//------------------------------// // Gears // Story: Object XP-84c // by Scourge the yellow cat //------------------------------// Dimension 'Good' Ponyville Marketplace, Ponyville, Kingdom of Equestria Today couldn’t possibly be worse for Techno. After checking on Stormsurge yesterday with Abentfree, it was time for both mares to go to their homes to sleep for the night. Or, at least Abentfree did. Techno lived in a travel wagon that almost mirrored the one the 'Great and Powerful' Trixie lives in. The only differences were that Techno’s wagon home was full of gadgets and scrap, did not have a stage function in mind, and could be converted into a shop with ease. Although she was a tinkerer, she was in a lot of stress. All she had was that wagon, and the reason why it was stuffed almost full was that it what she sells in the Ponyville Marketplace. It was her only income, and even then she received just enough bits to buy more materials needed to keep up the income, to feed herself, and to pay taxes. If that wasn’t hard enough, she would be lucky to get seven customers per day. And so far today, she had no customers. Normally, this would not have been a problem for Techno, as she can also repair gadgets as she can build them. However, Techno had a rival, a pony named Silver Spanner. Silver Spanner was a unicorn mare that had a moderate tangelo coat, grayish phthalo blue eyes, light gray mane, and a spanner wrench for her cutie mark. To everypony, she was an honest, friendly, and kind pony. Although that was mostly the case, Techno knew better. When it comes down to business, Silver Spanner was hostile, dishonest, and cunning. The two mares despised one another. Techno was more of an inventor, thinking of better technology for ponies to do things they could not do before. Silver Spanner, on the other hoof, would fix broken technology, but would intentionally add flaws into the device so it would work a few times before the pony would have to come back for her to fix it. Silver Spanner was more popular of the two for several reasons. One was that her prices were significantly cheaper than Techno’s. Another was that, as mentioned before, everypony saw an honest, kind pony in Silver Spanner, while they saw Techno as delusional and greedy. And finally, they could not possibly understand why Techno would be selling her products. After all, who would want to use a machine to do a task if somepony could already do it? Techno’s stomach growled, indicating that she was hungry. Techno left her post at the collapsible wall that also doubled as her store’s window. After grabbing her saddlebag that was right beside her, which contained her Bit bag and a personal project she had been working on for a long time, she opened the door with her blue tainted magic that allowed exit from her wagon to the outside, closing it behind her. Right in front of her, and adjacent to Techno’s wagon, was Silver Spanner’s wooden stand that was named Spanner’s Gadget Repair. There was Silver Spanner, attending a notable line in front of her store, full of ponies with gadgets of all shapes and sizes. Techno sighed as she shook her head. Poor suckers do not know that they are being scammed. She thought in pity. She turned away from the scene, where she began to check on the wheel-stoppers that were responsible for keeping her wagon in place. As her wagon home doubled up as a store, she could not remove the wheels from the wagon, which was a problem as her store was on the slope of a slight hill that was a part of the Marketplace. Her solution to this was to simply put a pole in between the spokes of the back wheels of her wagon. That way the pole would stop the back wheels of the wagon, as it would be jammed by the undercarriage of the wagon, ultimately causing the wagon to be stuck. The only flaw was that somepony could easily remove the pole, resulting in the wagon moving. Techno knew that this was a risk, even more so as her arch-rival was right next to her. But it was a risk Techno was willing to take. The pole was secured to the wheels, just as Techno left it. As Techno was beginning to head off into the Marketplace in search of a snack, her stomach growled once more. "Hey there, Techno! Where are you going?" Techno paused, closing her eyes and mouthed a silent curse. Just her luck, Silver Spanner has managed to spot her. She then opened her eyes, forced herself to have a cheery face, and turned around to reply to the orange mare. "Oh, hey Silver Spanner. I was just going to get something to munch on." Techno replied. Silver Spanner was now facing Techno, with a pleasant smile and a cheerful chirp in her tone. If Techno had to admit one thing that Silver Spanner does well, it has to be that the mare does an excellent job of disguising her feelings from other ponies. Silver Spanner’s eyes gleamed from her response as if she saw an opportunity. But Techno could not put her hoof to it. Silver Spanner then laughed with innocence in her tone. Faust, Techno hated that mare more than anything in Equestria. "Oh, okay then Techno, have fun then!" Silver Spanner chirped. Techno