Take Me Home

by Zap-The-Pegasus

Lets Put This Plan Into Action

Cross Bone and his brother, Dark Blade walked though Ponyville, both where getting strange looks from passers by.

"Where exactly are we going?" Cross Bone asked his brother as they neared the town centre.

"You'll see." Dark Blade replied, not taking his eyes of the road ahead.

"No, that's not good enough, I want to know, I have to know, why won't you tell me?" the alicorn said, determined to find out what he was doing in Ponyville. He'd never been there before and couldn't even remember the place.

After a while, they neared a large tree like house, Dark Blade stopped a few metres from it and smiled.

"What is this place?" Cross Bone asked.

"Stop asking questions!" the dark unicorn snapped. Cross Bone stepped back in fear, he didn't want to get in the way of his brother, especially when he was angry. Cross Bone may of had the ability of flight, but he wasn't a very strong flyer, he couldn't stay air borne for long periods of time, and after flying he was worn out and short of breath, meaning he'd be a sitting duck if his brother were to attack.

As Dark Blade's horn started to glow, and a white light surrounded the two brothers, Cross Bone knew that whatever his brother was planning, had something to do with that house, but what..

Twilight was reading though a book on the ground floor of the library when a bright light appeared in the middle of the room. As the light faded, a dark blue alicorn stood there, motionless.

"Who-Who are you.." Twilight stuttered. Not sure of what was going on. But before he could reply a scream came from the upper floor and she quickly galloped up the stairs. "Shadow! What's going on!" She yelled to the black unicorn stallion stood at the top.

"Not sure, but that unicorn appeared out of no where and he's trying to harm the Princess." Shadow replied as he looked at Twilight. He was good at staying calm in tense situations, but this was different, who was this colt and what did he want..

It was Dark Blade, and he wanted Luna. The alicorn leaped over Shadow and Twilight but recieved a strong buck from the black unicorn as he landed in front of them, the impact caused him to fall to the floor.

"I won't hurt her." He muttered.

"Yeah right! Who are you anyway!" Twilight asked sternly as she watched the alicorn slowly rise to his feet.

"My name is Cross Bone, I was Captain of the Royal Guard many years ago. I have a feeling I know what my brothers trying to do. But I promise you that Luna will not come to harm." Cross Bone said, his voice was shaky, and his side still hurt from where Shadow had kicked him.

"Yeah, of course you where the Captain of the guard." Twilight said, she wasn't believing any of what the alicorn was saying. Shadow tried to take a step forward and help Luna, but Cross Bone stopped him.

"You can't stop him, even I can't, his magic is strong and he can't be defeated by a single pony." Cross Bone said, his voice was calm, despite was going on behind him.

"Twilight Sparkle! Shadow! Please help!!" Luna screamed as Dark Blade pinned her to the wall.

"Move it mister!!" Twilight snarled as she took a step towards Cross Bone.

"Just trust me. Look it up, I was the Captain and I did many good deeds for Celestia. I will not let Luna come to harm, just trust me." the alicorn said as he lowered his head to Twilight's height. She thought for a moment, she wasn't sure what to think. But while Cross Bone was distracted, Shadow walked passed him and started to approach Dark Blade.

"Sorry but the Princess is mine!" the red unicorn snarled and another white light appeared. When it cleared, the brothers where gone..and so was the Princess.

"Where's the Princess!" Twilight screamed! "Shadow! What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything, I started to approach the unicorn and he just disappeared." Shadow said.

"Oh, this is bad, this is very very very bad." the unicorn mare said to no one in particular.

"Can we trust him?" the stallion asked. Still slightly confused as to what had just happened.

"What do you mean, can we trust him?" Twilight said sternly.

"Well, can we trust that stallion. Is he who he said he is or not." Shadow said as he walked down stairs. "Something caught my eye though, actually two things, first off, he was an alicorn, second, he had no cutie mark, and neither did the unicorn."

"An alicorn, but the only alicorns are royals...unless he is a royal."

"That doesn't explain as to why neither of them have cutie marks, I think we need to do some research before we start panicking." Twilight didn't reply, she walked past him and started looking though some books. "Twilight, listen to me, if you start worrying then its just going to be harder to get this sorted." Still no reply. "Read this." He smiled as he picked up a book with his magic and held it front of her.

"The Royal Guard manuscripts.." She muttered as she read the title. "Where did you find this?"

"I found it when I was cleaning up about a week ago." He smiled. The red glow around the book disappeared and was replaced by purple as Twilight took the book and started flicking though. "If he really was the Captain of the Royal Guard, then it should say in that book somewhere."

"Hmm, here we go." She said as she found the right page.

"What does say?" He asked as he walked over to her.

"Name: Cross Bone. Rank: Captain. Species: Alicorn. Cross Bone was part of the Royal Guard for five years and worked as Captain for two of them. He left his job when he and his brother where exiled from Eqestria. Neither have been since." She read aloud. "Theres more but I don't think it'll really help us."

"So he was telling the truth. And if they where exiled then that would explain as to why neither had cutie marks."

"How so?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, when a pony is exiled from Eqestria, there cutie mark is magically removed by the Princess before they are sent away."

"I see. Hold on a second. It says here that he was born around three hundred and twenty five years ago. How does that make sense."

"They do say that some alicorns are immortal."

"Yes I know, but the other pony was a unicorn, not an alicorn." Twilight said. Now she was confused.

"Hmm, you have a point." Shadow said, how was it possible for two ponies who weren't royalty to survive so long, especially since only one of them was an alicorn..

"I just hope the Princess is Ok.." Twilight mumbled. Shadow put his hoof on her shoulder and smiled.

"She'll be fine, don't worry about it."