Awakening to Change

by Allenator05

A New Beginning

The alarm sounded, jolting Sunset Shimmer awake. She fumbled about for a few moments before her hand finally found the snooze button. Sunset flopped back onto her bed and sighed loudly. She really, really, hated mornings. Before the alarm sounded again, Sunset sat up and took a peek out of the window behind her bed. Sure enough, the sky was overcast and gray, but at least it wasn’t raining now.

Sunset fought through the lingering fog of sleep and frowned. The weather for this time of year had been very abnormal. Normally the days would still be warm and sunny, but since the new school semester had started, it had been cloudy, rainy or both. Sunset shook her head and slowly made herself ready for school. She sincerely hoped the strange weather was naturally occuring and not the result of some new Equestrian Magic problem.

Before heading out the door, Sunset checked the weather and saw it wasn’t supposed to rain at all today. With that bit of news, she decided to ride her motorcycle instead of walk. With the weather being so uncooperative lately, she hadn’t had many chances to ride. Sunset grabbed her helmet and headed out the door.

The clouds were dark and threatening, but held off on the rain as Sunset made her way through the parking lot to where her motorcycle was parked. She put her hands on her hips and frowned. Lately, her motorcycle had been acting a little funny. Sunset didn’t think it was anything serious, but she decided it would be a good idea to take it in to the shop for a check up. After a quick walk around to make sure everything was in order, Sunset put on her helmet and gloves and started up the engine. She let it warm up for a few minutes before getting on and heading out for school.

It might seem like a waste of gas to drive to school when she could just walk, but Sunset didn’t really care at the moment. Traffic was light and she made the drive across town to the school in very little time. Sunset briefly considered parking in the faculty parking lot since it was closer, but decided it wasn’t worth getting yelled at by Principal Luna this early in the semester. Maybe later on when she was busy with other things.

Before heading inside, Sunset made a quick detour to the garden behind the school. As expected, she found a solitary figure standing among the plants. “Hey Wallflower. How does everything look today?” she called out.

Startled, Wallflower Blush jumped in surprise and quickly turned around. “Oh. Sunset. It’s you,” she said and took a few deep breaths.

“Sorry to startle you,” Sunset replied sheepishly and nervously rubbed her head. “I just wanted to see how things were going.”

“Oh. Everything’s fine I guess,” Wallflower rubbed her arm and looked to the ground. “The weather hasn’t been doing any favors to the plants.”

“Because of the clouds?” Sunset asked. “Will it be a problem?”

Wallflower shook her head. “No, the plants will still get enough sunlight, but I’m worried some of the smaller flowers will get drowned out with all the rain we’ve been getting.”

“I know,” Sunset replied. “It’s been bothering me how strange the weather has been too.”

Wallflower grimaced. “Do you think it’s know,” she mumbled.

Sunset smiled and placed a hand on Wallflower’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. None of this is your fault.”

Wallflower frowned and pulled away from Sunset. “How do you know that?” she asked.

“Because if this were Magic related, I’m pretty sure I would know about it,” Sunset replied. “I kinda know about these things.”

“But what if it’s something you’ve never heard of?” Wallflower insisted. “I bet you’ve never heard of the Memory Stone until I found it right?”

“Okay, you got me there,” Sunset admitted. She sighed and sat on a nearby bench. “With all the craziness that has happened since I came here, there’s no way I can guarantee one hundred percent this weather isn’t Magic related. What I can guarantee is that it isn’t your fault.”

“Maybe, but karma has a way of sneaking up on you,” Wallflower said glumly.

“If you believe in that sort of thing,” Sunset replied. She carefully looked Wallflower up and down. “The weather isn’t what’s bothering you, is it,” she said.

Wallflower quickly looked at Sunset and shook her head.

Sunset patted the seat next to her. “Care to talk about it?” she asked.