forced a happy nod to the mare before she turned to find a treat. She trotted through the Marketplace, passing flower stands, firewood stands, and the like. After what seemed like forever, she finally spotted what she was looking for. She trotted up to the stand, where the orange country mare spotted her. "Howdy there!" Greeted Applejack as Techno approached the stand. This relieved Techno of some of the accumulating stress, as it felt great that she wasn’t treated like trash for once. She then saw as Applejack’s face went from a pleasant expression to that of concern as her green eyes searched Techno’s face. "Are you all right, Sugarcube? You don’t look so great." The country pony asked. "No," Techno admitted. She hated to lie to ponies. Plus, the honest Applejack has the unnatural ability to detect other ponies’ lies from a mile away, so it was fruitless to even attempt. "No customers, little to no sleep, and don’t forget about the incident with the stallion." She told the Apple pony. "Yikes." Winced Applejack. Techno wasn’t listening, she was already too busy using her blue-colored magic to levitate an apple to the stand’s platform. "How much for this?" Asked Techno, now levitating her Bit bag from her saddlebag. Applejack looked away from her to the apple she had chosen. Clearly, Applejack wanted to help Techno out, but a look from her told Applejack that now was not the time. Techno really, really needed to get back to her wagon. "Er, two Bits." Replied Applejack. Techno nodded and felt for two Bits in the bag with her magic. It was a weird feeling, feeling a lot like extending your foreleg in front of a fan, and feeling the air rush past you. But instead of moving past you, it formulates into the shape of a coin. So you can feel it, but at the same time, you can’t. Three Bits floated out of the bag and landed on the stand’s platform, right next to the apple. Applejack looked at the Bits with a slightly confused look as Techno levitated the apple from the stand. "Sugarcube, that’s more than ah ask-" Applejack began. "Keep the change." Interrupted Techno, as she looked on with the apple levitating next to her. Applejack alternated looks from Techno to the Bits. "Er, alrighty then." Applejack responded as she took the Bits and put them into a sack behind the stand. "Enjoy your apple then, and have a nice day!" Applejack said to her. Techno nodded, trotting away from the stand as she dug her teeth past the apple’s red skin and into its flesh. She stopped, closing her eyes to savor the taste from the fruit. It was the best thing she had ever eaten in her life! The sweetness as it hit her tastebuds was remarkable. Oh, the juices and texture of the flesh as they danced around her mouth, oh how wonderful it was! It was so great of a taste that, for that moment, it let her forget how terrible her life was. It was so majestic and perfect that it reminded her of screaming ponies. Techno’s brows furrowed. Screaming ponies? How could the apple remind her of screaming ponies? Techno had a sinking feeling that the apple hadn’t had anything to do with it. She stopped savoring the taste of the apple and focused on listening with her ears. "-Unaway wagon!" Techno’s eyes shot wide open. It was clear that she heard a pony scream ‘Runaway wagon’. But whose wagon? She didn’t recall seeing any other wagons in the Ponyville Marketplace, was it a lie? Or was it-? Techno’s eyes shot wide open as the sudden revelation hit her like a boulder. And almost quite literally too, as the wagon, her wagon, was racing straight towards her. Techno quickly jumped to the side, dropping the apple and extending her hooves out with her face in that of terror. She jumped out of the way just in time, as the wagon shot passed her, where she felt the wind slap at her from the wagon’s velocity. Had she jumped a slight moment later, without a doubt she would have been killed. She hit the ground hard on her stomach, causing her stomach to cry out in pain. It took her a moment to get up, but get up she did. As she did, she heard a huge crash from the direction the wagon went. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she joined the crowd of ponies who had gotten out of the way that was now looking at the direction of where the wagon had gone. And what she saw pained her more than her stomach. Her wagon, her wagon that had everything she had owned, was totally ruined. It had plowed through several stands before careening to its side and now was just a pile of broken wood. The only notable bits of the wagon left were bits of broken gadgets Techno was working on and a still-spinning wagon wheel. "Who’s wagon was that?" Asked a voice Techno did not want to hear. The owner of the voice was an earth mare that had a coat of light grayish amber and her mane was a light gray. Her eyes were a light phthalo blue behind her reading glasses. She wore a collar that had a little puff in the front. Her cutie mark was a scroll bound by a blue ribbon. "M-Mayor M-Mare..." Techno heard a mare gasp. "I’ll ask again, who’s wagon was that? I’m waiting for an answer." Asked Mayor Mare to the