//------------------------------// // Day 2: First Blood // Story: Betrayal of Friendship // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// Day Two. As usual, everycreature gathered up in the same place they grouped up on the first day. However, to their horror, somepony was missing. There were only 9 creatures who came. “Uhh... Guys?” Cozy Glow said. “W-Where’s Sweetie Belle?” It was then they realized. “*gasp* Uh Oh... Did... *sniff* Did She...” Apple Bloom started crying. Scootaloo tried to calm her down, but couldn’t resist either since the three of them were so close. Silverstream came over to hug them both. “I’m sorry it had to go that way,” she said. “Come on. We have to find the Mafia soon.” Sandbar nodded. “No kidding. Cozy Glow, you were pretty quiet yesterday. What’s going on?” Caught by surprise, she turned immediately and replied only a minute after he asked the question. “N-Nothing. I was watching everycreature. To see if they show signs that they’re the Mafia.” Then, the school bell rang. Day 2 of Mafia has begun. “Welcome back, everycreature. I regret to inform you- Last night, Sweetie Belle was killed.” They all gasped, and the two crusaders hugged each other in fear. Ocellus felt bad and so did Yona. Suddenly, a magical aura that resembled a screen popped up. ”You should See a screen in front of you by my magic. This was what happened last night.” The filly curled up in a ball for her sleep. She was sleeping soundly in her dorm when suddenly, she felt something strange happen to her. “*groan* What... What in the-“ She felt a sudden blast of pain from her head. She then started to cough and roll off the bed. She felt like she was poisoned- Her body wasn’t bleeding but she felt really really sick. “Somepony!! Help!!” The Godfather appeared in front of her in an illusion. ”I’m very sorry, little one. You’re poisoned. It’s useless to call for help- They can’t hear you.” And in no time, she was gone. “This can’t be happening!” Smoulder said. “Yeah!” Yona agreed. “Yak friend poisoned- Doctor kill wrong creature!” The Godfather was getting a bit bored, and he was yawning. ”Go discuss for now. You’ll get the essentials later.” Day 2: Daytime. “Alright!” Scootaloo said in anger. “Who’s the Doctor, and why did you kill her!?” There was silence. “Why would anycreature realize?” Gallus said, trying to cover up his wrongdoing. “You can’t reveal your role.” “She’s right, Scoots,” Apple Bloom insisted. “Only the detective knows who it may be- And we ain’t even sure they interrogated whoever the hay it is!” Scootaloo pushed her away. “I don’t care! I just want my friend back!” The others didn’t know what to do. They weren’t sure to barge into the conversation, which would hit up another quarrel, or start interrogating somepony New. They looked at each other back and forth before Sandbar broke the silence. “H-Hey,” He said. “How about this. Let’s actually map out what we know.” Nodding, they all agreed and sat in a circle. Sandbar cleared his throat. “Alright. So, Sweetie Belle was killed. However, as we saw, she was killed by poison- Not by the Mafia. This meant two things- One, the Doctor must’ve saved the person the Mafia killed, and at the same time, they killed somepony else.” “Exactly,” Cozy Glow agreed. “But why would the Doctor poison someone already, without evidence to back it up?” “It’s simple,” Sandbar said cleverly. “They must’ve suspected something, even though they couldn’t tell if it was the Mafia. They wanted to take the chance to get rid of a potential suspect right off the bat. However, unfortunately for them, they killed an innocent. The defender did not choose to interfere with the attack either.” Silverstream was confused. “Why wouldn’t the defender do it, then?” “Why, because they thought Sweetie Belle was safe.” The students all agreed with that. Sandbar was giving pretty logical explanations. This made the Mafia a bit intrigued, though they didn’t show a sign. But in the midst of the discussion, someone realized a sliver of a clue. “Wait a minute,” Ocellus said. “Gallus, I recall you suspecting Sweetie Belle...” Uh oh. “So you be Doctor!” Yona proclaimed. “Why you poison Yak’s friend!?” Gallus, feeling surprised about this, decided not to retort. He felt bad for doing it, after all. Sandbar immediately