
by Ursine


Princess Cadance giggled softly beneath the warm embrace of Celestia’s sun. A calm gust of fresh air greeted her, pushing her curled hair back and caressing her cheeks with the gentlest of touches. She couldn’t allow herself to fully enjoy this beautiful day, however. Remaining still, she smiled and hummed before giving into a long sigh of pure bliss. The cool touch of freshly-woven silk stretching over her regal form was simply heavenly.

“The city is so lovely from up here.” Cadance cooed after opening her eyes to behold the sheer vastness of her surroundings and the diminutive stature they held in comparison to her.

She lay atop a large building, her own enormous form rivaling its size. A small army of tiny ponies ran to and fro across her body and the roof, preparing and fitting vast quantities of silk cloth over her legs and rump. The Princess of Love had volunteered to be their latest model and waited patiently for the fittings to cease. She shut her eyes again. It wouldn’t be long now. From the tips of her stocking-clad hooves that lightly brushed against treetops far below to her horn that stretched high into the sky, Cadance could not resist the urge to bask in the well of euphoria swirling within her chest from the pampering.

“Erm... Y-your highness?” A sky-blue pegasus mare beckoned for the princess’ attention.

Cadance merely hummed lightly in response prior to opening her eyes with a nod. Her violet eyes initially struggled to find the pony but something suddenly landed atop her pink muzzle. The little mare’s knees buckled and she could only stare at the pair of gigantic pink orbs that focused on her now that she had the princess’ attention. Cadance was not just big - she was colossal.

“Are you okay there, miss?” Cadance softly asked and raised her head. After a moment of silence, she asked again in hopes to shake the bewitched mare from her stupor. Cadance wanted to tilt her head but held still, remembering her training.

“Oh, yes!” The pony finally stammered. “Well, the director said you can go now if you like. I mean, you don’t have to but you can if you’re ready! That is, erm - ” The poor mare stumbled over her words as she averted her gaze over the edge of Cadance’s muzzle toward the city far below. She hoped the princess did not notice the growing blush on her cheeks.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll wait here for a just little bit longer.” Cadance declared as she slowly turned her head over her to look at the unique lingerie specially crafted for her immense form.

Her eyes widened at the sight as a dragon would admire its hoard. All four of her hooves were encased in white stockings, held in place by a beautiful garterbelt laced with a myriad of intricate designs that stretched across her rump above her tail dock. Her hindquarters fit snug into a pair of snow-white panties that perfectly accentuated her plump, pink cheeks. The garments fit profoundly well and felt wonderful.

Cadance crossed her eyes again to focus on the pegasus manager. “Could you please send my sincere thanks to your employer for me?” She requested with a gleeful smile. “I’d hate to bother him while he’s working on his next master-craft.”

She looked back to the tiny workers that were now making their way down from her rump and back. “This is wonderful, everypony. Thank you all for your hard work!” She called, giving her rump a little wiggle of appreciation. The last group of disembarking ponies looked up to her swaying cheeks and smiled. Their princess stopped the motion and before any one of them could even shout they were suddenly forced to the floor under hundreds of tons of bountiful, pink flesh as she let her rump come down. Stones parapets lining the roof cracked and fractured in a futile attempt to hold back the giant glutes that spilled over the edge.

Cadance’s eyes shrank to pinpricks upon realizing her mistake. Almost immediately she snapped her head over her shoulder, throwing the pegasus mare from her perch and beholding deep, erratic fissures snaking across the concrete under her butt. The princess wanted to leap away but fought the urge. Instead, with muzzle scrunched in worry, she slowly raised her posterior from the impact area. Her baited breath gave way to a sigh of relief when she witnessed the sporadic movements of the staff as they vacated themselves from the immense shadow of her ample rear.

“I’m so sorry!” Cadance gasped, her cheeks burnt bright red. “I - I hope it was at least somewhat pleasant!” She offered. She took great care to hold her southern half aloft to avoid another awkward accident. An idea began to form in the recesses of her mind as she watched her former detainees look fondly back at their informal, recent prison. A low hum soon escaped the alicorn’s lips as she pondered.

“I wonder what Shining will think of these when he sees me.” Cadance muttered softly as she closed her eyes once more to bask in the warm sun.

As the clouds rolled over one another Cadance looked out into the city skyline below her spontaneous pedestal and hoped that her presence alone would uplift the some ponies’ spirits from their mundane, daily routines.