crowd of ponies. This was bad, really bad. Techno knew that she would get into huge trouble for this, but stalling would only delay the inevitable. "I-It’s mine, Mayor Mare." Stuttered Techno. The crowd of ponies backed away, forming a ring that had Mayor Mare and Techno in the middle. Mayor Mare raised an eyebrow. "The wagon was yours, you say?" She questioned. Techno nodded to answer the mayor. "I see...you are Techno, correct?" Techno nodded again. "Alright, did you know about this ahead of time?" "I-I didn’t cause this!" She exclaimed, with some ponies in the crowd no doubt angry about the carnage. "I-I installed a way to make sure it wouldn’t do this! Please, I’m telling you!" She then began to recall the timeline of events earlier, from arriving to set up her shop to the runaway wagon. That was when a familiar voice Techno hated joined in. "She’s lying!" Yelled Silver Spanner as she left the crowd, pointing at Techno with her left hoof as she bowed towards the mayor. "Mayor Mare, my stand was next to her wagon when she left it and checked her ‘safety part’, and no doubt she caused it to fail!" This got the crowd worked up to a frenzy, no doubt on Silver Spanner’s side of events. "She caused it!" Shouted a mare from the crowd, pointing at Techno. "She wanted my soup stand to be ruined!" Joined a stallion. The crowd of ponies soon began to boo and hiss at Techno. The black unicorn mare looked around, her ears back and her eyes wide with fear as she had no idea what to do. "ENOUGH!" Yelled Mayor Mare, causing the crowd to fall silent. Techno turned back to face the mayor, as she and everypony were waiting for the mayor’s judgment. "After considering the evidence, I have decided, as town mayor, that Techno is innocent." This caused the ring of ponies to began complaining. "But she-" Began one pony in the ring of ponies. "However,” continued Mayor Mare, shooting a look at the pony who shouted out, "I have decided that Techno here has to pay for the damages done to the Marketplace today, as it was her property that had devastated the shops affected. Techno must pay one hundred and seventeen Bits in damages." The number of Bits shut everypony up. Techno couldn’t believe it. A hundred and seventeen Bits?!?! That’s a lot! What pained Techno more was that taxes were due today, and she needed the Bits to pay them. And for the work lost? In the past, in an average month, Techno earned one hundred Bits; she had to pay twenty bits for her land tax, eleven Bits for her personal tax, and fifteen Bits for her consumption tax. However, that was in the past, when the government and economy were still in great shape. Nowadays things are much worse. Although nopony wants to acknowledge it, the terrifying truth was that the economy has been plummeting, as the nations of the world refused to trade with Equestria, besides its allies: the Crystal Empire, the Changeling Kingdom, with the Dragon Lands and Yakyakistan trading as well. The reason was because of the old government structure. It worked perfectly in the past, but the world has changed since then. So the Kingdom of Equestria, once the most powerful nation on Equus, is now in a serious state of decay. Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, either do not know or care about this fact. And, in an effort to keep the ever-crumbling government functional, the taxes were raised. Back to the present, Techno knew that there was at least a hundred and eighteen Bits in her Bit bag, having counted the total coinage when she bought the apple from Applejack. She looked longingly at the bag, before using her magic to levitate the requested Bits over to the awaiting mayor, one at a time. When the demand was met, she stopped and check how many Bits were left in her bag. There was only one Bit left. "Thank you Techno, now at least the victims of this unfortunate incident may at least still get some Bits." Thanked Mayor Mare as she counted up the Bits. The crowd had already begun to disperse, and the mayor had spun around to pay the damages occurred from the wagon incident. Techno looked back at Silver Spanner, looking on with a look of disappointment as she glared at Techno. Techno wondered about what that could possibly mean, before it hit her, like the realization that she was going to be broke. It wasn’t Techno that caused the wagon to go out of control, it was Silver Spanner. Anger surged through her veins as she looked at the mare, who had already turned to head for her stand. It was clear that she was not happy at Techno’s punishment. Techno knew that attacking Silver Spanner would be a bad choice, especially since she had convinced all those ponies that Techno caused the runaway wagon to happen, plus with the mayor there. If Silver Spanner wanted Techno to attack her, she would not get that pleasure she desired. Instead, Techno looked back towards the mayor, who was paying a brown earth mare that was next to a destroyed flower stand. The brown pony thanked the mayor before she noticed that Techno was watching her. The mare gave Techno a stare of anger, with her brows furrowed and her mouth twisted