//------------------------------// // Only Chapter // Story: Secret Princess Magic in Fluttershy's Skirt // by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD //------------------------------// A small little bunny in the name of Angel stood in front of his owner, Fluttershy. The girl was on her knees, staring down at the bunny with a glare before her. In her fist was a carrot, an award for Angel if he doesn't do anything to misbehave around other animals, such as being a bully to bunnies and dropping kitchen utensils on dogs and cats. "Ok, Angel, I'll give you this carrot if you be polite and not rough towards the other animals.", she said. The bunny nodded with a smile. And just like that, Fluttershy handed the carrot to him and he began to nibble on it. He then bounced away, enjoying his treat. Fluttershy stood straight up on her feet and bent backwards, popping the bones in her back, before taking a glance at her little work room in her pet shop. Everything was all tidy-widy, her loopy tube in her big glass hamster cage was all cleaned and polished, and every spot on her desk was dusted. She was hoping that her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer, can come to her place, so they can spend time together. They've been in a relationship for quite a while, their other friends just don't know that yet, because they kept it secret. She heard the sound of the door opening behind her. "I told you, Pinkie, I don't need pancakes, I already ate breakfast!", she yelled, scrunching her eyes in irritation. Pinkie Pie has been barging in her store, asking her if she wants to eat pancakes at the diner she works at. "Pancakes, huh?", a different voice other than Pinkie's said. "What kind was Pinkie wanting to give you? Blueberry? Chocolate?" Fluttershy turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer standing behind the door. "Oh, Sunset, it's you.", she said joyfully. "I'd like to apologize for that. Pinkie keeps getting in here, asking me if I want any pancakes, but I already had breakfast." Sunset chuckled. "Same thing happened to me one time.", she said, rolling her eyes. "Pinkie and her pancakes. Am I right?" Fluttershy giggled. "So, Sunset, was there something you need?", she asked. "Not much.", Sunset answered. "Just wanted to hang out and talk about your skirt." Fluttershy looked down at her skirt with a gleeful giggle. She turned away in slight embarrassment. "Ah yes, my skirt.", she said. "Isn't it pretty?" She swayed and turned her hips side to side, making her skirt twirl. "You're like a princess in that.", Sunset said, complimenting her girlfriend's skirt. She's been wanting to say that ever since they started their relationship. Every time she sees her leave to go to her shop, she would stare at it for a few seconds and then start running to her house. Fluttershy froze and a bright shade of red came to her cheeks. "W-What?", she asked, turning back to her girlfriend. "Did you... just call me a... princess?" She never that Sunset would give such a wonderful compliment like that. "Of course I did.", Sunset said. "And did you know that it has magic?" Fluttershy flinched in surprise. She has been wearing her skirt ever since she got it, although she never knew it has magic. "It... it does?", she asked. "Where did you learn that?" "Well, earlier this morning, I was at the mall and I found a magazine for me to read.", Sunset began her explanation. "I scrolled through some pages until I found the same skirt your wearing. I read everything about the magic on that page." She pulled her phone out of her right pocket. "If you don't believe me, let me show you a picture of the page I took on my phone." She showed her phone screen to Fluttershy and revealed the picture of the page in the magazine she read. The top of the page said 'Magical Butterfly Skirt: a piece of clothing that can bring magical fantasies to life'. Fluttershy was amazed. "I can't believe my shirt had magic I never knew about.", she said. "How is that even possible?" "Beats me.", Sunset shrugged, putting her phone back in her pocket. "So, how does the magic work?", Fluttershy asked. "Those three butterflies on the right side, when you take a big pinch on the pink butterfly's left wing and rub with your pointer finger and thumb, a bunch of pink butterflies come out.", Sunset said, doing what she just said. The pink butterfly glowed and a bunch of tiny butterflies flew out. They flew around the two lovers. One of them landed on Fluttershy's nose, causing her to giggle. "This is unbelievable.", she cheered. "Oh, and the butterfly on your belt, the part that's white.", Sunset pointed out. "When you tap it, white butterflies come out. Go ahead, give it a try." Fluttershy tapped the white butterfly on the belt. It began to glow, white butterflies flew out at the speed of Rainbow Dash's running. A few of them formed a circle and landed safely on Fluttershy's head like a crown. Fluttershy couldn't felt happier. "I really am a princess at heart.", she cried happily. "Oh, one more thing, when you spin around and your skirt twirls up a little bit, the bottom line releases sparkles and then an image of a fantasy world appears all around us.", Sunset said. "I guess I'll try it out.", Fluttershy said, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She then spun around slightly, the bottom line started glowing and sparkles fell off. The sparkles began levitating off the ground and they flew around the two girls. When the sparkles faded away, Sunset and Fluttershy found out that they're no longer in the pet store. They were in a grassy field where flowers were planted. The sun shined bright as a light bulb in the sky. It was amazing. Fluttershy felt a tear escape from her right eye and ran down her cheek. She wiped it away with her hand. She turned to Sunset, her sweetheart that made her feel so special. "Thank you so much, Sunset.", she said, wrapping her arms around Sunset's torso for a hug. She broke it, but still had her hands on her friend's sides. "This is the most wonderful thing you made me experience." Sunset smiled warmly and placed her hands on Fluttershy's shoulders. "You're very welcome, Fluttershy.", she said. The two of them blushed at each other. The butterflies gathered around them. They leaned their heads closer to each others and puckered their lips for a passionate kiss. But was stopped when they heard a knocking sound. The image of the grassy field disappeared, along with the magical butterflies. They were back in the store. The person who opened the door and peeked her head in the store was Rainbow Dash. "Fluttershy.", she called. "Are you in here? I want to ask you if-" Her sentence was cut off when she saw Sunset and Fluttershy close to each other. "Uh, what are you two doing?" Sunset and Fluttershy released each other. "Nothing.", they answered. "Ok. Hehe.", Rainbow chuckled awkwardly. "I wanted to ask you if you guys wanted to see a movie." "I'd love to, Rainbow.", Fluttershy said. "Sure, why not?", Sunset agreed. "Well come on then.", Rainbow Dash said, opening the door for her two friends to come outside, before dashing off. Sunset and Fluttershy ran after their friend. Fluttershy ran back to the door to close it, so that the animals don't run out for some reason. She and Sunset were glad Rainbow didn't see the part where they were going to kiss, because if they did, then they're romantic secret would be exposed to their friends and things would start to get awkward between them. After all, Sunset was glad to see Fluttershy experience the magic in her skirt.