//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Levia's Confession // Story: Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements // by cyber_pony13 //------------------------------// “Will the ghosts of my past finally be able to rest in peace or will they haunt me and affect the warmth I feel from these images of anew road ahead of me?” In the airship “Well then, to help pass the time until we reach the cave, I believe introductions are in order,” said the little blue unicorn sprite to the girls. “My name is Levia Frost and I’m what you would call a ponysprite.” “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy,” said Twilight while going down the line of her friends. “Um…Levia can I ask you something, that is if you don’t mind?” Fluttershy sheepishly asked. “Awwww aren’t you the cutest thing I have ever seen. I really love your mane, do you do it yourself or have a stylist, and your voice is just so soft and quiet it just makes me squeal with excitement,” But then Levia realized she was making Fluttershy uncomfortable with her barrage of compliments, so she decided to calm down. “Sorry about that, now what was it that you wanted to ask me?” “Oh it’s just that…um….you’re one of the cutest things I’ve seen before. You wouldn’t happen to be related to parasprites would you?” Fluttershy said with some excitement. “Well for once somepony actually guessed what we are related to,” Levia said with relief and astonishment. “You don’t know how many times others thought I was related to butterflies and bees. Yes, I’m related to parasprites; however my race happens to be refined and intellectual compared to our….eh less matured cousins. How were you able to guess the relationship so easily?” “Oh… well, I take care of animals in Equestria at home. I should introduce you to them and see if we could find you a friend.” With that comment from Fluttershy, Levia’s perkiness plummeted. The girls wondered what Fluttershy said that could bring down the little sprite in an instant. “Is everything okay? Did I say anything wrong cause if I did I’m sorry and I’ll….” “No…it’s alright, it’s just….” Levia trailed off in thought deciding what to say next. “If something is wrong, you can tell us sugarcube,” Applejack assured Levia. “Thank you girls,” Levia said holding back her tears. “I’m glad that you girls care for me but it’s more important right now that you know why I’m with you doing this task for your princess.” The girls looked at each other with concern of why Levia wouldn’t open up, but they knew that they had to learn what was going on. With a nod from all of them Levia decided to continue. “The reason that the princess chose you girls is because the weather elements can only be made tranquil with one of the Elements of Harmony.” “But if only one us is needed, then why bring all of us? I mean, don’t you think that only a couple of us would be needed.” Twilight interjected. “That may be true, but the cave is actually more complex than it looks so we need a large party to search for it. Also only a unicorn can make this weather element tranquil. When either you or Rarity come across the weather element, just use your element to control it and then retrieve it.” “This one? How many are there?” “There are four of them. The one we are going after is the cold weather element. Then there are the heat weather element, and the storm element. The heat weather element can be made tranquil by an earth pony, and the storm element can be made tranquil by a pegasus pony. After all three have been made tranquil the fourth one will appear, however I still don’t know what it is.” “Yeah, but how are any of us going to use our element without actually having it on us? Plus couldn’t one of us get lost while looking for this weather element?” Rainbow Dash asked the little sprite. “Don’t worry, I have the solution to that. Now, all of you gather around closely.” Levia said to the girls. The Six had circled the sprite when Pinkie Pie squeezed between them and got as close as she could to Levia. “This close Levy? Or maybe this close?” asked the pink mare as she now had the sprite practically in her mane. “Or is that too close? Do I need to be behind the girls or maybe do you need me to be just within hoof’s reach. Although I can’t really go by your hoof, because if I did then I would have to be where my nose could touch you! Oh, and can I call you Levy or maybe Via or just Levia?” “You need to learn how to respect others personal space. If you haven’t noticed, Levia doesn’t seem to be in the mood for your antics.” Rarity said and then turning to Levia, “I’m really sorry for her Levia, I know she can be random but that’s just who she is and…” “Hehehe…..hehehehe….hahahahahahahahahaha,” everypony, except Pinkie who decided