//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - The Die is Cast (July 22nd, 1936 - June 2nd, 1953) // Story: A Queen's Vows // by garatheauthor //------------------------------// July 22nd, 1936 – 3:45PM Prime Minister Fancy Pants 10 Regalia Street The room was heavy with the acidic scent of tobacco, as plumes of ashen smoke rolled off the two cigarettes in my ashtray. One belonged to myself, the other to Theodora Harshwhinny, currently the most despised person in my entire existence. “For what do I owe this summon, Mr. Prime Minister?” “Do you honestly need to ask?” “No, but I’ve been dying to hear you admit that I’ve got you by the balls. I know it sounds rather petty, but still.” I sneered. “I’ll admit, your coalition has been an inconvenience.” She laughed. “An inconvenience? Mr. Prime Minister, I currently have the power to remove you from office. Unless you think you’ll survive a no confidence motion at the mercy of Queen Sparkle.” “Don’t push it, Harshwhinny. You might be able to ratify the Queen’s marriage, but I doubt your treasonous Tories want to see a fresh election.” She hummed. “I suppose, but if I can secure Her Majesty’s reign, then it’s only a matter of time before she has you removed. After all, she’s quite the firecracker, and I doubt you’ll stand much of a chance against her reforms.” “And you will?” “I’m the woman who saved her marriage.” I laughed right in her face. “And you’re daft, if you think that’ll save you. You and I are cut from the same cloth, Harshwhinny. We believe in a similar set of ideals, and the only thing that divides us, is this issue and your self-centred egotism. It’ll only be a matter of time before Her Majesty see right through you. Then you’ll be hung from the gallows you helped build.” She sneered. “I highly doubt that. She’ll bend over backwards if I ask politely enough.” “The only thing her reign is going to bring is the complete collapse of our way of life. I despise her, Theodora. I despise her for forgetting her duties, trampling upon her office, and forgetting the face of her mother. Her occupation of Celestia’s throne is a disservice to her memory. “She’s the Queen and we’ve pledged our allegiance to her.” I sighed and picked up my cigarette. “That’s true, but we don’t owe that same level of loyalty to Sunset Shimmer. I will not see her become Princess Regent.” “It doesn’t seem like you have much of a choice.” I shook my head. “Harshwhinny, you have the votes to outmaneuver me. However, for the good of our nation, I’m going to ask you to forfeit.” “What are you asking, Fancy? I don’t have much patience for idle chit chat.” “What’s your opinion on Shining Armor?” She laughed. “He’s an idiot. Now ask me again on a bad day.” “I agree, but he’s an idiot who’s talented in keeping his mouth shut. He even has the added benefit of a nice conventional family. We’d never have to worry about a succession crisis.” She rolled her eyes. “Mmm yes, that does sound rather appealing but what are you getting at?” “The Queen is madly in love with her accursed anarchist. However, that’s her weakness. If we deny her, her marriage, then we can pressure her into abdicating. Then we’ll have absolutely nothing to worry about when governing. Imagine that, running a nation without the fear of royal interference. We could build a legacy to last for centuries." “You’ll actually have to make this sound appealing, Fancy. Because this is doing shit for me.” Her words had bite, but her tone didn’t. It almost seemed like she was beginning to have second thoughts. A sly smile formed on my lips. I had her attention. Now, it was time to sweeten the deal. “Lord Stream is stepping down.” Lord Stream was Minister of the Navy, one of the most important positions in the government’s cabinet. It was also the position that I, and most former Prime Ministers, once held. Harshwhinny perked up. “Why haven’t I heard about this?” “Because it isn’t official yet. In fact, it isn’t even unofficial yet. It will only be official if this meeting goes well.” She took a deep breath. “Who else knows?” “Nobody besides you and me.” “So, what you’re say is…” “I’m proposing a trade, Theodora. If you disband your faction, and throw your weight behind me in any future marriage vote, then the post is yours.” Harshwhinny stared at her hands, refusing to move her gaze even an inch. “I made Celestia a promise,” she finally said, her usually firm tone now weak, barely above that of a whisper. “And so did I. I assured her that I’d dedicate myself fully to the prosperity and safety of the Equestrian people. I am just