Spiral Swirl's Encounter

by Juke Denton

Chapter 9

A restful night sleep came and went for Spiral Swirl and the family she was staying with as the sun started its rise over the horizon. The unicorn yawned loudly while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and saying to herself, "Time to start a new day."

She went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her mane. After making sure she looked ready for the day, the mare went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Maddie and Joey's parents all dressed up and preparing breakfast. The dark-skinned mother, noticing the teal-colored pony enter smiled and greeted her with, "Good morning Spiral! Did you have fun with Maddie and Joey last night?"

"Yes, I did." Spiral answered while adding, "And before you ask, yes they were on their best behavior and were in bed by 9:00."

"She's quite the mind reader." The father joked as he took a sip of coffee while stir frying scrambled eggs.

"How did your dinner meeting go?" Asked the mare.

"Ah, it was business like most meetings go." Replied the father as he added some salt and pepper to the eggs.

Spiral sniffed the aroma of breakfast filling the kitchen and felt her hunger starting to surface.

"That smells delicious! Are those eggs you're cooking?"

"Why, yes they are Spiral." The father smiled at the pony. "But that's not the only item for the morning meal. My wife's also making batter for pancakes and you know how much Maddie and Joey love them. Though I'm surprised the two of them aren't already downstairs. They're usually awake before us and watching morning cartoons."

Of course, only Spiral knew the reason why.

But just as the unicorn was about to talk again, the father spoke up first and said, "But that's alright, I'm sure the little rascals are just tired from the fun you had with them last night. Speaking of which...what did the three of you do last night?"

Not wanting to bring up the sessions from yesterday, she went for a bare minimum answer with, "We played a couple of games and watched a movie."

"I see." The father said deciding to leave it at that. He finished cooking up the eggs while the mother poured some batter in another pan to start the pancakes.

A few moments of silence had passed before Spiral spoke up again and asked, "So is there anything planned for today?"

"Well after breakfast, I have to go out and pick up an order for a client." The father said as he put a portion of scrambled eggs onto separate plates. "I won't be back until later in the evening."

"And I have to do some grocery shopping this morning." The mother added; keeping her focus on the pancakes.

"I don't suppose you want me to look after Maddie and Joey again for the morning, do you?" Spiral asked.

"Well, normally I'd ask the two if they would want to accompany me to the store. But since they're still asleep, would you mind?" The mother said returning the question.

"Oh, not at all!" The mare responded in a delightful tone. "In fact, I've been enjoying spending time with those two and would love to look after them again for the morning!"

“Thank you Spiral.” The mother replied warmly. “You know, with how much Maddie and Joey seem to love you and the way you seem to have handled things just fine from last night, I would consider you to babysit them almost full time since you’re staying with us.”

“Well I would be honored.” The unicorn said proudly. “It’s certainly the least I can do until I find a way to return home.”

The rest of the time cooking was spent with only the sound of the pan sizzling with delicious flapjacks on the way. Soon enough the pancakes were finished as the mother distributed them evenly on the plates with the scrambled eggs.

“I think I’ll go wake up Maddie and Joey, if it’s alright with you.” Spiral spoke up as she began to trot to the children’s bedroom.

“Okay, tell them to hurry down or their breakfast will get cold!” Shouted the mother from across the kitchen.

The mare soon made it to the kids’ room and saw the two youngsters still asleep. She decided to wake each one up individually starting with the Maddie. Spiral gently nudged the youngest sibling and said in a quiet-like, sing song tone, “Maddie, it’s time to wake up.”

The little girl slowly cracked open her eyes and gave a yawn as she saw her unicorn companion smiling at her. Spiral then said to the child, “Good morning, Maddie. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes I did!” The young Maddie said while giving her friend a good morning hug. “And I had the most wonderful dream last night!”

“Oh! Would you care to tell me what the dream was about over breakfast?” The mare asked curiously.

“It’s breakfast!?! Breakfast!!!” The giddy Maddie shouted with joy as she went over to her brother and excitingly said, “Joey! Joey! Wake up, it’s breakfast time!”

“Ugghhh…” The older sibling moaned as he started to awaken groggily from the loud sound of his sister’s voice. But his energy built up progressively until he felt wide awake and said, “Wait…it’s morning already? I don’t even remember falling asleep. What happened last…” Just then, the events from last night clicked into his head. “Now I remember. We played that game before we went to bed, didn’t we? Who won by the way?”

