Returning Home

by Arceaion

Prologue - Death

WARNING: Okay so BIG warning this story is really violent. Normally I don't write like this but I had this Idea a long time ago and I want to post it. I don't know what will happen with this story but I don't want you all to not be warned So if you are sensitive to this kind of stuff then you have been warned.

Returning Home Arc I - Fall of the Hive

Twilight sighed as she continued to organize the shelves of her new castles library. It had been a week since Tirek had destroyed the Golden Oaks Library and she still had so much to organize. Twilight was shaken out of her thoughts as someone grabbed her from behind and slammed her into one of the bookshelf's. Twilight gasped as a tall dark pony stood over her.

"Greeting Twilight Sparkle." The Pony said as green flames enveloped the pony burning away the visage.

"Chrysalis, why are you here." Twilight growled as the queen approached her with a smirk.

"Why, I'm here for you Twilight. You have been a thorn in my side for some time." The queen grabbed twilight by the throat and lifted her off the ground. "You and all the Elements as well as those damn princesses." She spat. "But no more, I will finally be rid of you." She said as she drew a knife and stabbed Twilight in the stomach and released her.

Twilight gasped a she clutched her stomach. "Even if I die Equestria will find a way to survive." Twilight gasped out.

Chrysalis chuckled. "Perhaps, you see I realized that when I invaded during the wedding I didn't go far enough." Chrysalis smiled. "I should have dealt with you then but I didn't." Chrysalis slammed her fist into the young Alicorns head repeatedly as she laughed. "I'm going to enjoy them finding your mutilated body, there despair, there pain It will be delicious." She raised the knife and stabbed Twilight through her right eye and twisted ripping it out.

Twilight screamed as her eye was ripped from its socket. Chrysalis raised the knife to her face and licked the blood from it when she reached the eye she bit into it and pulled it from the knife before swallowing with an audible gulp. "With your death all of Equestria will fall onto despair and as they mourn you I will claim what's rightfully mine." Chrysalis laughed as she grabbed the alicorn and turned her over. "But first I will enjoy myself."

She placed the knife at the base of Twilight's new wings and began to saw them off. Twilight screamed as the knife cut deep into her flesh. "Struggle all you like my dear, this knife is enchanted to cut through anything." Chrysalis leaned down her face next to Twilight's ear. "Even bone." She said as with in one fluid movement she chopped the wing off. Twilight Screamed as the wing fell from her back, Chrysalis smiled and moved the blade to the next.

The torture lasted for what felt like hours and by the time the queen was done Twilight's voice was horse from the screaming. "I would love to break you Twilight. To here you scream and moan in pleasure but sadly I have things to do and an army to unleash. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis raised the blade above her head and plunged the blade into the alicorns heart. Twilight gasped her eye growing wide before the light faded from it. Suddenly the castles doors were blasted off the hinges by a yellow and blue aura. Celestia and Luna as well as the remaining six, Spike and Discord ran in and saw Chrysalis.

The Queen smiled. "Too late~." She sang as a portal appeared beneath her. Discord charged at her only to crash into the floor. Celestia and Luna ran to Twilight's body, Celestia scooping her up and weeping.

"Not another step!" Luna yelled causing the others to freeze. "Don't look, don't look!" She she said tears streaming down her face. "Better you remember her as she was."

The funeral was held a week later, it was a closed coffin. Everypony that could came, Friends, family even those who Twilight had merely helped came from across Equestria. Many of the other races rulers came to pay there respects and offer assistance to Celestia and Luna. However once the funeral had passed Equestria did not fall into despair like Chrysalis had believed. Ponies cried but not from sorrow, this time every voice cried out for blood. Chrysalis had done the one thing no other race had, gone too far.

The Ponies, who every race believed were soft and unable to fight, rose up almost over night. Blacksmiths hammers rang out as they struck their anvils, Mages gathered preparing for war, the guard that had become simply a ceremonial tradition was alive and training not to keep the peace but to kill, and deep within Canterlot Castle the doors to an armory that had been locked and hidden away were ripped open by Celestia. Torch light glinted off golden armor and a dusty halberd beside it sat the armor of Nightmare Moon and an ancient sword. Celestia and Luna stepped forward and the armor rose in their magic and locked into place. The peace and Harmony that Equestia had known was no more, the fires of war once again roared in the hearts of Ponies.

Meanwhile deep within the void twelve beings stirred, Harmony had fallen and their champion was lost. One growled as it looked at its brothers and sisters. The figure seemed made of a magma. "I will not sit idly by as this occurs." She said angrily.

"Nor shall we Cruelty, she has altered destiny. Twilight Sparkle was not ready, her destiny unfulfilled." Replied another, its form appearing as that of a light fiery flames licking off it's shoulders

"Peace Kindness, it must be placed to a vote." the largest of the beings said, its that of the night itself. "My brethren, I propose we bring her here. No being will disturb her here and we may train her personally."

"I agree." aid a being of pure shadow. "All in favor?" He asked as all the beings raised there hands in agreement.

"Then it's decided. Twilight Sparkle will be trained here by us personally." The Night said.