to join in on the laughter, was confused why Levia was suddenly laughing. “Hahahaha….thank you Pinkie Pie. I needed that.” Levia gratefully responded. “Well I like to see everypony, or everyponysprite, smile and laugh away their troubles. Glad I could help.” “Now that I feel better, let me start my spell,” Levia said. Twilight was interested to see what spell that Levia was going to use. Levia began to glow and then her mane and tail began went from a frozen sky blue to a snow white while her cutie mark pulsed. Her horn looked like ice was growing on it then a small white ball of magic appeared at the tip and divided into six pieces and went into each of the mane six’s heads. “There that should do it.” “What kind of spell was that?” Twilight asked Levia. “I hope whatever happened with this spell doesn’t do anything weird like the snow. It’s bad enough that I still feeling a little drained, I don’t need some new spell doing something worse.” Everypony then was staring at Rainbow Dash. “Why are all of you staring at me like that?” Rainbow Dash finally spoke. “Wow Dashie, when did you learn to talk without moving your mouth?” Pinkie Pie asked her friend. “What are you talking about Pinkie, you know can’t do anything like that.” Rainbow responded to Pinkie. “Jeez, did this spell make the others crazy? I wonder If Twilight knows what it did.” “I don’t know at all what it did, Rainbow Dash; I’m actually quite interested in the fact that you can talk without moving you mouth.” Twilight said to her cyan friend. Rainbow Dash then had an expression of shock that Twilight knew what she was thinking. “Twilight I didn’t say anything at all. How did you know what I was thinking?” said Rainbow Dash with a tone of worry. “Well I think I should explain what I did now.” Levia said without moving her mouth. The girls were now shocked that Levia could do it to. “What I did was use a spell that enables all of you to use telepathy. You can now hear what the other pony is thinking of as well as hold a conversation with them from a distance.” The girls just stood there trying to grasp how Levia was still talking to them without using her mouth/lips. Levia decided to actually speak instead of using telepathy. “I did this so while we are exploring the cave we can communicate with each other as well as help guide each other so we don’t get lost.” “That’s amazing! You have got to teach me how to perform that spell.” Twilight ecstatically said. “And there she goes again about a new spell.” “Who said or thought that?” Twilight quickly said to her friends. All they could do was just point a hoof at each other. “Hehehe…don’t worry girls we still have some time, let me teach you how to use this properly; and don’t worry Twilight, I’ll teach you how to do this.” Levia giggled at the girls’ inexperience with telepathy. For about half an hour, she taught the girls how to talk to each other, choose who to talk to, close off your thoughts so others wouldn’t eavesdrop, and how to pass off an image in their thoughts to another. Twilight and Rarity understood well since unicorns have a natural connection to magic. Surprisingly, Pinkie Pie picked it up within ten minutes mainly to her spontaneous and carefree nature despite earth ponies not having a connection to magic. Trailing behind her was Fluttershy whom calmly understood it at her own pace; however Applejack and Rainbow Dash had the hardest time learning. Even though pegasi have a small connection to magic, enough to alter the weather, their views upon magic is what really hindered Rainbow and AJ’s progress. “Well the airship is nearing its destination; do you girls have any questions before we land?” Levia asked the mane six. “Yeah, what is it that Fluttershy said that made you all sad? It’s not like she said anything insulting to you or thought you were a butterfly. All she was going to do was introduce you to some of her animal friends or are you not an animal type of pony, because it’s okay if you’re not. All you have to do is just find a place within the town away from the Everfree Forest.” Pinkie asked. “Oh Pinkie Pie I… um… don’t think it’s necessary for her to tell us why.” Fluttershy responded to her friend. “Honestly you can tell us when you want to…if that’s okay with you Levia.” Levia took a moment to think about it and decided that it would be best for them to know, “No, you girls deserve to know why I go depressed earlier. When Fluttershy talked about making some friends with the animals it brought back some painful memories. Then when I was training you girls on how to use telepathy, I realized how strong of a bond all of you have despite how different you are and it reminded me how it was like with my family.” The girls could tell this was something hard for Levia