into a sneer of disgust. With tears streaming from her eyes, Techno lowered her head, ears flat, and walked out of the marketplace with her tail dragging behind her. As she left the marketplace in defeat, she thought of only one thing. How can this day possibly get any worse? Five minutes later... The Everfree Forest, Kingdom of Equestria *Crackle* Techno jumped as she heard the sounds of leaves and twigs snapping, the noise ending her from following where her hooves were going. She looked around, realizing that she had strayed off the trodden path of the Everfree. Why did her hooves take her here? The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she observed her surroundings, noting anything that could either help or harm her. All she saw were trees, trees, more trees, and right next to her was a pond. Her horn lit up in a blue glow, with her prepared with an attack spell if anything were to attack her. She had lost track of where she came from Ponyville, ruling out safe escape as an option. She would give what could ever attack her a nasty surprise, she was ready to-. Her line of thought was interrupted when a reddish glow that was accompanied by a shimmering noise. “Hello?” Her voice asked from right behind her. Techno’s attack spell dissolved as she heard her own voice, even though she knew that she did not talk at all. She quickly turned around, expecting some monster that could mimic the voices of ponies behind her. All she saw was nothing but trees. She was confused, was the forest messing with her? She knew that forests can’t talk, but after all, this IS the Everfree. “Look down at the pond.” Her voice said again, this time below Techno. Techno did as her voice asked and looked down at the pond, which both of her forehooves were at the edge of the water. She saw a nearly perfect reflection of herself in the water, the only difference was that her eyes were an unsettling reddish-yellow mixture in the reflection. There were also oddly no trees in the reflection. Techno stood there, transfixed by the reflection’s eyes. “Good, you realized where I was!” The reflection said with a grin as it cocked its head. Techno stumbled backward with a shriek, hitting the forest floor with her back. Did her reflection just move by itself!?!? “Hey, are you all right?” Her voice asked from the pond. Techno got up with a start and stared at the reflection. “WHAT ARE YOU?!” Techno yelled at the reflection, scared of what it could be. Is it some new Everfreean monster? Or maybe the Attack of The Pinkie Clones Part 2: Electric Boogaloo happening? This could be a threat! “Woah, no need to yell at yourself, me.” Said the reflection. Techno’s brow furrowed. “Wait, did you just say that we’re the same equine?” Techno asked. This was confusing as heck in a handbasket, as the saying goes. “Technically...” said the reflection, “We are the same mare, but in different dimensions.” “What.” This only added to her confusion. “It’s a long and complicated story, but in short there are multiple dimensions, and we are in a different dimension. Understand?” The reflection told her. “Kinda?” Techno replied, not really understanding. “Again, long story. You have to trust yourself, me.” The reflection said. Techno reluctantly nodded her head in agreement. This caused the reflection’s reddish-yellow eyes to twinkle and her face to soften into a smile. “Alright, thank you.” Said the reflection, before her face hardened into a state of seriousness. “Moving on, I know why you are here.” “Huh?” Techno asked. “I can see it on your face, you don’t know who to turn to.” Said the reflection. This caught Techno completely by surprise, as she, as a matter of fact, did think that. “I, I guess...” “Here is a little bit of advice, me,” began the reflection, “Everypony is against you.” “E-everypony?” Asked Techno in confusion. The reflection nodded. “Unfortunately, yes,” The reflection replied, “even your friends.” “What? No! They would never!” Techno stuttered out. Her friends would never do that, would they? She trusts them, and know that they would never do that. So why would they turn on her? “Listen,” the reflection started, “that is the case, but it was to manipulate you into being their meat puppet.” “That’s not true!” Techno cried out. “Have they ever gone to your aid when you needed them?” The reflection asked. Techno froze. The reflection did have a point, her friends would be nowhere to be found when she would need them, like when she tried to find a home, or perhaps that time where her wagon was robbed. Stormsurge would say that he was over at Cloudsdale practicing, and Abentfree would claim she was exploring when the event occurred. Techno now found herself questioning their responses. “How do you know this?” She asked quietly to the reflection. “Simple, I went through this exact thing. But once I realized what was happening, I showed them what I, no, we are made of.” The reflection told her. “What we are made of?” “Our power within. When you get rid of the lie that the government put on saying that they care for you, then the power you truly have will emerge.” Techno