Because of her height advantage, Cadance had failed to notice many ponies were already gathered along sidewalks and had even assembled in a nearby park. It was there among the crowd that several ponies took photographs or even painted the massive ruler of the Crystal Empire. The amassed crowds went silent at a deep rumbling and looked up to find that she had finally stirred and was moving to step down from her building. With a great and mighty *THUD* that seemingly shook the earth to its core, Cadance landed in the densely-packed streets of Las Pegasus.

The asphalt under her enormous hooves cracked and shattered under her immense weight when she touched down and she sunk into the craters they created.

“Oh dear. I think that might have been too hard.” Cadance muttered to herself as she gazed downward at the meager damage she’d caused. Before embarking on her tour a thought came to mind.

“I hope you all are watching because I think you may like this...” The pink alicorn said as she looked over her shoulder at the towering building that had fashioned her clothes. She stuck her tongue out playfully and proceeded to shake her rear at the glass, admiring her own reflection. The white stockings hugged her thighs just enough that her powerful cheeks were free to lightly sway with each gyration of her hips. She hoped her little dance would give the pony workers inside a worthy show for their endless efforts. She got her answer in seeing scores of tiny forms approach and crowd the blue windows.

“I thought you all would enjoy that.” Cadance giggled while her ears fell backward. A fragile blush soon found its way to the alicorn’s face but could barely be seen through her vivacious pink fur.

“I hope your boss isn’t that much of a stickler for ponies showing off!” The alicorn cried before raising her tail and beginning her trek down the road toward the city’s core.

Under the first step on her newest venture came a light *crunch* that made the giant mare instantly freeze and her confident grin falter. Steady breaths became heavier with each one taken, although nopony could see her panic from so far below. A subtle twitch or shiver was all they could make of her.

Cadance’s low ears flicked at the murmurings at her hooves. Upon looking down she was met with cheers of goodwill and encouragement to bolster her seemingly stage-frightened behavior. With a forced, hearty smile Cadance waved at the assembly before remembering what may linger below her other forehoof. After shifting her weight Cadance brought her shaky, right forehoof to her muzzle, mumbling inconceivable prayers to Auntie Luna and Celestia the whole while.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Cadance gently breathed at the sight of a semi-smashed wagon carriage that was embedded into the sole of her hoof. Nopony accompanied it. Just lifeless wood. Her shoulders and knees sagged with the dreaded weight on them being lifted.

“I hope this safety-spell keeps working like last time.” Cadance hoped as she lowered her hoof back to the ground. What remained of the wagon was reduced to splinters as Cadance allowed her full weight to settle on the asphalt once more.

With a smile and a wink, Cadance bid the abounding support crowd farewell. As a proper sendoff, once she had stepped over the crowd, Cadance swung her tail to the side to give them a full view of her panties before she departed. She unknowingly carried a lone orange-yellow stallion in the frog of her left hind-hoof, his cries of fear drowned out underneath the monumental THUMPS of her hooves. Every one of her steps produced a localized earthquake that rattled surrounding streets. A mix of pavement and shattered trees that once lined sidewalks rained from each sole as her thick legs swung like pink pendulums through the city.

No matter which direction Cadance looked along her partially aimless path she could see countless ponies seemingly frozen in their daily routines to watch a living mountain of pink trot by. From humble parcel handlers and waitrons to various business executives that peered upward at the enormous pony from their towers; all gave their share of admiration to the alicorn. Those swift enough took pictures while some ponies attempted to pursue the gigantic princess even though they could not hope to keep up with her long strides.

“Aw, I’m sorry, little ones.” Cadance said serenely to several hap-hazard groups of various tiny ponies left in her wake. Before she could turn fully around to her devoted admirers she was suddenly blinded by a flash of light. She winced and pulled her head back, glancing about to locate the offending burst. It was only after a second flash had gone off that she had found the pony responsible. Or rather more precisely, the particular entity responsible: the Equestrian Enquirer.

Immediately following a third and final flash, Cadance let out a brash harrumph as the fur on her chest begun to puff. The photographer sped away from her and she followed with rough steps toward the Enquirer headquarters. Several pegasi took flight from the building, some carrying their earth-bound compatriots. Upon arrival, Cadance gave the news outlet building a reproachful glare whilst her mind was consumed by the innumerable amount of willful stories they had produced in the past. Princess Twilight’s botched attempt at shape-shifting that left her outgrowing a house. Princess Celestia’s insatiable hunger for cake. Princess Luna’s abnormal online habits. These ponies had even spun stories of Cadance’s own prior experiences and alleged dethronement of foreign powers that portrayed her sitting on a palace.

