The Foal Prince

by Foal Star

Chapter 5: Friends?

A few hours after the adventure in Canterlot, the three foals were placed in Blueblood’s nursery as Celestia and Flower Petal’s mother were having a conversation across the hall in the princess’ room. Rarity was sleeping in a rocking chair, exhausted from the day’s events.

As for the prince himself, he was pouting, watching Hoity and Flower Petal tackle each other and playing a game of tag. The colt was just casually doodling on paper with some crayons to pass the time. He made a sloppy picture of himself, or at least how he looked when he was a stallion, with yellow replacing his gold mane and a small bow tie around his neck. He sighed wanting more than anything to become an adult again. Even if part of him appreciated the freedom that came with not having royal duties, it wasn’t worth the trade off of being dependent on others.

Flower Petal came up and giggled at the drawing. “Aww, ya was so handsome when ya was a big pony.”

Blueblood took his picture and whined. “Hey, no wooking!”

Hoity, meanwhile, turned and asked the prince. “Hey, ya want to pway?”

Blueblood shrugged. “Not weawwy. I just wanna stay hewe.”

Flower Petal shrugged. “Ya dun have to pway, I want to see ta castwe. Is so big and awesome!”

Blueblood shrugged and babbled. “Good wuck, ta fiwst pony tat sees ya is just gonna put ya back hewe and teww ya mommy.”

Flower Petal waddled up to him. “Not if ya can use ya cuteness to ya advantage.”

Hoity got up with a big smile on his face. “Oh I ta mastew at tat. Bet ya I can do bettew with tat then ya!” He made a cute puppy dog face and rolled around.

Flower Petal giggled. “Ya siwwy, Hoity, ya supposed to waddle up and tug on their tail and pway with it first.”

Hoity got up and babbled. “Oh, I dun tink I’ve dun tat befowe.”

Flower Petal giggled. “Ya should twy, it works evewy time faw me.”

Blueblood rolled his eyes and asked. “So what? Even if ya use ya cuteness on some ponies, wowyaw guawds awe hawd to twick. I showd know, the captain’s a daddy.”

Hoity got up and exclaimed. “So, tats whew ya come in! Ya stiww a pwince, ya say tat ya stiww can do what ya want!”

Flower Petal turned in excitement, sensing an opportunity for mischief. “Yeah, when does a pwince take oders fwom weguwar guawds?”

Blueblood grumbled, reluctantly getting up. “Fine,” He sighed. “But if we get in twobwe, ya two awe gonna owe me big time,” He waddled over to see Rarity still sleeping, an entire day of pushing two foals had clearly taken its toll. She would probably be out for some time. “Awight, come on ya two,” He reluctantly lead the foals through the castle and babbled. “Welcome to ta pawace of Equesatwia. Tese haws wew waked by my ancestors and my pawents.”

Flower Petal asked. “So how is Pwincess Tia weawted to ya?”

Blueblood rolled his eyes. “She and Pwincess Wuwu wewe were adopted by my ancestows wong ago. Tat’s how.”

Hoity asked. “Is tat so, how is ya hew nephew ten?”

Blueblood, while waddling along, explained. “Se wike my supew gweat auntie, otay?! It’d be weird if I caw hew gweat, gweat, gweat, gweat wike a hundwed gweat auntie!”

Flower giggled. “Yeah, tat would be funny! So was she ya foaw sittew when ya was owiginawwy a foal?”

Blueblood nodded and continued. “Yeah, kind of. She pwayed with me wots of times when I was youngew, and I tink once or twice she hewped change my diapees or wet me use the potty. I can’t wemembew fow suwe though. Foaw memowies awe twicky.”

The foals eventually came to the stairs leading to the palace interior, they began climbing down together from the stairs one step at a time. They had to take great care not to go too fast, there were a lot of stairs. And tumbling down them would not only hurt, but surely attract unwanted attention.

After a great deal of effort, the foals reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to see the empty grand hall, with two royal guards standing at attention. Hoity looked over and whispered/ “Wow, it’s so big! Biggew tan anypwace I’ve evew seen!”

