//------------------------------// // Night Meets Ice // Story: Time and death intertwined // by SilverHoof1 //------------------------------// Does the night dream? Does it in the waking hours rest its head on its shoulders and drift off to sleep, where the world is black and filled with glossy stars? Does the night want others to dream under her, and feel the absolute peace that she does? No not really, in fact I’ve actually been awake for nearly five days straight watching a little house mostly outside of the city. The night doesn’t need to sleep - I need to stop referring to myself in third person, I do need to sleep. Although that would probably have to wait a bit, since it was night and I could… see, all of them awake. They were on their livingroom sitting down and they seemed to be playing some kind of game, based on what I had seen of Inum’s preference probably some game involving killing. She was a strange one, but she seemed kind and from watching her I could tell she wasn’t rude, she could even be considered motherly. The night - ahem, I, had eyes everywhere, almost every star letting me see through it at any point, and most of the time I could be watching half the globe at any one time. My possibilities increased as the day got later and later, from better vision from more stars coming out to even any spell cast most often at the night, which gave me a fairly wide arsenal. A couple were even offensive from what some of the gangs used, although I usually simply didn’t use them since I didn’t really need to. Plus most involved another person, and it's not like I could have a tea party with day, I had no idea where he was. After a second of concentration my body, which had been black mist spread out wide condensed into my form. I’m not that curvy, and honestly i’m not completely proud of my body. I didn’t want to change it though out of pride, and it wasn’t like it was bad. At the very least I had a big chest, so I think that got me at least some points. After a second of hesitation, I reached out and knocked on the door. The racket that had been coming in quieted, and after a few seconds Morrow opened the door followed by Inum, Morrow smiling a bit. “Hello night, nice to see you,” he greeted me warmly, waving me in. Inum, who I had expected to act jealous or concerned at this greeting instead smiled and gave a small nod, before holding out her hand. “Hi, I’m - “ “Inum, it's nice to finally meet you in person,” I responded smiling a bit, taking her hand and giving it a gentle shake. She seemed surprised, and I saw out of the corner of my eye red hair and a pair of eyes peek over the couch, staring at me like a cat. She seemed to take all of me in, staring especially at my chest before a pair of white arms slowly pulled her back down by the top of her head. A few hushed words were shared, but I lost focus of the two as Inum cleared her throat softly. “O-oh, sorry my name is Axia,” I finished embarrassedly, I wasn’t used to talking to people so it was a bit weird to do it so much. Inum nodded, seeming to take the name in before gently taking my hand and leading me to the couch across from the one Amelia and Byron were sitting at. Amelia was still staring at me a bit, and Byron had one arm wrapped around her shoulders looking to me as well. He smiled a bit, and I nodded towards him, smiling just a little as well. Even if weird it was nice to interact with people, it didn’t get to happen to often. The night - ugh, I need sleep - I, am a bit lonely. Morrow sat on one side of me and Inum on the other, both looking at me. Finally after a bit of time Amelia slowly slipped out of Byron’s grip and came over, poking my forehead gently. “Well your pretty,” she pronounced with a smile, and I felt my cheeks turn a bit blue in surprise. My blush was a slightly different color then most I noticed, but at least it went well with my paler skin. “You look like an entire galaxy from the waist up, and your top is white like a star,” she mumbled, one of her hands actually tracing along my side as she talked, going across my black jeans and white tanktop that I usually wore at this hour. “W-well, i’ve never considered myself pretty but thank you,” I stuttered a bit, rubbing the back of my head and looking away as I felt the blush increase more. “You have eyes like Inum too!” “Hm… she’s right,” Inum commented, looking at my eyes a bit more closely. Byron and Morrow, wisely, weren’t saying anything about what I looked like. Both were smart individuals who knew not to comment on other girls without permission. Inum was getting a bit closer, looking me in the eyes while Amelia was struggling against Byron as he wrapped his big arms around her and slowly dragged her back to the couch. I mean they were both right in their descriptions of me, from what I had seen of myself in mirrors. My eyes were black like Inum’s, except unlike her white dots mine were green orbs with a thin ring of the same color around it, making it look like a planet. My top half was white, my hands black connected to the white section by blue while my hair fell down my back to my shoulders