“I’ll tell you at breakfast.” The mare answered back. “Your parents made eggs and pancakes for the three of us.”

“PANCAKES!!!” Maddie said nearly screaming in happiness as she went full throttle down to the kitchen leaving the older sibling and the unicorn in the bedroom.

“She must really loves pancakes in the morning to have that kind of energy.” Spiral said humorously.

“You have no idea.” Joey said in a light chuckle as he got up from bed and said to his pony companion, “Come on. Let’s hurry downstairs before Maddie breaks anything.”

Joey and Spiral quickly made it to the dining room to see Maddie blissfully enjoying the pancakes and scrambled eggs on her plate and the mother bringing out Joey and Spiral’s own breakfast plates too.

“Mmm…these are yummy!” The young girl said with delight.

“I always know how you like pancakes and you can thank your father for the eggs.” The mother responded while putting the other two plates down on the table. “Also I called Stacy’s mother about you wanting to play with her daughter and she said that she can drop her by later this afternoon.”

Maddie perked up at the notion of being able to spend time with her friend and immediately got up from her chair, went over to her mother, and hugged her tightly all while saying, “Really?!? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Mommy!”

“You’re welcome sweetie!” Replied the mother in a warm tone, returning the hug.

Maddie then took notice of Joey and Spiral standing at the entrance of the dining room. She broke the hug and said excitingly to the unicorn, “Did you hear? Did you hear? Stacy’s coming over today!”

“I did.” The pony said smiling at the hyperactive child. “I can’t wait to meet her later.”

“Ooohhh…we’re going to have so much fun today!!!” Said the little girl squealing with delight. The older sibling and unicorn looked at each other and chuckled in amusement while the mother sighed and rolled her eyes in a playful manner before speaking up again.

“Well, I have to do some grocery shopping this morning along with a few other errands. Do you two want to come or have Spiral look after you for the morning?”

Maddie spoke up first and said, “Could we stay with Spiral, please?” with Joey additionally saying, “I’d like to stay here with Spiral if that’s alright.”

“Alright then. But you’d better hurry and eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” The mother told them as she went to get ready to leave while the children and their pony companion sat at the table. After the kids did their good morning prayer, they all began to chow down on their breakfast (with Maddie already halfway finished with hers).

As they were eating, Spiral took notice of the flavor from the scrambled eggs and said in her mind, ‘Mmm…this family really knows how to make great food! It would almost be a shame to leave all of this behind when I return home. Or if I return home that is. But…’ She quit eating for a moment as a question popped into her head that made her feel conflicted about her situation.

‘…do I really want to leave?’

“Hey Spiral!”

The pony shook her head as the sound of Joey’s voice broke her train of thought and looked over at the boy’s direction as he asked, “You alright?”

“Oh yes, I fine. I was just in deep thought. That’s all.” The mare replied, hoping the boy wouldn’t press the matter.

“Okay. Just checking.”

Spiral gave a mental sigh of relief and decided to put the thought to rest as she continued to gouge down her breakfast plate.

The mother shortly returned back to the dining room, gave her children a quick peck on the cheek and told them, “Alright, I should be back around the time Stacy arrives. Until then, have fun with Spiral!”

“Thanks, Mom!” Joey said as he took a stab at a piece of pancake.

“Okay Mommy!” Maddie replied in her joyous tone.

With that, the mother went out the door, leaving the two human children and the teal pony by themselves for the morning. While continuing to eat, Spiral asked the youngest sibling, “So Maddie, you said you had a wonderful dream last night. Would you care to share it with us?”

“Oh, yes!” The girl said, eager to tell Spiral and Joey her experience. “I was dreaming that I was a pony just like you Spiral, but I had wings instead of a horn and I was enjoying flying peacefully through the sky.”

“So you dreamt of being a pegasus.” Spiral said in an amused tone. “Is that all your dream was about?”

“Oh, no. I made many pony friends during my dream and all of us were sharing stories and having a fun time with one another.”

“Sounds like quite the dream.” The mare said before turning her attention to the older brother. “What about you Joey? Have any vivid dreams last night?”

“Not really. I was just sound asleep from the game we played. Speaking of which, you still haven’t told us who won yet.”

Spiral took a bite from her scrambled eggs, then answered the boy’s question with, “Well Joey, I’m sorry to say but your sister beat you by a landslide.”

Maddie’s eyes instantly grew wide and she asked in a thrilling voice, “Really?!? I won?!?”

