Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap

by CapNTilfy


De Verre stared at Indigo as they left the cafeteria. "My god, I don't think I've ever seen anyone eat so much so fast! Are you gonna be okay?"

Indigo grinned. "If I get sick, it'll only be because I'm sick of hearing 'are you okay?'."

De Verre laughed. "I get that. Still, it's nice to know at least some people care."

Indigo sighed. "Yeah. I mean, I love this place, but sometimes it can get a little hostile."

"Oh, I'm sure there's places out there worse than here." Said De Verre.

"If there are, I'd rather not find them." Indigo said, lacing her hands on the back of her head. The warning bell for sixth period sounded off. "Guess we'd better part ways, huh?"

"Yep. Not like we'll never see each other again, though." Said De Verre.

Indigo rolled her eyes and smiled. "Never tempt fate. It can be a real bitch sometimes."

"I suppose so." Said De Verre. "See you later!" She said, waving goodbye on her way to her next class.

Indigo waved back, then headed towards her own class.


Indigo left her classroom and skated through the halls until she saw Sour Sweet staring out of a window. My curiosity has been piqued. She thought, and walked over to her. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked.

Sour Sweet sighed. "I don't know if I want to talk about it." She said, resting her head on her hands as her elbows were supported by the windowsill.

Indigo shrugged. "Suit yourself." She began to walk away, only for Sour Sweet to grab her, preventing her from going any further. "Changed your mind?" She asked.

Sour Sweet laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess I did." She let go of Indigo, then sighed. "I got into a bit of a fight with Lemon Zest. I don't want to go to into much more detail than that."

Indigo made a hissing noise through her teeth. "That sucks." She said, putting an arm on Sour Sweet's shoulder.

Sour Sweet smiled. "Yeah, it does." She said. "But I'm sure we'll bury the hatchet. I just need some time away from her to regroup, that's all."

"That's understandable." Said Indigo.

Sour Sweet blinked, as though suddenly realizing who she was talking to. "Wait...I thought you were supposed to be one of the most obnoxious students around here. Why are you being so nice to me?"

Indigo laughed. "Oh, please." She said. "I'm not some one-dimensional character. Sure I can be obnoxious sometimes, but I can also be a sensitive and caring person. Just like I'm sure there's more to you than being a little...unpredictable."

Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow. "Interesting choice of words."

Indigo grinned. "Would you prefer 'bipolar'?"

"While that's more accurate, I'm good with either." Said Sour Sweet. The warning bell for seventh period rang. "We should continue this conversation later." She said.

"Agreed." Said Indigo. "See you after class!"


Seventh period had ended, and Indigo began looking for Sour Sweet. She skated the halls, keeping her eyes peeled until she found herself behind the very person she was looking for. She grinned, then ruffled Sour's hair. "Looking for someone?" She asked.

Sour Sweet smiled. "I was, but then she messed up my hair." She said as she fixed her hair.

Indigo rolled her eyes and smiled. "So. Bipolar?"

Sour Sweet nodded. "Yeah. I'm bipolar. I acknowledge that I have it, but I don't let it define me."

"I imagine it's hard to not let it define you because of your occasional outbursts." Said Indigo. Sour Sweet glared at her, and she held up her hands in defense. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Indigo said. "I'm just saying, I meant no offense."

Sour Sweet sighed. "I don't know how to respond to that." She said, making a sputtering noise.

Indigo put a hand behind her head and sighed. "Yeah, that was probably out of line. I'm sorry."

"No. It's okay." Said Sour Sweet. "I'm just glad a peer is willing to talk to me, despite my 'reputation'." She clenched her teeth. "Damn Principal Cinch. I hate that word!"

"You're not alone there." Said Indigo. "I think she's almost as obsessed with the thing as much as the word itself!" She sighed heavily. "Man, I hope the wrong people didn't overhear that."

Sour Sweet smiled. "If they did, we'd have known by now."

"Yeah, you've got a point there." The warning bell for eighth period sounded off.

"Onward to the next class, I guess." Said Indigo.

"Yup. Onward to the next class." Said Sour Sweet.


Eighth period had ended, and Indigo decided to check in on Sunny Flare. She shuddered at the memory of seeing her on the gurney, nearly motionless. I still want to see if she's okay at the very least. She took a deep breath and approached the nurses' office. "Is Sunny Flare still here?" She asked the receptionist. The receptionist nodded, and Indigo walked over to where Sunny was. Her eyes widened as she saw her, still motionless but breathing. Okay, this was a bad idea. She slowly walked away, shivering slightly and averting her gaze.

"Indigo? What are you doing here?" Dean Cadence asked, startling Indigo.

"Making a mistake." Indigo said, feeling the color drain from her face. "I...I just wanted to see how she was doing." She said, gesturing in Sunny's direction. "B-But I didn't take into account how freaked out I'd be." She shuddered.

Cadence smiled. "I told you that she's going to be okay." She said, gently putting her hands on Indigo's shoulders.

Indigo took a deep breath, then exhaled, sighing heavily. "I know you did. But that doesn't stop me from freaking out." Before Cadence could say another word, Indigo said "Please don't ask me if I'm going to be okay, I've heard that question so many times today already. And to answer that very question...I don't know. I'm just shaken. God I hope this doesn't give me nightmares."

"Indigo." Cadence said, gaining her attention. "It's commendable that you would want to check up on her, even if you two hardly know each other." She took her hands off of Indigo's shoulders. "Do you need to sit down?"

"I think I'll be okay...maybe I just need some fresh air." Indigo said. "Good talk, Dean. Good talk." She said, almost devoid of tone. She then walked out of the office as the warning bell for her final class rang. She sighed heavily. "So much for fresh air." She said, then made her way to her final class.


Indigo slowly, almost mechanically walked out her final classroom and made a beeline for the bus. She passed by countless students, ignoring everyone and everything except what was in front of her. As far as she was concerned, everything around her was white noise. The image of Sunny Flare just lying on the gurney in the hallway and on the bed in the nurse's office had haunted her throughout class, and she just wanted to go home. No conversations, no distractions...just home. Home. Home. Home. That was all she wanted right now.

Vaguely aware of her surroundings, Indigo boarded the bus. She just wanted to go home. She stared out the window, the image of Sunny Flare still prevalent in her mind. She just wanted to go home. Recognizing her stop was next, she just wanted to go home.

She walked out of the bus slowly and approached the front door. She opened it, then closed it and went to the kitchen, feeling a lump in her throat.

"Hey, Zappo!" Said Azure. When his daughter didn't immediately answer, his expression and tone of voice became those of concern. "Are you okay?" He asked. Indigo didn't answer, but slowly walked over to him then hugged him tightly. When he heard her sniffle, he returned the hug, causing Indigo Zap to break.