//------------------------------// // On the Moon // Story: The Black Snake // by Spirit Lunar //------------------------------// " Uhm my head, where am I? " I slowly opened my eyes and saw a dusty white ground, I'm on the ... on the MOON !!! I was trying to calm down and end up fainting now that I was provided that feeling. When I woke up I was still here on the moon with Equestria in front of me. I realize now that heavy chain stuck up to my hooves. I try to cancel the possession spell to no longer be stuck but unfortunately I have some sort of thing on my horn preventing me from practicing any magic. In what problem I am frankly stuffed, here I am stuck in a body too feminine for me without being able to practice the least magic and freedom of movement. Finally it was a bad idea. I would like to know how much time I will spend here so I ask the narrator : " Hey, writer, could you give me the storyline please?! " Suddenly, this one materializes in the form of a human old man sitting on the ground with a pile of board game at these feet. " I guess so since you're going to stay there for a while, you can only go to page 5! " " Thank you but why only the page 5? " " Well, it would be no more fun for my readers, already that you break the fourth wall without stopping! " " I only broke it twice! " " For my taste, it's twice too much! " " Forgive me, but your script is full of misspelling! " " It is the fault of this competent of this helper, not to write properly a clean script! " " So you are two to writer? " " No, I manage all the story and him write the storyline that I dictate to him! " " Can you tell me why you turned me into a mare? " " Yes it's just funny. " " And could you tell me how long I will stay here?" " Of course, 1000 years! " " ... " " It's okay ? " " Wait, 1000 years, but what am I going to do during all this time? " " That's exactly the reason for this dialogue, we can also play battle cards if you wish! " " With my hooves ?! " " Let's say you just have enough magic to move a card! " " it works !!! " " Of course, I do what I like in my story! " " Then free me! " " I must still respect a minimum the storyline, so we did this battle? " " Let's go! "Admitting me finally defeated. - - - - - 999 years later - - - - - " Still not finished huh? " " No ! " " Your ban ends in 20 seconds and we still have not finished the first part! " " What a pity! " I say very ironically. Finally I'll be able to leave this madman and go in search of revenge. " Have fun with your revenge! "sayed it " Thank you! "Suddenly my shackles broke and I ended up propelled on Equestria at the speed of a shooting star. The last picture I see of the moon is that of a busy narrator tidying up this horrible cards battle and then all gone far my vision.