Spiral nodded at the girl and said, “That you did. Unfortunately, you seemed completely out of it after you entranced yourself so I let you sleep for the night. But, since you won, you still get to have your prize of being able to do what you want to Joey while he’s under hypnosis.”

“YAY!!!” Maddie screamed in happiness. “I WON! I WON! I WON!”

“Umm…” The brother began sounding a bit nervous. “I don’t suppose she’s wanting to use that prize anytime soon, would she?”

“Oh! Could I use it now? Please? Please?” The giddy girl asked giving the unicorn the pleading eyes look.

Spiral giggled at Maddie’s expression and said to her, “I’ll tell you what, let’s finish eating breakfast, pick up after ourselves, and then we can have some fun. How does that sound? Sound like a plan?”

The girl nodded her head in agreement and went back to eating the rest of her morning meal. The rest of breakfast was spent in silence with only thoughts going through each of three minds present.

‘Maddie certainly has a passion for having a fun time.’

‘I can’t wait to use my prize after breakfast!’

‘I have a feeling I’m going to regret having my sister mess around with my head.’

After the children and their unicorn friend finished their meals and cleaned up the dining room, the three of them went back to the Maddie and Joey’s bedroom for some morning activities.

“So now can I use my prize? Can I? Can I?” Maddie asked the mare with a hopeful sound in her voice.

“All in good time, Maddie.” Spiral replied teasingly. “But first…Trance Time.”

As per usual, the mindsets of the children switched from free will mode to obedient mode with the black and white spirals complementing their return to entrancement. Spiral waited a moment before clearing her throat and speaking again.

“Alright Joey, listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you. Whenever you’re under the control of your sister, you will not remember anything she does to you. Only the hypnotic feelings of delight and relaxation will be what you recall. Understand?”

The mesmerized Joey processed the command and replied with the typical monotone, “Yes, mistress.”

“Very good.” Said Spiral. She was about to snap the children out of their trances until she realized something and thought, ‘You know, with all the times I’ve hypnotized them and have made them forget the experience, maybe I should let them remember what it’s like sometime.’ But the more she thought about it, the more she felt it was a bad idea. ‘No. I already lied to them about having post hypnotic amnesia after sessions. But on the other hoof…’ She looked at the kids, who were merely staring at nothing as their eyes continued to swirl and waited to be given a command. The doctor was debating with herself, until she came to a decision.

‘…I’ll tell them when the time is right. But for now…’

“Maddie. Joey. When I count to three, the two of you will break free of my spell, but you will not remember me uttering the trigger phrase, returning to a hypnotized state or anything from this trance. You’ll only think you zoned out for a second. Understand?”

“Yes, mistress.” Answered the mesmerized kids.

“Then on my count. 3…2…1…Awaken!”

Maddie and Joey blinked their eyes and shook their heads as their eyes cleared away the spirals and returned to their natural state. Spiral sitting down on her haunches looked at Maddie and said to her, “Alright Maddie, are you ready to claim your prize?”

The little girl couldn’t hold back her excitement and shouted, “Yes! Yes! YES!!!”

Not expecting the youngest sibling to shout after waking from her spell, Spiral put her forehooves over her ears and said, “Okay. Okay. Just settle down first and I’ll explain things further.”

Maddie soon calmed herself and sat herself down (with Joey sitting cross-legged next to her and expecting Spiral to start swinging her watch). Taking her hooves off her ears, Spiral said, “Maddie, would you like to sit next to me so you can understand how your prize works?” The girl enthusiastically went over to her unicorn friend, sat next to her and waited in anticipation for what was to come. Before the human girl could react, Spiral put a hoof over one of her ears and whispered, “In order to bring your brother under your control, all you have to do is say the phrase, ‘hypno playtime’.”

“Hypno playtime? How exactly does that make him do what I want?” Maddie asked looking at the mare curiously.

Spiral could only chuckle at the child’s inquisitive nature and answered by extending one of her forehooves in the direction of where the brother was sitting and said, “See for yourself.”

Sure enough, when Maddie turned her head back to where her brother was sitting, she saw black and white swirls formed in his eyes. She stared at her brother with an amazed expression for a moment, until she broke from her own slight trance and asked, “So he’s really hypnotized?”

“Yep. And ready to obey any command you give. Go ahead. Give it a try.” Spiral said encouragingly while putting a hoof behind Maddie and giving her a small nudge.