attempting to fulfill my end of the bargain.” "I can't, I promised her," she repeated, though it sounded like she was trying to reassure herself. "And when has a promise ever stopped you before, Harshwhinny." I grinned. "Hell, it's not even like she's still alive. So the only thing hindering you is your conscience and I'm well aware of its absence in your life." More silence from her. “Come on Theodora, you’re far too talented to waste the rest of your days rotting away as Minister of Culture. I’m proposing a favour for a favour.” I motioned to her. “Who knows, there may even be an opening for Prime Minister somewhere down the road.” Her eyes widen, glimmering at the prospect. I offered my hand. “Wouldn’t it by nice to have a position of authority again?" She looked at my hand, then up at me. For a moment, neither of us move. Then Harshwhinny reached across the table and reluctantly shook my hand. Her grip was pitiful but it was enough to confirm that an agreement had been reached. “You have my support, Mr. Prime Minister.” July 22nd, 1936 – 7:30PM Queen Twilight Sparkle Residence of Twilight Sparkle That two-bit, scheming, charlatan, whore of Bridleylon. No, no, no those words were far too kind for the woman who had stabbed me in the back. How about scum-sucking, bottom-feeding, traitorous product of incest? Better, better, but not quite there yet. Though, what was the point of this name calling? These words did little to address the fury which coursed through me. In fact, they felt rather hollow, only bestowing me with a shameful pettiness. I clenched my telephone, threatening to shatter it in my iron grip. This accursed device, which had brought the news that Sunset and I would no longer be given consent to wed. I felt tears in my eyes, the first few beads drawing hot streaks across my already broiled flesh. Those bastards had built up our hopes, teasing us with the dreams of marriage. Then they just waltzed in and cut them down without remorse. How could Harshwhinny do this to us? How could she break my mother’s promise? I slammed the phone back into its cradle and collapsed into my chair. So, the time had finally come. It was only a matter of time before I was forced to make this decision, and the hope that I could do otherwise was just wishful thinking to the extreme. My love or my country? The woman of my dreams or my empire? Sunset Shimmer or Equestria? I had dreams of what I’d do with my reign. Plans to transform my mother’s legacy into a golden age that would benefit all Equestrians, no matter their race, ethnicity, or status. Yet in those dreams, Sunset Shimmer had always been by my side. She was with me when I made difficult decisions, and she was there to console me when I made the wrong ones. However, what was I now? The most powerful woman in the world and I didn’t even have the liberty to wed who I desired. Did I really want to sacrifice everything for a society that would do this to me? My vision blurred as my tears fell more freely now. I missed my mother immensely. Both for selfish purposes, and not so selfish ones. She was the better monarch, she would’ve known what to do. Plus, if she were alive, then maybe the details of my private life would’ve avoided the worst of their scrutiny. I snorted. There was that wishful thinking again, back in full force. I was a fool for thinking that I could have everything. Would Equestria survive without me? Would its empire? I had little ill-will towards my brother, but he hadn’t received the training I had, for the office he might inherit. What if he listened to the wrong advisors? What if he appointed the wrong ministers? What if he consented to the wrong laws? The door to my study opened, though I refused to lift my head to see who entered. “Twilight?” It was Sunset. Both the person I wanted to see the most, and least. “I’m in here,” I croaked She rushed to my side, wrapping her arms tightly around me. “What’s the matter?” she asked I looked at her, seeing the concern etched into her aqua coloured eyes. A person could get lost in those if they weren’t careful. “It’s Harshwhinny,” I finally said. Sunset went pale. “What?” I saw her concern slowly boil to fury, as a very real fire ignited within her. “Apparently, she’s been outmaneuvered by Fancy, and has no choice but to abandon her support for us.” Sunset shook her head. “I…I thought she had thing under control?” I chuckled. “She did.” “So, what’s going on then?” “Fancy outplayed us, Sunset. He offered Harshwhinny a bribe she couldn’t refuse. I’m not sure what it was, but it was enough for her to betray