//------------------------------// // The new swimming pool updated // Story: Crusaders nude adventure // by ranul //------------------------------// Chapter 2 The next morning, Rarity made waffles for breakfast when Sweetie Belle came walking into the room and sat down at the table. Her hair was wet, and she was wearing her housecoat. “Good morning Sweetie. Are you hungry this morning? “When Sweetie Belle didn't answer. “Sweets, are you OK.” Sweetie Belle looked up and asked, “You wouldn't mind if I take off my housecoat and sit her naked.” Rarity gave her a confused look. “I would ask you why and be surprised, but if you really want but I wouldn't object.” Sweetie Belle stood up and put her hands on the knot of her housecoat. “Are you sure, Rarity?” “If you really want to, Sweetie. “ Sweetie Belle then removes the housecoat to reveal that she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Sweetie looked at her sister and said, “I couldn't go through with it, Rarity.” Rarity said, “that's okay, dear. But it would have been okay if you have done it” Later after Sweetie Belle finished her breakfast, she went for a bike ride. She stopped at an intersection and realized that this was the street that Scootaloo lived. She went to her house and knocked on the door. Scootaloo quickly dried off, put her dress on, opened the door, and saw Sweetie Belle standing there. “Come on in, Sweetie Belle. “Said Scootaloo.” what can I do for you.” “I came to apologize for how “ Sweetie Belle then paused as she was staring straight ahead. “Tweety, come swimming with us .” Scootaloo then turned and saw that her brothers had just come into the room. “Boys, go get dressed. “Sweetie then sighed “don't be mad at them.” The two boys then left the room. “Don’t worry. I am not. After all, didn’t know that I would be here . “ replied Sweetie Belle Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and noticed that her hair was wet. “Did you get out of the shower? Scootaloo shook her head.” Then why is your head wet.” Just then, the brothers came into the room. They had both in the underwear, and both were wet. “Go put something more on you two.” “They don't have to on my account. ‘ Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle, who just nodded. “Why are you all wet.” ‘Come with us.” They then went to the backyard. “When did you get a swimming pool.” “ We got it this morning .” “ Come swimming with us, tweety .” Said Breakwheel as he began to remove his underwear. “ Maybe Later, okay, boys. “ “ Promise Tweety .” Said both the boys Sweetie then nodded. Scootaloo noticed that Sweetie Belle was looking uncomfortable. “ Boys, can you wait inside for a few minutes. “ “ But we want to go swimming, “ said whiplash “ Don't worry, I won't belong, and you know what mom and dad said about you swimming alone ..” The boys both frowned and then went into the house. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then began to walk back towards the house when Sweetie Belle paused and looked at Scootaloo. “Did I promise to go swimming with your brothers? “said Sweetie Belle Scootaloo just nodded “Yes, you did. Sweetie Belle. “replied Scootaloo. “Will they be distraught if I change my mind. “asked Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo said, “I think they will get over it. “ “ I think I should be going. “ Said, Sweetie Belle “ Why not stay a while and have some fun. “ Sweetie shook her head and said, “ It looks like they wanted to go swimming .” “ They would be willing to wait . “ replied Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle shook her head. “ No, I think I should be going,” said Sweetie Belle Break wheel was playing on the X Station, and Whiplash was lying on the couch reading a book. When Scootaloo came into the room. “Boys, will you be really upset if Sweetie Belle changed her mind about going swimming. “ They both frowned. Whiplash looked up from the book. “why not.” He asked. “She doesn’t feel comfortable being naked like we do. “ “But she doesn’t have to be naked. “ Breakwheel paused the game and turned the tv off. Whiplash put down the book, and the naked siblings headed out the door. After Apple Bloom had finished her chores, she heads into town on her bike when she saw Sweetie Belle. “Hey, Sweetie. “Sweetie Belle didn’t answer her. So, Apple Bloom started to ride beside her and asks, “Are you, okay Sweetie. “ Sweetie Belle Stops her bike