didn’t like the sound of that. “That sounds like corrupt magic.” Techno pointed out. The reflection nodded. “It does indeed, but is it really corrupt magic if you’re striking back at the ones responsible?” The reflection replied. Again, Techno was convinced. “I guess...I guess you’re right...” Techno admitted. She saw as the reflection’s reddish-yellow eyes light up. “Great!” The reflection replied in a smile as she extended a forehoof to Techno, “just accept my hoof, and together we will teach them a lesson, I promise.” Techno began to raise her forehoof and started to move it towards the reflection’s hoof. The reflection was right, nopony cared in the slightest about her. The only response was to retaliate the same way they had discriminated against her. It was time to- She was interrupted when the sound of a snapping twig was heard behind her, followed by the sounds of a female voice arguing with a male voice. Techno turned her head around to see if she was mistaken. “-idiculous! I should be showing you around the town, not running after you in the forest!” A familiar female voice spoke out. Techno soon realized that it belonged to Starlight Glimmer. “I don’t care! I saw her going this way and you can’t stop me!” A male voice replied. The voice was familiar to Techno, but she couldn’t quite remember who it belonged to. Judging by the increasing volume of the voices, combined by the crunching of twigs and leaves getting louder, they appeared to be getting closer to her. “Huh.” Techno turned back to the pond and saw that the reflection’s face was painted with a disappointed expression. “I see that we are out of time, unfortunately, so I will leave you for now.” The reflection told Techno. “Until we meet again, me.” After saying that, the pond began to ripple, distorting the image of her until it became still once again, this time her eyes were normal and there were trees in the reflection. Techno stayed still as she heard the slapping of hooves on the grass. “Are you alright, miss?” The male’s voice asked her from behind. Techno just stood there, keeping her eyes on the pond and not responded. Faust, why can’t everypony just leave me alone?! Techno thought as she squeezed her eyes shut. This facade they were putting up would not work any longer, for she knew better now. “Miss?” The voice said again, with the soft sound of crushed grass approaching her to her left. One hour later... Castle of Friendship, Ponyville, Kingdom of Equestria Spike was in the middle of reading his comic book when there was a knock at the two massive doors that allowed entrance into the castle. Aw stallion, why was there somepony at this time at this moment? he thought to himself, Hock Grims is just about to put his plan into action to beat the zomponies that have surrounded him! Sighing, he put down his comic and headed towards the door. “Spike, could you get it?” Yelled Twilight from a closed room to the left of him. Spike shook his head, Twilight... he thought. Too busy learning about that book, most likely, as the room she was in was three things that uneased Spike: It was dark (Spike didn’t like dark areas), it was full of books and research (bad spot to be in case of magic fire mail from the princess), and Twilight (Twilight in her study phase gets a BIT crazy). He was outside of the room reading his comic in case if she wanted anything. That as well as she wanted him to keep watch of the bat-ponies, who were strangely unenergetic and all currently passed out in a group. “Got it!” He yelled back as he just got to the door, and began to open it. Waiting outside were two ponies: Starlight, muddied up with a twig in her messed up hair as well as a black unicorn mare that had orange messy hair who was equally muddy. Spike was confused. Many questions raced around in his head as he stood there with a confused expression on his face. Why Starlight was filthy and who was that mare with her were two prevalent ones. “Before you ask, can we come in?” Asked Starlight. Her question caught Spike completely by surprise. “Uh...sure thing Starlight,” Spike said as he stepped aside, letting the two filthy mares inside. They entered the castle, leaving a trail of muddy hoofprints behind them as they walked. Once they were fully in, Spike closed the door shut. “Now, once you both are in, can you tell me who this pony is and why you two are filthy?” Starlight was about to speak when the doors to the room Twilight was in swung open with a loud noise. The noise caused Spike and the two filthy mares to jump as their heads all instinctively swung towards the source of the sound. The noise also seemed to have woken up the sleeping group, as they all sprung up awake into a defensive stance. The speed of how quickly they went from being asleep to completely awake meant that they had to have done this countless times, Spike quickly realized. Why would they have done that countless times? “Spike! I need you to write this to Princess Celestia, I just found out a major breakthrough that could revolutionize the way we thought of Equestria's past!