us.” I could feel Sunset’s grip tighten, and I feared she might accidentally crush me. Thankfully, she maintained enough awareness to pull away, and instead spent her energy pacing back and forth. “What are we going to do?” she growled. I sighed. “I-i don’t know…” But the truth was, I did. My love or my country? The woman of my dreams or my empire? Sunset Shimmer or Equestria? What was more important to me? August 3rd, 1936 – 1:00PM Around the empire, millions huddled together in their homes, gathered in dusty squares, smoked in noisy bars, or crowded together in cramped breakrooms. No matter the location, the reason was always the same. Today, everyone was listening to the radio. It seemed like such a strange reaction, as an entire empire virtually shut down to listen to the news. In Canterlot, it was the midday report, though depending on your location on the globe, this could very well be your morning or evening broadcast. As the top of all 24 hours simultaneously neared, all was silent, with hardly a word spoken through the entirety of Equestrian lands. Not a single glass was toasted, not a single machine run, and even the busy patter of feet was kept to a minimum. The weathered voice, of the Equestrian Broadcasting Corporation’s head anchor, was at the helm. “…with that, we end this afternoon’s broadcast. We are now going through to Canterlot Castle where Her Majesty, Queen Sparkle, is awaiting to address her empire. The collective attention of half a billion souls was on edge as there was a click, a static buzz, and then silence. What finally broke it was the slow intake of breath. It sounded tired, laboured, exhausted. A voice which hadn’t seen restful sleep in weeks. There are a few things that have plagued me these last few weeks, which I wish to speak freely about, but have been unable to due to the constitutional constraints of my office. A few hours ago, I discharged the last of my duties, as Queen and Empress, and my titles will now pass to my brother, Shining Armor. My first words, as a private citizen, must be to declare my allegiance to him. This is something I do with all my heart. He has been an excellent aid in my rule and he will assuredly be an excellent King to our people, and to our empire. You all know my reasons for renouncing the throne. But I want you to understand, that in making this decision, I did not forget the country and empire which I have tried, for the entirety of my life, to serve. You must believe me, when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility, and to perform my duties as Queen, without the help and support of the woman I love. As such, I no longer felt able to serve you as a monarch should. I beg for your forgiveness, my fellow citizens, and I pray that you do not think unkindly of me for my selfishness. May the gods bless Equestria, may the gods bless the empire, and may the gods bless our King. June 2nd, 1953 – 7AM Mrs. Twilight Sparkle Residence of Twilight and Sunset – Manehattan When we moved into this townhouse, fifteen years ago, there had been a radio which dominated the living room. A couple years ago, we had it moved to storage and replaced with a television set. Television really was this magnificent thing. While radio allowed you to partake in events, television actually let you live them, as if you were really there. Usually this was a fantastic experience. However, today it was bittersweet. I sat before our television, watching as my niece Flurry Heart took the first steps towards formally ascending the throne. Today was her coronation, an event I’d never get to live, due to the brevity of my reign. It was like actually being there, actually performing the ceremony myself. She took the steps I’d never get to take, she made the promises I’d never get to make, and she would sit upon the throne I’d never get to hold. Flurry looked absolutely wrecked by nerves, maybe even bordering on petrified. Yet, hadn’t I seemed the same way all those years ago? I felt a lump in my throat. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. Yet, that seemed like another promise I’d have to break. However, salvation arrived a moment later, as a hand cradled my own. I looked to the side, and there she was, the woman who I sacrificed my throne to marry. “Was it worth it?” Sunset asked. It was like she could read my mind. Though after all these years, that was a very real possibility. Her wedding band rubbed against my own, and in that moment, every ounce of pain vanished. I gently kissed her on the cheek and smiled. “Yes, and I’d do it a thousands times over.”