to say/admit so Twilight decided to cut her off. “Levia we know this is hard for you but you don’t have to do this. You can tell us when you feel most ready. Just know that you are also our friend and we are here for you.” Twilight comforted Levia. Levia seemed to go blank after that, she couldn’t believe how in such a short time that these six strangers were already looking out for her and calling her their friend. She began to shed a couple tears that sparkled like ice in the sun. “Thank you Twilight, you really are a good mare along with your friends, but I need to do this so please let me continue.” Levia told Twilight. Twilight then allowed the sprite to go on. “As you can see I’m definitely not from this land nor are the friends that I now call my family. We all came from a land known as Animardia. It was, at one time a peaceful land much like Equestria, however corruption began to ruin the great things we stood for. My friends and I did everything we could to help out, and at first everything seemed to be right, but we were wrong.” The girls were now worried to hear what happened next. “Major conflicts began to break out; we were on the brink of civil war. That is when we threw all our cards on the table and gambled the future of our home.” “What cards were thrown on the table, I thought you and your friends were trying to fix the problem not play a card game, unless playing a card game was part of a plan to fix the problem.” Pinkie Pie interrupted Levia. “PINKIE!!!!” exclaimed all the girls to Pinkie Pie for her interruption. “No it’s alright hehehe…a little joy always is good even if it is at the wrong time,” Levia reassured the girls, “It turns out that our gamble paid off; we prevented civil war and put a huge dent in the corruption that was happening.” Levia’s tone began to drop. “Although our gamble came with a price.” “Wha…what do you mean it came with a price?” Rarity regrettably asked. “We lost our home, our careers, those dear to us, we lost everything.” Levia’s words impacted the mane six and left them speechless. Levia gave them a moment to absorb what she said and then carried on, “We had nothing to fall back to and no place to go to. All that we had was each other, so we decided that we had to leave our homeland and seek out a new place we could call home. We encountered many places and only stayed there long enough to rest up and keep traveling. The worst of it all is when winter came. We had to ration out our food and tensions between each other rose. We began to argue a lot to the point where we were going to fight. We were starting to fall apart, but one of us held us together still. We moved on until we got lost in a forest. We wandered around aimlessly but then strange creatures of the forest began to hunt us down. Even in times when it would seem hopeless to anyone else, we fought on, but then…I still don’t understand this, but then pure chaos erupted.” The girls were afraid to ask what she meant by that but Rarity decided to break the silence. “And what was this pure chaos that erupted?” Rarity asked. “I still don’t even know, but reality itself began to twist. The grass turned into…soap, the leaves on the trees became candy, day became night and night became day in a matter of seconds, even the predators began to freeze in place and just go loony.” Twilight began to speculate what may have been the cause of the anomalies but decided to hear more of what Levia had to say. “It looked like reality was about to fall apart until a white light encased us and in a flash, everything returned to normal except I was alone.” Levia couldn’t hold back anymore, she decided to let herself break down. “I used my magic to try and find them but I couldn’t. I panicked and just started searching and ended up with no results. I didn’t know what to do and by then I had lost it. My fear of losing my family came true and was left all alone. I didn’t want to go on anymore…so I…..I….was going to put myself out of my misery.” Levia’s blue glow had completely disappeared and she was on the ground choking on her tears. The girls could see that this was too much for her and decided that it was enough. “Levia, please no more. You can stop now. This is too much for you to go on.” Twilight said while trying to comfort Levia. Twilight picked up the little sprite and held her as close she could while the rest of the girls came by to embrace Levia as well. Levia sobbed loudly, not only because of her pain but of the warmth of her new friends… that they were there for her. It brought back painful memories of everything that she once had, now all gone right before her eyes. Levia couldn’t finish and just cried while the mane six comforted her. After a few minutes, Levia’s face was cold with her icy tears