//------------------------------// // Shattered Glass // Story: Applejack and Rainbow's Close Cell Comfort // by Nebbie //------------------------------// The rest of the month went by with monotony as Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Sandbar all had their visits put off without explanation and there was little to do once you'd played thirty games of poker and tried every board game ponies had come up with. Rainbow was huddled up against Twilight as they read a book when the guard announced what would happen tomorrow. "Ahem, Twilight Sparkle, what would you like as your last meal?" The question brought down Rainbow's spirits, which had been returning to normal. Rarity and Applejack, meanwhile, stopped their card game and stared at Twilight. Twilight sighed. "Nothing too fancy. Pancakes, apple juice, maybe a sandwich or two. Don't add anything too cheesy." She then turned to her friends with an expression of dread. "I guess we should've talked about my imminent death before..." "It's alright, sugarcube, nothin' special to say." Applejack then looked to the guard. "Do we get to uh...watch?" He nodded, making her smile. "I think I'd rather not, myself. Sorry, but I just never could stomach seeing a pony...die. Least of all if the, erm, method is bloody." said Rarity with a cringing face. The guard then spoke. "You don't get a choice in the matter, from what I've heard, attendance is mandatory for all of you, as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and nopony else is invited. Twilight will be executed by guillotine." Twilight's family not being invited seemed odd to Rainbow, but she wasn't one to question it. After a few moments of silence, Rarity fainted, making Rainbow giggle, but only for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Twilight, I've gotten...a lot closer to you than I expected. I'll really miss you when you're gone." She snuggled against Twilight a bit, but got little response except comforting pats from the morose bookworm. They all got very little sleep that night. The 4 cellmates weren't given their usual in-cell breakfast in the morning, instead forced to relieve themselves quickly and hurry into a dining room for breakfast. At the center of the table was a feast of pancakes, sandwiches, apple juice, and various side dishes for Twilight, while the other three had little plates of waffles. Rainbow, for a moment, forget what was going on as she began to dig into the pancakes. The guards nearly tore her away, but Twilight spoke up. "Please allow me to share with my friends." Rainbow was barely listening as she gorged herself in between bouts of flying around the rather large room. Once her belly was finally full, she burped loudly and noticed Twilight putting a wing around her. "Hey Rainbow...you got the energy for...one last romp?" Rainbow looked to Twilight in disbelief. "Here? In front of all the guards? Twilight, I know you're about to get your head chopped off, but are you sure you're feeling alright?" Twilight giggled. "I know it's not like me, but I also know that you get awfully horny in the morning and this is my last chance to help you out. Something to remember me by, I suppose." Rainbow could only give a dopey smile back. "That's...really sweet. Let's do it!" The two wasted no time getting under the table for the romp of their lives. A few hours later, Twilight and Rainbow finally ran out of energy, having devoured the meal in between rounds. Rarity slowly took a hoof from her eyes. "Is it...over?" "Yeah, sugarcube, they're as tuckered out as Big Mac after found out what a brothel was, and I know that face from Rainbow." replied Applejack. "Tell me you're going to stop entertaining her...urges towards you once we're free. It's disgusting." said Rarity. Applejack nodded, making Rainbow a bit sad. "You know, I only realized it recently, but I kinda fell in love with you, Twilight. It's gonna be hard with you gone, even if I could forget you, I won't have a special somepony..." Twilight held her close. "Shhh. The time we had was special. Cherish it." Applejack came over to join the hug. "I'm sorry, Rainbow, but I've gotta be exclusive to Rarity." "I know, I know." replied Rainbow. Celestia came in. "If I'm not interrupting anything, I believe that it's time for the execution. Please come in, and do not resist." Rainbow began to cry a little as everypony wordlessly trotted out. Her sad thoughts were interrupted, however, as the guards put blindfolds and gags on everypony, then tied them up. It was a terrifying minute as they were led without being able to tell where they were going. She couldn't figure out why they'd do this to everypony, and not just Twilight. When Rainbow felt herself being put in a guillotine, she took only a few moments to realize what was going on, and began to struggle. She could hear some other ponies struggling as well, but the latching told her that none were successful. She began to hyperventilate. "Now now, calm down, everypony. Guards, leave us." said Celestia. The blindfolds all came off, revealing that all six of the friends were in guillotines facing each other in a circle, the blades ready to come down at the flip of a lever each. Rainbow definitely did not calm down, especially once she saw Fluttershy crying out of the corner of her eye. The gag was removed from Twilight, who immediately began questioning the monarch. "Princess! Why are you going to execute us