Fallout Equestria: Brass Sentinel

by Chemtest

Weirding Out

Hunter and I walk through some old ruined town on our way to that scavenger band. Quite tall buildings around here, must’ve been a center for business. Most of the buildings have satellites and other machines on top of them. Most, “Hey, Hunter, this is a completely land-locked town, right?”

Hunter nods absentmindedly, “Yeah, no river beds here, no water, completely landlocked.”

I nod back, and stop in my path, “So, there’s no way a boat should be here, right?”

He stops along with me, and follows my gaze, “Why do you- dear creator.”

I nod, “So. What fuckshit had to happen for that to happen?”

Hunter jumps onto the map setting of my Pip-Buck, “But- but, the ocean is at least fifty kilo’s from here!”

I nod along with his words as I gaze upon the boat that is impaled on a building, “Have to admit, I am throughly intrigued.”

Hunter stares at wonder towards the wodden boat, “Interested enough to take a detour?”

I nod, “Power Hoof can wait. What kinda shit occurred for this to happen. I gotta awnser that.”

Hunter starts to follow me as I walk off, “The kinda shit that only an idiot messing up badly could cause. Let’s go.”


I walk up to some type of makeshift elevator, and pull the lever controling it when Hunter steps on. I can see some old words painted on the back of the ship, but they’ve been crossed out. In their place is the name ‘Black Peral’. Hunter inspects the wood as our ride goes slowly up, “Well, it’s an authentic pre-war ship. Who in their right minds would use this?”

I look over at him with a slight smile, “It’s the Wasteland, nopony has their right minds.”

Our ride reaches the deck of the boat, and I see something I will never see again. Clones, almost a hundred clones of the same earth pony, all rushing around the deck in baggy white shirts and red skull bandannas, and deadlocks. None of them even spare a glance at us as we walk onto the deck, too busy rushing around.

We’re shoved into the crowd, and are constantly shoved forward, “Sorry mates!”

“Out of the way!”

“Stop sitting around, ship needs to be fixed!”

“Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!”

Then, one who runs into us actually looks at us, “Intruders!”

The horde around us stops as they surround us, “They’re intruders?!”

“How’d they get up here?”

“Our defense was good, how’d they get here?”

“Should we shoot them?!”

Then, I hear a loud voice shout over the crowd, “All right, all right, settle down! Thirty Three, put down your gun. And stop shouting so bloody much!”

The one with his pistol out immediately holsters it, “Yes Captain.”

The crowd parts for us to see another clone. This one wears a tri-corn hat, and something best described as a duster with various differnt cloths poking out. Said pony manages to walk down the stairs with only three hooves, as in his fourth he holds an apple. He take a bite out of it, before spitting it and the entire apple over the side, “Bleh, why do we even have those? We don’t even like them, and we packed some instead of more rum! The planning of the previous Captain, I swear, bugged right up.”

The crowd parts before him as he walks to us. When he arrives in front of us, I greet him, “Hello.”

He starts to study me a bit, “So, who are you, and why the bloody hell are you on my ship?”

I study him right back, “I am Sentinel, this is Hunter. We were wondering why the hell your ship was up here.”

He finishes studying me, and looks back at me strangely, “You’re the adventurous type, aren’t you? Well, you want the story, and I want something done. So how’s about we help each other in this situation. You do this job for me, you get a story, and maybe even a free ride. How’s about it?”

Hunter shrugs at my side, “We have time to spare.”

I simply nod, “Depends on the job.”

He smiles, “Excellent. See, we need some wheels, and they’re scattered around this town. Four very large wheels, and they each got sent to a different direction in town. So, if would be able to gather these wheels for me, and got rid of the scallawags holding them, you get the story and a free ride.”

I consider it for a moment, “Whats your name anyway?”

He looks around himself, “We’re all called Sparrow. Call me Captain, least ‘til you do your job.”

I nod, “Alright then, Captain, I’ll do the work.”

He nods, “Good, good. Now, go use that elevator, if you could get it done before days done, that’d be great.”

I look over at Hunter, shrug, and walk to the elevator, “We’ll get those wheels for you, Sparrows.”

The elevator starts to slowly descend as we decide to head south side first.


Footnote: Level Up.

New Perk Added: Blink and You Might Miss It — Looking Up is a valuable skill many ponies seem to have forgotten about, but not you! +2 to Perception for you and all your friends!