After a moment of hesitation, Wallflower sat next to Sunset, but as far away as possible. “I keep thinking about what I did,” she said finally. “I know what I did was wrong, and that you and your friends have forgiven me, but I can’t really convince myself that it was genuine. I mean, I’ve been ignored and looked over for so long, I can’t imagine that people would suddenly start to pay attention to me. I’m not exactly a people person, so it’s a bit overwhelming.” Wallflower let out a long sigh. “You’ll see. After a while, everyone will go back to ignoring me.”

Sunset sat and listened carefully. “I’m not going to lie and say I know what you are going through. I’ve always been a pretty outgoing and forceful person, but even so, making friends is still new to me. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that relationships are a two-way street. You have to be willing put yourself out there to be noticed by others. In return, you have to be willing to acknowledge people who approach you first.”

Wallflower kicked her feet together and thought about Sunset’s words. “I suppose that all makes sense, but that doesn’t make it any easier.”

Sunset put her hand on Wallflower’s shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. “The second thing I know about relationships is that it’s probably the hardest thing you’ll ever do.”

“So why are some people so good at it?” Wallflower asked. “It boggles my mind that certain people can just walk up to strangers and instantly become friends. How do you do that?”

“Everyone is different and some people are just better at it than others,” Sunset replied. “You are Wallflower the wallflower after all.”

“Now you’re just making fun of me,” Wallflower pouted and turned away from Sunset.

“Yes, I am teasing you a little,” Sunset replied with a laugh. “But if it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t do it anymore.”

Wallflower shrugged. “It’s fine. Talking and interacting with you is good practice.”

Sunset looked down at her watch. “Speaking of good practice, it’s also good practice to not be late to class at the beginning of the new semester. Otherwise, you might find yourself on Principal Luna’s Naughty List.”

Wallflower suppressed a shudder and let out a small laugh. Sunset helped Wallflower to her feet and together, they ran for the school building.

Sunset and Wallflower dashed through the school and ducked into the classroom right as the tardy bell sounded. Sunset kept her head down and hurriedly walked to her seat. She didn’t have to look to know that Miss Cheerilee was staring daggers at her. “I know the new semester is just beginning, but I highly suggest everyone make it a point to be on time from now on,” she said.

Sunset took a sudden interest in her desk top and could only imagine what Wallflower was feeling. Miss Cheerilee took attendance and clapped her hands together. “Before we get started, I have an announcement to make,” she said.

Students began whispering to each other. Rainbow Dash leaned forward and hissed in Sunset’s ear, “I wonder what the surprise is.”

Sunset winced and looked over her shoulder at her friend. “No idea. I think I’m done with surprises for a while though.”

Rainbow Dash snickered and sat back in her seat. Miss Cheerilee clapped her hands together to get the student’s attention. “It seems that we will be getting a new student in our class,” she said. The door opened and everyone leaned forward to see who it was.

When he walked in, Sunset wasn’t sure what to think. The phrase “tall dark and handsome” was cliche, but it fit. His bright amber colored eyes and spiky brown hair contrasted with his very pale skin. He wore dark colored clothes that seemed a size too big. He kept his face neutral, but his eyes constantly roamed around the room, taking in all the faces looking at him. She noticed he seemed to settle on one student in particular. Sunset took a quick look and realized he was staring at Wallflower. Wallflower herself was staring out the window, completely oblivious to what was going on around her.

“Please, introduce yourself to the class,” Miss Cheerilee said.

He looked at Miss Cheerilee for a second, then turned back to the class. “My name is Edward Cullen,” he said.

The students started whispering again. Rainbow Dash stuck her hand up and waved it around frantically. “Yes Rainbow?” Miss Cheerilee called.

“Name’s Rainbow Dash,” she said and stood up, pointing her thumb at herself. “I just want to know two things. What kind of name is that-”

“Dash!” Sunset exclaimed.

“And second, are you any good at sports?” Rainbow Dash finished before the rest of the students started yelling at her.

