Lightning's Revenge

by SeleneMizutani


Rainbow Dash POV

After hearing Lightning say that, I struggled as hard as I could (not that I wasn't already).

"We've got one last thing in store for you, and noted that it will hurt most of all." she said.

Oh my gosh. Please no.

She untied the bonds that kept me to the chair and forced me to stand up.

Unfortunately, those weren't the only ropes around me.

She and Sunny Flare forcefully pushed me to the corner of the room, where an imposing machine stood.

It was a metal board, two meters high, with circular objects by the four corners of it.

Wires were connected to the circular objects, leading to something like a juice machine, where the juice comes out by itself.

"This was made by your 'friend' Twilight Sparkle, before she transferred to Canterlot High. She once told Sugarcoat here, that she hopes to investigate the origin of your magic by using this machine in her old Crystal Prep room. It could drain one's magic out into a liquid. But she left, and this machine was for our taking." explained Lightning.

Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest locked my arms and legs to the circular objects on the board.

So that's what these are for.

The wires were attached to me.

I couldn't bear to think about what would happen.

Lightning taunted,"I want your magic. But I remember the last time we met, you firmly refused. So, I'm going to use force."

She walked over to the control panel of the machine and flipped a switch.

A whirring noise started from the board I was strapped to, and the next thing I knew, an excruciating pain shot through my whole body.

I screamed.

I felt something drain out of my body, my essence to live, to survive.

I looked down at the lower part of my body and saw that a blue substance, which I guess is my magic, seep out of my body and flow into the wires, leading to the 'juice machine'.

The blue substance was coming out from a hole into a glass cup.

Lightning flipped another switch, and the pain became even more unbearable.

It's like people are holding your limbs and yanking them up in a single pull.

More of my magic was drained out, but as I looked again, my legs were starting to turn grey.

The pain only increased, but I couldn't surrender just yet!

I am the legendary Rainbow Dash, the superstar of CHS!

Suddenly, a jolt of pain hit me, and I blacked out.