//------------------------------// // SECTION 6: Fall of America Part 1 // Story: TERMINAL5 // by Master Lyra //------------------------------// >; VIEW LOCKED FILES >: ENTER PASSWORD >; ********* >: PASSWORD ACCEPTED. LOADING FILES. . . >: FILES ACCESED. SHOWING FILES. . . >: SECURITYPREDHALLIVASION/LOCKED.mp4 >: PRESMEMO/LOCKED.mp3 >: FINALWORDS/LOCKED.avi >; PLAY ALL >; PLAYING FILES. . . The hall is void of all life, and the video is in black and white. It seems no one is near, but scuffling feet and breathing is heard. Sandbags litter the hall. The door is rigged with C4. It seems like something is out of the view of the camera. Some talking can be heard. “Private?” “Yes capt’m? “Tell the sergeant to hold the position. He’s our only fallback. And tell him if we can’t hold it, then die trying. Or be turned into a pony.” “Yes, capt’m. Right away, capt’m.” Running. The sound soon dies out and is replaced by deathly silence. Someone cocks a shotgun. Very slowly, more steps are heard. “Capt’m?” “Yes private?” “The sergeant acknowledges your request. He will hold the back line.” “Good job private. Get back in your position.” “Yes sir.” The private walks somewhere unseen. No one moves. They just seem to stand, crouch, or sit still. It looks like they are playing a waiting game. The video stays like this for a couple minutes. Then, slowly, the sound of a horse walking is heard. The sound gets progressively closer and closer. No one breathes. Then a small horse, or more likely a pony, turns the corner and looks blankly at the scene in front of it. It stands right behind the entrance, right behind the C4 blockade. It attempts to communicate. “Hello. I am Twilight Sparkle. I come here on behalf of Princess Celestia, who has not yet arrived. She wishes you lay your weapons down and we can settle this peacefully. We do not wish to fight. Just lay your weapons down, and we will not assimilate you, since this is your wish.” The humans mumble to each other off-screen. The sound of running. Silence, and patient waiting on the pony’s part. The sound of running again. The camera is closer to the huddle now, and the talking can barely be made out word for word. “The president says to get James, sir.” “Ah fuck… the element of surprise is already gone I guess… go get him. The president isn’t stupid I hope. Now, private.” “Yes, sir!” Someone scurries off. The pony stands there, unblinking. It has a pleasant smile on its face. It looks to be very content. Soon enough, the footsteps return, albeit with an extra pair. The sound of jingling chains fills the tense air. A man is suddenly pushed face first into the ground in the middle of the hall. He is dressed casually, with jeans and a V-neck long sleeve shirt. He grunts into the ground. The pony looks at him questioningly. A tall, burly man steps into view. He wears a full military outfit, loaded with miscellaneous weapons. Only the back of his shaved head is visible, but he seems to always have a grim atmosphere. “This is the man who created you. He, with some crazy biological shit, tested on humans to turn people into ponies. You are fake. You are not real. This is the person who made you.” The pony only smiles larger and slightly tilts its head. “I did some studying on humans while waiting for this day. I found that humans lie for self-preservation. They have in many circumstances, such as in wars. I believe that this is one of those times.” The man on the floor laughs. The man standing is violently shaking and is working his jaw. “Are you accusing me of lying you inhuman swine?!” The pony still smiles, but it looks like it is smirking more than before. “Exactly.” The man looks to be extremely angry. “OPEN FIRE!” The pony then stops smiling and her eyes widen with surprise. The bullets roar towards it. They nearly hit her. Then they just stop. They float for a second before falling to the ground. The pony looks somewhat impressed, but mostly relieved. The standing man and the laying man look mortified, but the laying man looks mortified with happiness. “CEASE FIRE! I SAID FUCKING CEASE FIRE YOU MAGGOTS!” The gunshots stop sounding, and bullets stop flying. The pony stands there happily, with an animal at its side. Or, rather, a mix of animals. The misshapen floating shape smirks at the surprised and terrified soldier’s faces. It floated in front of the captain, smiling evilly. “Boo.” It says. The man falls over with a thump, out cold. The rest of the soldiers are dumbfounded, not even moving. The pony turns her head behind her. “Now.” A giant herd of ponies rush through, easily capturing the men. The lying man is nowhere to be seen, as is the animal mix. The ponies fill the air with their breath, further disabling them. The ponies say nothing as they rush in and breathe their toxic gas and convert the men. Somehow, the ponies are invincible. Try as they might, the humans can’t kill them. Some of the bullets penetrate, but the ponies instantly recover.   Screams fill the air for longer than one might think possible. The ponies say nothing as they charge though, the charge lasting a full 20 minutes of constant rushing of ponies. The camera blinks out for about 10 minutes during this time, slowly returning with color. The ponies are multicolored. All shapes, sizes, and race. Finally it ends. An eerie and disturbingly abundant silence penetrates the toxic air. The world seems frozen in time, like a moment of silence for those lost. The video time is running out. One minute remaining. On the last minute, a lone figure comes in from the very hallway the ponies came through. This one is distinctly human, though. It walks with power and authority. However, its grace is limited, and it stumbles every so often. The woman wears dark purple clothes, with sparkles across her cape. Her hair is a midnight blue.Her eyes shine with a brilliance of a thousand moons. “I suppose I am… a little late?” The video ends. >: VIDEO ENDED. >: WARNING! BATTERY CRITICAL. 7% REMAINING (30 MINUTES) FIND ANOTHER POWER SOURCE