The Road to Us

by BoredAuthor817

Chapter 8

With the morning came Gallet. With him, came boxes of morning pastries. With delight, the foals sat around the breakfast table, happily enjoying the baked sweets.

Gallet checked his watch. “The chariot will be here at ten-thirty-two to take you to the station. Your reservations at the resort are all made and dinner is set for seven-nineteen.”

Sunset suppressed a chuckle. As annoying, and aggravating, Gallet might be at times, he sure did have a way of making everything run like clockwork.


With great excitement, the children jumped off the train in Neighagra Falls. Almost instantly, they could hear the faint roar of thousands of gallons of water.

With still a few hours before they could check into their room, the family set out to explore the surrounding area. Of course, the first thing the children wanted to see were the falls.

If they thought it sounded loud from the train station, they had no idea what it was like up close. The loud, thunderous noise upset little Honey, who put his hooves over his ears.

“Woah!” Stardust yelled, “Who turned the faucet on?”

Sunset had to shout, herself, to be heard. “Nobody did! All this is a river. It connects two large lakes together.” She took a quick glance to the two older children, who stood in awestruck wonder.

Honey, however, wasn't taken by the spectacle.

“Why is it so angry?” he cried, hugging Wallflower tighter.

“It's not angry” she consoled him, “It's very happy. Just very loud.”

Honey remained unconvinced.

Thankfully, there were other things in the area besides the falls. A little ways down, there was a giant hill on which there had been much development. They strolled up and down, eyeing its many shops and amusements.

Finally, their tour ended at the hotel. Once up at their suite, everyone was ready to relax in the common area.

Even stretched out on the couch.“So, what's the plan?”

“That's all up to you” replied Wallflower, “We can continue exploring, or rest now and walk around a bit more after dinner.”

“I want to stay here” said Stardust, as Rose materialized a board game, much to Sunset's astonishment. “This was in the living room in Ponyville. Can we play it? Pweeeaaase?”

Wallflower looked at the box. “Dragon Pit?”

“Heard of it?” asked Rose.

“I've played it a few times” replied Sunset while Wallflower shook her head, “It's Starlight's favorite game. Never quite caught on with me. Anyone else want to play?”

Even shrugged, viewing the box's graphics. “Sure. Sounds like fun.”


Though Honey began playing the game, his lack of a nap made him a bit fussy. However, he persevered, and eventually fell asleep beside the board.

Wallflower finished her turn. “How have you kids been enjoying Equestria so far?”

“Been really cool” Even smiled. “Just wish we would have been able to visit before.”

“We've tried” replied Sunset, “Even if it was just a short stay in Ponyville. The problem always was getting away. It's easier for one or two to travel through, rather than a whole group.

“Also, since not many people know about the portal, it's getting the timing just right to be sure that no one is around.”

“Then, there are all the dangers.”

Sunset rolled her eyes at Wallflower's remark. “Not that Equestria is dangerous, per-se, but certainly more things to be aware of than back home.”

Rose thoughtfully hummed, moving her piece. “I guess it'd pose more a threat to those who didn't grow up with it.”

“The same is said about the reverse.”


Honey awoke just in time to head out again. He yawned rubbed his eyes. “I'm hungry” he mumbled.

Having skipped lunch because of a late breakfast, they were all hungry. Wallflower smiled as she nudged the little one out the door. “I know, Hon. We're gonna eat something soon.”


The hotel restaurant overlooked the falls. The children gasped in awe as they settled into their window-side table. The sun began to set behind the hotel and slowly the natural wonder and its surrounds was becoming illuminated with various night lights.

As their parents ordered up drinks and appetizers, the young ponies watched the day turned into night. With the rise of the moon, ponies slowly disappeared from the streets, presumably in pursuit their own suppers.

In their place, a new population appeared. These were ponies who were out for the nightlife. Unlike the day ponies, who seemed to be parts of families, or large groups, these seemed to be individuals, or smaller groups. Each excited for the new reign of the moon and a new season of fun.

Bread and salad arrived just as the light show over the falls began.

“They do this every night?” Stardust asked.

“Yep” Wallflower replied, “Sometimes, fireworks as well.”

“Are we going to see fireworks tonight?”

“Probably not” said Sunset, “they generally save those for special occasions, holidays, and celebrations. Neither of which are happening today.” She felt her wife lean in close.

“They did fireworks for our wedding” Wallflower whispered, frowning slightly when Sunset tensed. “What? You didn't enjoy the show?”

Sunset took a sip of her wine. “I enjoyed it. Didn't like the attention. If I remember, you weren't too keen on it either.”

“True... But, your mom wanted to celebrate. It was a big occasion. The marriage of a daughter of the princess?”

“Step-daughter” Sunset clarified.

“Even so, you're still considered royalty” she gestured to their foals excitedly watching the show, “...And so are they.”

“You know that's a life I never wanted for them.” Her tone was a bit more stern than she had wanted.

“Look,” Wallflower said gently, “at some point, everything will need to be explained to them. You may not have embraced the royal lifestyle (and you will have to explain why). But, this is part of their inheritance, whether or not they choose accept it, it will be their own decision.

“And, so far, I'd say we're doing a good job at guiding them.”

Sunset gave a slight smile just as the main courses arrived.


Even and Rose shook themselves off as they walked into the hotel lobby. Despite being quite a bit away, it still surprised them how much mist came off the falls. Their after-dinner stroll, had left them all soaked. Sunset, Wallflower, and Honey were still sopped when they entered their room. Stardust, however, was a little fluff-ball with wings, having flown around the town at high speed.

Her flying, however, garnered some unwanted attention from the local air traffic patrol, who stopped the little pegasus for flying over the nightly speed limit. Though, luckily, she was released with a warning.

Rose passed out towels for everyone to finish drying off. “What's the plan for tomorrow?” she asked.

“We have something a little different planned for tomorrow” Sunset said, wrapping Honey into a bundle, “You, Even, and Stardust are going to a day-camp the CMC's are holding. Honey will spend the day in daycare and,” she wrapped a foreleg around Wallflower, “Mommy and I have some things to do.”

“I think I've seen posters for this camp” said Even, reading a brochure he had picked up on their walk. He showed it to his younger sisters. “It's basically a playground for big kids. It's all about teaching kids about cutie marks.”

“It also gives you a chance to interact with foals your own age” said Wallflower, “I'm sure you kids have had enough of hanging out with us old mares all day.”

Stardust shrugged. “Hasn't been all that bad.”