and turns to Apple Bloom. “Yes, Apple Bloom. “Asks Sweetie Belle. “Is there something wrong, Sweetie Belle? “ “Sorry, Bloom, I have things to think about. “ “If you tell me, I might be able to help. “ Sweetie Belle shook her head. Apple Bloom thought for a moment. “Want to come to Scootaloo with me.” she shook her head and started to head towards home. Apple bloom thought for it for a moment, then turned around and headed towards Scootaloo. When she knocked on the door. “Hello, is Scootaloo home.” “She and her brothers are playing in the backyard, “replied speedster and headed to scootaloo's Apple bloom headed towards the backyard. She heard splashing she shook her head and thought they don't have a pool but when she opened the door and saw the swimming pool in the backyard. “ Yousars, you all have a swimming pool.” Whiplash was leaning over the edge of the pool. “Yeah, dad bought it for us this morning. “ “Come and join us, bloom.” Said Breakwheel. By this time, she had removed her shirt and shorts and was about to release her underwear. “Ya try and stop me. “as she removes her underwear and jumps into the pool. Rarity was sewing in she heard the door. She heard footsteps going up the stairs. She listens and hears the door of the guest room shut. Rarity goes back to work. Sometime later, Rarity knocks on the door. “it’s time to eat, my dear.” “I am not hungry.” came the reply from within the room. “Are you okay?” “Yes, Rarity, I am fine.” After Rarity had finished eating, and was in the living room watching a romance movie. “Thank you, Rarity.” “Your welcome, honey. I figured you would be hungry. Sweetie Belle sat down on the couch. Rarity turned her head and then turned back to the TV. Sweetie Belle sat there watching tv. First, she tried to sit with her arm leaning on the couch's arm, and she tried laying on the couch. Every so often looked over at Rarity, who was just sat there watching tv. Finally, Sweetie Belle couldn’t take it and turn towards her sister. “ Aren't you going to say anything, Rarity? “ “About what, Sweetie. “ “That I am naked here. “ “Oh, I didn't notice it.” Sweetie Belle looks at her sister. “Rarity.” “I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. “ There was a knock on the door. “Stay here, sweetie. I will go and see who it is.” Rarity headed towards the door, and Sweetie Belle headed upstairs. As soon as Rarity heard the door open and close upstairs, She opened the door. “Is Sweetie Belle home.” “Sweetie! Apple bloom is here. “ “I will be down in a moment. “after a few moments, “Come on up here.” Apple bloom then went upstairs and knocked on the door. “Come on in.” Apple bloom opened the door and saw sweetie Belle sitting on her bed. Facing away from her. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Sweetie then stood up and turned around, and she was totally naked. “I was trying to see what it was like to naked just before you came here. “Sweetie then went over to her dresser and was about to open it. When She stopped and sat down.” you don’t mind if I don’t get dressed. “ Apple bloom just shrugged her shoulders and said, “Na do whatever you feel comfortable. “After a few moments, “Did you promise Break Wheel and Whiplash that you would go swimming with them. “ Sweetie Belle looks at Apple bloom for a few moments and nods. “You know that it would be okay if you were a swimsuit if you want to. “ “I know Scootaloo told me that as well. But I don’t know about being the only one in a swimsuit and everyone else being naked. “ “ We have thought of an idea that you wouldn’t even notice that we are naked. “ “ What I am will be blindfolded ?” “ No, silly, but if you want to find out, you will have to come swimming tomorrow. “ “ I will think about it, okay .” “Apple Bloom, you should be heading on a home if you want to get there before it gets dark. “ They turn and saw Rarity standing at the door, also naked. Apple bloom stood and up and put her arms out to hug sweetie. Sweetie Belle Hesitated for a moment before embracing her friend in a hug after Apple bloom left. “Why are you naked?” “What is there a rule that only you can go around naked. This is my house, after all.”. The two of them watched tv for the rest of the evening and when Sweetie Belle went to get ready for bed and reached back to remove her dress to get ready for bed remembered that she was naked. She then crawls between her covers and goes to sleep.