in Seaquestria is like...." Rainbow Dash laughed at her friend's babbling,She'd remember how exactly how she'd met a Alicorn princess...

Ten Years ago~
"But Mommy!" a younger version of Twilight whined to a tried looking Princess Celestia "why can I read from Starswirl's A to Z section?"

Celestia sigh she had explained this to her daughter for the longest of times "My dearest,Daughter must I tell you this again? you study to be a well age Alicorn princess yes...but you must also make some friends as well"

"But I-"

"No buts Twilight now run along" Celestia said extending one of her giant white wings to push her daughter aside on the castle grounds,to get some much needed paper work done.

Twilight grumbled in pity her mother
had asked her to make some friends but make friends wasn't actually Twilight's strong suit....
Ask her how to calculate the Stars?sure,do trigonometry? easy!, name the debatable subject of Equestria's government to the Ancient folk of zebras? of course! But making friends

Twilight was stalked with these thoughts, she'd never ever made friends before maybe she could-
"Uh Princess Twilight is the worst"
Wait what?
Then Twilight decided the reasonable thing to do was to hideout to in a tiny shrub Bush You know...for research
(Or just to find out what the Ponies wanted so she could be their friend)
"Yeah she's not even pretty like princess Candace or her Mommy"

"I even heard that she's not even a royal Alicorn blood"


"Yeah she's nothing but a dumb orphan"

The two fillies burst into cruel laughter Twilight however had eyes were broken in tears,she quickly teleported to the edge of a Cliff by the edge of the seashore and began to weeped softly.

*Meanwhile In Seaquestria*

"Oh Yeah!!Ha ha!!"

a Rainbow blur shouted zooming past her Services as they Groaned in impatience "Miss Rainbow Dash will you pleas- " the Pink Seapony maid was cut off by another blur zooming past causing the trays in the maids hooves into smash into pieces on the seafloor.

"Uh! I cannot believe that runt is a relative of the royal Queen Nova" the pink seapony maid grumbled trying to pick up the broken dishes on the seafloor with her tail, "I can't believe we're still not getting payed for this" another seapony but in yellow added into frustration not thinking that Cyan Seapony could have heard their conversation.(if so they would be dead)

Unfortunately they thoughts would be incorrect for the Seapony filly sadly heard every word,with a heavy heart she turned tail in defeat and swam up to the surface for so much needed time to herself


The Alicorn filly's sobs seemed to echo through the Seafloor cave, and there began no end to Twilight's misery. "I'm a idiot" she cried as tears rolled down her cheeks,she wasn't pretty like her Mom Celestia,or even headstrong(Actually Strong) like her Auntie Luna she was a Orphan a



Twilight continued to cry she didn't notice that another particular Pony needed to cry.Rainbow Dash glared at the newcomer that entered her spot,though it occurred to her that she had never seen a creature like this before only read it history books.

Dash decided to watch this creature until it left, so she hid under a rock near the cave just to be safe. "Their right..." Twilight sobbed as tears trinketed down her face "I'm useless, worthless,I'm suppose to be a ruler of Equestria but I can't make one.single.friend....." Twilight continued to cry

Dash was shocked she didn't realize that a pony was going through the same thing that she was to,she wanted to go up and hug the purple filly and say that things would be okay,but she remember first hoof that she wasn't like that.She couldn't walk on land like a normal pony in Equestria, she could only swim like the Seaponys she lived with in Seaquestria.As she continued to look at the crying Alicorn filly she forgot how sensitive her tail was, her Rainbow colored tail smashed into a sharp rock.

[/i"Ouch!"Dash winched in pain Clutching on to her tail before blood started to poor from it.

Twilight's ears perked up "who say that?" She stop her crying to look around to find the source of the voice.The cyan Seapony cursed under her breath forgetting how loud she was,she trying to swim away as Twilight used her magic to find the sound of the noise.But Dash couldn't swim away her tail was cut in too deep so she couldn't move.Twilight was getting closer until she heard the sound of


She moved closer and used her magic to lift up wherever was in there the figure screamed in surprise as she was pull in the air.Twilight leaned in closer to get better look at what she was facing she was more than shocked to see

a tail?

And not a pony tail a Seapony tail Twilight was so shocked that she dropped the cyan seapony on the cave floor she moaned and groaned and pain now she had two body parts

"owww..." Dash mumbled trying to move but finding it impossible
Twilight however was trying to process the fact that a Seapony was on her very cave floor and was in pain...


In pain....

In pain....

