Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements

by cyber_pony13


Outside Ponyville

“Okay girls are you ready for this one?” Rainbow Dash asks her friends before she takes off to perform a new trick. Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all nod, eagerly awaiting their skilled friend to see what she has been training for.

“Alright then I’m off!” and with that Rainbow Dash was off. She began with flying through clouds and setting them in place to where she wanted them.

She then stated planning how she would do it in her head. First she would put all the clouds into place to form a trail of her cutie mark in the sky and then begin to fly through them without breaking them apart. Next she would build up speed while tracing through pattern and perform a Sonic Rainboom. Finally she would stay within the break gaining more speed to perform a second sonic rain boom and wrap it up with her Buccaneer Blaze. She smirked knowing this would be the trick to get her into the Wonderbolts.

As she began to pass through the clouds and gain speed, she noticed that the temperature began to suddenly drop. Today was supposed to be a little cooler than normal days since they just finished up winter wrap up a few days ago, so she just carried on.

“Look at her go! I wonder what it would be like to fly like through the clouds with such agility.” Pinkie Pie began to think out loud, “I bet it must be one of the most amazing things ever to do, just like that time I worked for hours to help bake all those cupcakes for that cupcake eating contest and I was full of frosting and sprinkles that had me smelling like baked goods for days and…”

“Um, Pinkie I think it’s safe to say that it is a marvelous feeling,” Rarity said, stopping Pinkie Pie from going off to an endless speech of how flying should feel. “Strange it feels that it’s getting cold again wouldn’t you agree girls?”

“We did just wrap up winter and the weather pony did say that it was going to get cooler today but it does seem strange” Twilight began to speculate.

“I wouldn’t worry about it too much y’all; you know ‘em pegasi sometimes change the weather because of some crazy thing. Besides looks like Rainbow Dash is about to finish up her trick.” Applejack assured her friends.

Rainbow Dash began to build up more speed, enough to perform her Sonic Rainboom when she noticed that she was flying harder than she would need to pull off her trick. The weather began to get really cold now, but Rainbow Dash knew she had to finish it. She gave it all she had and was able to perform a successful Sonic Rainboom with some ice crystals as an after effect; however she decided to end the trick there.

“Way to go Rainbow Dash, woohoo.” Fluttershy cheered in her quiet tone.

“All your practice has paid off. Now I’m positive the Wonderbolts will let you in. Although how were you able to make the ice crystals come out of the Sonic Rainboom?” Twilight began to question her cyan colored friend.

“That’s just it…That wasn’t part of the trick at all; in fact I had to stop midway because the cold weather was beginning to drain me.” Rainbow Dash wondered herself why that happened and why she was nearly out of energy already.

Just then the mane six noticed that it had begun to snow. Though this snow wasn’t normal; it had a blue aura to it and seemed to resonate with Twilight and Rarity.

“My word this snow is just….lovely.” All of them looked at Rarity as she said this. “I feel wonderful and so full of life, why I feel as though I could create a whole new line of dresses for the next Gala for nearly every mare in Ponyville.” Rarity began to seem to enjoy the weather condition however Twilight seemed confused.

“Wha…Snow?!? This shouldn’t be happening; we wrapped up winter on time this year. Why is it snowing and why is it glowing blue?” Twilight began to try and understand the situation. Just then they could see Spike running up to them as fast as he could with a scroll in his hand.

“TWILIGHT!!!!! You….have………….message……..Princess…..urgent…..” said the little dragon trying to get his breath back from running. “Whoa….Rarity you look amazing right now.” And then Spike seemed to gain all his energy back. At first everypony was surprised with Spike’s quick compliment to Rarity out of the blue, when they noticed that she seemed to just radiate.

“Oooooh Rarity that new glowing look is amazing, you’ve have got to tell us how you are doing it. Is it some sort of spell, or maybe is it the snow cause if it’s the snow I’ll just roll around in it to see if I glow too,” Pinkie Pie complemented her friend. Twilight was intrigued of how this was happening but she was busy reading the scroll Spike came running with.

“Uh oh girls, the Princess has requested to speak with us as soon as possible. We need to find out why this is happening to Ponyville; and Pinkie, don’t roll around in the snow, we don’t know what it could do to you.”

“Okay Twilight let’s go.” Giggled Pinkie Pie.

Princess Celestia’s throne room

The girls arrived at the Princess’ throne room to see Celestia patiently awaiting their arrival. She was looking outside to see how much the unusual weather effects were affecting all of Equestria.

“We came here as fast as we could Princess Celestia,” said Twilight as she and her friends knelt down in respect. “What is it that you have called us here for?”

“Ah, my faithful student, I thank you and your friends for arriving on such short notice.” Addressing the mane six while breaking her deep thought. “As you can see the weather seems to be in winter even though it is now spring. Do you girls remember when you defeated Discord?” All of them nodded their heads. “Good, it turns out that even though the elements of harmony defeated him and returned things back to normal, there were still traces of Discord’s chaos left in Equestria and they have begun to taint the weather elements thus driving them out of control.”

“Weather elements? I’ve never read anything about them at all in my studies also I thought only pegasi could alter the weather.”

“It is true that pegasi can control the weather, Twilight Sparkle, but much like the elements of harmony the weather elements help maintains the balance of the weather in order to prevent something like this, although the way this is happening is unusual.” Celestia responding to her student.

“Just hold on your highness,” Applejack kindly interrupted, “Because of these fancy elements that are now going out control there is something unusual about them. What could be more unusual than the snow being blue and Rarity glowing earlier?”

“I believe our little friend here could explain that Applejack. You can come out now Levia.” Celestia called out to the balcony and from there came out a blue sprite that glowed similar to the snow.

As the sprite got closer to everypony, they could see it that it was a tiny version of a unicorn. Its fur was sky blue and her mane looked like it was covered in ice but that was just its color and finally her cutie mark was of a crystal ball that outlined with snowflakes. Some of its features such as its mane were foreign, it had wings similar to parasprites, but they were more interested that such a thing existed.

“Girls I would like to introduce you to Levia. I know she is probably something new to you all and you may have many questions to ask but I need you to do this task for me.”

“We will do it Princess, just tell us what we have to do,” Twilight responding confidently to her tutor’s request.

“One of the weather elements has been located at the cave where there once was a dragon that nearly spread smoke throughout all of Equestria due to his snoring. What I need you girls to do is go inside the cave, retrieve the element and bring it back here.” Celestia continued on.

“Don’t worry Princess, we will get this done; c’mon girls and Levia, let’s go.”

“Twilight, I’ve arranged transportation for you girls to get there quickly. Just head out to the courtyard and an airship should be waiting to take you girls there.” And with that the girls took off with Levia to the courtyard to complete the task ahead of them.

“You didn’t tell them about Levia’s complication with this situation big sis.” Princess Luna stated as she flew in from the balcony. “With her involvement it may take longer than it needs to take to get this done.”

“I understand that, however this is something personal for Levia and I think on the way to the cave she will tell them of her situation,” Celestia responded to Luna, but her regal sister of the night still had a look of doubt on her face.

“I know Twilight and her friends are fit for this task, especially since they’re the ones who freed me of being Nightmare Moon, but I just can’t shake this feeling that trouble will happen when they help Levia out.”

“I remain in slumber, still wondering over the images that play through my mind. I see joy, laughter; love….a new land where I can begin anew. Could this be my escape now from it all or will the cycle repeat?” A voice in the dark caves of the mountain wonders, thinking of the new journey ahead.