Blueblood shrugged, he was quite used to this sort of reaction from ponies. “It’s whewe Tia nowmawwy does wowk. But this thwone woom has been awound fow thousands of yeaws. Did ya know tis castwe was actuawwy buiwt befowe Starswirl the Beawded disappeawed?”

Flower Petal pretended to nod in understanding as she babbled. ”I wana sit on ta thwone.”

Blueblood squeaked. “No way! Ya can’t! Is not meant for foaws!”

Hoity just poked Blueblood’s pull-up. “Ya did say ya wowd give ta full tour.” He protested.

Blueblood scoffed. “Wook at aw tose guawds,” He pointed a hoof towards them. “Thewe’s no way ya cutesness is gonna twick eithew of tem.”

Flower Petal gave a humph as she waddled off and babbled. “Oh yeah? Wewww, ya just watch and weawn.” The filly waddled out of the grand hall, turned to the big throne, and started to climb on top of it.

The guards turned, seeing the little filly, and they looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They hadn’t been expecting visitors, especially ones that weren’t supervised.

Blueblood groaned and waddled over. “Flower Petal, get down from thewe!”

Flower Petal was now sitting on the throne. “Wook, I ta pwincess of Equwestwia!” She proudly declared.

The guards chuckled as the prince came up and turned towards them while blushing. ”Uh, hey.. um... it’s otay my... fwiend is just pwayin.”

The guards shrugged, trusting Blueblood’s word. Meanwhile, Hoity came over, climbing onto the throne and bouncing on it as Blueblood rolled his eyes.

The guards were growing concerned at the display and one came up and asked. “Uh Prince Blueblood, your… er foalness... are you sure you foals should be out and about without any supervision?”

Blueblood growled as he put his hooves on his hips. “Yeah, we can do whateva want! Ya doubt my authowity?!”

The guard rubbed his forehead. “Uh, Blueblood, are you sure? I think that you’re going to be in big trouble if you keep this up.”

Blueblood whined and stomped about. “Nah uh! I ta piwnce and it dun mattew if I a foaw! I stiww a pwince!” They all laughed at the prince’s antics and he pouted. “Ya guys awe aww poopy heads!”

The guards burst into even more fits of laughter and Blueblood whined and fled away from the throne room.

The other foals looked at each other with worry and they ran out of the throne room after Blueblood, who was pouting in the royal garden. Flower Petal went up to him and babbled. “Hey, I sowie ta guawds wewe being meanie poopy heads to ya.”

Blueblood sniffled and wiped his face with a hoof, determined not to let anyone see him cry. “Wew what did I expect, I just a stupid foaw now.”

Hoity came over and babbled. “Fow wike ta thousandth time ya need to stop twying to be a pwince and aww, and just be a foaw. Now how about ya pway tag with us?”

Blueblood got up from the ground and sighed. “Fine, ta gawden is a nice place to pway anyway.”

They all got up and Hoity asked. “Otay, so do ya wants to pway hide and seek?”

The foals nodded as Blueblood sighed. “Awight, wets pway.”

Hoity and Flower Petal ran off around the garden to hide as the little prince closed his eyes and counted. “! Weady ow not, here I come!” He squealed and started looking around the garden with a keen eye. He noticed something rustle from a nearby bush, so he jumped in and smacked into a rabbit! The creature chattered angrily at him and hopped off.

The foalified prince grumbled but started looking all over the garden for his friends scouring through bushes and looking around statutes to find them. Then he groaned, feeling the pang to pee and started to do a potty dance whining. “Gots to find my fwiends fast befowe I pee. Dun wanna do it in tat bwushes, I betta than tat,” He hurridely scurried over to see a guard walking through the garden and tugged on his tail. “Hey, mistew, did ya see two wittwe foaws wun by hewe?”

The guard tapped his chin. “Well, I’m not sure. But I think I saw something jump into the fountain a short time ago.”

Blueblood turned to the fountain, waddled towards the water,  peered overhead and saw Hoity under the water. The prince took the colt, helped him up, and whined. “Ya got to be kiddin me, Hoity, why ya hide in thewe?! Ya dipee is gone!”