“Calm down, everyone calm down!” Miss Cheerilee shouted and clapped her hands. Once the noise died down to a more acceptable level, Miss Cheerilee glared at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, I appreciate your desire to learn about our new student, but perhaps you should find a better way to ask your question. Better yet, let someone else ask for you.”

“Hehehehe, oops,” Rainbow Dash grinned sheepishly and rubbed her head. “But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook New Guy.”

“Please excuse Rainbow Dash,” Miss Cheerilee said, turning back to Edward. “She really does mean well, but she often doesn’t think before she speaks.”

“Hey, that’s not fair,” Rainbow Dash pouted.

“Don’t worry about it,” Edward said. “I am used to those kinds of questions.” He turned to the class and said, “My family moved here from far away. Where I come from, a name like mine is very common. As for your second question, I don’t really play team sports. I suggest you ask my older brother.”

“So how many brothers and sisters do you have?” Octavia spoke up.

“Two brothers and two sisters,” Edward replied.

Sunset didn’t say anything, just continued to watch. Edward stood up straight with a slight lean forward. His eyes were very piercing and intense. It made Sunset think of a hawk searching for prey. She found herself a little put off by it. Otherwise, Edward seemed rather nice, if not a bit uncomfortable as the center of attention. He mentioned brothers and sisters and Sunset assumed they were in other classes. This meant there was a high probability one of them was in a class with Pinkie Pie. Which meant a surprise welcome party at lunch time. Sunset sighed and dropped her head in her hands.

Once Miss Cheerilee was tired of everyone asking questions she told Edward to choose a desk. Once again, his eyes roamed the room and settled on an empty desk near the back. He covered the distance with long even strides.

Wallflower noticed a shadow looming over her and she turned from looking out of the window to find Edward looming menacingly over her. She let out a surprised yelp and nearly fell out of her desk. “I am sorry to bother you, but may I sit next to you?” Edward asked.

Wallflowers eyes went wide and her mind went blank with panic. Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido, played over and over. Wallflower still wasn’t used to the idea of people noticing her, and now the new guy was standing over her and drawing everyone’s attention. Why is this happening now? I wish I still had the Memory Stone, just to make myself forget about this. “Um, no, sure. I mean, yes? Oh, just do whatever you want!” she finally blurted out and immediately pulled her jacket over her head and wished she could be invisible. Edward said nothing and smoothly sat down.

Sunset felt badly for Wallflower and made up her mind to talk to her afterward. In the meantime, Miss Cheerilee took attendance and the first class of the day started. Biology wasn’t a subject that held a lot of interest for Sunset, so she found herself thinking about Edward Cullen instead. Rainbow Dash was right, he did have a strange name. And just where was he from anyway?

Wallflower Blush did her best to concentrate on her studies, but she found herself distracted by the new guy sitting next to her. There were plenty of empty seats, so why did he pick the one next to her? Wallflower made it a point to sit as far away from other people as she could. She left them alone and they left her alone. Wallflower was fine with that, or so she thought. Maybe Sunset was right. In order to make friends, you have to be a friend. Is that what she and Sunset were now? Wallflower thought it was too early to tell. She stole a glance at Edward. He seemed nice enough, and he was certainly good looking. Surely the more popular girls would trip over themselves to get to know him better. What chance did Wallflower have? She sighed and turned her attention back to the window. If the weather continued to be gloomy, some of the more fragile plants in the garden might not make it.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur and Sunset was secretly dreading the surprise party Pinkie Pie was undoubtedly thrown together. She carefully stepped into the cafeteria and quickly looked around. Sunset was mildly disappointed and slightly confused when nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Keeping her guard up, Sunset went through the line and grabbed her lunch. She was still looking over her shoulder when she sat down next to Rarity. “Darling, whatever seems to be the matter?” the budding fashionista asked.

“Have you seen Pinkie Pie?” Sunset asked.

Rarity was examining her nails. “Not since this morning. Most likely she is putting the final touches on whatever welcoming party she has planned,” she said.

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Sunset muttered and took a bite of her sandwich.