With a steady eye, Cadance lowered her head down to the large windows. Inside, dozens upon dozens of reporters, film crews and company managers filled every conceivable gap between cubical rows that stretched towards the back wall. They all cowered before the giant as a thin smile soon etched its way across her muzzle. Her mind was full of mischievous ideas that outright conquered her thoughts.

“If all you wished for was to have a picture of me in my new attire, all you had to do was ask.” Cadance bluntly stated as she reared her head back up and began to turn about. “So please, allow me to help the Enquirer with another one of their lavish and enriching stories.”

She continued looking over her right side with a devilish grin now fully imbued on her lips With her tail out of the way and no further indication of her plan Cadance allowed her rear legs to suddenly buckle. Her massive rump crashed into the Enquirer’s façade at an incomprehensible speed and silenced all in its path. The pink mounds effortlessly rolled over and decimated numerous floors of the interior before finally coming to rest.

The princess laughed aloud at the feeling of countless ponies squirming under her flesh. Ponies that dedicated their time to fabricating lies and misinformation about her and the other royal crowns. Cadance yelped at the sudden falter of the structure’s interior and her rear unavoidably probed deeper into the Enquirer. Although the alicorn’s red-tinted ears hung low with a blush consuming her face, Cadance merely looked on to her handiwork.

“Oops, silly me. I must have forgotten how close you like your interviews!” She uttered between giggles while a hoof approached her chin. “Please allow me to accommodate…” Cadance said as she began to gyrate her hips in a circular motion. Her wings fluttered and she let out a satisfied moan at the sensation of dozens of ponies struggling against her unstoppable cheeks. Although her initial action was slow, Cadance’s movements soon gain speed until a series of deep, thunderous cracks echoed from the base of the structure. This disheartened her and forced her to cease her playful intent. The princess pouted and withdrew her backside from the building, leaving narrow trails of debris and ponies to safely fall back into the ruined interior.

However, before she could turn to see the results of her interview and the subsequent ponies that would undoubtedly remonstrate her, Cadance noticed two distinct things. Her garter had come loose from her stocking and, despite the removal of her haunches from the structure, she still felt the squirms of ponies across her posterior. To be exact, across the brim of her underwear as well as deeper inside.

Cadance’s face lit up an even brighter shade of crimson as her thoughts caught up with her. “Naughty ponies don’t get to go there!” She exclaimed between giggles as she used her magic to pluck the tiny ponies from their soft prison. Once certain every pony was removed Cadance blew a kiss towards her journalists and began to waltz down the road. She only looked back once at the butt-shaped crater that disfigured the building’s face. Thoughts of what outlandish story the Equestrian Enquirer would produce now ate at her mind until she remembered she had to fix her outfit before meeting with Shining Armor.

“Perhaps I can knock out two dragons with one stone.” She wondered aloud.

Shining Armor slept soundly atop a mess of papers scattered on a hotel desk, ears twitching at the sounds of the city and low, sporadic *thuds*. A pigeon suddenly flew in the suite through the open balcony doors. The curious little bird waltzed across the desk to a plate full of breadcrumbs and pecked them up in a flash. He gave a soft coo of contentment and looked about for more. A sliver of drool leaked from Shining’s snoring muzzle, but what interested the pigeon far more was the juicy pink worm in the pony’s mouth. Without hesitation, he bounced across the desk to take a closer look at the wiggling creature that lingered in the crimson cave.

A distinctly feminine giggle echoed through the city.

“Ah!” Shining Armor cried with thrashing hooves as he fell back from his chair. The terrified pigeon fluttered out of sight. Shining brought a forehoof to his muzzle in case the bird tried to snag his tongue again. After several, long moments of seething, Shining retreated to the kitchen and finally noticed a sheet of paper stuck to his cheek.

“Oh, right. The assignments…” Shining muttered as he removed and inspected his early-morning workload.

Peering out into the living room of the voluptuous suite he ultimately concluded that the avian infiltrator took to hiding just beyond the edge of the ceiling's low-hanging panels. As if on cue the pigeon suddenly peered over the edge of the nearest ceiling panel and tilted its head. Shining angrily squinted at him before he brought a hoof to his eyes then pointed right at him.

