//------------------------------// // Chapter Twenty Seven and Twenty Eight // Story: Lord of the Rings: Ponies of the Fellowship // by Massager 32 //------------------------------// Chapter Twenty Seven: The Tomb of Balin; Ori's story The Stone pilloried hall stood tall and grand with a space so wide it made almost every direction look end less but as far as the Fellowship knew they were going straight when both Gimli and Rarity looked to their left and saw a separate room, in hopes to find at least one surviving Dwarf or pony they ran but it was not so. Instead they found more corpses and a stone coffin, Gimli looked at the words upon the coffin and dropped in sorrow with Rarity as the others followed in and Gandalf read aloud the very Words, " Here lies Balin Son of Fudin. Warrior of Erebor and Lord of Moria. He is dead then just as I feared." Twilight then saw a single corpse sitting next to Balin's coffin and then after a long focused look gasp in terror to Gandalf saying, " G..G..andalf please tell that's not? It couldn't be." But the Wizard said, " I'm afraid it is Twilight or at least it was. It's Ori." He then noticed an old book in Ori's hand and hand his hat and staff to Pippin to pick it up and read from it which said, " 5 May 13970, we are close to our destination." (Flash back,Ori) " It has now been 30 years sense I myself, my Unicorn pony Moon Dancer, our companions Balin the leader and Oin with their ponies Coco Pommel and Jewel Quarts and our company of 28 have reclaimed Erebor from the Dragon Smug and 20 years scense a single sitting of an orc or goblin has been seen in the gates of Moria so now seeing an opertunity Balin wanted in his old age to pay revenge on those who died for it including King Thro and reclaim that old kingdom but in fear of the myths in history King Dain refused our quest so with no choice we along with 30 of our finest set off saying goodbye to our friends and families namely my brothers Dori and Nori, Oin's brother Gloin and Nephew Gimli and Balin's brother Dwalin. We traveled for twelve months west but then Balin had a thought if the Battle for Moria took place in the East Gate and there might still be a small strong hold it would be unwise to go there so we ventured south to Isenguard for help from Saruman, he refused but did let us know of a invisible door on the west side of the Misty Mountains by a large black lake so we traveled their. We found the door and tried to with many passwords when we finally tried Mellon and Everfree but once the door open we were attacked by this creature with tentacles from the lake which processed to take us on one by one till Oin and Jewel took our remaining forces in and shut the gate behind us we never saw them again. We then traveled through the long halls and tunnels finding the long lost wealth of Moria Mithril and then Balin took the role of Lord for Moria but in the mist of what seemed to be our success we were attacked by an orc scout and goblin archers, one these same archers shot Balin in the shoulder but we managed to kill them letting the scout escape in the hopes of saving our lord but our healer could do nothing for we found it was the same wound and disease that nearly killed Kili all those years ago and none of us had the knowledge to cure him later the week he died. We found a well spot to hid and regroup but imminently found Moria was still not as empty as we thought. They have taken the bridge and the second hall, we have boarded the doors but can not hold them for long the ground shakes, drums drum in the deep. We can not get out a shadow moves in the dark, we can not THEY ARE COMING." (Back to the Fellowship) The Fellowship listened to the tale when Pinkie suddenly felt her tail twitched then just as suddenly remembered Starlight's warning then looks to Pippin who was looking at another corpse sitting on the edge of a well and was touching the arrow on its armor, she tried to stop him by shouting," Pippin don't!" but it was to late. The corpses head tilted back and fell into the well which smashed hard on the stone surface and made a loud echoing sound that made the others look his direction when the rest of the body followed its head with a chained bucket making more noises. Chapter Twenty Eight: The Battle of Khazad-Dum part one: Orcs and Troll The noises echoed through and out the mine each a nail in Peregrin's grave till it finally stopped, they all looked both him in anger and each other in relief till Gandalf said closing Ori's book, " FOOL OF A TOOK! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity." pulling his hat and staff away from the troublesome Halfling when suddenly a starting small thump came into their ears followed by more thumps that grew from a boom to a boom boom and finally a boom boom boom of drums. The sound traveled through every passage way and ended at the door behind them when Sam and Fluttershy noticed a dim light and saw both Frodos sword and Applejacks necklace were glowing blue and orange, they noticed this too but were just as soon meet with a faint noise that Legalos recognised calling out, " Orcs!" which made Boromir go to the door only to be welcomed with two arrows that just missed his face. Shining Armor then turn to the Hobbits and their ponies and called to them, " Get Back you guys! Stay close to Gandalf and Twilight." Who were then pushed back by the same two as he, Aragorn, Flash, Legalos and Arch went to help Boromir close the door who said after hearing another noise, " They have a Cave Troll." then barricaded door with all the axes before stepping back. They ready themselves for when the Orcs tried to break the door down even Gimli was ready when he claimed onto his cousin's grave and shouted, " Ahh let them come for there is one dwarf left in Moria who still draws breath." but then the doors broke down and dozen upon dozen of orcs came running growling and cackling though at least three were hit by both Legalos, Arch, and Aragorn's arrows but more were come so they all charged and fought going from left to right with every slatch, swing, cut and stab till they were meet with a roaring noise that came in with a bang introducing the giant cave troll Boromir mentioned earlier. Legalos and Arch tried to shot arrows at it but the creatures tough skin almost made it hard to hurt as it first tried to hit Sam who dodged the hammer by going under it and Fluttershy who tried to give it the Stare that she uses on the critters of the Shire but found that the troll's small brain made it immune swatting her aside like a fly then it went to Gimli and Rarity who both hit it with a zap of magic and an axe but again misses hitting Balins grave allowing the Dwarf and his pony to go separate ways to confuse it as Arch fired another arrow knocking it down. of course now it was really getting angry at the two archers so after getting up it found them on the second floor it started to swing it's loose chain at them like a whip which would have hit Legalos if Arch didn't worn him shouting, " Legalos look out!" Which allowed him to dodge them and lead it to wrap around a pillar thus trapping the beast so he could climb on to its head and try to fire another arrow onto its head with deflected off making the troll brake free from its chains while down below Sam was cutting Orcs with his sword on one hand and banging them with a pot on the other when he said, " Well at least I think I'm getting the hang of this." but soon the attention was back on the troll for it had it's attention on Applejack who was with Merry and Pippin while Frodo was with Aragorn and Shining. Frodo saw she was in trouble and was about to go help when Aragorn grabbed him and said, " No Frodo stay with me she'll have a better chance if you don't get hurt." But was pushed aside as Frodo said, " I have too she's my pony and I would rather die and let you guys carry on this mission without us then live on without her." Then runs off, Aragorn was of course frustrated by this and didn't know what to do when shining bumped him and said, " Go help him I'll take care of these guys." tossing him a spear. The troll tried to grab Applejack but was cut in the hand by Frodo then followed by Aragorn was stabbed in the chest by the spear but the creature then swiped his arm at the Ranger making him fly and hit his head onto a the wall, Frodo tried to wake him up but the Troll pulled the spear out and tried to go after Applejack again so in a corner as a last minute option he got in front of the spear and took the shocked that equally hurt Earth pony. Both their cries called out through the room to each of their companions, Merry and Pippin both took their swords and jumped onto the Trolls back while the others took care of the remaining Orcs. Merry soon got grabbed by the Troll and was dangling upside down when Rainbow Dash heard him she immediately flow to his rescue shouting, "Hold on Merry I'm coming." just catching him before hitting the floor, but now with the troll being the last creature the remaining Fellowship members took turns cutting it when Legalos readied another arrow Pippin saw his opportunity and stabbed the creature making open it's mouth and welcome the incoming arrow thus killing once and for all. When it was finally over they all went to the bodies of Frodo and Applejack thinking they were dead when Frodo moved and began to breathe, everyone was shocked at this even Aragorn who just woke up when Applejack said in a low breath tone, " Gosh darn Frodo Baggins I don't know whether I should hurt you some more or kiss you." luckily it was the kiss. Frodo then hugged her and said to the others, " Don't worry I'm um I mean We're alright not hurt at all." When Aragorn said, " Right you should be dead both of you I mean a spear like that would have killed even a strong wild boar." And Twilight who agreed but had a thought in her mind said, " Well I would think that there's more to this Hobbit that meets the eye." which without another word told Frodo to Reveal the shining silver vest Bilbo gave him. Gimli and Rarity both widen their eyes for it was Mithril that Frodo was wearing even said together, " You're full of surprises Master Baggins." When sounds of more Orcs came to the door this time louder and stronger meaning more were higher numbers were coming too so hoping they could out run this growing enemy Gandalf said, " To the Bridge of Khazad-Dum." and they all ran and/or flew out of there through the whole next to them.