Rainbow Dash plopped her tray down next to Sunset and sat down. She was practically vibrating and grinning from ear to ear. “What’s got you all fired up?” Sunset asked.

“I just heard from Lightning Dust,” Rainbow said. “Apparently during P.E. one of the new guys, Emmett I think is his name, totally kicked the crap out of all the guys in wrestling.”

“So?” Rarity asked, still focusing on her nails. “Why would you care about boys fighting and rough housing?”

“Because wrestling is practically the only sport I don’t do,” Rainbow explained. “We don’t have a girl’s wrestling team because no girl besides me would be interested, and the guys team is terrible. We need all the help we can get!”

Sunset let out a groan. “Speaking of which, guess who just walked in?” she said and pointed.

Edward walked into the cafeteria with what Sunset assumed to be his siblings. Everyone in the cafeteria stopped to stare at the newcomers. One brother was tall, muscular and had short brown hair. Despite his intimidating aura, he wore and easy smile. Based on Rainbow Dash’s description, Sunset assumed this was Emmett. The other brother was shorter and leaner with long blonde hair. He also had a wild look in his eyes that unnerved Sunset. At his side was a short, petite girl with black hair in a pixie cut. She seemed rather young for her age and her round face conveyed a contemplative look. At Emmett’s side was a tall girl with long blonde hair. She was certainly pretty and looked like she belonged in one of Rarity’s fashion magazines.

“That’s him!” Rainbow hissed in Sunset’s ear and shook her shoulder excitedly. “I mean, just look at the muscles on that guy! I bet he’s stronger than Bulk Biceps!”

Rarity stopped fixing her nails and gasped. “Oh my! That girl is absolutely stunning! I bet she could make a burlap sack look amazing, not that I would put her in one of course. Still, she would make a perfect model. I wonder if she would consider letting me try a few design ideas.”

Before the Cullen siblings could get much further, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere with her party cannon. “SURPRISE!” she shouted and fired her cannon, spreading confetti everywhere. A large banner dropped down from the ceiling, saying “Welcome to CHS!” A large cake with pink frosting and sprinkles also appeared.

Pinkie suddenly grabbed the Cullens up in a big hug. “Hi! Welcome to CHS! I’m Pinkie Pie. Have some cake! Sometimes, I get these strange urges and premonitions. Like this morning, when I was brushing my teeth, my sister Maude walked in and she was wearing a blue dress instead of a purple one. That usually means something good is going to happen! And then, she accidently dropped her pet rock Boulder in the sink, which sometimes means that somebody new is coming! And then, my hands started to tingle and and my nose started to itch, which obviously means that a lot of new somebodies would be coming today! And here you are!” Pinkie gave a huge smile.

With the ice formally broken, the rest of the students gathered around the Cullens. Rarity made a beeline for the tall blonde and they seemed to immediately hit it off. Rainbow Dash was talking to Emmett and he appeared to be interested in what she had to say. Sunset sat alone at the table and picked at the rest of her lunch. Applejack sat down next to her and handed her a bottle of cider. “Did Ah miss anythin’ important?” she asked.

Sunset shook her head and took a swig from her bottle. “Nope. Pinkie threw a welcome party for the new kids. The only thing that hasn’t happened yet is a welcome song.”

Pinkie immediately took a deep breath and burst into a song, welcoming the Cullens and talking about how friendly everyone at school is. “And now there’s that. Why am I surprised anymore?” Sunset asked.

Applejack took a long pull from her own bottle and studied Sunset carefully. “Ah don’t mean to pry, but it seems like somthin’s botherin’ you.”

Sunset shook her head. “Not really,” she said.

Applejack gave her a disbelieving look. Sunset rolled her eyes and sighed. “Don’t you think it’s strange how much has happened since the Fall Formal?” she asked.

“Well sure,” Applejack agreed. She leaned forward and raised an eyebrow. “And just whose fault is that?”

