//------------------------------// // Joining the Party // Story: Brothers // by ThreeBronyBrothers //------------------------------// It was 5 o'clock in the morning, and somewhere in the magical land of New York, three brothers were happily asleep. They had a wonderful, average summer day. Luigi had gone off to work in the morning, leaving Antonio and Giovanni to sleep until whenever. When they woke up, they did whatever they wanted. Once Luigi got home from work around 12:30, they would hang out for a little while, waiting for the best part of the day. At 1:30, they turned on the television and went right to the Hub to watch their favorite TV show. They didn't care what episode of MLP was on, they enjoyed whatever they got. After their show was over, they would spend the day doing errands and derping around. Once everything was taken care of, they would get on the xbox. They would spend a lot of the time playing Minecraft online, with friends. And the next day was no different. Such was the way they passed the summer. The day started the same as the last few had. Luigi got up early and got ready for work. He hopped on his bike at 7:45 and was off to school to teach math (oh god, why math?!). Antonio and Giovanni woke up around 11:00. Just in time for ponies. Starting the day with ponies is the best way to start the day. Usually, the Hub airs at least 2 pony episodes a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Antonio and Giovanni caught the 11:30 episode. By the time that was finished, Luigi was finishing up and about to leave. Around 12:45, Luigi walked in and, using Antonio and Giovanni's nicknames, said, "Tony? G? I'm home!" "What's up bro? How was work?" G replied. "Not bad. I taught some more fractions today" "Yes. Fractions. Parts and parts of parts of parts." Tony added. Tony was like that all the time. He almost never made any sense, or, maybe he made too much sense, and nobody could see that. His ways of communication were... interesting to say the least. "Indeed. How about some lunch? I'll go prepare a 5 star college level masterpiece for you!" "...You're making cereal again, aren't you?" "Mozzarella sticks." "In the oven?" "In the oven." And so lunch was prepared. The Mozzarella sticks were ready around the same time that MLP was on for the afternoon, so the three brothers ate while they watched. "How are the Mozzarella sticks?" asked Luigi. Both Tony and G replied, "Meh." "Hey, they're edible and the house hasn't burned down. That's better than last time!" "Yeah, but this time was much less entertaining!" said Tony. Once MLP was over, they cleared the table and prepared themselves for the most complex, detailed, challenging, adventurous piece of scientific technology ever created by human hands. That's right, they're playing Minecraft! They each logged on to their individual xbox live accounts, met up with their friends, and hopped onto their minecraft world, complete with 2 monster spawners, a Nether Temple, 2 hotels- one small one consisting of 5 apartments, and one other one, still under construction, currently a 58x58x40 block cube of wooden planks. (That's a volume of 134,560 blocks. It's huge.) as well as a cave that is off-limits to non-bronies, in which there is a party room based on MLP. After a few hours of Minecraft, they found themselves switching games with their online friends. That's when something weird happened. As they were opening the disc tray, a notification popped up on the screen. Yellow_Crescent_Fruit wants you to join the party "Who's this guy?" G asked. "Probably some guy trying to advertise something." Luigi replied. Tony then shouted, "I DON'T WANT TO BUY YOUR BIBLES!" which made our friends in our party begin laughing. "You know what? let's humor him." Luigi decided. "Guys, we'll be right back." he said into his microphone. "Alright, let's see what's going on" he said as he pressed -Join Party- ... ...and began one of the best adventures of their lives.