Betrayal of Friendship

by Inactive Pone

Notes for the Game.

Hey Guys, this is your author Nathan speaking.

Yes, I know, this isn’t a part of the story, and more of a update. No, this isn’t cancelled, but I just realized that I have never actually explained the rules and roles of Mafia very well throughout the story. I know very well this isn’t particularly very popular so it’s possible some of you may have never heard or played the game before. And to eliminate the confusion, let me explain the game’s rules and what every role does, according to the rules I established for this story. I’m saying this because there might be some differences from the rules I used and the real ones. If I mention the words “For this story”, then it likely means it’s an altered rule from the original game.

Now for those haven’t read the story, I highly recommend you to read the first two chapters to get the gist of what will happen, because the following things featured here may contain spoilers for the story itself.

Without further ado, let me explain.

1. Game Rules

Typically, a game of Mafia will consist of 8-10 people with one host. For this story, there will be ten players. The Young Six, and the crusaders including Cozy Glow.

The game is played through a series of ‘Days’. In each day, there is a Daytime session and a Nighttime session. During the daytime, players may discuss who they think might be the Mafia. They may also take a vote on who it is. For this story, if over half of the remaining players casted a vote, the player with the most votes will be voted out and executed. Before the execution, they may choose to have something called ‘Final words’. For the story, the victim of the execution may reveal their role or they can just emphasise more on their standpoints.

If however, less than half the players voted, no one will be executed. There will be no daytime executions in this story.

During the nighttime, some players will have the ability to drastically change the game. Each player is assigned with a random ability, and some can use them to perform certain actions during the night, which I will get to later.

The game ends under three circumstances, favouring two sides of the game.

If the Cop shoots the wrong player, the Mafia wins, everyone dies.

If the Mafia kills everyone without getting caught, the Mafia wins.

If in one way or another, the Innocents kill the Mafia, the Innocents win.

2.The Roles of the game

In this story, all ten players are assigned with a random role. They have their own unique abilities and some posses the right to perform actions during the night.

This is your last chance to leave the chapter before spoilers. Are we good? Okay.

The ten roles in this story are as follows:

1.The Cop

The Main Spotlight of the game. They are given with a gun operated by magic. At any point during the day or night, the Cop is allowed to kill someone they think are certain to be the Mafia. If they kill the Mafia, the innocents win. If however, they killed an innocent, the game ends and the Mafia wins. Then, everyone dies. The key is to find enough evidence to connect all possible dots to one suspect before making the kill.

2. The Doctor

They are given with two potions. One for protection and one for poisoning. During the night, the doctor can use the potions to either protect the person targeted by the Mafia or poison a suspect to kill them. For this game, the Doctor is allowed to use both potions at the same time. Once the protection potion is used, the player that was supposed to die will live. When the poison potion is used, the target, chosen by this role, will die. Both potions can only be used once.

3. The Detective

One of the most crucial parts of the game. They are granted the power of being able to know everyone’s roles during the night, and are the only one to have access to this power in the game. In the night, the detective can identify the role of any remaining player in the game. They can’t reveal directly what everyone’s roles are in the day, but they can push them in the right direction.

4. The Hunter

The power of this role would require a sacrifice. If the player playing this role dies in one way or another, that’s the only moment when they could trigger their ability. When they are targeted without any protection, their spirit would kill another person. For this game, before their death, they would choose the person who will die, and in the morning, their target will die.

5. The Knight

This is a risky role, placing second to the cop. It’s also similar to the cop in a way. They can reveal their role anytime in the game. Once doing so, they will pick one other player to kill. For this game, if they chose the Mafia, the game ends and the innocents win. If however, they chose an innocent, both their target and the Knight will die.

6. The Angel

The major healing role of the game. During the night, they are allowed to bring anyone back except the Knight. No matter if their target has died or they are trying to protect them, they are allowed to bring one person back into the game each night, or they may pass.

7. The Defender

One of the more complicated roles. Every night, the defender can interfere with any action performed on the same night, if they choose the right player. Under the condition that they don’t know who is which role, and under the rule that they can only call out names, they will have to either pass or choose someone’s action to interfere with. If they chose a daytime character, it counts as a pass.

8. The Witness

Similar to the detective but on a first-hand scale. Through the whole game, the Witness will be allowed to peek when the Mafia commits the murder. If they are caught doing so, they will die. But if not, they will live and they aren’t allowed to reveal who the Mafia is directly, but can push others in the right way.

9. The Innocent

This role doesn’t have a special power, but are still allowed to express their own opinions and suspicions among other players to find out who’s the Mafia.

10. The Mafia

Finally, the main antagonist of the game. They are given with a dagger and a pistol. Every night, they may choose someone to kill. If no one interfered, their target will die that night. If they killed the hunter, they will initiate their ability and the Mafia risks themselves in danger. If they successfully catch the witness spying on them, the witness dies as well. The Mafia will win the game if they can kill all nine other innocents. If they get killed, they lose.

3.Terms of the Game

Daytime: The period of the day where everyone is allowed to express their own suspicions and opinions on one another to find out who the Mafia is.

Nighttime: The period of the day where certain roles get to perform actions to drastically change the game, whether to kill or to protect.

Silent Night and Unsilent Night: A silent night happens when no one gets killed on that night. If someone is killed, then that night is unsilent.

That should clear any confusion. Now go enjoy the story!