Twilight snapped back to reality and used her magic to make in a Purple bubble around her & the Seapony who was yelled in protest but stopped when realizing where they were

"Hey!" The Seapony yelled to Twilight who was looking around the area, "where are we anyway?"

"I-I don't know.." Twilight whispered softly "I just t-thought it would help you..."

"Why would it help me?"

"Well because of your tail and—"

"Yeah what about it?!"

"It's bloody"

"So? I can take it!"

"No I don't think you can.."

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"







The two Fillies continued to bicker that they didn't a didn't see a strange figure surround them.Dash took notice of the strange shadow above them Twilight doing the same both their ears pined back,both of their terrified eyes looked at large Dragon-like ones and by the looks of it the dragon was not happy having Twilight and Rainbow Dash in his home

Twilight didn't think twice before running out of the cave, Dash on the other hoof couldn't run she had no hooves to run on!

"Help me!" Dash cried out to Twilight as the Dragon's nostrils began to sizzle with fire. Rainbow closed her eyes wanting for the dragon's firey breath to burn her skin

But none came......

She opened her eyes to find Twilight in front of her her horn was glowing a purple Aura and was aimed at the dragon above

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Twilight roared aimed her glowing horn at the dragon, as he screamed in pain Dash could only stare in shock at the Alicorn filly. She was sure that the Alicorn would have left her but she was loyal
to her...huh....

Twilight was exhausted her horn was giving out to much power but she couldn't stop she had to protect her firend no matter what....

The dragon had enough and with a flap of his wings he was gone

It was over......

Twilight collapsed on the cave floor to tired to move Dash saw this a flopped towards her "you okay?" She's asked "no not really..." Twilight whispered faintly.The cyan Seapony was about to say something when she noticed something on the other Filly's flank she smirked a little and decided it would be the perfect time to pointed it out. "Hey check it out!"she said pointing to the young Alicorn's flank,Twilight's Head looked up wearily to notice her flank was not blank, it had a pink star with other stars surrounding it Twilight's face lit up it with pride "My cutie mark yes!! Yes!!yes!"She began to jumped prancing with joy.

Rainbow chucked at her new friend's enthusiasm she didn't Pay attention to the fact that her tail was healed and that her cutie mark had appeared as well.It was a Cloud lighting bolt with red,blue,and yellow in the center.The cutie mark had appeared because it showed a sign how Rainbow Dash was beginning to become the Loyal (20% Cooler) pony well...um Seapony anyway

Dash looked around the cave now worry she was happy for the fact that her and her new friend just got there cutie marks...but now they were stuck in a dragon's cave in the middle of nowhere!

"Hey egghead!"Dash called to the Alicorn filly who glared at her for the nickname(and interrupting her victory dance) "how are we gonna get out of here?" Confusion was placed on Twilight's face Rainbow Dash saw this and rolled her eyes

"You zapped us here right?" a tone of sarcasm was used in her voice, Twilight nodded her head slowly still not getting it

The Seapony noticed she needed to be more specific so she simply flicked her friend's horn,Twilight now getting it blushed embarrassedly with in nervous smile her horn lit a magically Aura sending her and Rainbow out of the dragon's cave(I could not be more descriptive😅).

Both fillies arrived at the Seafloor Cave Twilight sat down to admire her new cutie mark, and the cyan Pegasus sat up to jump into the Seafloor she was about to swim away when she swam back to the Alicorn filly.

Twilight saw this and in looked at the Seapony "What is it?" she asked. "Well..um.."Dash scatched her head nervously "I um..just wanna t-thank you for saving me back there.." Twilight shook her head and smiled "don't be"she chucked "I'd do anything for a friend.."her eyes widened in worry "wait are we friends now?"

The Seapony grinned "well duh!" She smiled Splashing her tail in the sea happily "after all that just happened why wouldn't we?"

Twilight's eyes beamed with happiness "r-really?!" "Yeah!"Dash said Twilight smiled.The cyan Seapony Pegasus lifted her tail up next to the Alicorn filly "right here! Right now! What do say egghead..friends?" Twilight instead of fully giving her a answer embraced her friend in a hug she fell in the water in the process Dash was shocked at first but returned the hug Twilight smiled to herself she finally made a friend!


*present time*

It's been like that ever since...
after they reappeared back at the sea cave Rainbow and Twilight promised to keep their friendship and hangout secretly which was perfectly fine by them anyway.Since Twilight didn't want her new best friend to be experimented on or something she decided it would definitely be best to be kept to herself,same with Rainbow Dash

The two finally got what they wanted and that was in just one word....