Hoity blushed, seeing his bloated padding now floating in the water, and his exposed rump visible for all to see. “Wew, I tuaght ya wouwd neva find me hewe. I didn’t tink this thwough, I can’t use ta big potty and I dun know if Mommy’s got my twaining potty.”

Blueblood giggled and squealed. “Guess we bettew get ya a new diapee watew, but we gots to find Flower Petal fiwst!”

The two colts ran across the garden as the guard sighed. “I better tell the princess about the foals running around the garden before somepony gets hurt or taken away.” He then ran into the palace as fast as he could.

The two colts looked for Flower Petal for some time and Blueblood was practically squirming around and whining “Hoity! We need to find hew fast, ow I gonna pee!”

Hoity rolled his eyes. “Ya aweady peeing.”

“What!” Blueblood squealed, looking down and seeing the shield fading on the pull-up! He whined. “no! If Tia finds out, she gonna put me back in diapees!”

Hoity shrugged. “We needs to sneak back into the nuswey and put a fewsh puww-up on ya I guess, but fiwst we need to find Flower Petal.”

Blueblood shook his head. ”Nah, I gonna go back to the nuwsewy and change bewfowe anypony finds out, or befowe I do a poopie in this ting!”

Hoity whined, stomping his hoof in protest. “Ya can’t do tat! We need to find Flowew Petaw! Ya may not wike hew, but she ya fwiend. If ya weave hew, she’ww nevew fowgive ya!”

The prince turned to the angry colt and reluctantly sighed. “Fine, ya wight, wets find hew. I dun weawwy gonna back to the nuwsewy yet anyway, dun wanna wake Wawity.”

The little colts continued their search through the garden for a little bit longer, but then they were suddenly lifted by an aurora of magic. And they turned to see Princess Celestia standing over them as she smirked. “Now look at you two little colts needing diapers.”

Blueblood whined. “I dun need a diapee, Tia, I a big colt!”

Celestia tried not to roll her eyes. “Oh Bluey, darling, you are way too young for potty training. It was nice that Flower Petal let you borrow her potty, but a prince needs to set a good example for others. And that includes not using stuff that doesn’t belong to him,” Without another word she poofed both colts into fresh diapers with her cutie mark on them as she then asked. “Now what are you foals doing playing without a big pony supervising you?”

Hoity blushed. “Uh, wew we escaped ta castwe, ten we came out hewe to pway hide and seek.” He reluctantly confessed.

“So where is Flower Petal?” Celestia asked. “She better not be somewhere she’s not supposed to be.”

Then, on cue, the foals saw Flower Petal with a mouthful of flowers, and she blushed as she looked up at the sun princess. “Sowie, I saw pwetty flowers and wanted to pick some fow my mommy.”

Hoity and Celestia giggled but Blueblood grew angry and pouted as Celestia put Flower Petal on her back. “Alright, cutie, come on. Your mother was quite worried about you, she’s been worried sick.”

As the foals were all placed back into the nursery a short time later, Rarity was apologizing to Flower Petal’s mother for the prince’s behavior and sleeping while watching the foals.

Blueblood, meanwhile scolded Flower Petal while babbling. “I got put back in diapees becawse of ya! Hope ya happy!”

Flower whimpered, feeling guilty as she sniffled. “Sowie, I didn’ mean to get ya in twoubwe. I just wanted ta pick some flowers for my mommy.”

Blueblood sighed seeing how sad and forgiving Flower Petal was, and so he reluctantly waddled over to her. “Alwight, stop it, I fowgive ya,” She squealed and hugged him as he babbled. “But ya gonna owe me big time.”

Flower Petal eyed him and asked. “Oh yeah? How?”

Blueblood smirked. “Ya gonna teach me how ta win ta cuteset foaw contest. And hewp me pwove I owd enough fow potty twaining.”

“Ya suwe you wanna do tat? You wook pwetty cute in ya diapees!” Flower Petal teased, making Blueblood blush and groan.