Cross-World Brotherhood

by AjitaniShirasu

Chapter 4 – Good Intentions

Luna stood, staring down Teotle like a hawk. She waited impatiently for an answer. Teotle fumbled at his English, confused as to why. Despite all of Rarity’s English classes, he seemed like he lost some elements of his speech. “It true.” Teotle finally answered. “Jaden and I meet.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, for she never heard such poor English, nor did she know he could speak. “Where are you from, Teotle?” Luna kept eyeing Teotle as she wanted answers. Wolves haven’t been in Equestria for quite some time, and seeing one was indeed a surprise, even to Luna.

“Far place from here. Place only Discord find.” Luna dilated her pupils at the comment. “You know Discord?? King of chaos and destruction??” Teotle nodded, as Luna was dumbfounded at this fact. “He disappear after bring me here.” Luna, extremely tired of the poor grammar, face-hoofed and walked into her bedroom. “This is absolutely pointless!” Luna yelled from the other room.

Teotle flattened his ears, as Jaden came next to him and sat down. “She always angry here?” Teotle asked Jaden. Jaden tilted his head in confusion. “Are you not from Equestria?”

“Not this one.” Teotle replied. Jaden became so very puzzled at this moment. ‘Why is he saying he’s not from this Equestria? There’s only one Equestria as far as I know.’ Jaden thought. “If you’re not from ‘this’ Equestria, and you’re from a different nation, then where are you from?” Teotle shrugged and answered ‘other Equestria.” Jaden looked at Teotle and smiled as the cub’s ears were still flattened. Teotle looked at Jaden as his ears popped up, as if the wolf got an idea. “You have word book?”

“A word book?” Jaden thought about what a “word book” could mean. “What kind of word book?”

“All word!”

“…Oh, a dictionary! Yeah let me get that!” Jaden ran over to the old oak bookshelf in the living room and barely grabbed a thick-looking textbook labeled: “Equestrian New Pony Dictionary.” Jaden gave Teotle the book and he flipped through the pages, just to make sure it’s a dictionary. He closes it abruptly and summons blue flames from his paws. The flames engulf the book and make the pages turn rapidly. Jaden was amazed, but didn’t know much about fire, as he yelled “Put it down! It’s on fire!”

“Not fire, it spell!” Teotle corrected as the words elegantly flew off the page and formed a tornado-shape. The storm went into one ear and out the other, as Teotle was memorizing all the words and context that were in that dictionary. After this, the words begin to deform out of the tornado-like shape, and return to their proper pages. With that, the book slammed shut and flew back into the bookshelf, placed exactly where Jaden first saw it.
Jaden was astonished that a cub like Teotle was able to pull off such an advanced spell. Jaden clapped his hooves in applause, for such a wonderful performance.

Before all this, Luna stormed into her room, jumped on the bed and covered her head with a pillow. She felt like she made such a huge mistake letting Teotle stay with her and Jaden. Not only that, but she knew it was such a red flag that he knew Discord, and only heaven knows what Discord knows about Teotle.

Little does she know, it’s not the same Discord she knows.

Luna prepared a cup of chai tea and sat at her desk, pulling out a scroll and quill. She writes:

Dear Sister,
I have taken up a wolf whose name is Teotle, and he seems to know who Discord is. He also claims that Discord knows him. Upon questioning, he told me that Discord brought him here, though if he’s in his stone prison, that wouldn’t be possible. I seek your assistance and guidance in this matter, as this may cause unbalance amongst Equestria if this gets out of hand.
Yours Truly,

She drops the letter onto her candle to be delivered to Celestia, and watches the ashes turn to nothingness. As it floats out the window, a blue light can be seen coming from the kitchen, and heard Jaden say something about a fire. Luna peeked the corner and saw Teotle performing his spell. Not only could she not believe her eyes, but she just about had enough of Teotle’s misconduct.

As soon as the book went back into the bookshelf, Teotle smiled proudly as Jaden commented and clapped his hooves. Though Jaden stopped clapping when Luna came up behind him looking slightly irritated. “Teotle. I don’t know what in the name of my sister you think you were doing, but I’ve just about had it up to here with your shenanigans!” Teotle’s ears flattened once more and put his tail between his legs. “Since you know Discord, and you can use magic, I can only see you at this point as a mischievous cub!” Luna used her Royal Canterlot Voice as she said “You are to stay in the spare bedroom until I say you can come out!”

Teotle slowly got up and walked towards the spare bedroom, but Jaden blocked him. Luna, already fed up with Teotle, was not in the mood. “Jaden, move.” Jaden stood his ground and, for the first time, protested his adoptive mother’s punishment for Teotle. “You’re wrong.” Luna stood back, and couldn’t believe that Jaden would defy her. “I believe I raised a proper colt, not an ignorant filly!” Luna told Jaden. He wasn’t hurt, but he responded with strength. “Well you raised me to be accepting of other ponies, and wolves, and all creatures and beings alike! You were the one to set examples for me, and taught me to never judge a book by it’s cover!” Jaden went over to Teotle and hugged him gently. “Teotle doesn’t have bad intentions, Woona. He just wants to explain what’s going on, and to find a new home.” Teotle hugged Jaden back and answered “thank you, Jaden.” Jaden looked back at Luna, stunned that her son was reminding her; she taught him good morals and values. Though all she did was judge Teotle by his actions, without realizing his intention.

Luna took a deep breath forming tears. “I’m sorry, Jaden. I’m also especially sorry, Teotle.” Luna turned back to Jaden. “You’re right, Jaden. I jumped the gun and didn’t let myself take Teotle in. I’m not used to wolves, especially ones that use magic. I hope you can forgive me for my actions.”

Jaden and Teotle look at each other and nod. They turn back and say in unison: “we forgive you.” Luna shed tears as they all went in for a group hug. Jaden looked up at Luna and asked “can he join our family?” Luna smiled and kissed Jaden and Teotle’s head. “Yes, Jaden. Yes he can.”