Sins of Equestria

by Dr.Shiny

Chapter 4: In Terror

She awoke in the middle of nowhere. It was a desert, the ground was dried and cracked, riddles with several strange markings. It was dark with a thick haze of fog. She stood up, and walked around.

“IS ANYPONY AROUND!” she yelled. No answer. “HELLO!”. Still no answer. She walked toward what she thought was east. It was difficult to see though the thick haze. She tried using her magic to make a light. It helped her see better. She stopped right at the edge of a cliff. She shot a magic bolt to see how far it went down. It kept going, going, until she couldn't see it anymore. She turned around and saw some blue lights in front on her. She looked up and saw more of them. Then she heard a growl.

You dare bring light here” said the entity.

“I don't think you want to help me get back to Ponyville?” replied Twilight scared.

The large being then lashed at her with one of its arms. Twilight dodge it, and ran under it. The being used it's tail to trip her. Twilight hit the ground and rolled on her back. She saw one of its claws come right at her. Quickly rolling away she dodge it, got back on her feet and made a mad dash away. The being took it's claw out of the ground and stuck it back in. Twilight saw several black markings lay over the ground, and soon giant bone cages appeared from under them. She looked down and saw the markings under her. Before she could react, a cage appeared from under the ground. Then the being appeared right in front of her. It took one of it's arms back, and swung it forward. Twilight teleports from the cage behind the being.

“WHO IN CELESTIA ARE YOU!!!! WHY ARE YOU WANTING TO KILL ME!!” Twilight yelled at the being.

The demon in one quick swipe, grabbed Twilight, and raised her to eye level.
“I am your worst fears, hatreds, pains, sins, nightmares, lies, and your destruction.” said the demon.

“Where am I?” asked Twilight.

This is my realm. For long I've been trapped here,” answered the being,”Only terror lives here.”

“So I'm not in Equestria anymore?”

Equestria,hmmmm, that realm has never experienced true evil.”

“I have faced many villains there, the terror of Nightmare Moon, the twisted of Discord, and the deceptiveness of Queen Chrysalis. My friends and I use the Elements of Harmony to send them away.”

“You don't know true evil,” said the being, “All beings of creation are capable of evil, but only a few are truly evil. We demons are true evil. Mortals can be good, but also even the purest can be corruptible. You are capable of being evil.”

“I will never become evil demon.” snapped Twilight.

“So says all mortals who believe that they cannot be tempted. I will show you some evil, mortal.”

The demon opened a portal and though they went. Inside there was a world, full of fires, darkness, bloodshed, and many unaccountable horrors. They saw a city being siege by a large army of demons. They watched from above, as the defenders of the city clashed with the attackers.

“Why are they attacking their own city?” asked Twilight.

One of my brethren betrayed us all to fill his thirst for power. The Lesser Evils fought to see which one would rule Hell. They rebelled against the leaders and we slaughtered each other for years.” explained the demon.

“I wonder if Celestia knows anything about this?” said Twilight,

The sound of that name angered the demon. Its growing tired of hearing that name over and over. It put a squeeze on Twilight. Tighter and Tighter its grip got.

If I hear that name one more time, I will break your BONES!” screamed the demon.

“I can't bre-e...” said Twilight gasping for air.

The demon loosened his grip. Twilight took several large breaths. Before Twilight could think of anything, she was laid out on her stomach, on the demon's palm. It took it's long claw and touched her on the neck. It was a burning sensation. Twilight let out a scream. It was very painful. It felt like a huge needle was being stuck through her, while being washed in hydrogen peroxide. The claw was lifted and it left a mark under her mane. Then the demon took his claw and touched her on her horn. The demon took a breath and soon Twilight's eye's felt heavy. She fell asleep, and faded from the demon's claws.

There is great power in her. I feel like I know it all too well.”

In Adria's wagon, she notice the Black Soulstone was once again putting out smoke. She looked as the ember lights came back to life.

Adira said,"The Black Soulstone is..."

"ALIVE ONCE AGAIN!" said Magus. He rose from his meditation and wrote a message. He ordered a messenger to deliver it to the leader of the League of Valor. He said to himself, "The powers of hell now lie in the realm of Equestria. I will find the stone and destroy it before any evil is unleased." He leaped from his garden and flew towards the realm.