but was surrounded by the warmth of others and she just couldn’t cry anymore. The airship finally reached its destination and began its descent to the mouth of the cave. Levia seemed to have recovered although her glow was faint and the mane six felt empty after hearing Levia’s sad tale. The airship landed and the girls were getting their winter coats on knowing that it was going to get cold within the cave. The drive that they had was now over and all they wanted to do was just get the task over with. Before stepping out Twilight decided to see if she could lift Levia’s spirit back up. If she was able to do that then maybe everypony else would feel better too. “Levia can I have a word with you?” Twilight asked approaching Levia. All she did was just nod and followed Twilight. “I’m sorry that we asked you what you went through and of what you lost. I should’ve stopped you earlier and waited another time that way you wouldn’t be in the pain we caused.” Levia was confused as to why the purple unicorn was apologizing to her. “No Twilight….I’m the one who should be sorry. I brought all my burdens down upon you girls and broke down. Now all I did was just make you and your friends depressed. It’s just that….now that I’m not alone and saw how related you girls were to my family I just wanted to have that level of comfort that I could with my family.” Levia lamented. “Like I said earlier, we are here for you and we will take care of you. When we get back I’ll talk to Princess Celestia and see if we can have you stay with one of us in Ponyville.” Levia couldn’t believe what Twilight had just said to her. After all that she had lost, there may finally be a place that can now be called home. “Do…. Do you really mean that?” Levia asked. “I do. We will make sure you can have a place to call home and then we will find the rest of your family so we can reunite you with them.” “Oh thank you, thank you Twilight Sparkle!” Levia said as she embraced Twilight. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” Levia got her spirit back and now was returning to her normal self with newfound hope. “Don’t worry about that. Come on let’s get the rest of the girls so we can go.” Twilight said as she brought Levia to gather her friends. As they arrive, the rest of the ponies see Levia looking better thus raising their spirits back up. “Well you’re looking a lot better there sugar cube.” Applejack said “Yeah it’s all thanks to you girls here. I’m glad that I now have friends that are willing to help me out once again.” Levia took this moment to reconcile her thoughts, “I need to finish telling you my story before we step off this ship girls.” “Hold on there, are ya sure it’s a good idea? You didn’t really seem well throughout your tale and I don’t think it’ll be good for ya to tell us until another time.” Applejack trying to stop Levia. “It’s alright, I have no more tears to cry and it actually gets better from here.” Everypony gave a sigh of relief to hear from Levia that there is a bright side. “One night when I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore I heard what sounded like the screaming of fillies. By the time I went to investigate it I saw that there was no pony there but it looked like I just missed them. I gained some hope that there were others, even if they didn’t want to interact with me, just knowing that there was civilization brought me back up. I decided to sleep and woke up to see the statue of a dark and scary looking alicorn. Luckily for me there was some candy left by the statue so I got to have somewhat of a breakfast. After that I followed the trail and ended up seeing one of the best little towns I’ve ever seen.” “Wait…you were in Ponyville!?” the girls said interrupting Levia. “So that is where you girls live, right?” Levia asked the mane six. All told Levia that is where they lived. “Wow…to think of living there. It must be great, but I’m going off track here. Anyways I went exploring there and ended up finding a nice tree in the middle of town that happened to look like a house as well.” “That’s where I live Levia, and it also happens to be the town library.” Twilight told Levia. “Then you have a lovely home Twilight. Now one day while returning from exploring around the town a window happened to open up and some weird magical mist came out of it and enveloped me. When I came to, I found myself in Canterlot Castle with your princess.” “Interesting, when Spike sent off one of my letters you got caught in it and it reacted with your magic and teleported you to Canterlot. There is so much I need to study on ponysprites now.” Twilight now seemed to get giddy knowing she has something new to study. “I can help with that. Now to wrap things up, your princess helped me out and took care