“ Twilight said in excitement to Spike, before she spotted the two muddy mares. Her eyes were slightly twitching with noticeable bags under her eyes. Her mane was unkempt, and her breath had the smell of coffee. This could only mean that it was Study Twilight. As Twilight was prone to going into extreme stages if she began to study the ever-living crap of something, expect to get Study Twilight. “Oh! Uh, Starlight! What an unexpected surprise!” Stuttered Study Twilight, before her bloodshot sleepy eyes took notice of the other details as well. “Who is that, and why are you both covered in mud?” She asked as she pointed to the two filthy mares with her left forehoof. “Well, I was taking Object with me to show him around Ponyville, which was going well until around the Marketplace, where everypony was packing up much too early than usual.” Starlight started, “I then asked a mare named Silver Spanner, who happened to be right next to us, what happened, and she pointed at a pile of broken wood, metal, and cloth saying that a black unicorn mare named Techno had purposely tried to destroy and even harm anypony.” At Starlight said this, Spike noticed the other dirty unicorn mare narrow her eyes as her mouth turned into that of a snarl. Still, Starlight kept going on. “Just as Silver Spanner finished, I realized that Object was no longer at my side, and, after trying to see where he could be, I noticed him heading down the little path that leads from the Marketplace towards the Everfree Forest in a trot.” “He did what?!” Twilight half asked half yelled out in disbelief. Spike also couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Starlight nodded. “I thought so as well at the time, so I had to gallop after him. I told him what was he thinking, blindly going into the Everfree, leaving me, et cetera. He then started to say that he saw a pony that perfectly matched the description that Silver Spanner had said and that she was heading that way. I forced him to stop, looked him in the eye, and I might have gone a bit overboard by ranting about this not being right in many ways, which took a pretty long time. Once I was done, he just ran off again.” “So you followed him again?” Asked Spike. Starlight nodded. “That is correct, Spike. So I chased him again, yelling at him until we both reached an opening in the forest where there were a pond and a black unicorn mare. We both stopped, and when he slowly approached her, she jumped on him and caused them both to tumble into the pond. I had to jump into the splashy fray to separate them from fighting. I was successful, but it resulted in all three of us muddy.” So that’s why they’re covered in mud. Spike thought. “Then, what happened?” Asked Twilight. “He ignored my repeated rants and asked her what was wrong.” Starlight replied, pointing to the other dirty mare with her head. “She said that she was unable to pay for her taxes that the government demanded, and-“ “That I knew better than to trust any of you manipulative equines.” Interrupted the other mare, which had to be Techno, by Spike’s reasoning. Spike was taken back by the rudeness of the mare. “W-What?” Gasped Twilight. “Yeah, you heard me loud and clear, manipulative.” Snapped Techno. “I realized that you were all against me from the beginning when nopony came to my aid when my wagon crashed in the Marketplace, and all of you went to the oh-so-innocent Silver Spanner, who accused ME of trying to harm anypony.” Her horn began to glow with a reddish tint, but she paused and closed her eyes, presumably to calm herself down. “Well, I knew better than to believe the stallion who marenapped Abentfree and I and hurt Stormsurge, then began to act as he cared for me. Ha!” “Then what?” Asked Twilight, a little bit angry about the very rude mare. Techno chuckled. “He ran away, of course!” She yelled, before resuming in a calm tone, “Well, before he told Starlight here to give me his room for only Faust would know the reason why.” Starlight nodded with a noticeable reluctance, confirming that what the rude mare said was true. Spike saw that Twilight was slowly nodding her head in slight confusion, and Spike admitted he was doing the same thing for the same reason. “Alllrrriiiggghhhttt...well then, welcome to the Castle of Friendship. It seems that it is too late to stay up, so I assume it is time for sleep?” Said Twilight with a hint of uncertainty. Spike quickly looked to a nearby window and saw that the light outside was of that when the Princesses were about to switch the light of day for the darkness of night. He didn’t know that it was that time already! “Well, I guess that means that we should head for the showers.” Starlight said. Starlight began to walk towards the stairs which would ultimately lead to the showers and motioned for Techno to follow her. The mare complied, and as the two began to head into the direction, Twilight and Spike headed towards the direction to their bedrooms. As Spike practically drag the study-addicted Twilight there, a thought managed to surface past his sleepy brain. If Object traded his room for Techno, thought Spike, Then what exactly is Object thinking?