Welcome to Earth

by Quill_Fiction

Day 1

At 0900, the Earth shook. Our top geologists and scientists believe the Eurasian Plate and North American Plates collided leaving a massive trench between the two tectonic plates, 11,000 meters deep (slightly bigger than the Mariana Trench). From what we have gathered from eye witness accounts, we believe a Equestrian magic was released into our world, not only making it habitable for creatures in Equus but also summoning hundreds upon thousands of portals around the world.

As soon as this happened, thousands of ponies (Homo Equus), changelings(Homo Insectum), griffons (Homo Avium Leo), hippogriffs (Homo Avium Equus) and dragons (Homo Draco) popped out of these portals.

Normal procedures indicate that we capture these creatures and experiment on these new species but these creatures had already been seen by the public eye. The procedure was unallowed due to these new species being evidently self aware since they were wearing clothes. But what really shocked us was that they could speak English and from our intell in other countries, they could speak the most popular language in the country. For example, in Russia they, the ponies, can speak Russian.

The first thing they said was 'What the HAAAYY!!!' this therefore means that they have different swears to us and that they weren't planning on an invasion. The leader of each race not including humans travelled to not only the UN and the EU but also North Korea who as soon as they saw the leader of the Ponies, Princess Celestia the Alicorn (Homo Equus Magister), they surrendered immediately and announced on social media that they were that they were going to become a democracy.

So these ponies have done what we, the UK, and the UN have been trying to do for the last 20 years in a matter of minutes. Although we suspect that North Korea was threatened but they're to scared to admit it. But nonetheless if those social hippies don't find out, everything will be ok. The PM called for a press conference at 1500 to tell the public about the recent developments. Suffice to say the press ate it up and in 2 hours, approximately 200,000 newspapers were printed and sent to stores nationwide in 1 hour the entire world, let alone the entire country, knew about the ponies.

Around the globe, there were mixed reactions. In Many 2nd and 3rd world countries, strikes were already happening demanding that ponies to get banned, whilst in nearly all 1st world countries ponies were widely accepted and the UK has already started adding specific laws so that ponies don't get misused. But because of the Changelings shape-shifting abilities, they were banned from changing unless they were in a specific job, such as military or they were doing it as a party trick.

Now the main concern is over population. Our world can barely hold 7 billion people but now we have to sustain several other species. Luckily Princess Celestia and Luna with the help from Dragon Lord Ember, Changeling King Thorax and the griffons representative, Lord Gestal, have made a cunning plan. They have agreed letting humans the ability to inhabit their world but they have space for only about 2 billion humans.

Not only were we shocked by the amount of spare land they had but their act of kindness to a new species they had just met. Although, there was a 1 condition to get rid of our nuclear weapons. Not just the UK's but the entire world's. But, there was a big surprise. China, the country with the most nuclear weapons on the planet, was the first country to agree. They were followed by North Korea and then the USA. After all the countries agreed Russia asked how we were going to get rid of it quickly enough.

Unsurprisingly, the ponies had an idea. Princess Celestia, said that she could drop them on uninhabited planet, since she was an omnipotent demigod of the Sun. Naturally, since all the other nations were afraid of Celestia, they agreed instantly.

Another matter at hand was diseases. We didn't know what diseases they carried or what they can carry. Luckily, the representative of Equestria's medical industry, Doctor Horse, told us that ponies carried no new diseases apart from ones related to magic. He also explained that some of our most deadly diseases such as cancer or malaria can be easily cured using a simple heal spell. The only thing the heal spell couldn't cure was the common cold, chicken pox and the flu. They have no idea why but that only it has something to do with the body ageing.

Thank to the ponies billions of lives have been saved and our race has a brighter future. That is the last of this report more will be coming soon. These reports shall not be a daily but will be written when new developments happen.

~ Signing out,
Colonel Jefferson