Applejack and Rainbow's Close Cell Comfort

by Nebbie

Prolog: The First Trial

Rainbow was bored, but afraid as Neighsay trotted to take the stand to wrap up his lengthy character assassination. Before her were Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor acting as co-judges.

"And so, I conclude my argument that these three are guilty of negligence! I ask that you ensure this will never happen again in our fair and safe land." he said, before taking a bow to hide his smirk.

"Oh come on! We can't just not go into the Everfree again! That'd be lame!" Rainbow said, earning a sigh from Applejack.

"What she means to say is it was an honest mistake and there's always a risk goin' out and havin' fun." the farmpony said.

Celestia pondered a moment. "I understood her, Applejack, and it is a fairly good point. We will be sure to consider it while we make our decision. Now, if nopony has anything else to add, we will convene to make a judgement."

Applejack shook her head, Rainbow just slumped in boredom, and Neighsay sat down.

"Court is adjourned for one hour." Celestia said before swinging her gavel. The three co-judges then went into the back room quietly.

Rainbow immediately flew off to get something to eat, as there were all-you-can-eat free sandwiches for those on trial.

When court reconvened, Rainbow trotted in and promptly belched in front of everypony. Applejack giggled while Neighsay scoffed.

"Rainbow Dash, I would ask you to refrain from such behavior while we read our judgement." said Luna.

"Yeah yeah..." the pegasus replied.

Celestia cleared her throat and began reading from a small document. "We the judges find you, Rainbow Dash & Applejack guilty of reckless endangerment. The punishment is 1 week in jail with a simultaneous 30 hours of supervised community service. Additionally, the School of Friendship is to be closed until it passes a safety review, to be overseen by myself and Chancellor Neighsay." She then swung her gavel.

Neighsay cackled a bit. "Perfect, I will see to it that no stone is left unturned, and that your precious school will be prim and proper by the time you're done picking up litter!"

Rainbow gasped. " big butthead!" Applejack grabbed her around the waist, preventing her from flying at him to give him a taste of her hooves.

"Now settle down sugarcube, it ain't that bad. They'll figure out we got nothin' to hide and Twilight'll take care of it." the farmpony said, earning a sigh.

Neighsay had his usual look of superiority and confidence as he trotted out.

The two were led to their cell with heads low, past a few familiar faces.