stopped them from voting him out. “No, don’t,” He said. “If he’s the Doctor, we shouldn’t kill him- He’s not worth the trouble. No offense, Gallus.” “None taken.” Scootaloo wasn’t done with the situation yet- But Apple Bloom was working hard to stop her from going coo coo. Moving on, Silverstream was starting to suspect Sandbar for knowing so much. “Are you just good at the game,” She asked, “Or are you... The Detective?” He was confused. “What makes you say that?” “You know too much for me to think you’re not the detective- Only they can know so well about everyone’s roles. I’m not sure, though- It’s only one night.” “Yeah. Who knows, I might be the Mafia.” Smoulder wasn’t really into the conversation but still tried to slip in a few words. “Hey, uh... By the way, whoever’s the detective, did you know about Sweetie Belle’s role?” Suddenly, The Godfather came back. ”Actually, I can answer that. Sweetie Belle was the innocent.” “Hmmm... Interesting,” She said, rubbing her chin. Then she tapped Gallus. “I’m curious- Why would you use the poison? I’ve heard of the game before and no one uses it. Ever.” “What?” He asked. “Why is everyone suspecting me when I’m not the Mafia?” “Really,” Sandbar told them calmly. “It’s true. We shouldn’t spend time trying to kill each other- Then the Mafia will win! We need to work together.” “Yak find cooperation difficult,” Yona commented. “Especially when murder involved.” Apple Bloom sighed. “I agree with Yona. It’s hard for us to trust each other when one of us is killing everyone.” And after that, no one really had anything to say, and just sorta hung around and did nothing. So, seeing the situation has calmed down, Silverstream spoke out. “Okay! Let’s take a vote?” She suggested. Gallus sighed. “Come on. You’re all going to point hooves or claws or whatever at me.” “*sigh* Alright,” Ocellus said. “We’ll give you a chance to prove you’re not worth killing. You can be the innocent in replacement of Sweetie Belle. You’re going to keep track on who’s going to be the Mafia, then.” Yona nodded. “Then Yak no need to kill Yak friend!” “Great idea,” Cozy Glow agreed. “You know, at this rate, how about we just forget about the voting system? It’s making the game unfair and... I-I don’t want to tear our friendship apart.” “True...” Apple Bloom replied. “We’re good friends and all. Let’s not try to beat each other up.” They all agreed. Day 2: Nighttime. ”Mafia, wake up.” Again, they woke up. And they nodded to the illusion of The Godfather. ”You know the drill. Choose.” “Sandbar. Silverstream gave a pretty good point- A bit foolish of her to kinda give it away just like that.” ”I could agree- It must be her first time interacting with this game, then. I’m not sure, though. Alright, you know the gist. Get ready and I’ll come back to you.” ”Detective, wake up.” They woke up. ”Interrogate someone out of the eight remaining players.” “I’m getting suspicious of Scootaloo. She seemed very aggressive today.” ”I see. An interesting choice. The letter is on its way.” They received the letter The Godfather sent her at the beginning of the game. Once they finished reading it, the detective was surprised. “Ohhhh.” ”Yes?” “This is interesting. I hope she doesn’t go rogue on him.” ”I think I can interpret what you’re saying. That’s cool to hear. Anyway, thank you.” ”Defender, wake up. First off, a bit of an apology- I messed up on the game rules. You weren’t supposed to know which role did what.” “Oh, that’s alright.” ”In that case, would you like to interfere with a creature that has already used their ability on this very night?” The defender thought hard about it. “I’ll interfere with Scootaloo. I don’t like how she’s doing, even though she’s my friend. I’m not feeling comfortable. Ah, what am I saying. We’re all friends.” The Godfather nodded and sighed with a frown. ”Sorry. She’s not a nighttime character.” “Darn it!” ”Witness, wake- Oh.” The Godfather saw them under their covers already with a sign saying, “No, pass.” So he shrugged and took it that the witness didn’t want to initiate their attack yet. He does understand this- And just left without saying a word. Tomorrow will be an interesting day. Everycreature will know this the hard and miserable way. Day Two over. Unsilent Night. (Killed: Sandbar, by the Mafia.)