Sunset gave Applejack a playful push. “I only claim credit for the Fall Formal. Anything past that is beyond me.”

“And?” Applejack asked.

“And that’s my point,” Sunset explained. “First there was me, then the Sirens, then Twilight at the Friendship Games, then the stuff at camp, and the latest event with Wallflower Blush.” And maybe one other thing that we won’t get into, she didn’t say. “All of these extraordinary things have been happening, one right after the other, non-stop. We barely have a chance to catch our breath before the next big thing happens.” She let out a tired sigh and slumped in her seat. “I’m just tired of all the craziness.”

Applejack nodded to herself. “Well, when you put it that way, it does sound like we’ve been workin’ awful hard. That sort of thing tends to wear you down if ya don’t get a break now and then.” She smiled and put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “And Ah bet you feel responsible since this all started with you in the first place.”

Sunset crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at Applejack. “Are you trying to cheer me up? Because you have an interesting way of doing so.”

Applejack grinned sheepishly. “Look. Ah get that you’re feelin’ tired and run down. Anyone would after what we’ve had to deal with. So Ah’m offerin’ you a chance to wind down a little and relax.”

“How so?” Sunset asked.

“Why don’t you stay with me on the farm this weekend?” Applejack suggested. “No one else, just me and you. Gettin’ out of the city and breathin’ that good country air is good for what ails ya. Plus, a little manual labor and hard work is good for ya. Builds character and stuff, at least that’s what Granny always says.”

Sunset was taken aback. “Wow. Really?” she asked.

“Sure,” Applejack said. “An extra pair of hands is always welcome on the farm.”

Sunset frowned. “I don’t know. I’ve been to your house before, but I don’t really know anything about working on a farm.”

“Relax. It’ll be fun,” Applejack assured her. “Just me and you, hanging out and takin’ it easy. Well, not really but you get the point. Honestly, it sounds like you need it.”

Sunset smiled. “Thank you Applejack. I really appreciate it.”

“It’s fine, really,” Applejack said. “Just bring your stuff to school on Friday and we’ll all head out after school. That way you don’t have to worry about ridin’ in this weather and gettin’ stuck on the dirt roads.”

By now Pinkie’s party was in full swing. Sunset looked around and noticed Wallflower Blush and Edward Cullen were missing. She thought this a little odd, but paid it no mind.

Wallflower quickly ate her lunch and escaped from the cafeteria. Being around so many people was exhausting and surprise parties were the worst. Wallflower didn’t understand how people could be so outgoing and cheerful all the time. It made her head dizzy just thinking about it. Lost in thought, Wallflower wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and bumped into Edward. Startled, Wallflower fell to the ground.

“I’m sorry,” Edward said and offered his hand.

Wallflower looked up at him warily before accepting his offer. He pulled her to her feet and turned back to the garden. “This garden is quite lovely,” he said.

“Oh. Thanks, I guess,” Wallflower replied. She didn’t expect anyone else to be here and Edward’s presence was making her nervous. Wallflower slowly slid away from him and sat on the bench.

“Is all this yours?” Edward asked.

“I suppose so,” Wallflower replied. “I’m the president of the Gardening Club and until recently, I was the only member.”

“Why is that?” Edward asked. Wallflower watched him warily as he sat down on the bench, but left space between them.

“Well if you haven’t guessed, I’m not the best at dealing with people,” Wallflower said.

Edward nodded as if he agreed. “I find that interacting with certain people can be rather annoying. For instance, I do love my sister Rosalie, but I find her a bit shallow and egotistical.” He then turned to Wallflower. “If you don’t mind, I would like to sit in your garden from time to time.”

“And do what?” Wallflower asked.

Edward shrugged and looked back to the garden. “To sit and think. To get away from people.”

Wallflower hugged herself and shied away from Edward. “I don’t care what you do. It’s not like you need my permission for anything.” Wallflower suddenly jumped up and ran back to the school, leaving Edward alone. He watched her go and sighed.