//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Switchy-Witchy Stone // by PurpleWonderPower //------------------------------// Chapter 5 "This is all to pieces hopeless!" exclaimed Applejack, throwing Ancient Relics & Magical Artefacts over her shoulder into the enormous pile of books they had already gone through, "I can't find nothin' about that stone or switchin' magic! We might as well be fishin' for clouds!" "Oh, but we can't just give up!" exclaimed Fluttershy, "We promised Twilight we'd find a way to switch her powers back!" Her forehead creased into a frown. "And that's exactly what we're going to do!" she said, fiercely, "We're going to search these books, any books, every book, until we find a way to fix this!" "Fluttershy, darling, we've looked through nearly every book in this library," said Rarity, exasperatedly, "And we haven't found anything." Suddenly, Rainbow Dash gasped! "Maybe because we're looking in the wrong place!" she exclaimed. "Whadda you mean, Rainbow?" asked Spike. "That cavern we went into was long-forgotten," said Rainbow Dash, "And that gem looked like it hadn't moved for centuries. It's probably been down there as long as the Tree of Harmony." "Rainbow Dash, darling, we don't even know how long the Tree has been down there," said Rarity, "Or how it even came to be in the first place." "That's not the point," said Rainbow Dash, "The point is, we're looking in the wrong library. Celestia and Luna have been here since the founding of Equestria. If anypony would have a book on creepy magical artefacts or deep magic spells, it would be them. I bet if we look through the Castle of the Two Sisters, we'll find something." "That's fantastic, darling!" exclaimed Rarity, "We'd better go there right away!" "I'm a little bit worried about Twilight," admitted Spike, as they all headed down the castle hallways, "What's going to happen if we can't find anything to get her magic back to normal?" "I don't know," admitted Fluttershy, "But we will. I'm sure we will." She pushed open the castle door, and they all headed out. The sky was a deep blue, and stars were twinkling up above. The moon shone beautiful and bright like a glowing silver orb. "Whoah! It's night!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, incredulously, "We must've been in there longer than we thought!" "We can't have been," said Fluttershy, confusedly, "It's barely been a few hours!" Suddenly, the moon dropped like a stone and the sun leapt up, turning the sky a breezy sea-blue. "What in tarnation!?" exclaimed Applejack! About ten seconds later, the sun dropped back down and the moon shot up, turning the sky deep blue and starry again. Everypony sighed. "Twilight." Suddenly, a bright beam of light zapped out from in the middle of Ponyville! It was followed by lots more flashes of light, and brightly coloured beams! Fluttershy made a small noise and clung onto Discord, who held her protectively. "What's going on?" she whimpered, shuddering as she clung to him. "I...have no idea," said Discord, stroking Fluttershy's mane with his lion paw, comfortingly. "Come on, y'all," said Applejack, trotting down the road towards Ponyville, "We've gotta make sure Twilight's OK." When they reached Ponyville, their jaws all dropped to see the checked grounds, upside-down landmarks and brightly coloured vegetation. "Oh...I really should be enjoying this," Discord sighed, looking nervously around as they strode through the chaos-choked scene, "So...why aren't I?" There was a bright flash of light from nearby, and three trees turned into three huge fidget-spinners on poles! The ponies gasped! "Anypony else getting worried?" whimpered Fluttershy, clinging onto Discord's snake tail. "Eeyup," said Applejack. "Uh huh," said Rainbow Dash. "Definitely," said Pinkie Pie. "Yep," said Spike. "Indubitably," said Rarity. There was another flash of light, and Sugarcube Corner turned into a cake-shaped bouncy castle! "Ooh!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. They suddenly heard a sound of uncontrollable laughter. They all looked round. Twilight was doubling up in the air, tears streaming down her face from laughing so much! "Priceless!" she laughed, "Ha ha ha ha ha!" "Twilight!" exclaimed Applejack, "What in the hay is going on here!?" "Oh!" exclaimed Twilight, looking over at them and giving them a malevolent grin, "I was wondering when you would show up, my little ponies!" The seven friends gasped! Twilight's face was twisted into a devilish smirk, and her eyes had turned bright yellow! "Enjoying the scenery?" smirked Twilight. "Twilight!" exclaimed Spike, in horror, "What's happened to your eyes!?" "Twilight?" repeated Twilight, jamming her face up to Spike's, making him step back, "Twilight? What is this Twilight that you speak of!?" She vanished and appeared back where she had been before. "In case you haven't heard of my greatness, my name is Discord, the master of chaos!" declared Twilight, putting a hoof on her thrown-out chest, "And I shall thrust all Equestria into a realm of chaos and disharmony!" Everypony instantly looked over at Discord, who looked as stumped as they did. "I-if this is some kind of prank, Twilight, we're not finding it funny!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, in a panicked voice, "Remember what we agreed about pranks!? We make sure everypony enjoys them!" "Well I'm certainly enjoying it!" grinned Twilight! She gave a strangled evil cackle that sounded exactly like Discord's, and blasted the Town Hall with magic from her horn, which instantly turned it upside down and began to shake in the air! She whipped round, and zapped another building, which exploded into hundreds of Fluttershy-shaped squeezy dolls, which made hundreds of little squeaky noises as they fell onto the road! She aimed a beam of magic at the Ponyville stone fountain, which immediately started coughing a stream of different-coloured bubbles all over! "What are you doing to Ponyville!?" exclaimed Rarity, in horror! "Oh, don't mind my little touches," smirked Twilight, "I'm just making this place a little more homely!" She summoned a flame on her horn, and blasted six cottages, which instantly broke off the ground and hovered in the air! "And Ponyville is only a stepping stone!" she declared, turning back to the others, "Soon, I take all of Equestria! And your three precious princesses are first on my list! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" "What has happened to you!?" exclaimed Fluttershy, "You're NOT our Twilight!" "Come down from there and stop this!" yelled Rainbow Dash, "Whoever you are, Twilight or not, we want no more of this!" Twilight's showpony smile disappeared. "Oh, you ponies are so boring!" she groaned, "Fine, if there is no fun to be had, I see no loss in doing THIS!" And with that, she raised her hooves and blasted a beam of magical energy at the seven friends! They only just had time to scream in terror before the blast of magic hit and everything went black.