//------------------------------// // Twi and Church // Story: From Ooo to Equestria // by B_Bubble132 //------------------------------// So we were walking towards a big tree with a balcony, a door, and window, which I assumed to be Twilight’s house, when it started to rain. Wait, no, not rain…and by that, I mean it wasn’t raining rain. It was raining milk. Chocolate milk, to be precise. And there were pink clouds over head. “Does this mean what I think it means?” I said, the cheer in my voice growing more prominent by the second. Then, the famous Draqonequus appeared. “It certainly does, m’dear, it certainly does!” “Ponyville has been thrown into chaos once again?” I said, glee being a bit too noticeable. “Yes.” “BEST DAY EVER!” I exclaimed. And I wasn’t faking my happiness. Chaotic Ponyville was awesome! But now that I was ACTUALLY there to experience the awesomeness, I nearly exploded into a pile of confetti and sparkles! “It certainly is. Chocolate rain, cotton candy clouds, soap roads, and the look on everypony’s face is simply-“ “PRICELESS!” we said in unison. “Exactly!” he said. “Well, I should be going. I have some more chaos to wreak.” And he flashed away. Then Twilight ran up. “What was that?” “What was what?” I said. “You talking to Discord! That’s what!” “Oh, that.” “You’re acting like this isn’t a big deal. You were acting like you liked him!” “I do. Discord is awesome. As a random pony once said, ‘eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain!’” I said to her. “But…but he’s evil!” “Actually, he doesn’t seem like THAT bad of a guy. He’s just having some fun! And I personally think that Ponyville is BETTER like this! You can skate anytime of year, you can walk outside and have a glass of chocolate milk in seconds, either ask a Pegasus or a unicorn to grab a piece of cloud for you and you’ve got a snack, get an apple and you have a MEAL, grab an ear of popping corn, and you’ve got movie night, it’s AWESOME!” then guess who else dropped by. “Sama, you have GOT to see what I just did!” I looked to my right, and saw a giant pepper shaker, shaking pepper over Berry Punch. She sneezed, and several houses, or at least standees that LOOKED like houses, fell backwards. We both had an immense laugh attack. “BAHAHAHA!!! Simply…priceless!” I said, laughing in between words. “Yes…yes, it…is!” he had to stop to laugh while he was talking too. Twilight just stood there, gaping. “Twilight, you do know it’s not polite to stare, correct?” Discord said. “Ah…ah…ah…” she squeaked. I had to put a hoof over my mouth to hide the smile widening on my face. “What’s wrong Twilight? Draqonequus got your tongue?” I said with a wry smile. Discord then poofed a fake tongue into his hand. “Um, Discord, can I ask you something?” I said to Discord. “Yes, m’dear?” “Could you possibly conjure up a love potion?” “Of course, m’dear. But for whom?” “Well, for me, but I’d like to give it to the blue goofball over there” “Alright, but only because you’re the only pony that is my friend, and a friend that actually LIKES my chaos.” “I don’t see it as chaos…I see it as an improvement.” I said. “Ew, GAG! You’re giving me complements!” he said jokingly. “Alright, just please make that love potion already!” I said as I chuckled. “Okay” he snapped his fingers, and he had a little bottle of orange potion in his claw. “Give him a small glass of this, and bam, he’ll have been bitten by the love bug, but I need one more thing.” And he plucked a hair from my mane. “OW!” “Sorry, but that was the last ingredient. A piece of you. Spike tried to give this to Rarity once, he ended up giving to Twilight, and she became his stalker. I made it less strong, so that it will only make him love you, not want to stalk you.” He said “now I just need to mix it until it turns brown, and it will be ready.” So he shook it until it was brown. “It looks like coffee.” I said. “Yes, but just tell him it’s hot chocolate” “Alright, here goes nothing.” I walked over to Caboose. “Hey Caboose, I was just wondering…would you like some hot chocolate?” “Of course!” so I gave him a glass of the potion, and he drank it all in one gulp. “That did not taste like hot choc-“ he stopped midsentence and stared at me. “What is it?” I asked. “You…you’re…pretty” he said. And I turned Pink and maroon. Again. “Well, you’re…um…cute.” I said. “I just remembered. Remember when Church said that no one likes you?” “I like me.” “I know. And, there’s something that I’ve always wanted to tell you…I…l-l-l-like you too.” And after I said it, he glomped me. He LITERALLY, glomped me. “I like you, too.” He said. And then, the best thing ever happened…he kissed me. No tongue action, but it was a kiss of pure love, that was for sure! I realized, he liked me like that all along, ever since he laid eyes on me. I didn’t need to give him some potion that FORCED him to love me. He already did. And then…it happened. Everything in Equestria was right again. No more cotton candy clouds, no chocolate rain, no checker board streets. It was all fine. It turned out me and Caboose had been in the air when it happened, and we slowly descended. “What just happened?” I said after he stopped kissing me, and we had landed. “Apparently, that…erm…embrace…was so powerful, that it restored everything to it’s natural state.” Twi said matter-of-factly. “half of me is glad about that, and the other half wishes everything was still at least a LITTLE chaotic, like a few cotton candy clouds left” I said. “Well,” Pinkie said, after apparently not speaking through the entire Discord incident. “We should go and meet AJ and Sarge!” “But we haven’t seen Church yet!” I said. “Oh, I’ll go get him. He’s talking with the Necronomicon.” “The Necro what?” “The Necronomicon. The book of death. Tells when a pony died, or will die. You know, Necronomicon.” “oh. ohh…kaaay.” She was back a few minutes later. “alright, where is she?” he said. “I’m right here” I said, reappearing. “wow. I thought that only Tex could do that.” “wellp, no, I can too.” “cool” “Thanks, dude.” There was an awkward silence. “So...you’re Caboose’s ‘best friend’?” “Eh, kinda. He just THINKS I am.” “That’s kinda funny. I remember that time when he said ‘Church, if I die, I want you to have, my orange juice’.” “I actually face palmed at it, but-wait, how did you know that that happened?” “Oh, ummm…I’m just a, erm, fan of Caboose” “Oh” another awkward silence. “Well, we better get going! We don’t wanna keep AJ and Sarge waiting!” Pinkie said. “Okay, let’s go!” I said. As we walked off I quietly said “phew” well, at least there’s only one more of their friends to meet. This oughta be good, if I know Sarge, and I do. In the distance, a very familiar laugh could be heard…