all? Were our sentences changed? What are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie charged with? Please, let my friends go, just kill me! They don't deserve this!" Celestia put a hoof to her mouth to silence her. "Oh, Twilight, I'm afraid your friend Cadance was right about me...tell me, what's my name?" Celestia turned away from Twilight as she awaited an answer, and looked directly into Rainbow's eyes...as hers flashed green. Rainbow was so scared now she wet herself, although nopony noticed. Twilight looked to her friend's reaction, and her eyes went wide with realization. "...Chrysalis! You're Queen Chrysalis! I...oh, Celestia! When Cadance tried to kill you, I reflected the spell back to save Celestia, but it was you!" she practically babbled as tears started to form. "...what have you done with Celestia?" "Celestia" began cackling as she turned around and undisguised while everypony struggled and squeaked. "Correct. I'm Queen Chrysalis, and all of you are going to die. Oh, and I'm afraid she's a little...indisposed. So, since you're all going to die anyway, let's make this fun...I've heard that the four of you I imprisoned got quite romantic with each other. So, who's your special somepony, that you'd like to die kissing, Twilight?" Twilight gulped as tears ran down her face, and struggled to speak, her voice breaking. "I...it's Rainbow." "As I thought. She must've worn you down with her disgusting and forceful behavior. The smart ones are often so weak-willed." Chrysalis said before removing Rainbow's gag and rolling the guillotines close together. Rainbow immediately began raging at Chrysalis. "You overgrown mosquito! When we get out of this, we'll make you pay for putting us in jail! And for Ocellus!" Applejack and Pinkie gave sounds of approval, but Chrysalis just chuckled while Twilight shook her head. The purple alicorn then began talking with a defeated tone "Rainbow, it's over. Unless Luna figured it out just from what Cadance knew and busts through the doors in the next few minutes, our heads are coming off, and we can't change that. Please, give me a kiss before we go." Normally, Rainbow would've gave a rousing, but awkward, speech in response, but hearing that from the pony she loved broke her inside yet again, and it sounded like the others had calmed down as well, except a sobbing Fluttershy. She put her lips into a pucker, shaking a bit. Chrysalis got them a tad closer, and put a small table under their chins. The two began to kiss, at first awkwardly due to fear, but soon more sloppily. As the tongues danced, Chrysalis smirked and put a hoof on the lever to chop Twilight and very slowly pulled it down. The purple pony noticed, and splashing and sputtering could be heard as fear finally won the war against control of her waste functions. Time seemed to move slowly as Rainbow watched the blade going down. When it reached the neck, she could see Twilight's look of fear turn into one of pain and intense panic, accompanied by a jolt from the bookworm's tongue and a more intense sputter from her rear. Fluttershy shrieked despite her gag, likely having a better view of the blood pouring out. Chrysalis cackled again as Twilight continued to move her tongue, but jerkily, eyes still wide with fear as she stared into Rainbow's. "How romantic, to continue to kiss in your final moments just like Rainbow and Ocellus. Perhaps I should help you lovebirds even more." Rainbow wondered just what the sadistic changeling queen meant, but soon saw her push away Twilight's body and put her lips to the bit of neck still attached to the head. Soon, Rainbow felt a third, much more active, tongue intertwine with hers and Twilight's, sickening her. Twilight's expression didn't look pleased about it either. Rainbow began to consider pulling out of the kiss before her special somepony went unconscious, but her train of thought was ruined as she spotted the door burst open in the corner of her vision. Chrysalis retracted her tongue and chuckled as she reached for Rainbow's lever. "Impressive that Twilight is still alive, I had heard alicorn heads were tough. But I only have so much time, and I'd like this kiss to end before I grow bored of it." Before she could pull it, a magical blast hit her side. Luna and Shining armor came forward, battling Chrysalis. Rainbow was too focused on Twilight's slow loss of activity to know exactly what was going on, but she know Chrysalis was losing. Soon, the changeling queen, apparently given a final monologue as a pity, took the opportunity to pull Rainbow's lever mid-sentence before the two could stop her. A blast from an enraged Luna's horn made her rapidly inflate, her last look being one of wide-eyed regret as she exploded into green goo. Rainbow knew that it would hurt, but she didn't expect it to hurt that much as it sliced through her neck and left her unable to feel her body. Her mind was flooded with fear as she felt her vision begin to fade. She thought that, at least, her and Twilight might pass out at the same time as her vision went black. She could still feel a twitch of tongue, and then, strangely, being lifted off the table and with their mouths and tongues separating. As Rainbow lost consciousness, she had a dream of being in an endless black ocean, with the sound of very muffled voices. All Rainbow could make out, and she couldn't place who said it, was a loud cheer of "I've done it, they'll survive!"