New Host

by Cipher800

Merging Magic, Without Magic

"Yeah, I guess we might have to wait with that, but can somebody explain what Discord had done?" Twilight asked as she got up from bed. Everyone blinked at Twilight using a more human dialect. "I'm just as confused about that change, the new magic must be messing with my head. Does anybody know a doctor?" the former pony asked.

"Actually, there is a nice friend of mine who is specialized in magic and other types of hocus pocus. Come on, I'd like everypony to meet him." Celestia said as they walked across the hallways of the hospital until they reached a door. "I'd like you to meet Dr. Thaumic Scope." When Celestia opened the door, it revealed a dull brown unicorn with a grey mane and beard, as well as a cutie mark of a stethoscope surrounded by stars.

"My, my." Thaumic said as he looked at Twilight with his blood red eyes. "What an interesting case you have here. Discord merging with you as one last state of chaos. Even for him, that's unpredictable."

"We told him all about the incident, Twilight." Celestia said as she looked at her student, who walked towards the table and sat on it like Lyra. "As an added bonus, he is one of the best of the best in not just Canterlot, but all of Equestria." the princess of the day said as Thaumic began to charge his horn.

"What is he gonna do to me?" the draonequus asked with a little fright in her tone.

"Don't worry, my little patient. I'm not gonna hurt you." Thaumic said as he began to cast a spell he designed specifically to scan a creature's magic signature. When he was finished, he was shocked at the results.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"It appears that there are not one, but two magical signatures with in you: that of yours and that of Discord's. And there's more..." Thaumic said as he turned to his patient. "The two magical signatures are merging into a new, non-magical form of energy." the doctor said as Twilight's jaw dropped.

"So I wouldn't have magic anymore?" Twilight said as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so. You were one of the greatest magicians that every lived, and I respect that, Ms. Sparkle." the brown and grey unicorn said as Twilight looked towards him. "Either way, you'd no longer have magic, and you won't be able to use your powers until the merge is complete, if they are still there. But fortunately, you have a strong chance of remaining alive after the merge."

"This... this shouldn't have been happening to me..." Twilight said, gritting her fangs as she put her hooves to her face while crying like a baby before a yellow hoof touched her.

"Power or no, as long as you're still you inside, we will always be there." Fluttershy said.

"And besides, it can't take away the magic of friendship from you. It resides in all of us." Pinkie Pie added.

"Thank you guys. Though, I'm still a bit worried. Without access to my magic, I feel like my fur fell off." Twilight said before looking at the doctor. "Doc, are there any more surprises, yet?"

"Not that I know of, Ms. Sparkle. Your physical transformation is finalized, and you seem okay, personality wise. But watch out in case you feel something out of place. But look on the bright side. There's a strong chance that you'll be able to channel those powers as if they really were your old magic. That, or you'll have to relearn how to use them." Thaumic said.

"Thanks, doc, but one last question. How long will the transition last?" Twilight asked.

"The transition/fusion from magic to non-magical energies, judging by my calculations and the sheer strength of both your and Discord's magic, I'd say it'll be a week at its fastest." the doctor said.

"A week!? No, no, no, I can't last a week without magic, much less for the rest of my life!" Twilight said, hooves on the sides of her head. "Though, if what you're saying is true, doc, then I could probably be able to use this energy just like I did with my magic before Discord screwed everything up." the draconeqqus said as she got up back on all fours as her draconic companion walked towards her.

"Don't worry, Twilight. We're all here for you. Who cares about magic when you have friends? Just like Pinkie said, the magic of friendship cannot be taken away by some silly transformation." the purple dragon said. Twilight walked towards him, unsure of her new body. Her new tail moved almost like a serpent's would. She felt the wins on her back twitch in agitation, and her mane sometimes got caught in between her new horns before untangling them with her hooves. Not to mention the fangs within her mouth, two of which stuck out like a vampire's canines would.

"Yeah, I guess so. Keep an eye on me in case I get sick during the merging process." Twilight said.

"Good call. Spike, take good care of Twilight for me." Celestia said as the little dragon saluted.

"Can do, Princess. I won't let you down." Spike said as Twilight hugged him.

"Thanks, Spike. You're the most reliable person a pony could wish for." Twilight said as Spike saddled up on her back as they prepared to leave the hospital. "By the way, where are we going, Princess?" the Element of Magic asked.

Meanwhile, on the far edges of Equestria, near the undiscovered west, a portal opened, and a figure, clad in black and grey armor, came out. "In a week's time, this realm will face something they will regret for eternity." the figure said as two more armored humanoids in white and gray armor came out. "Here, we shall build our stronghold, men." the head being said as he gazed out onto the woods, watching as multiple members of his kind came out of similar portals, carrying materials such as wood, stone, and many other things. "Heck, we can even use the chaos to come for our own purposes."

"Um, Boss? Why are we setting shop in this particular world, anyways, Boseu?" one of the humanoids said.

"Fist off, this world contains a special type of magic that I've been hunting down for generations. Secondly, as you all know now, our own home world was destroyed, and thirdly, there is an ancient relic that currently materialized within a mile's radius of this location." Boseu said as he gazed upon the stronghold being built with his hands behind his back.

"Tell the search parties to find that item and bring it straight to me when they uncover it..."