Applejack and Rainbow's Close Cell Comfort

by Nebbie

Interlude: The Second Trial

A week had passed, and between being afraid of going to sleep, afraid of facing the trial, and her disdain for having to be treated like a scared little filly, Rainbow was an absolute. By the time the guard dragged them out for the trial, her mane was disheveled and Applejack insisted on acting in her stead for anything official; the bureaucrat assigned to processing their case agreed after a single glance.

Finally, they came into the courtroom again.

"You sure you're ready, sugarcube? Celestia said she'd give an extension due to your psychowhatsits situation. Ain't exactly usual Luna can't fix a pony's dreams." asked Applejack.

"I don't think I'll be any more ready...just get it over with..." replied the pegasus.

They sat down, and Celestia promptly got to business.

"Rainbow Dash and Applejack, you two are charged with negligent ponicide, inciting a war, and assault on the royal guard. How do you plead?"

Applejack spoke for both. "Guilty, your highness."

Rainbow nodded.

The crowd gasped, and the public defender they had stammered. "W-wait, we should at least hear from Yona about why you should be lenient!"

Celestia nodded. "Very well. Bring Yona to the stand."

"I object! While I appreciate Yona's opinion on the matter, the prosecution has neglected to bring anypony to plead against leniency!" shouted Neighsay.

Celestia put on a look angrier than Rainbow had ever seen from her. "You are not part of this trial, Neighsay. Guards, remove him. He will face contempt of court if he has any further outbursts."

Soon, Yona was on the stand, with a large bandage on her right side. "These ponies...are my friends. They only killed Garble because he was going to hurt Silver Stream! And it was us who busted them out...oh I'm so sorry, everypony...we were just scared. Yona won't bust anypony else out of jail."

Shining glared. "Many of your own died because of them. They didn't need to do what they did..."

Celestia cleared her throat. "We will consider, since the accused do not contest the charges, we will proceed immediately to making a judgment. Court will reconvene in an hour." She swung her gavel.

This time, it was Applejack who stuffed herself, while Rainbow could only wallow in her own depression.

Applejack was holding Rainbow as the verdict was read.

"We the judges find both ponies guilty on all counts. However, in recognition of their service to Equestria, the unusual nature of these events, and the lasting psychological harm to them, we have decided to be quite lenient. Therefore, they will receive concurrent sentences, and face only the minimum of 1 month for negligent ponicide, not counting time served." As the gavel swung, Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, and Rainbow at least felt a small weight lift from knowing that they wouldn't be in jail so long she'd miss the next major race.