of me until the strange weather effects happened. I was able to tell her why they were happening this way and here I am now with you girls.” “Then tell us why the snow has got a blue glow to it, why Rarity was glowing, and why I was drained of all my energy.” Rainbow Dash asked the little sprite. “You see the snow is reacting to foreign magic that is most likely near the weather element. The reason why you were drained of all your energy is because of how it reacts to pegasi. Since pegasi have a small connection to magic, the snow reacted with that connection, however since pegasi don’t do well with magic it acted more as a toxin rather than a supplement.” “Then why wasn’t Fluttershy affected by it, she is a Pegasus also?” Rainbow Dash questioned Levia. “What was going on at the time when you started to feel drained?” “I was performing a new trick for my friends.” “Now it makes sense. What happened is that since you were exerting yourself, the magic that was in the weather begun to take its toll on you unlike Fluttershy who was just watching wouldn’t feel the effects unless she would do something that would cause her to exert herself.” “Then why was Rarity glowing and I wasn’t, or does it have to with something with her being a unicorn and me an earth pony? I did want to roll in the snow to see what would’ve happened but then Twilight told me not to because we had to rush to go see Princess Celestia.” Pinkie asking away. “Nothing would have happened to you or Applejack because as earth ponies you have little to no connection to magic unlike Rarity and Twilight. Like I said earlier, for unicorns, the weather effects act as supplement thus increasing their magical capabilities.” Levia said answering Pinkie Pie’s question. “Then how come Rarity was glowing and I wasn’t?” Twilight asked Levia while taking notes on what has been discussed. “Ah taking notes I see, good we are going to need that extra knowledge. Rarity does your horn happen to use magic on its own?” “Well when I was a filly my horn dragged me all across town into the mountains to a rock crop. There is where I discovered gems as well as what my cutie mark was, but what does that have to do me glowing?” Rarity asking Levia. “Mainly because some unicorns are known to activate their magic without their control, kind of like a stove turning on without anypony touching it.” “It seems like you know a lot of how this magic works. Could you tell us what the cause of all this is?” Twilight asked Levia while finishing up her notes. “That is the best part. This magic is similar to two ponies I know and they are myself and one of my friends that went missing.” Levia said with excitement. “Really, that’s great. Who are they Levia?” “Why none other than our main colt Rev. This is his type of magic so I’m positive he may be somewhere in that cave and I know finding him will make finding the other two easy.” After Levia finished her statement up the girls began to step out of the airship and ventured into the cave. “What did she mean by ‘our main colt’ Dashie?” Pinkie asking Rainbow Dash “I don’t know but whoever he is I should buck him for messing up my trick.” “Calm down Rainbow, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t do something like that.” Applejack said trying to calm down Rainbow Dash. “Although I do love how his magic made me glow, I need to ask him later on how I can do that.” Rarity adding on to the conversation. “I was hoping that it was another ponysprite…um…you aren’t going to think bad of me for that are you?” Fluttershy asked her friends hoping for a positive response. “Of course not Fluttershy, I’m just glad that whoever this Rev is can really help out Levia.” Twilight reassuring her timid friend and then turning her attention to Levia, “By the way Levia, is Rev his real name? It seems rather short.” “Nope, it’s just his nickname, his real name is Revenant Soul.” “Another presence has entered here but this one seems familiar. Could it be….and my name……..my name was said. I can see her now….wait, she is with others. I need to warn them. Levia….Levia…..if you can hear me tell the others to beware for there are others with ill intent in here and if you happen to find me then leave me, I do not want my past to affect them. It would be best......live with them……………..abandon me……………I will……………suffering upon them.” For those who made it hear thank you for reading and I hope you take an interest into the story. If there are any questions about the story feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to answer without spoiling anything. The next chapter will be coming soon, hopefully within a couple of days but if not then sorry to make you wait because of work. Other than that keep on reading and let me know how I'm doing.