Sharp Dressed Men

by Jaycren

The Music Men

The clouds of the ether sparkled with the souls of the time lost The ones that had never had their chance. That Aku had taken the choice from. Through the endless expanse the drifted, One to another, till three groups had emerged, each ignorant of the other, each destined for a different place.

Some gathered to a world like their own that was being swallowed in darkness. A Darkness that was similar to what had warped their fate. Three sets of four they were, twelve souls in total. They looked into themselves and knew they could not let this lie. To the world of Remnant they went.

This is not their story

Then there was those whose souls called to one other the loudest, the ones that would have found each other had not the Darkness Kept them apart. Three sets they were, light and dark, male and female. They looked at a world in a three way battle with Enforcers, Vigilantes and Villains. Each finding two children that needed them most, that were born of the crimes of the villains and were missed by the heroes. They looked to those cursed children and entered MegaKat City.

This is not Their Story

Finally there were those that Gathered to the harmony of Equestria. Those Three that sought to sing that which was in their hearts. Freed from the darkness of Aku that long tainted their song, they wished to sing, to play, to shout to the heavens, and have the heavens respond. Musicians three they were. Guided only by their song and that which called out. The place that existed alongside Equestria, they flocked to Terra, the world of the Humane 7. Harmonizing as one, they followed the song of their Hearts and attained entry.

This is their story.

X-49 was the first out the portal, stepping to the side he marveled at the feeling of air against his skin. Smiling he rejoiced in the sun upon his brow. A wet nose pressed against his hand, looking down he beheld the being that had saved him from the despair of living. Lulu. Scratching her behind the ears as he knew she liked, he chuckled as she happily leaned into his hand. Rising he looked down and saw he wore a threadbare blue suit and pants, paired with a white shirt. Simple, worn, black shoes were upon his feet and a fedora perched on his head. Removing it he saw, that though worn it was a nice brown color, and had plenty of years left to it. A Red Jazz Bugle superimposed over a Fleur dis Lis, was upon the corner of his jacket, a similar mark showed upon his cufflinks. A green military daypack, next to his trumpet case, both bearing the same symbol, leaned against the concrete base of the portal, along with two others. He folded his arms impatiently, as the portal shimmered again.

Scaramouche was the next, he too wore a suit, but his was purple with white pinstripes, having sharp angular features, unlike the smooth corners of X's. He wore a shirt of vibrant scarlet and had a black cravat around his throat. A purple fedora claimed his head, and he bore a cane that Judging by its hollow nature, doubled as his flute. His hands were hidden underneath white gloves, the points of his fingernails visible underneath the fabric. A Flute resplendent over a black pentagram centered on his hat and, like X, also upon his cufflinks. In addition, the symbol was apparent on the lower edge of his suit jacket. A stylish, mission bag, bearing the same symbol, leaned lazily next to the military day pack alongside one other. Smiling toothily at X, chuckleing at some private joke, but before X could query him, the portal shimmered one last time.

Stepping out into Terra, Dj Stylabator wore acid washed, loose fit, jeans and had a t-shirt that proudly declared "To Be Fair, I WAS Unsupervised." Over the words was a record with a shattered hallo crowning the top. This symbol also was upon the back of the metal banded leather jacket he wore, a grey hood attached crudely with safety pins, rivets and fishing wire. Black, fingerless, weight gloves banded in dull grey metal contained his long thin hands. Circular Shades, so dark as to be reflective, concealed his eyes, a pair of black headphones framing his head. Upon his left wrist he wore what appeared to be a mini turntable, the controls of which seemed linked to his gloved hand. Looking around unimpressed, he glanced at his too compatriots and smirked.

"Heh, seems this timeline got a sense of humor! Haha!"

X quirked an eyebrow at Stylabator a moment more, then turned to Scaramouche as the younger man started laughing as well.

"Hahaha, yeah dig it Baby! We get to swing in our PRIME, yeah!"

X froze, looking down at his hand he noticed how smooth it was, how free of scars or dents. He took notice of how fit he felt. He hadn't been in this good a shape since......."Oh Crap! We're Teens aren't we?"

Lulu barked an affirmation to her owner, before running around the other two Laughing teens, happily joining in their fun. After a moment X smiled a bit himself, noticing that their seemed to be more teens their age seated at some tables he turned to his two compatriots.

"Alright, you two, we better go see the lay of the land. This is obviously a High School and Judging by those three bags and my trumpet case, it appears this is meant to be our high school." All three teen's tensed as a wealth of information pulsed through their brains. Living situations, class schedules, the layout of the grounds, information normally learned over months crammed into their minds as the timeline snapped them into place. Lulu whined worriedly as all three clutched their heads, staggered by the shift.

"Wow, Heavy stuff bros, that was most uncalled for." Scaramouche groused.

X just shook his head, "Still better than the Telepathic Info Dumps they'd give us before missions, so quit your bitching. Lets go."

"Yeah, Scat, lets go check our fellow students. Might be able to score a gig, eh?"

"I'm not really Digging the nickname Sly, but I'm hip. Let's us three bros pluss doggie dearest go and check the scene."

X shook his head, "My younger brother's guess you really can't pick family." Together the three, plus Lulu made their way over to the tables, to meet those that would either welcome them, or outcaste them. For the first time, going forth light in spirit and free of darkness.