//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 - Visitation and Decision // Story: Beginnings of the Race Swapper // by Hexan Tronic //------------------------------// I woke up this morning, having got home after school yesterday, and with a plan in mind. After getting my hat, I had breakfast, and went to school, not much of interest happened there, and after I walked Gene home. We went straight to her room, because she had some questions. After answering her questions, I just head home. Today, I had a request from Logic, for the book that Gene used to let as swap race. So, we starts to head to her place. After knocking on her front door and getting the okay, I head to her room, and knock on her door. “Who is it?” She asks, while sounding distracted. “It’s me Gene, may I come in?” I asked, waiting by the door. “Hexan? Why are you here this early? Of course, come in!” I come in after her short rant. When I walked in, it looked like she has only just woken up. She has just finished brushing her mane. “So, what can I do for you Hexy?” She asks calmly. “Well, Logic wanted me to collect the book that has the race swap spell in it, if that’s okay with you.” She nods and looks for the book. I help her look for it, until she finds it in her pile of books. “Well, here it is. Did he say why he wanted it?” I shake my head as I hold the book with a wing. Then she comes over and gives me a hug. “Alright Hex, just make sure it’s safe okay?” “Don’t worry Gene, I’ll be fine. I better head off, need to start studying this book.” She waves as I head off. Once I got home, I head to my room, and let Logic take over. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I got in control, I started looking through the book, memorizing the spells in it, and trying to decide if I could modify the one used on us.It turns out that there are a lot of spells in here, but I did find it, and I think I can work with it. But, since we already can become any type of normal pony, we have to decide on what next.There are obviously plenty to choose from, but of the first, I’m thinking either; Dragon, Griffon, or Deer. But that decision will have to come later, for now, I think Hexan has more to do before we can start our journey. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I took back control, I put the spell book away in my hat for safe keeping. After that, I went to find my mother, to find her opinion of the races we decided on first. “Hey Mom, can I ask you something?” She turns away from her book to look at me. “Sure dear, what is it?” I sit nearby her to focus on my task. “What is your opinion on dragons, griffons, and deer?” I ask, hoping she knew a bit about them. She looks in thought for a bit. “What do I think about them? Well, for dragons, they can be ferocious beasts when riled up, but can be interesting to talk to. They are generally large, but only when they have a big enough hoard, and are old enough to control that size. It has been said that should the current leader of the dragons trust some creature enough, they will show them something, that they cannot show others unless given permission by them first.” I nod, to show I was listening, while thinking about what she said. “That's all I know, and I don’t really know anything about the others, why not go ask somepony else?” I thank her and head into town. When I reach town, I look around, trying to decide who to ask about my remaining options. Then I suddenly notice Miss Smart walking though town with groceries, so I walk over to her. “Afternoon miss” She smiles when she sees me. “Afternoon, Hexan, how are you doing?” She asks while she walks, me following beside her. “I’m doing well, but I’m a bit curious on something.” She looks interested by also conflicted. “Well, I’m all for helping you Hexan, but I’m a little busy right now.” I think for a moment, then look at her bags. “Your groceries? I could carry them for you, if you want?” She thinks for a bit. “Hmm, alright dear, now what would you like to know?” She asks as I lift the bags with magic. “Well, I was wanting to know what you knew about griffons and deer.” She looks a little surprised by the question. “Well, this is a surprise, but I guess it can’t hurt. What I know on griffons is, they can be pretty angry and determined creatures, preferring wealth to most other things. Meeting one can go bad quickly, so be prepared if you do meet one. They are usually a mix of a big cat, like a lion, or jaguar, and a bird of prey, like vultures and eagles. They like to live around mountains for some reason, nopony was ever really told what it is though.” Well, that is interesting. “Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to look up anything about deers, so I can’t help you with that.” Welp, at least I got one left now. We reach her home, and I leave the bags inside. “Thank you Hexan, good luck on your search.” “Thank you miss.” I walk off, thinking about who may know about deer. Walking around for a while, I notice Fast Mender walking through town, looking troubled. “Hello Fast. What is the problem?” I ask while walking up to her. She notices me and walks over. “Oh, hello Hexan. As for my problem, I was sitting in the park earlier, just looking through my reports on some patients, when a sudden wind came through and blew them all away, and I can’t seem to find them anywhere.” Since this is clearly bothering her, I offer to help her. “Could I help look for them?” I ask. “Hm, well, I guess it couldn’t be much trouble. Okay, you're looking for white paper, with a picture of a pony in the top right corner, and my cutie mark on the back.” I nod as I become a pegasus and fly off in search of them. After an hour or two, we meet up at the park, each having seven reports each. “Good job Hexan, and thank you.” I smile, feeling good. “No problem, but could you help me with something?” I finally ask her. “For all the help you have given me? Of course, what's the problem?” She asks me, collecting and storing the reports. “What do you know about the deer?” She looks interested in my question. “Now that is an interesting thing to ask about. The deer prefer to live in deep forested areas, because they have a great connection to nature magic, allowing them to either work with, or control nature, depending on their situation. It has been said some deer are strong enough to have a tree move itself, or entire collections of them if they try hard enough. They are generally peaceful, but try not to anger them.” I nod and smile. “That's all we really know about them. Sorry if it isn’t enough.” “Nah, that is plenty, thanks for your time, but I have somewhere to be, bye!” I wave as I fly off home. When I got home, I had diner, then head to bed, ready for what we would decide.