in a purple curtain, part of it framing my face a bit. From the waist down my body became black like Inum, connected to my top by the same blue as my hooves and my feet were white, again connected by blue. My tail was a swirl of colors of space and the galaxy, purples and violets combined with pinks and even a bit of blue with white stars scattered through. It wasn’t even really a tail either, more like a cloud in a faintly tail like style. “I guess she is, but i’m not that pretty if I am,” I responded, and Inum smiled a bit before poking me in the arm. “So your the personification of the night?” she questioned, poking again gently. The next few minutes were spent talking about me and having everyone introduce themselves, which was nice. I knew their names from them talking at night, but they rarely talked about what they symbolized. I could guess a few, but Byron and Amelia had been a bit of a mystery. “So, why did you come to us tonight?” Inum asked finally, and I nodded to all of them in general smiling a bit. “I can get a bit lonely, and you all seemed like nice people so I wanted to come in and say hi and maybe stick around,” “That's fine by us, a babe like you wo - “ Byron’s hand gently fell on her head like an axe cutting her off like a switch as she fell to the side. He gave me a small smile, before saying simply, “She can get a bit… excited, when meeting new people,” “I can tell,” I responded with a giggle, then looked to Inum as she tapped my shoulder. “What she said is true though, your free to stay although we don’t have a room for you, so you’ll need to sleep on the couch for now,” she said with an apologetic smile, and I smiled back. “Oh no that's perfectly fine, mind if I sleep now though? I haven’t slept in five days,” I responded happily with the smile, and she blinked, seeming surprised before she and Morrow got up and let me have the couch. All it took for me to fall asleep was my head to hit the cushion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, and with a yawn I stretched out, cracking my neck a bit where a few ache’s resided. When my eyes opened I noticed Morrow sitting across from me, staring at a piece of cloth while his eyes changed colors. They went to red, the page wilting a bit with age, then blue renewing it as good as new, the paper as fresh as when it was made from a tree. He didn’t seem sad, but he was alone I noticed. “Hey morrow.. where’s Inum?” I asked, rubbing at my eyes a bit while looking at him. “Oh she and Amelia went out for breakfast today, which I thought would make it a great time to go fetch your lover,” he responded cheerfully, and what I was going to say stopped in my throat. “U-uhm, lover? But I don’t need one,” I said, as if trying to blow it off. He smirked at me a bit, then walked over gently taking my hand. “Come on don’t be an introvert, a lover will let you almost never be lonely,” “But I don’t need a lov - “ My words were cut off as he teleported us, eyes turning yellow in a flash and my body felt like it went through a sudden vertigo. My stomach seemed to flip, and it took most of my resolve not to throw up immediately at the new location. “Sorry, should have warned you about the sickness,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his head. My response was a glare, but I think it didn’t have the effect I wanted when it felt like my face was as green as my eyes. I didn’t really like going out and about in the morning, especially so early. Most of my powers came with the night, and left in the morning so I could only do the average personification’s tricks. This didn’t usually matter since I slept in the mornings, but it left me feeling a bit uneasy. Then a flash of blue caught my eye, and I looked up from my stupor to see someone prancing around the fields. Morrow had ended us up in a farmyard, with tall waving fronds of wheat and brown patches of vegetables and fruits each in their own areas. Going through the corn was a blue form, wearing a simple dirty pair of farmer’s clothes and wandering around, reaching out with a hand so it brushed against the wheat stalks. She seemed sad, eye’s downcast as she left the wheat and started to walk down the road. Or at least, she seemed sad till she noticed us. “People!” By the time the word was out of her mouth she was standing in front of us, smiling wide and jumping in excitement. “You can see me too! Oh this is great!” “O-oh, uh hi,” I stammered taking a surprised step back, and she looked to me still smiling but it decreased to a more natural level. “Hello, I’m pomella it's nice to finally meet people I can talk to,” she said happily, taking my hand and shaking it. She was cute in a cuddly kind of way, and while I didn’t feel any flutter in my heart, I knew it was definitely a possibility. I smiled, patted her head and responded simply, “Hey Pomella, i’m Axia,” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the house… “Hey Byrrroooon, home alone?” “Go away lust,” “I brought flowers!” “It's also with poison ivy I can sense it from here,” “... it adds to the aroma?” “Get out Lust, better luck next time,” “.... damnit”