Mama's Coming...

by MorbidTheBrony

Four Days Before Christmas

December 21st
Four Days Before Christmas

Pinkie Pie was awoken by some kind of noise. It sounded like clunking, and it was coming from the basement. Had one of her sisters decided to peek at their presents as well? It was possible, though she didn't think they would be making so much noise.

She climbed out of bed and slipped on her fluffy pink slippers before journeying back down into the basement.

Once again, she passed everyone's bedrooms as quiet as possible and made her way towards the kitchen. The basement door was left open. That was a sign that someone was down there and making all of that horrible noise.

Pinkie ventured down the dark halls of the basement. The noise gradually became louder and louder. She rounded the corner into the larger room. Louder and louder, the noise became. It was coming from the top left of the room, where they kept their washing machine. Her sisters, however, were nowhere to be seen.

She walked towards the washing machine. Apparently someone had left it on overnight. If felt strange to the little girl that her parents had somehow forgotten to turn off the washing machine. But then, Pinkie realised that something was inside and that something was causing the noise.

She pressed a couple of buttons until it turned off and opened the door.


Pinkie knew who's voice that was. She reached inside and pulled out her Tattletail toy. How Tattletail had gotten in there, she will never know.

"Me dizzy!" Tattletail said rolling his eyes in full circles.

Pinkie was awfully confused but still hugged the little thing tightly. It was cute and now it smelled like cupcakes.

"Uh oh!"

Uh oh? Uh oh what?

"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Tattletail's voice became more distorted the more it spoke. "Uh oh!"

Pinkie had many theories as to what this might mean. Her best theory that it was running low on battery life. But where was she meant to charge it? Pinkie walked back into the large room and she saw that there was a small stand on top of a box next to the chair. That stand wasn't there before though. She took Tattletail over to the stand and placed it on it. It's little feet managed to fit perfectly on the feet imprints on the stand. She left it there for a few minutes before taking it off again. Once again, Tattletail was as happy and as excited as when Pinkie first found it.

"Let's play a game!"

There was nothing to play with in the basement, though. Well, almost nothing. There was a vase in the other room in the basement but Pinkie's parents would kill her if they found anything broken.

A light flickered on. Pinkie went to investigate the source of the light. It led her into the room were her parents kept the old vase. The room was very bright. In fact, it was so bright that Pinkie had to shield her eyes.

Pinkie walked towards the vase and picked it up. How was she meant to play with it though, especially with a toy? Could they pass it back and forth? But wait, Tattletail doesn't have any hands, so that was definitely a problem

"Play time for me! Big fun!" Tattletail said.

The light switched off. The sounds of an electric surge caught Pinkie off by surprise that she dropped the vase. It smashed upon impact on the floor.

Tattletail began shaking in fear. "It's dark!"

It wasn't entirely dark as there was a light coming from behind them both. Pinkie turned around and found Marble's old shaky flashlight. She picked it up and gave it a shake. The flashlight became very bright which caused Tattletail finally stopped shaking.

As soon as Pinkie left the room, her flashlight suddenly switched off. Had it already broken on her? She began shaking it once more but then she saw two bright red lights from the other side of the large room. They looked like eyes staring at her. All Pinkie could do was stare back. Soon enough, the eyes flashed and then disappeared. Pinkie was able to shake her flashlight again. She shone the light over to where those eyes were but there was nothing. Whatever was there was now gone. Could she be seeing things? No, it wasn't possible; there was definitely something there.

She continued to look around at her surroundings while taking Tattletail back to its box.

"Mama's scary," Tattletail said quietly.

Who is Mama? Tattletail had never brung anything up about a mama before. So why now? Was that who the eyes belonged to? Was that Mama?

So many questions sprung in her little head as she wrapped Tattletail back up.

Pinkie walked through the basement shining her light in almost every direction to ensure that she was definitely alone.

She arrived back within her kitchen. The phone began ringing again. Was it the same caller from last night? Maybe it was a very important call and her parents were missing it! But she would be going against her parent's rules. Pick up the phone or leave it? Pick up the phone or leave it?

Pinkie quickly snatched the phone off of the wall and held it against her ear. The noise that came through was indescribable. It sounded like grinding metal. It sounded horrible. She quickly put the phone back in its place and made her way back to her bedroom, breathing heavily in fear.

As soon as she arrived at her bedroom, there was loud knocking at the front door. With her breathing now turning into whimpers, she raced back into her bed and threw the covers over her head until the knocking went away.

The knocking became louder and louder. The knocking very soon became pounding. Pinkie began shaking under her covers, praying that it would stop already.

Once it finally went away, Pinkie allowed herself to calm down. But the questions only increased in numbers. Was that Mama on the phone? Was that Mama at the door? Whatever it was, it was gone. Hopefully.

There was definitely something strange about this Tattletail. It was most likely up to something, but what exactly? Who was Mama? What does she want?

Fortunately, all of that can wait...

...for tomorrow night.