With a snort, Shining turned and approached the kitchen counter where he grabbed a mug and set to brewing fresh tea.

“Should have closed the door when Cadance left for her meeting…” He grumbled as he reached into the refrigerator for ice-cold bottled water. “Hope it’s worth it coming here.”

The tender sound of the pouring of the water brought a smile to his face.

“Sweeter than the sound of pouring rain…” He murmured as he added crushed green leaves to the mug and stirred the concoction. Shining whirled around at a flapping sound, finding the pigeon had chosen to roost on top of the refrigerator. Trotting to the balcony door on the opposing side, Shining Armor scowled the bird.

“Go away.” He growled.

A subtle sigh escaped Shining Armor’s muzzle as he stepped into the outside world where a gentle breeze welcomed him. Trotting over to the edge of the balcony, he hoisted himself onto the wall and looked out into the cityscape of Las Pegasus. The bright sun invigorated him and helped rid him of his grumpiness. After taking in all he could Shining Armor closed his eyes and levitated his drink to his waiting mouth.

“Oh Shiny…” Cadance’s lovely voice seized his attention. The stallion gave off a low hum as he turned to look at where wife’s voice projected from.

He opened his eyes and the mug shattered on the ground.

“Buh, buh-” was all his dumbfounded voice could muster.

Cadance was there before him, sure enough, but instead of flying, she was sitting. On top of a skyscraper. A very big skyscraper. She was facing away from him and providing a full view of her enormous, panty-clad plot. The movement brought Shining’s eyes to a hind leg that draped off the edge of the roof. His now-giant wife tugged up a huge, white stocking with her magic and clipped it to a garterbelt. She let go suddenly and allowed her colossal cheek to shake as it settled into the confines of the stocking. Cadance stuck her tongue out towards her husband. With a shake of her posterior, the massive pink alicorn dismounted the building and began to strut over to their hotel with a seductive gait that enhanced her lovely features.

Each hoof fall shook Shining Armor to his core and he looked on with pure awe, his face and his low ears turning bright red. Cadance’s conceited walk came to an end as she stood over her husband, a cheerful smirk on her lips. It was here Shining fully appreciated how big Cadance truly was. Her barrel alone filled his entire vision - a wall of fine, pink hair. He strained his neck to see her violet eyes so far above.

“So, what do you think Shiny? Think it was worth helping out?” Cadance asked. A blank stare from her tiny, gawking stallion was the only answer she got. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” Cadance giggled. “Maybe you’d like a closer look, Hon.”

Cadance’s hoof-steps echoed through the city’s outskirts as she aimlessly lumbered about, her muzzle brimming with joy at a tickle at her thigh. Curiosity got the better of her and she came to complete stop, next stooping her head between her forelegs to peer at her inner thigh where a tiny white pony was perched in the brim of her stocking.

“Having fun, Shiny?” Cadance giggled while Shining Armor stared up at a pink bow that decorated her panties.

To further indulge him Cadance brought her thighs together and playfully squeezed her little stallion between two mammoth walls of squishy flesh, enveloping all his entire being in her warmth and fur.

“You’ll get to ride in those later, dear.” She affirmed as she rocked her hips and gently rubbed her thighs together.

Cadance resumed her walk and casually looked about as if in search of something in particular. Her eyes softened at the sight of a skyscraper about as tall as herself. Without a word Cadance hoisted herself on to the structure and sat down, letting her dangling hind hooves brush a row of lush trees below. Cadance began to tease her husband progressively more as the sun descended on the western horizon. It was only once the sun had started to set that the Princess of Love was finally distracted from her private games.

Throughout the course of her adventure, an odd but pleasurable touch had poked and caressed her hind hoof. With a snort, Cadance bent her hoof in her lap examine it. Upon closer inspection, she had noticed a hazel-colored stallion stuck in the smooth silk fabric that decorated her sole.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry little one!” Cadance apologized. Before she could summon her magical aura to free him a rogue thought crossed her mind.

“You know, you give really good hoof massages!” Cadance muttered with a smile before bringing her rear hooves together, sandwiching her captive between her massive, soft soles. Laughter bubbled up from her chest as she gently rubbed her hooves together. Shining asked what was so funny, but she kept her masseur a secret. Shining rolled his eyes and resigned to merely lay back and relax in the comfort of Cadance’s thigh. That is until something landed atop his horn. His ears lowered at the sound of a pigeon’s coo.

“Really?” Shining muttered.