The Black Snake

by Spirit Lunar

Reality is not what you think

-- Daydreamer/Dark Insidious --

The next day after a breath of fresh air in front of the rising sun, I prepared the breakfast and did the dishes of the day before. Twilight was the first to come out of her sleep and congratulated me for waking up at dawn, although it was not necessary to get up as early to prepare everything as she quickly made me understand. Moon Stellar got up two hours later. Always angry with Twilight since the school incident. Then I accompanied her back to school, but when I came back, I saw the two mares last time in front of the house tree. It seemed visibly wait I do not know what. As I approached, the two come at me :
" Hello, Forgive us for disturbing you but know when will open this library? "
" I can open you if you want, I live here! "
" Are you the librarian? "
" No, but I'm currently taking care of her ... niece in Ponyville for a few days. "
After which we are all three entries. I noticed a word from Twilight saying that she was going to the market with Spike and that I had to open the shop when I returned. The two unicorns had each been sitting on a side-by-side chair reading with great seriousness a multiple books on equestrian history that I had never taken the time to do. I began to clean up when they asked me many questions about equestrian history. Knowing nothing, I told them to ask these questions to an expert. The two of them looked at each other, then, with the same movement of their heads, looked at me with suspicion on their faces :
" How long have you lived in this city? "
" Five years why? "
" It's weird that you really do not know anything about this world? "
" I lived a long time reclue with my family. "
" We have to go but I'm sure we'll meet again soon! "declared the yellow unicorn before placing a room with a rose on the table.
Then without another word, both left the library. This rose was the mark of the goddess. Thinking of paying the library for reading, the two unicorns trapped themselves. They did not come from this universe either. I resumed my calm that they had not discovered my sham. I took the coin and hid it in my pillow.

After that I had a visit from another mare named Daisy and then Lyra, who was followed ten minutes later by a certain Bonbon making me a complete interrogation if I had seen Lyra. Then it was the turn of Amethyst Star and finally Twilight with Spike and a small mountain of shopping bags. When she asked me to put them in the fridge while she was going to see these friends I wan especially when we knew my disgust for sports activities in my old body but it was even worse.
Wearing with a bag on each side of my body, I tried to move towards the kitchen but crushed me on the floor without strength. Fortunately Spike and Amethyst Star came to my aid to get the pile of bags back into the kitchen.
I thanked both of them and then asked me how all this food would go into the fridge. When I opened the fridge, I found myself in front of what could be a bottomless corridor because it was so big. After twenty minutes of storage, I collapsed with fatigue. I was really not athletic but without even an ounce of magic it was horrible.

Twilight finally came back to wake me up to pick up Moon Stellar from school. I started walking down the street with the impression of being followed. The two yellow and purple mares followed me visibly. I took many detours until finally sow them. These two strange unicorns did not tell me anything good. I arrived in front of the school a few minutes late and explained to Madame Cherilee the reason for my delay and my fears about these two ponies. Cherilee promised me that they would not let Moon Stellar go and recommended me to be careful. Maybe they wanted me? The most important thing is that nothing happens to Black Snake.

-- Moon Stellar/Black Snake --

After a boring school day as usual despite my friend Diamond Tiara, I noticed that Dark Insidious was late and when he arrived seemed very stressed about two unicorns having followed. Then we went back by the indirect roads to Twilight's house. When I got there, I sat on the little table and started my schoolwork. Dark Insidious, more and more distressed, told Twilight what she thought was a movie in her head. In spite of my diminished talent, I could still read something small in the minds. Dark Insidious seemed to have recognized a symbol belonging to the sworn enemy of the demons: The Goddess.

I suddenly had a flash before even having existed of my former holder where at least the creator of the black energy that I am if I can say had managed to make forget to its very existence to the Goddess so much its magic was powerful but ended up dying when the demons learned of it and attacked it.

His name was ... Arcane Alchemist. At the thought of his name, I felt a presence around me and another flash of an all-white city where there was a huge storm of black magic all around and a powerful voice rang out :
" My son, you called me and here I am. What do you want? "
Looking around me no one moved as if time had stopped.
" It's the case. "
A blue shadow of human form appeared before me the icy glance.
" What do you want my thing? "
"Are you Arcane Alchemist? "
" Indeed, and you are my creation. Can you join me? I could teach you what I know. "
" But you are dead and why would you? "
" It's normal for a father to learn rudimentary things to his son no? "
Avoiding the subject of his death.
" You are not my father, I read a different thought in your mind, although I do not know what you know. I saw what you had done to all those people you so kindly treated in the past. "
" I could kill you so easily, do not tempt me please where if you prefer I could spend my nerves on your charming friend Dark Insidious ?! "
Then came out a chain of silver ready to hit him while he was not aware of what could happen to him being motionless.
" So? "He asked with a satisfied smile illuminating his shady face.
" No, please do not do that. "
" Very well then listen to me, if I am here it is to warn you that you must not die here and especially not be recovered by the Goddess or the Inferno ... "
" Inferno? "I cut myself quickly.
" The demons working on the death of the Goddess, beware of unicorns that Dark Insidious is talking about, she's looking for you. "
" Why do not you kill them and try to kidnap me? "
" I can not now, but as soon as my Tawakens are awake, they will come and get you. And one last thing even if I should not. "
He took his silver chain and hit Dark Insidious. The chain passed through his body and he looked at me :
" Illusion, my dear Snake. One last thing, do not talk to anyone about this discussion or it will end very badly for Dark Insidious! "
And he disappeared suddenly, time regained its temporality. Dark Insidious looked at me strangely in front of my haggard look at the apparition. We had no more enemies but three.

After lunch, I went for a walk with Dark Insidious to find out who the Inferno and the Goddess are :
" The Goddess is a magician of great power who gathered many followers to exterminate the Inferno and reigned supreme in the multiverse. "
" Why do you call her the Goddess? "
" Her can only kill by the blade of an extremely rare crystal that only the so-called Phoenix, the leader of the Inferno can create. "
" Why did not he kill her? "
"The Goddess just as he is elusive, there are billions of universes each containing billions of planets without counting parallel universes, so the probability that they will meet is very small. "
" Who exactly are the Inferno? "
" Demons wanting to kill the Goddess and those acolytes and take the power to rule as I told you by Phoenix. "
" Why is it called Phoenix? "
" It is said that after being dead, Phoenix has come back many times to life, we do not really know how. "
"Are you an Inferno? "
" No, me and my friend The Crown of Winter are demons wanting peace and equality in all the universes besides that's how I met him. He had built a wall between two armies to prevent them from fighting each other and to convince humans to make peace with the creatures they had been tracking for decades. The emperor of the humans of this world was no other than a demon named Spirit Aethereal, who had created an empire and counted with the help of an amulet charged with bloody energy hence the reason for this war to open a door to another dimension filled with so-called Vertarnites, gigantic monsters destroying the world that he wanted to launch on the capital of the Goddess and Inferno.He had managed to open one, a Vertarnites was coming out of the gate. But we finally beat Spirit Aethereal dying skewered by the defense of Vertarnites that we repulse in its dimension and closed the portal. "
" You have had a lot of adventure there. "
" In fact it's only a small part of it, if I told you how I came out of The Ether you would not believe me. So... "

" So this ended chapter 9 and soon will start chapter 10. "So spoke the narrator perched on a tree with binoculars spying the conversion between the two demons in front of a beautiful sunset like all stalkers.