The girl crawled on her knees towards her empty-headed brother and sat in front of him. Thinking about what to make Joey do, the first order that came to Maddie’s lips was, “Joey, if you’re under my control then bark like a dog.”

As soon as the command registered, the entranced Joey let out a loud, “BARK!” that surprised Maddie for a few seconds.

After recovering from her small shock, Maddie smiled in amazement and said, “He really is under my control!” She then looked back at Spiral and asked her, “But, how was it possible for him to be hypnotized without using your watch?”

“Well I’m not usually one who likes giving away techniques, methods, and secrets just to anyone.” The doctor said with Maddie hanging her head down in disappointment. “Buuuut…since you did last the longest in the game last night, you also get the special prize.

The little girl perked right back up and clapped her hands playfully while saying, “Ooooohh! What’s the special prize?”

“The reward for the special prize is me sharing with you a thing or two about hypnosis and it can be about anything. Just name it.”

“Okay, how did you do it? How did my brother fall into a trance without looking at your pocket watch?”

“Alright.” Spiral began, “Have you heard of something called a post-hypnotic suggestion?”

The girl shook her head in confusion to the teal unicorn.

“Well, let’s say for example I wanted you to attempt a backflip right now. Would you be able to do it?”

“Nuh uh!” Maddie answered shaking her head. “I’d be too afraid of hurting myself.”

“That’s what I thought. Now of course if you were under a trance and I told you to do a backflip, you would have no choice but to do it.”

“You wouldn’t make me do a backflip, would you?” The youngest sibling asked a little bit scared at the prospect.

“No. No. Of course not.” The mare assured the child. “Like I said, I would never make you or your brother do anything that makes you too uncomfortable to do, as long as you tell me beforehoof. I’m just using an example to help you understand what I’m saying.”

“Oh, okay.” Maddie sighed with relief before letting the unicorn continue on.

“But suppose I did want you to carry out such a task even when awake from my spell. How would I pull it off? It’s like this. Whenever you’re in a hypnotized state, your mind is open to suggestions of all kinds from the one who puts you under. So if I said, ‘Maddie, whenever you hear me say the word, ‘overboard’ when you’re awake, perform a backflip’ while you’re in a trance, then every time you hear me utter the trigger word, which would be ‘overboard’, then you would automatically execute a backflip, even when conscious.”

Maddie let the words sink in for a minute before asking with a curious, “Really?”

“Mmm hmm.” Spiral answered back and nodding her head up and down. The mare then turned her attention to the spellbound Joey and said, “Now in this case with what I did to your brother, I made it so that every time you utter the phrase, ‘hypno playtime’, he’ll fall back into an entranced state and obey you.” She then looked back at the girl and told her, “That’s what a post-hypnotic suggestion is. Do you understand it better now?”

“I think so…” Maddie replied in a semi-confused tone. “So all I have to do is say, ‘hypno playtime’ to Joey when he’s awake and he’ll be hypnotized again?”

“Yep. But only for today.” The pony answered.

The youngest sibling thought for a moment about what to do, until she looked at her brother with a mischievous smile and said, “Joey, if you can hear me, then wake up.”

The spirals disappeared from the boy’s eyes as his mind came back to reality. He was only able to look around for a couple seconds until he heard his sister’s voice proclaim, “Hypno playtime.” and immediately went right back to the mindset where he was just seconds before. Maddie giggled for a couple seconds until she said, “Wake up!” only to spout out, “Hypno playtime!” a few seconds later.

After four more times of sending her brother back and forth from being awakened to being entranced, Maddie suddenly had idea and asked Spiral, “Hey Spiral, would it be alright if we went to the pond this morning? I want to try something out with Joey there.”

“Umm…well I don’t know…” The teal pony said not sure leaving the house without anyone around was a good idea.

“Please?” Maddie asked giving her provisional babysitter pleading eyes. “Just this once, pleeeease?”

Thinking it over for a while, the unicorn said, “Well…your mother didn’t say anything about not being able to leave the house. So…sure!”

“YAY! Thank you so much Spiral!” The giddy little girl exclaimed as she gave her friend a hug.

“You’re welcome.” The mare said as she returned the hug. When she broke the embrace, Spiral made her way to the hall and looked back saying, “I’ll give you two time to change into what you want. Just let me know when you’re ready to leave. I’ll be downstairs.”

“Okay Spiral and thanks again!” The youngest sibling said. The unicorn nodded before activating her magic and closing the door to the bedroom. Maddie turned back to face her brother and was about to issue her next order until she saw the black and white spirals swirling about in his eyes and thought to herself, ‘Maybe one more time…’ She cleared her throat and said aloud in a sing-song voice, “Wake up, Joey!”

At hearing the command, the spirals left the boy’s eyes and he slowly came to and held his head with his right hand and asked, “Oooohh…what’s been happening?”

Maddie let out a stifled giggle as she said, “Hey big brother! You were hypnotized!”

“I was?” The brother asked looking confused. “How come I don’t remember Spiral swinging her watch then?”

At once Maddie grew nervous, until she remembered that she was in control. She quickly acted surprised and said to Joey, “Uh oh! Guess what?”

“What?” The brother asked in a concerned tone.

“It’s hypno playtime!” The sister playfully announced as she saw the black and white spirals flood the eyes of Joey once more. She laughed for a little while until she controlled herself and said to her brother with an orderly voice, “Okay Joey, grab your swimsuit, go into the bathroom and change into it. When you’re done, come back here.”

The obedient boy complied with the command as he mindlessly went over to his clothes drawer, got out a pair of orange swim trunks and walked over to the bathroom to change into the bathing suit. While she was waiting for Joey, Maddie sat on her bed thinking of creative ideas to exploit with her control over her brother.

A few minutes later, the oldest sibling walked back in the bedroom wearing nothing but his swim suit, stood still, and waited to hear his sister’s next command. The girl gave a small giggle at the power she had over her brother and said to him, “Okay Joey, while I’m changing into my bathing suit, I want you to lay down on your bed and close your eyes.”

Joey did as he was told and laid himself on his bed as if he were sleeping while Maddie jumped up from her bed, got out her two piece, pink swim suit from her clothes drawer and went to the restroom to change. After fitting herself in the swim wear, she went back to the bedroom and asked her brother in a teasingly fashion, “Joey, who do you obey?”

The older sibling didn’t have to think at all to answer that question (not that he really could in the first place) and responded with a tired-like, “I obey you.”

“And you’ll do everything I tell you to do, isn’t that right?”

“Yes.” The brother answered with no mood to his voice.

Giving a quick chuckle to herself, Maddie gripped her shoes in her hands and said, “Then open your eyes and get up from the bed. Also, grab your shoes and follow me downstairs.”

Following the command, the spiral-eyed Joey rose from the bed, retrieved his shoes and tailed behind his sister to downstairs. Meanwhile, Spiral was sitting on a couch in the living room humming a tune to herself and waited for Maddie and Joey to find her so they could be on their way. When she saw the children enter, the mare smiled at them and asked, “So are you two ready to go?”

“Almost Spiral!” The youngest said happily. “I just need to grab some towels and get my shoes on.”

While Maddie was collecting the towels, Spiral noticed Joey behind his sister still entranced and asked the girl, “Are you planning on keeping him in a trance while we’re walking to the pond?”

“Yep!” The sister responded as she then began to put on her shoes. Just as she was finishing fitting her limbs in the footwear, Maddie took notice of her hypnotized brother still standing barefoot with his shoes in his hands. Another idea suddenly went through the little girl’s mind as she bore a mischievous smile, looked up at her brother and said to him, “Joey, put your shoes down on the floor.”

After Joey nonchalantly placed his shoes on the rug, Maddie looked back at Spiral and told her, “Okay, now we’re ready!”

“Why’d you make your brother drop his shoes? Isn’t it dangerous for his feet to not wear them while we’re in the woods?” Spiral asked and looked at the girl with a questioning look.

“I’d like to think of this as personal payback.” Maddie retorted; giving the unicorn a lighthearted, evil smile.

“So you’re going to make your brother walk all the way to the pond and back hypnotized and barefoot? That’s quite devious.” Spiral said giving Maddie a playful wink.

The both of them chuckled for a couple seconds before Spiral broke the laughter and said, “Well, let’s head out then.”

Maddie nodded her head at the teal pony and said to her standstill sibling with a commanding, “Okay Joey. Hold onto these towels and follow me.”

Obeying the command, the spiral-eyed boy grabbed the towels from his sister and began to walk behind her as the two of them and Spiral went to the backdoor, with the unicorn using her magic to open the door to the outside air. When everyone was outside, the unicorn shut the door tightly and the three of them made their way to the pond for a morning of activities.